Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step right up to the mike…
I only know why I personally care as I reflected on whether it would have made a difference to who I voted for if they had been found to have behaved in this manner … and it would have.
You don’t have to care, but the mayor of AK can’t be trusted or taken as a man of his word, which may or may not be of some importance to voters in his electorate.
Take a European leaf mate, this shit happens, it happens A LOT, and spouses need to figure out together what they want to do next and if its worth continuing.
CV +1…and they don’t need the interference of 1) the Moral Majority( outmoded Christian fascists) or 2)prissy frustrated Catholics( you know that hypocritical Church of sexist Papists and perverts with a direct line to God)..or 3)wannabe Mana Party Mayors like John Minto, who would never get in as Mayor anyway, and who does a better hatchet job on Brown on National radio than the vested interests and right wingers who set Brown up in the first place)
Brown should stay…and he should be judged on what he has done as a Mayor for Auckland ( He was elected in with a huge majority …remember).
His family should stick together, if that is their will…and not let the ‘moral’ mud -slingers cause a family tragedy.
The Europeans are far more sophisticated then the Americans on this…We live in New Zealand not USA….let us make up our own minds and give Brown a chance…( and btw…who would replace him?)
Exactly CV and Chooky. It’s interesting that we come over all uppity on the moral high ground and recover some long lost religious type outrage about Len Brown having an affair when we can turn a blind eye to the immorality of say, the way beneficiaries have been treated under the Bennett regime.
If this had happened to a poli in France, no body would have raised an eyebrow, but as it happens you could have mistaken Cameron Slater for some hick being interviewed for Fox news, if last nights new was anything to go by. This is Little America now, so maybe we take on their fake morals too, and this is reflected in the media coverage this situation is receiving. Or maybe NZer’s are so small minded that they want to be scandalised by something like this.Either way, it’s hardly news worthy.
His affair is for him and his family to deal with. It’s nobody’s business but theirs. The only time you need to be concerned about affairs is if and when it happens to you.
CV, this “grod” entity of whom you speak…….does he too whip into other mens “virgin” wifes in order to start a religion? Was he watching Len? Who can we trust?
No, you’re his defender, you tell us how a man who lies to his wife for two years can keep a level of trust amongst the wider community in the job of mayor and all it entails?
Here’s the thing. If Len has nicked some money from the public purse, even a hundred dollars, he’s be gone before breakfast because the ‘trust’ would be gone forever. Of that we must all agree, regardless of how one eyed we are being for the team.
Interesting then that a two year deceit is viewed as less bothersome by an elected official as pinching a hundy.
If an elected official misappropriates funds, trust is not involved.
It is professional misconduct and should be detected by standard accounting practises, and directly affects the organisation’s ability and reputation for being able to fulfil its role.
Sticking your dick in a consenting adult might be shit for your personal life, but it is not misconduct and does not affect the organisation’s ability to fulfil its role.
It’s all about trust and now Len doesn’t have any.
Defend him, mitigate and minimise if you must, but it won’t change a thing.
ps You can always have a mini stalk-a-thon until you think you;ve won, but I’m at work til later, so don’t be offended if I don’t come rushing in with a snap back
Why is being an elected official “all about trust”?
If they don’t do the job, they get overruled by their colleagues. If they do really badly, they get voted out. Simple. Don’t project more onto the relationship than actually exists. Like ’em, then vote for ’em. Don’t like ’em, don’t vote for ’em.
ps: I get to work with a broadband connection, lucky me
I dunno, that’s alot of time he could have been spending working for auckland or with his family, or are we only talking a couple of minutes each time.
@ Tracey…what you call a “quickie”…Bill Clinton specialised in them…..provides stress relief on the job!
( But politicians should beware!….especially Left politicians….Somehow they always seem more vulnerable….and the Right always seems better able to shrug the scandals off or sweep them under the carpet….Maybe the difference is that the Left does not have the equivalent of the ruthless hunters and scandal mongers like Slater et al))
It is important that politicians don’t get fat and have heart disease and die before their time like Norm Kirk. Brown was actually using his time well – working out in a very effective and satisfactory way. Getting sweaty and relieving tension at the same time.
