Key’s busy day

Written By: - Date published: 8:09 am, November 25th, 2009 - 14 comments
Categories: humour - Tags:

key's schedule

Ha! But seriously, I doubt that Key changes his own oil.

14 comments on “Key’s busy day ”

  1. gitmo 1

    What rubbish, Key’s mechanic changes the oil in his car, and the hire a hubby boys mow the lawn and water blast the deck ……. …….

  2. gitmo – quite.
    Enough of this myth-making. Key ‘just a good keen bloke’ – not.

    • Tigger 2.1

      Key has the soft hands and puffy body of someone who doesn’t know the meaning of ‘labour’.

  3. prism 3

    What a great cartoon.

  4. Scribe 4

    Has there been another post on The Standard about John Key not meeting the Dalai Lama? Sorry if I’ve missed it.

    Why do people think it’s mandatory for the PM to meet him anyway? If Billy Graham or Rick Warren came to New Zealand, would you be demanding Key met with them?

    I mean, the spiritual leader of the Catholics in Sydney was here this month and John Key didn’t meet with him. What a disgrace!

    • Tigger 4.1

      In this case Key said he would meet with him (when he was in Opposition) then said he would if his diary allowed it, then told the Dalai that meeting him would be a waste of time (my paraphrase, I think Key actually said ‘I wouldn’t get anything out of that meeting’). Point is – Key said he would – why won’t he?

    • Pascal's bookie 4.2

      Are Billy Graham or Rick Warren political leaders in exile of anyone in particular? Victims of the War on Christmas perhaps?

      Do Catholics in Sydney get oppressed much?

      I’m no particular fan of Lamas or what have you. But sheesh, comparing the position of the Tibetans under Chinese rule to that of Christians in western liberal democracies is just mental.

      Anyway the point is, Key said he would meet the DL, now he’s changed his tune.

      • Scribe 4.2.1


        Fair enough. How about the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem or the Chaldean Archbishop of Baghdad then?

        Politicians say they’ll do things all the time and then don’t. I find it hard to read much into Key’s change of heart on meeting with the Dalai Lama in this particular instance. I suspect he’s right when saying he wouldn’t get much out of a meeting with him.

        • Pascal's bookie

          “How about the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem or the Chaldean Archbishop of Baghdad then?”

          How about them? I reckon they need to lift their game. Nobody knows who they are, or consequently cares about the plight of their peeps.

          And yeah, pollies are pollies. But still. He made a point of attacking HC for her ‘meeting in an airport’ or whatever it was implying that he’d not be one for backing down to the ChiComs. Now he’s completely flipped on that. It’s not a policy thing, but a character one.

      • zelda 4.2.2

        Not while he was in opposition , it was April this year when Keys own words were he was a ‘significant person’

    • gitmo 4.3

      I’ll call bullshit on that scribe if the leader of a major faith fronted in NZ wanting to meet Key, think the Pope, Arch Bishop of Canterbury etc I’m pretty sure he’d make the time. The Dalai Lama thing is political and related to the China FTA pure and simple…..bit like Fawlty Towers and not mentioning the war.

  5. Tigger 5

    Key can’t take the ‘I won’t get anything out of it’ position. He lost the moral high ground, as PB explains, by taunting Clark over her non-meeting. Throw all the ‘who else should he meet with’ spin at it that you want scribe, doesn’t change the flip flop aspect of Key’s turnaround.