Open mike 14/10/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:30 am, October 14th, 2013 - 134 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step right up to the mike…

134 comments on “Open mike 14/10/2013 ”

  1. Tracey 1

    It’s good to see some journalists and producers resisting the temptation to pander

    • tc 1.1

      SBS (special broadcasting services) is a public broadcaster with a migrant focused mandate not allowed to promote or advertise within the program boundaries so really have to question Ackroyd’s advisers here.

      The presenter would be in hot water allowing anyone a blatant promo so Dan’s issue is with his people here, Fanning’s just doing her job.

      • Tracey 1.1.1

        It ought to be standard practice.

        • yeshe

          Yes, but look at the publicity it has brought to the vodka — I suspect the whole walkout thing was very cynically planned by Akroyd’s PR advisers; they knew for sure SBS would not do advertorial. So in effect, very successful for them — how else would we have it here on our Monday morning pages ??? (Arts of the dark world !!)

  2. karol 2

    NZ Herald’s Bernard Orsman is now more up to date with the Auckland Council election results. Looks like Ross Clow (Labour) Whau Board candidate is holding a slim lead – waiting on specials (and possible recount?).

    Orsman has 11 councillors supporting Len Brown’s policies – not sure what that says about Brown’s policies?

    • mickysavage 2.1

      Orsman’s analysis is about right. Walker and Watson are interesting in that they are solid progressives but were able to get elected in a conservative area. I would pick Penny Hulse will be deputy Mayor again and she is very important at coralling support. I would expect Linda Cooper to find things really difficult as Penny’s influence on her is strong.

      Brewer on Nine to Noon this morning was awful and he sounded rather petulant. You just have to look at the list to see that Len has given support to a number of people who are not lefties.

      • Tracey 2.1.1

        on what basis was brewer on the radio? Will all councillors be interviewed?

        • The Gormless Fool formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell

          That’s right, Tracey. Because it is so hard to find left wing views ever on Natrad.

      • karol 2.1.2

        Thanks, micky. Good to get your assessment of this analysis. Menawhile, I keep my fingers crossed for Clow to hold his lead.

        Penny Hulse always comes across well, eg on Citizen A. I wonder if she has the potential to be a future mayor?

        • mickysavage

          She could struggle getting the resources together. In fact after Len the left will find it very difficult. A successful candidate needs a minimum of $300 to $400 k in a campaign fund and I do not know who on the left could do that.

      • tc 2.1.3

        The bill boards had walker/penrose as a double bill yet glancing at this mornings fish wrap I see Orsman has penrose and walker on opposite sides.’?’

        Yes Brewer is Banks Jnr, shrill, full of slogans and a devious little monkey. Len should go for broke this term.

        IMO Palino will be further groomed to front the fletcher/brewer wedge and they will be encouraged the smile and wave approach seemed to work.

  3. Colonial Viper 3

    Neurotoxic effects of fluoride in water

    Published by the US National Academies Press.

    Lots of good material, this is an example:

    Thus, the difference in fluoride exposure was attributed to the amount in the drinking water. Mean urinary fluoride1 concentrations were found to be 3.47 ± 1.95 mg/L in Wamiao and 1.11 ± 0.39 mg/L in Xinhuai. Using the combined Raven’s Test for Rural China, the average intelligence quotient (IQ) of the children in Wamiao was found to be significantly lower (92.2 ± 13.00; range, 54-126) than that in Xinhuai (100.41 ± 13.21; range, 60-128).

    The IQ scores in both males and females declined with increasing fluoride exposure. The distribution of IQ scores from the females in the two villages is shown in Figure 7-1. A comparable illustration of the IQ scores of males is shown in Figure 7-2. The number of children in Wamiao with scores in the higher IQ ranges was less than that in Xinhuai. There were corresponding increases in the number of children in the lower IQ range. Modal scores of the IQ distributions in the two villages were approximately the same. A follow-up study to determine whether the lower IQ scores of the children in Wamiao might be related to differences in lead exposure disclosed no significant difference.

    NB the high fluoride area had 2.47mg/L of fluoride, roughly 3x the level added to NZ water supplies.