Thinking about working more efficiently, ways of multi-tasking – I’ve forgotten how many minutes it has been calculated that we spend waiting at traffic lights in our lifetime. Time which could be used for neck massage relieving stress and preparing for the next round of talks with central government partners.
And while driving to and from work, he could probably run through all the points he wants to make on the agenda for both the morning’s and afternoon’s meetings. I understand that some of those beamers in Wellington have massage units built in to the seats – so many ways of enhancing sharpness of mind and work effectiveness.
Sex is only a small part of being trustworthy. It’s naive to expect complete morality from any human being. If you want to continue expecting that from your pollies…
Some people will always wonder if someone can lie to their wife and others around them for 2 years, what else do they lie about. If we dont expect higher standards from our pollies we will continue to get lower standards.
CV and I have disagreed on this before, and will again I am sure.
Mission accomplished though, Banks is off the front pages.
“Both National and Labour MPs have had extramarital affairs. And they run the whole country!!!”
Could go a long way to explain the current state of “affairs” in this country… a country shaped by self centred people lacking self discipline and ethics.
@ Tracey @ The Allen….Lets just get the Catholic Church to run the country ….. as they used to do during the Inquisition….they are celibate and they dont have extramarital affairs do they?!….
I’m not a god squad kind of man, so the pious angle is wasted on me.
I’m coming at it straight from political perception not the immaculate conception. I’m not part of any moral minority and have no vested interest, I don’t even live in Auckland so have no voter rights or sensibilities to be offended or cajoled.
Should Brown resign and there be a new ballot, for me, yes and yes.
I neither care if you agree or disagree, if trust your pollies or not, or even if you appease and excuse the mayor of the countries largest city having a secret two year long affair, each to their own and all that, but it does show a real lack of judgement on his part, and an insight into his character that isn’t pleasant to see in anyone.
Whether trust is transitive or not, his lack of respect for his family probably is, especially as far as the wider community is concerned. Unscientific as they are, all the web polls I’ve seen so far seem to support this theory.
@The Allen…Loosen up!!!! ….ok you wouldnt do it….I wouldnt do it….lots of people wouldn’t do it……( not on the job and not in that way…we would be too cautious, or have too much loyalty, or be too sensible, or have too much self control)…..But does that make us better people?…Would that make us better Mayors?.
….no one is perfect….and there are far worse things…what he did was consensual and it sounds like he was ‘set up’ ….. and he never had any intention of leaving his wife…he broke it off!
The issue is was he a good Mayor?…an overwhelming number of voters said “YES” ……just leave it at that….otherwise it becomes a moral witch hunt…and it wont do his family any good
Al1en, How do you know the Browns don’t have an open marriage, and all he’s done that requires an apology is not having told his wife earlier, or carried it on too long?
Judging by the tv interview I’d guess no to the notion of open marriage, but hope that poor lady doesn’t read these pages if not, it would just compound her hurt. Last night there were comments like she might have had an affair herself :rolledeyessofartheycamebacktheotherway:
Allen, had Brown denied the affair he would be run out of office not because of having the affair but because of lying about it.
Brown needs to stay to fight the dirty tricks because this is what is behind the affair coming out. Any dirty tricks on Browns part e.g. were he involved in any intimidating or harrassing txts I would throw him to the wolves because I would find this to be unacceptable from an elected mayor.
It is not illegal to have an affair, neither is it illegal to deny having had an affair.
I get it when you say that being able to trust an elected high profile politician is important to you. It comes down to the individual person on what breaches the trust for them. For some it is an affair when married, for others it is denying the affair, for others it would be being involved in intimidating or harrassing txts (the latter is unproven to date).
I do not like double standards e.g. two years ago a security guard who worked for the council got sacked because of having sex on council premises. However there was not a dirty tricks brigade behind the secuirty guards job.
