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notices and features - Date published:
7:03 am, November 25th, 2011 - 13 comments
Categories: election 2011, labour -
Tags: closing address
Beautifully filmed and classy editing. Phil Goff for Prime Minister!
Fabulously put together. If only voters would actually listen, realise the truth and start caring about policies that benefit all New Zealander’s – not just the selfish wealthy. Amazing what you can get away with if you’ve had years of smiling photo opportunities, positive press & being unchallenged by the media 🙁
Music a bit preachy for my liking & in places the red text looked badly done (maybe just because I was watching at base resolution, not full screen).
Otherwise very good.
the red font is a bit fucked
hopefully it looks better or clearer on the black box
Excellent. How can voters not back the greatest political party this country has to offer.
The National closing address is just like their opening one- lame. And Key is the only National party member in the bloody thing. Hes obviously got no confidence in his other MP’s.
Lame all right. The annoying hum was still there, but they chopped the fake audience applause. Key still looked like a corpse, so maybe it was recorded at the same time as the opening and they’ve just tagged a new closer on the end?
It was just a literal repeat of National’s “Town Hall” opening statement, minus the selected audience questions, and with a very brief intro and closer added on. And a mindnumbing over-repetition of their 2-line campaign song.
Labour and Greens put in very good efforts, and Winston First and the Maori Party were interesting and interested. Peter Dunne another replay of his good clear opener.
Yeah, the greens are pretty great eh? 😉
Absolutely appalling production in the Key monologue. Made no doubt by a Primary School kid. Absolutely non-sensible Mark 1/10
Labour top quality production and interest. Mark9/10
Wonder why such a well resourced lot would allow such rubbish go out?
Perhaps they expect to call another Election soon to condemn MMP and are putting money aside just in case. Nah.
So proud of Labour … just love the closing address and especially the theme song … absolutely beautiful. One very noticeable difference – National is about John Key, Labour is about the people!
is this the one where kweewee could not or would not look Phil in the eye?
Only warren has noted that National’s closing address was just an edit of their unbelievably mind-numbingly bad opening address. How insulting that they didn’t even bother to make something new. I thought surely National would have been embarrassed enough by the difference in production quality between Nat and Labour’s opening to pull out something better. I couldn’t believe it when I saw they just cut it up and injected the same snippet of that feelers song every three minutes. The repetition was nauseating like some sort of brainwashing. We should loop it and sell it to the Americans as an enhanced interrogation technique.
I jest not it was insulting. Like an arrogant “we can just throw this crap at them and we’ll still win” joke. I’m quite stunned that so many people are taken in by this.
Where do you think Crosby Textor got the concept from.