Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
12:43 pm, March 15th, 2012 - 20 comments
Categories: john key -
Key and co’s habit of making vague lists of things they would like to happen, rather than doing anything to make them happen, is becoming a joke.
The other day it was a 6 point business action plan, not to be confused with their 4 priorities or 6 point plan for growth, or 120 point economic plan. Key’s big speech today addresses the 4 priorites with a 10 point wishlist. English says they’ll be divided into 5 themes.
4 priorites times 10 results divided by 5 themes. You’ll need NCEA level 2 just to do the maths.
Will be so many broken promises in 3 years time. The only actual plan is to merge a few ministries for no apparent reason other than to give Joyce fewer CEOs to deal with. Great. I can feel the future getting brighter already.
“Quick think up a speech and some tinkering to take the limelight away from Shearer”
Anything positive that National did in the first term was because of following the sound policies implemented under Labour from 1999 – 2008 e.g. WFF, ECE, subsidised housing (HNZ), not selling profitable SOEs.
As for the brighter future, the only bright thing I can see in the country is when the sun shines.
Its how interior decorators speak:
All thats missing is Indoor Outdoor Flow but then again reorganising government departments for the sake of ‘improving oppotunities” more of less covers it
LOL : )
The Chinese from the Crafar Farm deal can help with the feng shui, and Jonkey’s already got the interior decorator’s mincing down pat!
I think Housing New Zealand and Phil “no’heatley have got ‘indoor and outdoor flow’ covered only more “outdoor” for the growing number of people who will not have secure housing anymore. Appalling.
“must remember….. profit and cuts before people, profit and cuts before people, profit and cuts before people…….profitttt”
The plan is to get re-elected, nothing more. That is what he said just the other day when discussing interest-free student loans.
What a wanker.
… interest – free student loans another good Labour policy.
The brighter future is coming little by little people are realizing Key and National have no plan and it was all spin and yes they are going to sell our heritage to their mates. Love the choice of music vid by the way, yes indeed “this is it”.
Love the choice of music vid by the way
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost.
I agree. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
I think their undisputed masterpiece is “Hip to Be Square,” a song so catchy, most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it’s also a personal statement about the band itself
what the hell are you lot going on about?
edit: oh, lolz.
According to Tory sychophant Hartevelt the speech is “chunky” and dripping with weighty “deliverables”. Just like the national cycle way, perhaps?
The first thing on the list was the cycleway…….I’m still waiting.
Sounds like Tom Lehrer doing New Maths. Anybody know how to load a clip of this on. I haven’t advanced that far yet.
@Lanthanide Thanks for that. I know its simple, so very simple, that only a child can do it.
I find the tough target of 85% l2 NCEA interesting.
That means 15% wil ‘fail,r
There has been a lot of fuss about the 20% who ‘rfail’ now.
So the tough target will only get 5% extra?
or am i missing something?
If they want to reach the target any way, i wonder if there has been any lessons learned from the implementation of national standards?
Only 5% extra ?
Oh no the current figure is 68% . So it means 17% increase over 5 years .
If they really meant it , you could say 75% before the next election. ( 3 years with another 10% over the last 2 years)
Fat chance, as they wont spend any more money.