Open mike 16/09/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 16th, 2010 - 42 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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42 comments on “Open mike 16/09/2010 ”

  1. BLiP 1

    Great effort yesterday comrades: a lot of good stuff to read and, apart from the usual dross from the usual suspects, thoughtful, humorous, and informed comments. Thanks all.

    Day of the Jackoff – heh, classic.

  2. joe90 2

    Scared of heights?, then don’t watch.

  3. Bored 3

    Oh dear, just read Granny on Hide….it appears he too has admitted a conviction….come on Standard, run the story.

    • Marty G 3.1

      yeah but it’s just for drunk and disorderly. I don’t think there’s much I can add, at least, to what the Herald has.

      • Tigger 3.1.1

        Is drunk and disorderly a three strikes?

        But bottom line, their law and order position is shot full of holes. Drunks, bashers, thieves…are we sure ACT doesn’t stand for A Crimininal Troupe? Or A Comedy Troupe depending on how deep is the farcical chasm you think these lot have descended into…

  4. Who said this and what was he talking about?

    Being dumb, in itself, is not a crime, but we are dealing with stupid, dangerous people with idiotic, dangerous customs that often result in senseless outcomes.

  5. joe90 5

    Meet the new boss….same as the old boss….

    Government Report on Drugging of Detainees Is Suppressed

    A major Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation on the drugging of detainees held at Guantanamo and other Department of Defense (DoD) facilities was completed almost a year ago and shared with a key Senate committee.

  6. Scott 6

    David Garrett is deservedly taking heat for his criminal convictions, but some of his intellectual convictions are also worth examining. He’s been a busy op-ed and letter writer for years, and does seem to see himself as an expert on all manner of subjects, from Polynesian and New Zealand history to 1970s India. Some of the views he has expressed in print, though, are not only wrong-headed but rather sinister. I blogged a while back on Garrett’s extraordinary statement in support for the eugenics programme inflicted on a horrified Indian populace by the sinister Sanjay Gandhi back in the 1970s:

  7. prism 7

    On Ninetonoon discussion on Muslim women’s garb and the burqa which has been banned in France. This is the whole tent covering with grill at the face, literally self-effacing. The hijab is the scarf cover around the head, and can be in different colours, also shayla similar, and Al-amira is the enclosed but open-face nun-like garb.

    I wanted a definite picture in my mind of all the Muslim women traditional religiously-approved clothing and the following is an excellent link.

    Haven’t looked to see what controls there are on men’s clothing but I feel there will be some, but not as extreme as the women’s dictated style.

    • joe90 7.1

      I’ll see your veils and raise you a pair of Mormon magic underpants, also known as temple garments.

      • prism 7.1.1

        Fascinating joe90. Can we adherents to democracy bring our leaders back to a faithful rendering of political vision and service with appropriate garb similar to that shown in those religious details? The appropriate garb might be a blue or white boiler suit, or tradesmens outfit with carpentery belt, or white shirt, tie and cardigan with walk shorts in summer.

  8. While our dear leader sits back as the law of the land is suspended to allow for the maximum rape and pillage in the coming years (Gerry Browlee being just the muppet who will get lynched when it all turns to shit) I once again marvel at the sheer brilliance of our international globalist scheisters taking over all resources worldwide and having the innocents here just taking it up the ass and believe it or not, I miss T-rex.

    Good old T-rex, the Physics teacher without a clue and I which he could see this now.

    Simple high school experiments which show once and for all why the twin towers and WTC 7 could not have been brought down by anything other than controlled demolition and when it could have been put in place.

    When our mining laws get suspended and the last remaining wildernesses are getting raped to satisfy the international corporate military complexes need for more and more minerals and metals and we are left with nothing but destruction and John Key takes his places as a knighted member of the global elitist pantheon sipping a cocktail with his scheister mates laughing about the stupidity of us his victims as we were sidetracked with the antics of two other muppets (Hide and Garret) while they suspended the law of the land in favour of dictatorial rule ( I questioned if there would be another official election a while ago I seem to remember) until well after their official mandate I wonder if T-rex will remember me.

  9. felix 9

    I suppose it’s only a matter of time until someone brings up Garrett’s gang connections.

  10. ZeeBee 10

    Did Garrett break name suppression by telling Hide?

    Was the speaker asked whether name suppression should be kept, in
    the public good, when MPs run for parliament? Does the public have
    the right to be told if their is a name suppression order over an individual?

    And the nasty question. Was the name of the child Garrett stole a sibling?
    And the nature of his death the reason the name suppression was obtained?
    Why then would they not tell the speaker? All speculation though.

    • Lanthanide 10.1

      “Did Garrett break name suppression by telling Hide?”
      I believe the deal with name suppression is that it applies to publication, as we saw recently with Slater’s case. The judge deemed that a blog was “publication” and therefore he broke the law. Talking amongst friends/associates would seem to not be “publication”.

      Likewise one of the lame defences Slater tried to use was that discussion about what took place in a court room isn’t bound by the suppression order (eg if you’re in the court gallery or whatever), and that blogs were an extension of that.

      “And the nasty question. Was the name of the child Garrett stole a sibling?”
      I assume you mean his own sibling? No, it was an unrelated family. Apparently born 4 years after he was, so “born around the same time” is a big misleading in it’s connotations.