    • McFlock 3.1

      So the region at roughly NZ F levels had an expected population average? Good to know that fluoridated water in NZ is safe.

      • Colonial Viper 3.1.1

        😀 sure mate, sure.

        • McFlock

          well you sure haven’t presented evidence of any hazard, let alone harm.

          • Colonial Viper

            No problem then.

            So the region at roughly NZ F levels had an expected population average?

            Hey weren’t most IQ tests designed in the 1950’s and 1960’s in the fluoridated USA? lolz

  4. Puckish Rogue 4

    – Well better late then never, got to clear the back log sometime…

  5. Colonial Viper 5

    Another good quote. This time a suggestion that long term ingestion of water with fluoride levels double of what is added to NZ community water supplies may be a problem.

    Modifications of the effectiveness of the acetylcholinergic systems of the nervous system could account for the fact that, even though native intelligence per se may not be altered by chronic ingestion of water with fluoride ranging from 1.2 to 3 mg/L, reaction times and visuospatial abilities can be impaired. These changes would act to reduce the tested IQ scores. Such noncognitive impairments in children were reported in a meeting abstract (Calderon et al. 2000), but a full publication has not been issued. Extended reaction times have been associated with impaired function of the prefrontal lobes, a behavioral change not directly tied to alterations in IQ (Winterer and Goldman 2003). Because almost all IQ tests are “time-restricted,” slow reaction times would impair measured performance.

    • Chooky 5.1

      Oh God …my Mother fed us all flouride tablets when we were young….could explain a lot!….we had good teeth though

    • McFlock 5.2

      soooo close, but still not relevant to NZ levels.

      Only about half as much again, but keep at it. One day you’ll say something relevant.

      • Colonial Viper 5.2.1

        Hey McFlock.

        A whole lot of parents will be very interested that fluoride levels just 2x to 3x higher than what you are advocating for is potentially neurotoxic, and may lead to cognitive impairment of children including reduced intelligence.

        You can explain the irrelevancy of that information to them, if you like.

  6. karol 6

    Interesting bit of Green Party action today in Aotea Square, Auckland, against SkyCity’s cronyists pokie deal.

    The Green Party’s cardboard casino in Auckland’s Aotea Square reveals how the Government’s pokies-for-convention centre deal is the equivalent of erecting an entire new casino in Auckland, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today.

    Aotea Square is this morning filled with cardboard versions of the 230 pokie machines, 240 automated player stations and 40 additional gambling tables gifted to SkyCity in their deal with the Government.

    “The display makes a mockery of John Key’s argument that the concessions to SkyCity don’t matter because community pokie numbers are reducing anyway,” Ms Turei said.

    Twitpics here

    and here.

    • infused 7.1

      Well, D-Links are a pile of shit. So go figure.

      • NickS 7.1.1

        Yeap, usually end up hard cycling the damn thing at least one a month. On the other hand, they’re cheap and usually given away by the ISP’s and better ones cost around $200 🙁

        • lprent

          I had a small pile of unused DLink routers at one stage. They used to have some strange failure modes, every one unique.

  7. Tracey 8

    when was fluoride introduced to water supplis in nz?

  8. fender 10

    How can RNZ keep inviting the raving P-freakish lunatic Hooton to their show when he not only talks over the host but borders on defaming people and companies. Today he had a go at The Warehouse for planning to implement a living-wage and said they “import junk” and that people “shouldn’t shop there”. Hope their legal team take a close look at his wording.

    He also said Cunliffe was using “weasel words” by stating he would act in a fiscally responsible manner when considering new policy implementation, rather rich coming from this well known weasel.

    There should be a vacancy for a new right-wing extremist who can at least pretend to be rational as Hooton sounds like he’s under the influence of more than just a de-bunked ideology.

    • karol 10.1

      Don’t know, fender, but I’m still boycotting RNZ.

      • fender 10.1.1

        Wise move, especially after the 11a.m. news on a Monday morning!

      • greywarbler 10.1.2

        What radio station in NZ gives better coverage of news than RNZ?