Brown having sex on council premises maybe an employment issue and he has himself to blame. When it comes to the dirty tricks brigade they never play fair because it is about a grab for power and innocent people get hurt and you never know how or who they are.
Trust has nothing to do with being a representative.
Look, I used to be responsible for securing items of value. A shit system would have relied on me being trustworthy. As it was, trust never came into it because the system was designed with checks, balances and audit trails. Not only did I behave properly in my role, I was seen to behave properly in my role. Have I always behaved properly in my personal life? No. But the systems in that job were set up to make it very difficult for me to behave improperly, even if I had wanted to.
Democracy has councillors, legal frameworks, and voters who can challenge the mayor if he behaves improperly in his role (not mentioning the 4th estate as it’s been on holiday for the last decade or two).
Trying to discern professional integrity from someone’s personal life is unreliable at best, and an excuse for fetishistic voyeurism and public harassment at its worst.
“but the mayor of AK can’t be trusted or taken as a man of his word, which may or may not be of some importance to voters in his electorate.”
Trust isn’t transitive. Being untrustworthy in one’s marriage doesn’t mean that one is untrustworthy in one’s job. One of course can be untrustworthy in both, but they’re not necessarily related in the way you imply.
Aha Weka, the good old selective morality argument…we can compartmentalize? Of course my mother told me tales of leopards and spots, and she is a very wise woman. And some prior seer asked those without sin to throw the first stone. I suppose if we are all sinners the question becomes “do we genuinely seek redemption?”
“Aha Weka, the good old selective morality argument”
No, that is a different thing. The issue was whether someone was trustworthy, not whether they were moral or not.
Google “trust is not transitive”, read the article on airplane pilots, and come back and tell me if when you fly in a plane you want the pilot to be someone who doesn’t cheat on their spouse, or someone who is very good at flying planes safely, and whether those two things are related.
Perhaps you could tell me what you are on about? I replied to someone else about trust not being transitive. You brought up selective moralilty, but haven’t clarified why.
That’s okay, I’m not suggesting you’re not allowed to trust Len any more, just saying I don’t because he’s proven to be very untrustworthy over a sustained period.
How has Len proven to be untrustworthy over a sustained period? Were questions over this affair put to him during the campaign? Did he mislead us about that? Has he lied to Aucklanders at any point about this affair? The fact is (to paraphrase Simon) you didn’t trust him from the start. And if it’s poison in politics you’re after well the ashen face of Key at his stand-up today might be a good place to look.
Or to put it another way, if trust were transitive, then someone lying at work would mean their spouse could no longer trust them in their marriage. Doesn’t make sense though, does it.
because our leaders represent the very best of humankind?
because he is Christian, or some other religion with rules about fidelity?
because if he is subject to the whims of the devil then how can we trust him to do the right thing for the community?
none of the above?
you shouldn’t care at all and most people don’t. Because most political leaders are very very average people who do the same things as the rest of us and have no more brains or pieces of wisdom in their heads about anything at all.
One of the real issues here is that now ALL politicians personal lives could be up for severe scrutiny. As a country do we really want to go down that “News of the Screws” road? My guess is that a lot of people in positions of power will be somewhat apprehensive over the latest turn of events. To quote Henry KIssinger, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Slater has opened a Pandora’s Box here.
Agreed. I could personally out ‘dirt ‘ on three National MPs. With a little effort I could get affidavits on their extramarital affairs/sexploits. It’s a small country we live in and secrets are hard to keep.
get your affidavits, have them delivered by a process server to Slater and see if he publishes them… when he doesn’t, make the story about him, not the MPs.
From my point of view the worst part of this was his choice of skanky partner. Rating your lover 4/10 when it was your own choice to stay with them for two years. Ugghers. Signing a sworn affidavit that crassly describes sexual acts that, if we are honest, go on in offices all over the country.