  11. Pascal's bookie 11

    Saudi Arabia to buy a whole lot of hardware off the US

    A lot. Mostly looks like stuff for defending ports/shipping, and some anti-ballistic missile defense.

    So does this mean:
    1) A US war with Iran less likley, and this deal is setting up the sauds with peace of mind re a stronger Iran with threshold nuke status.

    2) A US war with Iran more likely, with this deal being about getting the sauds ready for the consequences.

    3) Getting the sauds on side with whatever comes out of the latest middle east peace arm twisting competition

    4) None of the above, all of the above, 60 billion dollars speaks for itself.

  12. Bill 12

    Didn’t know whether to submit this comment under the ‘Good Dictators’ post or the ‘Labour grassroots revolt against Quake Act betrayal’ post.

    So by default…

    Having perused the vociferous feedback across some of the blogs on the matter of bypassing democratic accountability and noted the decrepit state of our politicians’ sense of right and wrong alongside the complete silence on the matter by msm, I thought I’d suggest that everyone who commented here or on Frogblog, Red Alert, Kiwiblog or wherever might want to cut and paste their comments to here and here and see if the msm can be cajoled into at least acknowledging if not exactly reflecting back and promulgating a matter that a very substantial section of the public finds important.

    It’s just a thought.

  13. What a two faced hypocritical bunch of morons this ACT lot are . I hope they are all chucked out of parliament .the damage they have done will have to be repaired by Labour ,However some of the damage they have done will never be undone. They ruined Benson – Pope by sending the perk buster over to Australia to interview a couple of skin-heads to slander Benson-Pope.Nobody was safe from their probings. They were McCarthy like supporters .I hope they get everything they deserve .

  14. Kevin Welsh 14

    Garrett finally admits he is a nutter

  15. Tigger 15

    Joyce is a careless driver? Even lost his licence over it? My god, who the hell is running this asylum?

    Oh that’s right, no one.

    Got to say though, this delving into pasts of MPs is getting icky. No worries if it’s about criminal behaviour that was convicted but beyond that – hoping the MSM and indeed the bloggers keep their noses clean. I hate a mob with pitchforks and would hate to see any MP from any party being hunted down just for being human.

  16. The Voice of Reason 16

    DPF reckons that Red Alert posted, then edited out, the following potential Parliamentary questions from a post on Red Alert. Don’t know if they did or why, but they’re gold!

    We understand this is a serious matter but we think ACT and National have some questions to answer.

    To Rt Hon John Key Prime Minister and Minister of SIS: When the Israelis stole identities of children for false passports, did the Government force the Israeli Ambassador to resign and leave the country, and if so, has the Government considered a similar response to Government MP David Garrett?

    Supplementary: Has the Minister received any intelligence reports about ACT MPs or is that an oxymoron?

    Supplementary: Has the Minister received any intelligence reports about Ilich Ramírez Sanchez (aka Carlos the Jackal) having escaped prison in France and being sighted in Tonga and New Zealand?

    To Hon Rodney Hide the Minister of Local Government: Does he stand by his statement that he is bringing “transparency and accountability to local government”?

    Supplementary 1: How can he expect transparency in local government when he in central government has suppressed David Garrett’s criminal record for two years and his own for even longer?

    Supplementary: Will he reinstate Heather Roy who has demonstrated a strong commitment to transparency by proactively releasing documents to the media?

    To Hon Maurice Williamson the Minister of Customs: Is the Minister confident the new Smartgate system is capable of picking up false passports?

    Supplementary: What sort of passport would facilitate the quickest progress through Smartgate: a diplomatic passport, the new Kiwi digital passport, or a David Garrett passport, and is this just more good news for the Government?

    Supplementary: What percentage of ACT politicians have convictions for drunk and disorderly behaviour in airports and would this be picked up by Smartgate?

    To Hon John Boscawen, Minister of Consumer Affairs: Does misleading and deceptive conduct breach the Fair Trading Act?

    Supplementary: Does he think it was misleading and deceptive conduct for Mr Garrett, in his presence, to tell journalists last week that he had no other convictions?

    Supplementary: Is it now ACT party policy that conviction politicians must have criminal convictions rather than principles?

    Supplementary: Will the Government be prosecuting Garth McVicar and “Sensible Sentencing Trust” under the Fair Trading Act for crimes against tautology?

    • Draco T Bastard 16.1
      It was listed under “humour” but they took it down as it got a massive negative reaction.

      • The Voice of Reason 16.1.1

        Well that’s pretty dumb, if so. They’re funny, topical and aimed at a humbug and a fraud. Hell, they shouldn’t just be posting them on Red Alert, they should be saving them up for the house. If ever there was a time to go for the throat, this is it.

        • Pascal's bookie

          They’re also about a dead baby.

          • The Voice of Reason

            No, they’re not, PB. Only one refers directly to the theft of the identities of dead children and that is the first. And that one refers directly to the crimes of the odious Israeli agents, not Garrett’s specific fraud.

            • Pascal's bookie

              But for a party that was so worried about what National would say if they didn’t give them a dictatorship? Ask those questions and see how long it isn’t about a dead baby.

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