National standard in pronunciation

Written By: - Date published: 2:07 pm, November 17th, 2010 - 21 comments
Categories: education, humour, john key - Tags:

Plumedekiwi has revived his disturbingly good John Key impression in a new vid.

This time, John is explaining the importance of national standards.

21 comments on “National standard in pronunciation ”

  1. bobo 1

    Love that hair , stand up the real John Key 🙂

  2. Colonial Viper 2

    This guy is the body double the DPS use? Not bad!

  3. ianmac 3

    Bit hard to tell which is the real JK but then is there a real John Key?

  4. Bright Red 4

    he looks just like the pic in the previous post – that smirk!

  5. Carol 5

    according to sadistics, produced by the National Sadistics Office

    Ah, so those are the figures that Blinglish & Key keep quoting in the House!… as for instance, on the gap closing with Aussie, and the gains to everyone from the tax switch…

  6. BLiP 6

    . . . benchmarks in litrasy en numerology . . .

    Many a true word spoken in jest – there’s actually quite a good case for learning numerology when economics is your major.

  7. Chris73 7

    Yep that’ll do it…just like the “funnee” singing of the gambler bought John Key down to size

  8. gobsmacked 8

    But comedy can’t compete with reality.

    TV 3 viewers tonight were treated to yet more absurd mangling of the English language, by the clown masquerading as Prime Minister.

    About 1 min 40 secs in, Key has his soundbite. He actually says “cap on the toothbrush”. This is meaningless. Obviously he meant to say “cap on the toothpaste”. He had a prepared one-liner for the cameras, and he fluffed it.

    But get this. On the 3 News website, they don’t report what the Prime Minister said.

    Instead, they report what he should have said. Read the transcript in the link.

    This isn’t journalism. It’s fabrication. The Prime Minister of New Zealand is reduced to the level of a small child, who needs the help of a nice adult, to correct his English. The media do his job for him, because he can’t do it himself. And he’s only … The. Prime. Minister.

    A national joke. An international embarrassment.

  9. tc 9

    when what passes for the media is either in your pocket or fearful of your wrath you can say and do anything as there will never be any serious scrutiny.

    Jeez it’s depressing that the electorate fell for it and may fall for it again,especially with that ever so friendly msm.

  10. randal 10

    that dude has got a loose wig!

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