        Most are commercial and I have to put up with endless sales pitches and radio jerks and jerkesses with their oh so merry chat and quik witt. I’d rather listen to Pop Musik.

    • Chooky 10.2

      +1…Hooton Possum is getting more and more excited!

      ….I quite enjoy listening to him…(smirk)….he starts off rational ( hence his ‘credible’ analysis) ….but then it gets increasingly skewed…and lately it is almost getting shrill….( smile……..Cunliffe, Cunliffe , Cunliffe……is on his mind)

      Ryan and Williams try and act like handlers with something inherently unstable….Keep him on I say!

      • fender 10.2.1

        “….inherently unstable” 😀

        “…keep him on I say”

        Yes he’s doing more damage than good for the right. 😀

    • bad12 10.3

      Ah Hooten, fast becoming a non-entity on the political landscape, road-kill to be avoided lest the smell stick to your tires,

      Lolz even the small bakery down the hill in Miramar has taken to paying it’s worker the ‘living wage’, suck it up wee Matty, it’s a long long way to November 2014 and your riding the loser all the way…

      • greywarbler 10.3.1

        Talking about a living wage – middle income people in IT at one place, part of government services, have been offered a .07% wage rise. Hardly enough for celery much less a salary.

        • fender

          And if they accept the boss will probably receive a 10-15% rise, gold celery is costly.

  9. Bill Drees 11

    Labour’s 100% win in Whau is quite noteable.

    Cunliffe’s well oiled machine in New Lynn repeated its usual General Election efforts.

    They also had a great Council candidate in Ross Clow. He ran for Labour in Matamata many years ago. He is well known in the area for his leadership role in Bay Olympics and other sports organisations. As leader of the Trusts he has shown his governance metal.

    This is the first time Labour ran here with full RED colours. The voters were given a clear option.
    All six Labour candidates got in. They were well balanced in ages, gender and race. Zhu, Farmer, Manukia-Schaumkel, Matafai. Chand and Clow.
    Besides dumping the C&R Raffills they took five of the seven board seats. They have cleared out a fairly unpretty bunch.
    This is great news for Labour.
    This shows that Cunliffe’s leadership talent and magic envigourates the membership and the voters alike.

    • karol 11.1

      Hopefully, Clow’s win holds, Bill. Is his lead officially the final count yet?

      I don’t know anything about the kind of “well oiled” machine that you speak of. I did find it helpful to have candidates who strongly signalled their positions by claiming the Labour banner. I despair of these smokescreen tickets, that use words like “coummunity” and “independent.”

      However, while Clow may have strong links with various organisations in the Whau area, for many of us non-aligned people, we didn’t see visible signs of any/many of the candidates in person locally. Quite a few people talk about how Derek Battersby has been an on-going visible and approachable presence – eg walking frequently around LynnMall and talking with people, being open to answering questions from individuals, etc.

  10. amirite 12

    Another week, another round of beneficiary bashing by the NActs.
    Their use of the ‘war against benefit fraud’ phrase is just sickening.
    I’m sick and tired of those fuckers, cannot wait till the next election.

  11. A good article by a great man – John Minto and the Mana team thank you for your efforts in the elections and I agree with John it bodes well for the national elections. The momentum will build with us all putting our shoulders into it.

    For Mana our real success was in Mangere where our candidate team performed really well gaining three to four thousand votes each against the local Labour candidates who typically gained 12 to 15 thousand. Translating that into a national election could mean many Mana MPs in parliament next year.

    I am not sure that brown was forced left tho – I agree with Tin in the comments that he will say whatever to whoever just to get in. I know that some Mana supporters didn’t want to split the vote and gave brown their support – I am hoping that no one will have to do that down the track at the big election.

    • bad12 13.1

      Yeah i alluded to that in my earlier comment about John’s chances of winning the Aux Mayoralty, hopefully the campaign has seen the Mana Party profile lifted across Auckland,

      2014 i would like to see Annette take Waiariki and enough of a party vote for one more to keep Hone company in the Parliament, a big ask i know, but still do-able…

  12. Tim 14

    My fucking GOD!!!!
    Check out nine-to-noon with the regular gal whose work-life balance (let’s not get into her leave entitlements), “””” ‘ ” ” ‘ moderates ‘ ” ‘ ” ‘ a ‘from the LEFT (oik Williams) and a from the RIGHT (Matthew Hooten).
    In and of itself – that’s tantamount to false advertising surely.