I wonder how much of this was threatened by her during the campaign just to put pressure on Len Brown – and didn’t he cope well! I think she is the real issue here and I really hope the media look very closely into her background. No doubt a trail of pissed off ex-lovers are just dying to talk about how the bitch manipulated them.
That language is unnecessary mate. My sense is she is going to end up thoroughly screwed by her right wing “friends” and is as much a victim of WO. Her campaign manager described her as “ambitious”. However her ethnic community cred is now fucked, and if she is unelectable by her own base, sayonara to any political career.
not the same scrutiny for slater… and then there’s Slater taking “credit” for stephen cook’s work? No one comes out of this smelling of roses…
Herald online has nothing noticeable of a man who holds the balance of power in NZ in Court for a serious allegation of undermining the rules of democracy….
She says she wasnt politically motivated but I am unsure what other motivation she had unless she is angry and bitter at it ending? She mentioned his catholicism but didnt let this stop her screwing him for two years. I agree if she had really wanted to hurt him she would have released BEFORE the election, but thenit wouldn’t have saved Banks further publicity.
Jabba the Whale on TV didnt do himself any favours, imo, he looked like Jabba the Hut, salivating over the salacious gossip he tried to seriously look like was in the interests of the country. While giddingly lapped up by his followers I am not sure everyday NZers would see him as some kind of champion of truth.
Did he give Len 24-48 hours to break it to his family before he published? He could still have had his scoop but preserved some aspect of the innocent’s pain.
It all gets very murky once you know Jabba’s father ran the campaign for Palino.
While she is not an innocent victim (such as Mrs brown and the kids) she will be feeling like one this morning I sispect.
Seeing she hangs around with right wingers, 4/10 was probably a significant improvement. I heard from the voices in my head that her combined score for Slater, Lusk and Simon Bridges didn’t even manage to beat Lenny boy all on his own.
You should care because people love to project themselves onto other people and situations. They like to see our political leaders as people with higher standards, greater character, finer wisdom, superior understanding. They need to do this to make them feel better. People need leaders.
You should care because this affair shatters that projection by people. It shows how exposed humanity is to itself. That there are no great defenders of some higher order. There is just us. You should care because such disillusionment is not good for society – we need higher beings and Len and lady have shown that they do not exist (in any useful number)
Quite, but my point was that humans are herd animals and need leaders. Currently, society’s leaders tend to be the political kind, for better or worse. P Ure should care because this type of act is an attack at this base human requirement for upstanding leadership. Nothing to do with caring for Len or lady, it is about caring for the requirements for good human existence, one of which is good leadership, even if it is a front.
vto, can you point out any decision, any negative effect on the management of Auckland as a city that Len’s little dalliance has caused, were the cities secrets revealed in the ‘pillow talk’, one section of Auckland society favored over other’s because of Lens wayward ways???,
If there were NO negative effects n the functioning of the Mayoralty i find what are in essence the private lives of politicians as big a yawn as their sexuality…
You’re quite right bad12 but I think you miss the point that people imo need leaders, whether it is in transiting across the Serengeti, inside the Vatican or playing a team sport. As I said, even if it is a front, people still need leaders. Humans need their leaders to be stronger, faster, wiserer, clevererer, someone to look up to.
The issue is that when a leader lets a people down it is a dint in the side of the community.
This is the case (whether it should be or not). This is why P Ure should care.
This is a nonsense which has been “learnt”, it is not the case, even less so these days\.
What people need, is not own up and accept that they are already a leader, of themselves, because like heck anyone else is going to look out for you, we all know that.
I’m not advocating every man/woman for themselves, but there is nothing higher than man/woman in this earth, so stop searching for something/someone to look up to, admire, or follow!
So no, we should not care about it, its par for the course we have all been put on, and Len has walked straight into the oldest trick in the book!
Looks like John Boehner just scuttled another plan to end the U.S. stand-off.
A visibly angry Chuck Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, summarized the mood when he said John Boehner had killed the momentum that had gathered behind their bipartisan deal.
