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- Date published:
7:26 pm, September 30th, 2007 - 5 comments
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A recent neurobiology study suggests that liberals tolerate ambiguity and conflict better than conservatives.
The result seems to be strongly tied to low-level brain activity and suggests that political orientation could be related to differences in how the brain processes information.
The study asked paricipants to tap a keyboard when an M appeared on a computer monitor and to refrain from tapping when they saw a W. Liberals had more brain activity and made fewer mistakes than conservatives when they saw a W.
[R]espondents who had described themselves as liberals showed “significantly greater conflict-related neural activity” when the hypothetical situation called for an unscheduled break in routine.Conservatives, however, were less flexible, refusing to deviate from old habits “despite signals that this … should be changed.”
Link to full article.
(Hat tip: Anthony)
Haha, how incredible! It should be said though, the conservatives have managed to form a government here a few times; could it then be argued that we were in a state of low brain activity? Though today, under Labour, are we more inclinded to spot the M’s, and less inclined to tap when we see a W[anker]?
“…under a Labour Government, I lead…” – Who tapped when they spotted the ‘W’???
So if your policies are based on for example, lets say common sense and family values – what does that do to your brain – apart from the obvious lack of activity evident?
Prize for the person who can correctly identify the brain type pictured in the x-ray?
Tony Ryall?
Tane You hit the nail on the head