Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
12:29 pm, February 29th, 2020 - 12 comments
Categories: Conservation, Environment, internet, making shit up, national, same old national, Simon Bridges, spin, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, twitter, uncategorized, you couldn't make this shit up -
Can’t they do better than this?
This morning National announced a new policy and it was meant to be a biggie.
This morning, @simonjbridges announced a National Government will commit $5 million to working with schools and community groups to clean up NZ’s beaches. This is just the start. Only National can protect our environment and deliver a strong economy. https://t.co/R5HiFpiW2D
— NZ National Party (@NZNationalParty) February 28, 2020
Others were less than impressed by its actual size which is rather small in Government terms.
to put this in perspective, Bridges' plan for the East-West Link would have cost $327m a kilometre.
— Clint Smith (@ClintVSmith) February 28, 2020
So, National would invest as much in the environment over 3 years as they would in 15 metres of road. https://t.co/qQEJJpGEvH
Then twitter realised that a remarkably similar policy had previously been announced in 2014 and has already been implemented.
I appreciate National’s desire to recycle things but this is ridiculous.
They are stealing National’s ideas left, right, and centre. At this rate, National won’t have anything left in … since 2008.
I know I posted this yesterday on OM 28 Feb, but some things are worth repeating – and updating – and I cannot resist!
" Re Bridges resurrecting Key's 2008 hard on crime and gangs policy, Martyn Bradbury sometimes comes up with some memorable wordings and I just noticed the very appropriate title of one of his posts from yesterday that made me smile! …
Updated version:
"Dear National, 2008 – and 2014 – called and they want their policies back"
Bereft of vision, depleted of ideas, only one goal in mind …
I wonder if the retrieval of this policy was brought on by Clarke Gayford's recent visit to Ngunguru Primary. He had high praise for its care of the shoreline in front of it and it appeared in his last Tv programme
$5m to schools to cleanup beaches? Why is this schools problem? Is its Nationals zany idea to make kids exercise.
Free labour.
I think the National Party policy when it comes to pollution and clean up will be the per usual "Nothing to see. Move along please…"
Which brings up the question and joke: How many National Party MPs will it take to be seen cleaning up the environment i.e actually getting out there with an environmentally safe plastic bag to pick up rubbish at any one time? Answer: None. National will be all to grand with promises but all too redundant with effort as it would require a four lettered swear word that National MPs do not like one bit. That four-lettered swear for National MPs being the word WORK. The MPs will be expert as per usual with delegating work onto those they deem lesser beings i.e those living beyond their means and MUST experience financial cut backs.
I can see Paula Bennett being more worried that the excess sun due to Global Warming being too much for her 'fair complexion'.
If Gerry Brownlee partook of the activity he would prefer to be running late for a plane rather than picking up rubbish. And just imagine Gerry Brownlee bending over to pick up rubbish!!!! It would be as bad as seeing him in a kilt.
Nick Smith would prefer to show journalists a traffic island surrounded by containers of paint thinners and will blame a maintenance man for putting those containers of paint thinner around that traffic island..
Simon Bridges 'promises' a mere $5million to the environment but where the Hell was his voice when $26million was allocated to a piece of cloth for the John Key Vanity Project?!!!!!!!!!!!…… Bugger but $5million is pathetic. It's pathetic because more money was spent on BMW's with bum warming seats for politicians to keep their bloody bums warm and less care was given to the environment.
All in all National appear to be the Copy and Paste Party. That is they either copy and paste policies and ideas from their more beloved USA or they vomit back so called ideas they had from the past that they think NZers have completely forgotten about.
National are no good for New Zealand and New Zealanders..
Does anyone have urls for what was implemented in 2014?
Apologies for the belated response.
Sadly but predictably, an article on Stuff by Skara Bohny truthfully [pardon the pun] and dutifully spreads National Party propaganda without analysis, background checks, relevant context. Uncritical and unthinking lazy parroting of lines fed to them by the National Party PR Bureau. Witness the sorry state of NZ journalism in free fall decay and worry where this might end up.
Personally, I think it's entirely appropriate and fully representative of its members' thinking that National's environmental policy would consist entirely of picking up rubbish, and that it would use child labour to do it.