    Btw… give it about umm 10 days maybe… perhaps a little more … Lynne Freeman will be sitting in again whilst Rinnie needs a break. I’m expecting a revelation/exclusive some time soon in something like Women’s Day – doing the trials and tribulations of Rinnie the regular Gal – battling some dreaded disease or traumatic life-changing event that none of us could be expected to understand). It’ll be a monster. I’ll have to feel suitably contrite – almost enough to send a sympathy card to Box 123.

    Anyway, at about 22 mins in – remember and register Mattiboy’s (Matti Bois – the moderate, but aging metro-sexual, and expert in all things worth of consideration, the fair and balanced, the man of ultimate experience in the political WORLD, not given to prejudice; outright lying; without an agenda; praised by both the RIGHT AND “the left [read the comfortably work-life-balanced Oik]) commentary that encompasses the Where?Whare (sometimes known as “The Warehousr” – where everyone gets a bargain).
    Remember it.
    Fuck a rooster and go wild!. Go adopt a poor starving, under-privved from a dysfunctional family little brown boi or gal even!.

    That oik Williams had so many opportunities to pull a spin-meister apart it wasn’t even bloody funny.
    I detected a point – somewhere before the 22 min point where an Oik could have asked whether a Hoot was suggesting LYING was at play. Of course he couldn’t possibly do that – even if mortgage paid, it might have impacted on sufficient earnings to cover the next Fijian holiday – or even a third row from the bottom New World selection of ‘woines’.

    There goes a piece of sloth (the oik) waiting for a second serving of a trans-fat laden bacon burger to be put before him – pretending that the withering piece of GMO modified green leave hanging out the side is good for him – AND all the while with a Hooten convincing him he’s doing well.

    Gawd Strewth!. Public Service Broadcasting – devoid of challenge/protest/risking the status quo it ain’t.

    I’d go have a listen to the earlier (than 22 mins in) but for the fact I have a greater respect for my health.
    Jesus H Christ!

    I’ll make fukn sure in future my RNZ learnings and listensings are restricted to ‘off peak’.

    Does anyone know by the way whether Kathryn still goes to confession?
    The new Pope could have a field day with her

  13. An awesome read

    We have a responsibility to listen to people of marginalized cultures, understand as much as possible the blatant and subtle ways in which their cultures have been appropriated and exploited, and educate ourselves enough to make informed choices when it comes to engaging with people of other cultures.

    So if you’re reading this and you’re tired of people giving white women wearing bindis crap for appropriating because “freedom of speech,” recognize that pointing out cultural appropriation is not personal.

    This isn’t a matter of telling people what to wear. It’s a matter of telling people that they don’t wear things in a vacuum and there are many social and historical implications to treating marginalized cultures like costumes.

    It’s also not a matter of ignoring “real” issues in favor of criticizing the missteps of a few hipsters, fashion magazines, or baseball teams.

    Cultural appropriation is itself a real issue because it demonstrates the imbalance of power that still remains between cultures that have been colonized and the ex-colonizers.

    Hattip – Kim

  14. Draco T Bastard 16

    Far from stifling innovation and being a drag on the economic system, it has fostered innovation and dynamism in many important modern industries, with the private sector often taking a back seat. Ironically the State has often done so in the US, which in policy circles is often discussed as following a more ‘market’-oriented (liberal) model than Europe. This has not been the case where innovation is concerned.

    Mazzucato, Mariana (2013-05-15). The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Myths in Risk and Innovation (Kindle Locations 1912-1915). Anthem Press. Kindle Edition.

    So, what is the role of the private sector?

    My answer: The simple services: Dog walking, hair cuts and running dairies.

    • McFlock 17.1

      well, it’s labour.

