Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 am, July 7th, 2021 - 8 comments
Categories: open mike -
Open mike is your post.
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Step up to the mike …
I do need to say, I do not agree with Sharon Murdoch's cartoon.
Koha = respectful. Respect should be shown to those who deserve it. Gangs do not qualify. It doesn't matter what logo, there is a line in the sand.
Is the site having problems today?
It is very very slow for me.
US still pushes to extradite Assange even after one of the FBI’s key witness’s had recanted his evidence, which destroys the validity of their indictment, which the worlds MSM shamefully did not cover whatsoever.
Lol. The only post to get through in three days.
Hello Mbird – Thought you had flown south.
Up again?
Thanks Lpent
I’ve had a thought. Let’s get right down to this male/female thing and start building bridges over what appears to be a growing divide. Women’s groups starting to do things for men’s groups in goodwill, and vice versa. In time there will be less vice and versa, and more cohesiveness and understanding in community. I haven’t got it plotted out in my mind as where to start, but an early present example might be Mens Shedz that let women come in on one day a week, and will help out women with some small jobs they have but they don’t have the skills or the machinery. I don’t agree that everything we do should be open to both sexes; it is good to get with your own sort and bond at that level.
I’m sad about the domestic violence which has been discussed since the 1970’s, and I’m disgusted that women have turned themselves back into victims instead of imagining ways to help each other, and promote better behaviours between the sexes.
You’re disgusted that women, actual sufferers of violence and oppression, have turned themselves back into victims and should promote better behaviours between the sexes?
The Victorian age just called and want their ethos back 🙄