Written By:
- Date published:
11:51 am, October 28th, 2014 - 6 comments
Categories: cartoons, class war, law, workers' rights -
Tags: Emmerson, workers' rights
Rod Emmerson in The Herald today…
Emmerson is the only political cartoonist I highly regard these days
What a treat!…And to think that Key referred to Cunliffe as ‘tricky’!
There is a continuum of cartoonist cleverness.
Emmerson is at one end and sadly Nisbett with his unpleasant drawings is at the other.
Hubbard sits just above Nisbett
The younger must find them frightening.
I guess that is why they ignore
I object to the negative depiction of vampires in the above cartoon. Given that Key and the Nats keep lurching around trying to destroy things (like workers rights in this instance), surely zombies are more appropriate? Vampires are too suave these days.
[lprent: Tell the herald. ]