Open mike 05/11/09

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, November 5th, 2009 - 12 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


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12 comments on “Open mike 05/11/09 ”

  1. So Bored 1

    Anybody read the Hide story on Stuff this morning? Cant ever accuse Wodders of being boring so it came as no surprise that he:
    – had a go at Key for doing nothing….accurate but as they say you dont bite the hand that feeds you, (unless you know something).
    – admitted he was using a perk he tried to get rid of to further his romantic pecadillo (now theres honesty and hypocrisy in one hit).
    More to the point Wodders indicated his extreme contempt of the democratic process by saying how easy it was to get things done in Cabinet (because everybody else was too busy looking after their own papers to scrutinise his).
    Anybody else think he is really a fascist or a stooge for the plutocracy or similar?

  2. The Voice of Reason 2

    No doubt there will be a post about Rodney’s Hide’s accidental exposure of the truth about John Key’s sloth like approach to his job, but for mine, the funniest part is the PM’s spokesperson not even bothering to deny that Key ‘does nothing’. All Lesley Hamilton could come up with is that Mr Floppy is ‘relaxed about it’. Which neatly confirms what Rodders was saying and we’ve all been thinking. Time for a holiday, John?

  3. Blue 3

    Today’s edition of the Herald is just nauseating – Garth George has forgotten about God and started worshipping John Key.

    Then there’s Martin Johnston’s panegyric to Tony Ryall.

    OK, it’s the Herald, but still. I don’t know how much lower they can sink.

    • So Bored 3.1

      Point Blue, do you know where shark shit resides?

      • Tigger 3.1.1

        Usually I would rather stick steak knives in my eyes than read Garth George’s dribble but your comments here dared me to do so. It’s one of the most simpering, brown-nosing puff pieces I’ve ever read.

        This is probably the best howler of the lot…
        “Mr Key is an avid fan of the All Blacks, a frequent attendee at their games and a regular, potently encouraging presence in their dressing room.”

        Is this why we’re paying Mr Key…to inspire a sports team? Hell, we could save the PM’s salary if we just rented them a copy of Hoosiers…(or similar inspiration sports movie). I guess a plastic mannequin could then stand in for Key for any photo ops, there’s one in a dumpster down the road at the moment so it won’t cost the taxpayers a bean.

  4. Pascal's bookie 4

    Nouriel Roubini speak, me listen.

    Still what with this;

    Let us sum up: traders are borrowing at negative 20 per cent rates to invest on a highly leveraged basis on a mass of risky global assets that are rising in price due to excess liquidity and a massive carry trade. Every investor who plays this risky game looks like a genius even if they are just riding a huge bubble financed by a large negative cost of borrowing as the total returns have been in the 50-70 per cent range since March.

    …should be a bumper crop of bankster bonuses this year. It’s all in the timing I guess.

  5. prism 5

    Consumer has done research on the quality of financial advice given by NZ’ who hold themselves out to be experts, and doesn’t rate them highly. Study in US has shown why you have to be careful of accepting advice from experts, looking at our brain activity, coming from the neuroscience angle. If Google – financial experts quality research on Emory University – there are lots of headings to choose from. Also Sunday Star Times 29 March 2009 carried article.

    Would help to know this stuff to prevent one falling for investments that are not risky! That is there is no doubt of whether you are going to lose $100000s to dodgy companies, accountants with links to Nigerian scams etc.
    just when. A sure thing! You can rely on it!

  6. Herodotus 6

    What a huge amount of effort regarding rorts, and all the comments at Nat & Act MP’s recently. Why is this same standard not being applied towards the Maori Party and trips to Paris. It would not be because Labour may require to manipulate Maori party for their own ends in the future ?
    This amount sums up all those poltical parties who are scoring points on this subject. No intentions on sorting this out for the benefit of the tax payer. Just cheap political capital.

  7. ropata 7

    In response to a great piece by John Minto : this blogger asserts that NZBus drivers should be happy to be treated like serfs and produce wealth for the fat cat owners whose ‘work’ is sitting around watching their money pile grow. And the shareholders should not have to suffer any recessionary loss of profit, that’s for the lower classes.

    Word for Today: USURY

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