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Guest post - Date published:
10:45 am, December 10th, 2008 - 10 comments
Categories: climate change, economy -
Have you heard the sad news that the EU may be next to join the international communist nanny-state conspiracy against incandescent bulbs? It seems EU bureaucrats have published a “report” which calls for a ban on the freedom-loving inefficient bulbs which have kept our planet warm for almost 130 years.
Thank goodness ordinary decent New Zealanders chose to Vote for a Warmer Future!
– Euro-star
Meh, incandescent bulbs have their value in certain situations. Rather than a ban, something akin to special tariffs or taxes on them to made them a more expensive alternative to CFLs and L.E.D. arrays.
Next thing they’ll be considering different shower heads in their building codes! Outrageous… we must invade asap to prevent them falling into the clutches of the invisible Nanny State-communist-HelenGrad-PC gone mad-red tape axis of evil.
From this point on incandescent light bulbs are to be known as freedom bulbs.
All jurisdictions who ban freedom bulbs either outright or through so called energy rationing measures are to be known as jurisdictions who do not love freedom.
The non-freedom loving jurisdictions are condemned for lowering the concentration of the life giving nutrient carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A government committee consisting of the renowned ecological scientist Rodney Hide will be tasked with the formation and execution of a plan to overthrow those non-freedom loving jurisdictions, restoring the supply of life giving carbon dioxide to our starving grasses and restoring the rights of the freedom loving people of the world to use freedom bulbs.
mmmm. .. this is the same EU with rules on bendy bananas (no it’s not a myth), won’t let you sell (or give away) kiwifruit if they are too small and generally ignores their own constituents.
The issue was still one of banning the old incandescent lights (better not smack them either!), particularly as there are cases where you still need to use them – we have low energy lamps around the house by the way – it’s economic sense – but in a couple of spots the low energy lamps aren’t suitable eg where we use a dimmer. It didn’t need a law passed frankly.
I also had to laugh about the advice to leave the room when you break one of the low energy lamps (you would need to close all the doors, break 5 or 6 and have a good sniff of the lamps to have any problems and even then ….)
So they are “proposing” to do it three years after NZ had planned to do it. And here is us regularly being told that our exports are in danger if we don’t embrace yet the Euros haven’t even got there yet.
Oh dear I think the world might have just fallen apart.
PK THe classic comment on safety I saw was that you were in more danger by eating the broken glass of a bulb than from the mercury.
Electricity commission needs their head read on this.
“bandy bananas”—bah! You gotta problem with telegraphs, bud. Tellya what— the farmers’ markets.. the one round here has no problem with the local grocer bcos he does the bendy cucumbers that the so-called markets-oriented T&G jokers don’t supply. But of course, exclusive means they aint cheap. and the guy grins, adding: hey you, look who ever said monopolies were cheap..
point: too much choice makes for delinquent market forces..
ps: the blog was a good gag, guys.
A ban here will not be necessary as, if Europe does ban then we are most likely will too due to most NZ major suppliers are European own and our level of consumption is a drop in the bucket and will not warrant manufacture runs.
There is a major push to energy savers in the US as well, so we will have little choice anyway
Most people missed the point. This light bulb nonsense from the Nats could have only been interpreted one of two ways:
1. They really were ill-informed and stupid enough to believe that light technology was not changing world-wide and that this was not going to flow onto NZ.
2. They knew this, but were happy to cynically exploit what was really a simple, routine matter of implementing improved efficiency standards as an emotive political attack against the govt.
There are no other options. You now understand the caliber of the people running this country.