      God knows the media still puts up with keys half-baked ideas most of the time. Labour’s good ideas obviously have a much shorter appeal for tories.

    • Rogue Trooper 17.2

      ‘cept for the concluding paragraph, just more conjectural cr@p!

  15. greywarbler 18

    It’s Katherine Mansfield’s birthday on Google. I can’t get her to do anything. Is there a moving part on this (very nice) graphic?

    • Rogue Trooper 18.1

      Mansfield, like Norris, over-rated; small pond. Now, McNeish … that’s an entirely different kettle of lambs tails.

      • greywarbler 18.1.1

        But I wanted to see or hear Kath read something from her books. That would have been nice.
        She might have said – ‘Lil I seen the little lamp’ or something. Don’t cut down our tall poppy, or water lily.

        James McNeish – I hae to read his one on Paddy Costello. Seems an interesting and enigmatic man. Also I first heard about Danilo Dolci from him.

  16. Tracey 19

    does josie pagani think that if she doesnt speak the world will end. My god she likes the sound of her own voice.

  17. Rogue Trooper 20

    Tihei Kahungunu : Dr. Adele Whyte announced as new C.E.

  18. risildowgtn 21

    And this is why you lost

    “. We took no notice of the petition, it was blunt and ill-informed..”

    ‘I will stand by that to the day I die. I think I will live long enough to see this region, if not the whole country, water metered,” she said.

    < Dreams are free Rowan

    Good riddance

    • Draco T Bastard 21.1

      I think water meters should be installed on every house, business and farm. Not for charging but for all the other reasons:
      1.) Helps detect leaks in the network
      2.) Fresh, potable water is a scarce resource, scarcer than gold in fact. As such we really do need to take care of it
      3.) Know where it’s actually being used so that we can plan

      Generally, I don’t think much of people who think that we shouldn’t measure use of our resources. It indicates that they have NFI WTF they’re talking about.

      • Colonial Viper 21.1.1

        And it’s really handy for when the Tories want to privatise the rest of the water networks.

        They can say to the corporates: isn’t it cool that the public purse paid for these water meters to be installed, and they let you start charging households for water straight away!

        Seriously DTB, you need to start thinking a couple of steps ahead of the next National Government, not doing their work for them.

        Generally, I don’t think much of people who think that we shouldn’t measure use of our resources. It indicates that they have NFI WTF they’re talking about.

        Oh I agree.

        Once you measure it, you can charge for it. And once you have measurements and charges, you can set up a market.

        And once you have a market for the underlying, you can introduce derivatives and other financial products.

        BTW who are you saying has NFI?

        • Draco T Bastard

          And if you don’t measure it you have NFI if your society is sustainable which means to say that it won’t be an thus crash and burn. The only option is to make derivatives and profiteering illegal.

          • Colonial Viper

            Legislation is the option you suggest? How many weeks will it take for a Tory government to make derivatives trading legal, once back in power – twelve or fifteen?

            These are just fragile solutions, Draco.

        • greywarbler

          Hey CV
          Measuring water use is making sensible moves to increasing sustainability. If it happens that it is easier to sell if off to private interests, I don’t see that being a reason for not trying to measure and curb its use.

          The information gained will help in fighting off the so far stealthy rustling of our country’s resources by farmers who have picked up the idea for self-enrichment from the USA and other places where the water bandits have dried up once mighty rivers that supplied people for hundreds of miles.

          • Colonial Viper

            So how is metering of residential suburbs going to help the problem of farmers taking water above and beyond their consents?

            If it happens that it is easier to sell if off to private interests, I don’t see that being a reason for not trying to measure and curb its use.

            I do. And if you don’t have a solution to the privatisation of our water resources, then it’s a no go.

          • RedBaronCV

            Hi GW I’ve just provided some info that you asked for on the 13th. It’s not good for you but very enjoyable.

  19. karol 22

    Simon Bridges has been to the Nats, never answer questions and interrupt and talk over the inverviewer school. Campbell Live.

    Hahhahahah. SB” I’m not here to defend them” [Anadarko].

  20. amirite 23

    People, you should watch Campbell Live to see Simon bridges being an angry little turd.

