Written By:
Bunji - Date published:
2:41 pm, February 3rd, 2011 - 2 comments
Categories: equality, humour -
Tags: inequality, the onion
The Sunday Star Times has been having a more serious look at what it means for New Zealand, but The Onion has a more amusing take on the gap between rich and poor.
PARIS—At a press conference Tuesday, the World Heritage Committee officially recognized the Gap Between Rich and Poor as the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” describing the global wealth divide as the “most colossal and enduring of mankind’s creations.”
“Of all the epic structures the human race has devised, none is more staggering or imposing than the Gap Between Rich and Poor,” committee chairman Henri Jean-Baptiste said.
it’s another good piece of satire worth a read from The Onion. As Homer would say: it’s funny ‘coz it’s true!
Also: BBC has a piece on the gap between us & the new global nation of super-rich.
And a certain bank can still give out $15.4b US in bonuses.
Soon there will be no middle class- we will almost become classless or was that feudalism?
At least history has already told the elite how to control the plebs. Give them some food/bcheep booze and plenty of entertainment i the arena
Freeing up on money has been the most evil thing that has happened from the last 15 years. As capital flows are freed up and controls are almost minimal, the independancy of nations (along with gifting our sovererignty to the UN) has been ursurped from the people.
A gem from A REAL left wing bang for those old timers out there. Gang of Four
Bank bonuses are nothing compared to these guys…
(can anyone do anything truly worth $4 billion in one year? That’s enough to pretty much solve African hunger…)