David Cunliffe Q&A on Facebook this evening

Written By: - Date published: 6:45 pm, May 15th, 2014 - 14 comments
Categories: budget 2014, david cunliffe, labour - Tags:

David Cunliffe Q&A

14 comments on “David Cunliffe Q&A on Facebook this evening ”

  1. karol 1

    Geezuz. Questions, questions, questions…. I can’t keep up.

  2. Mary 2

    Is David going to come back to the unanswered questions left on TS from the other evening?

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1

      I understand that he’s reading them – I doubt if he’ll be back though.

    • Mike the Savage One 2.2

      I am afraid he will not, claiming to be “busy”, which will be the usual political excuse, especially prior to elections. While you and others wait, I suggest to scan and research as many forums and websites as possible re info on candidates, and to also scrutinise, and for those worried about welfare, take your issues somewhere else, as Labour has NO time for this, as it becomes apparent.

  3. Mike the Savage One 3

    I was impressed by David Cunliffe on Campbell Live a few days ago, today I was having mixed feelings about his speech in Parliament, it did NOT convince me, repeating like a mantra the same slogans, on, and on, and on again, he did NOT address the budget issues in detail, which is not good.

    I expect more from a leader, than to repeat usual political slogan speech. Thanks

    • Lanthanide 3.1

      The opposition has to prepare speeches to rebut a budget they haven’t actually seen. So they have to broadly guess what the government is going to do, write a speech in that direction with some gaps to fill in the details, and then hope for the best.

  4. Kiwiri 4

    I had a look at the questions and comments.

    Must confess I was very disappointed to see him now committed to the position stated by Parker on raising the retirement age. Very disappointed.

    What has happened to the David Cunliffe that I heard and read who said “voters don’t want to be told that the left-wing party is also going to cut your leg off, but cut it off a bit lower down and give you some anesthetic”?

    In case of the retirement age, National is not going anywhere near taking the axe to the leg. But Labour wants to cut off two years of super 🙁 🙁

    • Mike the Savage One 4.1

      It is called a “sellout of principles”, and with Labour, that is now the NORM, I am afraid, I will after all NEVER vote them again, either Greens, Mana or whatever else, may consider re electorate MP though, on balance of risk and damage.

      I also really HATE to say this, but the chances of National winning again have “not been minimised” by the budget today, and it is a real worry.

    • Colonial Viper 4.2

      In case of the retirement age, National is not going anywhere near taking the axe to the leg. But Labour wants to cut off two years of super 🙁 🙁

      This is a big big problem, and worse, the unions and general membership who attended Conference in Christchurch last year was 95% fine with it.

      With friends like this…

  5. Ian 5

    Key is a socialist. He is looking after the kids,the oldies and the disadvantaged. Snooker.

    • Colonial Viper 5.1

      But number one, he is looking after his wealthy banking and investment mates, the rest of it is just shit he has to do a bit of in order to stay in power long enough to look after his wealthy banking and investment mates. See how it works?

  6. Mike the Savage One 6

    To be bluntly honest, after his speech in Parliament today, which was ok re all the usual attacks and the slogans about poverty, but delivered NO ALTERNATIVE, Cunliffe has too many questions to reply to, and I fear he is FODDER. This is IT for Labour, the election campaign will be left for Greens and Mana to contest, as all else is a silly game and handover to National, as these fucking TRAITORS in Labour’s caucus have felt home in all over for months. VOTE WINSTON just to embarrass the lot, thanks.

    • mickysavage 6.1

      Mike I thought/wondered if you were a lefty but now I wonder if you are engaging in a bit of astroturfing.

      [lprent: Already checked. Merely disillusioned. ]

    • Descendant Of Sssmith 6.2

      The Labour Party that doesn’t believe in the 8 hour working day, 40 hour working week and building more state housing is no Labour Party.