    • Red Rosa 23.1

      Extraordinary is hardly the word. Have we EVER seen anything like this before? As a company PR spokesman, Bridges would rate as a disaster. But this is a Minister of the Crown!

      He has criminalized protest against this company. What else do they want? The sort of laws Putin is using?

      Trained in the Chicago School of politics, for sure.

      • karol 23.1.1

        Trained in the used car salesman style of hand movements, and talking fast, not allowing real interrogation.

    • Steve 23.2

      I don’t believe I have ever seen such an appalling performance by an interviewee.

      Notice he’s been to the John Key school of elocution.

      Bridges is “atchally” ambitious well beyond his abilities but sure is a golden gift to the left.

    • cardassian 23.3

      God he came across terribly.

  21. greywarbler 24

    This might be interesting. On Bryan Crump on Radionz about 7.25 or so he has some Brit guy talking about some political shenanigans he was involved in there. He worked a crowd spreading lies for some advantage. He seems very frank about it on the trailer I heard.

    Later there is something about Leibnitz the guy that Newton had a quite caustic approach to.

  22. Dan1 25

    Keep Bridges on! He tells it as it is….the way the Nactoids think. We should indoctrinate the whole community as to their thought processes: deny responsibility for errors; promise a cargo cult from profits only; ignore the locals; fall on their their knees before the gods of big business; use ad hominem arguments; yell down any opposition!
    The guy is a whizz! Parata and he are electoral gold!

    • Linz 25.1

      I don’t think it was Soymin’s finest hour.

      • ak 25.1.1

        Excrutiating. Like watching a powdered sparrow trying to brow-beat a pit-bull. The Hooten Boiz-to-Bullies academy is certainly struggling for sound graduates of late…..the internal polling must be cutting to the bone. Noice, Soi, truly heartwarming dear.

  23. Tim 26

    If Soimun Brudjizz is the answer to new Zill’s future – given his CampbellLive performance just passed, GOD help the future of my Murry grandson!!!
    Damn near 10 years working at TPK, it’s only now I truly understand the meaning of ‘Uncle Tom’.
    The saddest thing is that Soimun Brudjizz is introducing a new phenomenon – Cousin Tom!.
    It’s confirmation that the neolib agenda, and the most base of human desire holds sway.
    Thank Christ local body elections may just have sent a message.

    It may well be time to just up stakes – I’ve held out long enuough – 25-30 years i fact.

    … Northern India … Madagascar maybe. It sure as hell isn’t going to be NZ if the likes of that little neoNazi ever hold te bellence o peer

  24. geoff 27

    Holy smokes that Simon Bridges interview was classic. I thought he was going to cry.

  25. Rodel 28

    Just watching Simon Bridges on ‘Campbell Live’. Wow what a simpleton..but noisy.Persisted in saying “the fact of the matter is….”.followed by shouting (about 12-14 times I think).

    Wouldn’t answer any straight questions with a straight answer.
    He must be losing a lot of votes for National.

    John Campbell’s eyebrow raising and sighs of frustration at Bridges evasive schoolboy yelling says it all.

    • The Al1en 28.1

      Don’t know when, but I foresee a face to face interview and stroppy TV walkout in Simple Simon’s political end game. An archive classic in waiting.

      Don’t know who will cause it, but if it’s to be JC, he’ll need to up his game considerably, because this prick was ripe for the taking with that performance and Campbell blew it, just like he’s done previously on a couple of occasions with the pm when he should of had him bang to rights.

    • ianmac 28.2

      In the nature of such interviews it is “he won/he lost.” But really who is training Key/Bridges to adopt this disastrous style of a tirade overtalking the interviewer? No doubt the rightist journalist will have it the Campbell “lost” again. But I think that it might be a mistake to use that style. It is in the book of Things To Not Do When you are Being Interviewed.
      Awful chap that Bridges. No intention to build any.

    • Rogue Trooper 28.3

      “desperate men, do desperate things”.

