Guy Standing: Rentier Capitalism and the Precariat – Christchurch 30 March
Written By:
Mike Smith - Date published:
3:43 pm, March 29th, 2016 - 8 comments
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Guy Standing will speak on this subject in Christchurch on Wednesday evening at 6pm at the Fern Room, the Atrium, 455 Hagley Avenue. More detail here from his presentation in Denmark. Please register here if you would like to attend.
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Sums up New Zealand. We have rentier landlords extracting income and eventual capital gain from the precariat who just earn enough to pay the landlord’s rent and utility bills and keep body and soul together. We are one of the most unequal societies in the developed world and we worship self and gain and wealth which the false idol Key represents. The common good is attacked everyday with state house sell offs and benefit sanctions. it’s a new feudalism, the worthy haves and the it’s their own fault have nots.
Don’t forget a wealthy political class which personally profits off this very situation.
Michael Hudson and Chris Hedges continue their exposure of rentier capitalism. Aussie banks are the main funders of our current housing bubble.
They’re more than happy to fund speculators for capital gain, houses to be paid off by the precariat! The worst speculators are in fact kiwis themselves!
Have had an unsettling few weeks not knowing whether we were going to be asked to leave our rental accommodation. Just heard this morning that we are not going to be asked to leave but the rent will be going up. On the one hand huge relief. On the other wondering how the extra money will materialise …….
One adult. Rent will now be $495 pw. Low paying jobs the norm. How do we survive while maintaining our dignity and self – esteem ?
I’m determined to remain positive. Try and keep some sort of stability for my children and myself.
So again I ask the universe and anyone else who cares to listen. Let us attract abundance and ease our burdens X
My rent has been stable for over two years. I’ve been expecting a rise for some time. It is the nature of the rental game.
Yes Dave ‘Tex’ Smith. Of course that’s on my mind however rents are fierce down their too. And the stability of my children is so important. Moving again. Moving schools again. Not all children cope with change easily.
The rentier parasites gorge on the blood of ordinary kiwis. Shame!
That’s a tough one my friend. I don’t know how people manage to get by on a daily basis when the income leaves no room for the basics of life…how can we build healthy happy people when stress is so great.
Brian Bruces doco Mind the Gap.
HUDSON: You had the great Roman historians, Livy and Plutarch – all blamed the decline of the Roman empire on the creditor class being predatory, and the latifundia 1. The creditors took all money, and would just buy more and more land, displacing the other people. The result in Rome was a Dark Age, and that can last a very long time. The Dark Age is what happens when the rentiers take over.
” The Dark Age is what happens when the rentiers take over. ”
HEDGES: Well, that lays it out. I think it illustrates the point that we need a vision to counter the vision of predatory, parasitic capitalism. If we don’t get a vision very soon, we’re in for a dark age.
HUDSON: And the job of the politician is to promise the nice vision, and then double-cross the constituents.
HEDGES: Well, so far, unfortunately, they’ve done it very well.