  26. Draco T Bastard 29

    This one man committed fraud that dwarfs the entire yearly fraud committed by beneficiaries. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, this government and the MSM will actually start to look to where the real financial crime is happening?

  27. greywarbler 30

    Here’s something for those looking for direction and process and method etc for NZ. How can we change our style to an adult one and stop living on milk.

    Radio nz tonight. This woman is a fine speaker, and a lucid one, and sounds really on to it.

    Monday 14 October: The Entrepreneurial State – Book to read!
    Where innovation comes from is a question that has been asked for decades. Many think it is the animal spirits of bold entrepreneurs which spark the drive to discover.

    However, economist and professor Mariana Mazzucato argues that the state has a huge part to play in bringing new goods and services to market.

    Peter Day discusses her thought-provoking thesis with her. Her latest book is The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking public vs. private sector myths. She tweets on @MazzucatoM

  28. karol 31

    Tonight’s Native Affairs on Maori TV is getting a lot of posiive comment on Twitter, and also mentioned on the NZ Herald.

    Watching it now online.

  29. Penny Bright 32


    In the Auckland High Court, set down for 7 days – started today, Monday 14 October 2013….

    “A 7-day trial in the Auckland High Court began Monday, 14 October, against 14 men in blue concerning the dawn 2008 raid on the offices of Spartan News Limited and home of Vince and Jane Siemer. A fifteenth defendant is the deputy registrar of the District Court who signed the undated police search warrant.

    No one was charged as a result of the raid, which was postulated on Vince Siemer publishing the suppressed police affidavit used to hold, without bail, 18 New Zealand citizens in the infamous October 2007 Tuhoe raids (4 of the 18 were eventually convicted of various weapons charges; charges were dropped on the other 14). …..”

    (The timing of this High Court case unfortunately clashes with Graham McCready’s private prosecution of the ‘Not-so-Honorable’ DEFENDANT John Banks, for alleged electoral fraud, which was supposed to start today, but was adjourned because of the wild windy Wellington weather, which caused the airport to be closed.

    Should be all on tomorrow in the Auckland District Court – provided Graham’s plane can leave Wellington and arrive in Auckland!)



    A 7-day trial in the Auckland High Court began Monday, 14 October, against 14 men in blue concerning the dawn 2008 raid on the offices of Spartan News Limited and home of Vince and Jane Siemer. A fifteenth defendant is the deputy registrar of the District Court who signed the undated police search warrant.

    No one was charged as a result of the raid, which was postulated on Vince Siemer publishing the suppressed police affidavit used to hold, without bail, 18 New Zealand citizens in the infamous October 2007 Tuhoe raids (4 of the 18 were eventually convicted of various weapons charges; charges were dropped on the other 14).

    Kim Dotcom has an extremely similar case against Police scheduled for trial in February 2014.

    Defence Counsel Austin Powell, of the “Constitutional and Human Rights Team” within Crown Law, will first cross-examine Vince Siemer Tuesday on the events of 21 February 2008 before the 14 police defendants tell their work stories. Two weeks ago that was expected to concern the twelve pages of items Police seized but never accounted for on the day. However, the week before trial, the police conceded they have been withholding evidence of examination reports on the 5 cell phones they seized, had taken 183 photos inside the home not previously accounted for and cannot find the data the police cloned from three computers they seized.

    Crown counsel Powell could only reply in a 7 October email, “I am not able to give priority to any more questions about discovery of documents. We are now a week out from the fixture and there is a great deal of preparation to do. I will attend to this and any other requests if time permits.”

    Then-Solicitor General David Collins approved the raids on Tuhoe in 2007 and against the Siemers in 2008 but the Court of Appeal ruled in 2011 he could not be sued by Siemers and Spartan News. Mr Collins was appointed a High Court judge in 2012.

    In addition to all phones and computers, the police seized tax and business accounts, cameras and even printers. The police claim their active investigation ceased three years ago but admit to still holding unspecified property. The biggest return of items to date was more than 4 years after the raid, on 21 September 2012.

    The public are encouraged to attend to catch a rare glimpse of the work stories behind the badges. ”

    Vince Siemer



    ‘Her Warship’ 😉