“We’re at the 11th hour. The train to avoid default was smoothly heading down the tracks and picking up speed, and at the last minute, speaker Boehner decides to throw a log on those tracks. Enough already.”
“I am so disappointed. I am not disappointed in my Senate Republican colleagues. I think many of them understand the danger and want to help.”
If one of the Auckland city council managers got caught rooting some woman in the Ngati Whatua room would he still have a job.
Or do different rules apply to the Mayor, is he untouchable?,
Does he have some sort of employment contract? or can he do fairly much what ever he wants as long as he doesn’t break the law?
Common sense would tell you the mayor is an elected official, so most likely there are different employment rules and they are accountable to different people.
IF he was in her direct employment line, line manager etc then yes, it would be an employment issue, particularly if he threatened her or advanced her career. No evidence of that so far.
Those work places where I have been aware of an affair (married person/s with someone other than partner/spouse) it has always been hierarchical not on the same level. It causes HUGE problems employment wise. Staff morale plummets, especially if lower ranked one throws weight around, awkwardness of staff social functions when partners are present.
So, BM if Mark Thingy (Ford??) was having an affair with someone immediately below him in line management and it was impacting staff, yup I would call for resignation,
Interesting thing. Stuff currently has a vote on it. I usually think Stuff’s unscientific polls lean to the right/conservative side pf politics. I was expecting to find a massive vote for Brown resigning. Instead, the vote is slightly in favour of Brown not resigning – by just over 50%.
And, as an Auckland voter, who voted for Brown, I want my vote to stand. There is no way I want one of the SleazeOil benefactors on the right to take office.
Now can we get back to the really pressing issues local and government politicians should be dealing with?
I think Dragecivich might be the idiot I came across in 1987 out at Waitemata City when I was looking for information about council building codes. He was extremely rude, an absolute prick, and refused to answer any questions. He told me about four times to get back to school teaching, but scuttled back into his office when I told him I hadn’t been teaching at all, but had been in prison for criminal assault (I hadn’t. I have no convictions for violent offences.) The photo could well be him, thirty years on. Such was the disfunctionality of the Waitemata Council with Shadbolt as Mayor. If the stories about his mayoral antics ever came out, they’d make Brown look like a choirboy, but Invercargill seem to like him as Mayor. Just like Auckland, it’s not WhaleSpew Blubber Boy who gets to choose. Thank god and all her angels.
I was just looking at yesterday’s site stats. So with the whole trooling frenzy over Len as a result of sleazeoil and his sewer rats, it would perhaps be understandable that TS had an unusually high number of hits. But most surprisingly hits for “Angry Simon Implodes on Campbell Live” seemed to have gone through the roof, in contrast with the number of hits posts usually get in a day.
So, I guess there’s more online interest in the implosion of Nat Crosby Textor failure Simon Bridges, than in sleazoil and his sewer rats’ smear campaign?
Marbleless. ( You’re Never Alone When You’re A Schizophrenic ), something I’ve had brief understandings of. I have an uncle, lovely, bright man,(I’m fairly certain he associated with some members of Shihad ), two years older than me, who has lived with those challenges since he was in his late teens. Very sad really, and that becomes one’s life. It’s a mystery at times.
I think Simon had watched Shonkey v Campbell and thought he could do the same volume voice over trick his master uses….Campbo learnt from Shonkers technique…never fight the next war with the last ones tactics, the enemy learns quickly how to counter.
The Graham McCready vs John Banks case is waiting for the Judges’s decision today Wednesday 16 October 2013 at 2.15pm, in the Auckland District Court, as to whether or not it will go to trial.
What came out loud and clear in Court yesterday, was that John Banks DID know that the donations from Kim Dotcom and Sky City were NOT anonymous. But because he had (lawfully???) delegated the responsibility of compiling his candidate’s returns (including donations) to a third party, who purportedly DIDN’T know the donations from Kim Dotcom and Sky City were NOT anonymous, they were recorded as such.
If this third party was not present at the meetings with Kim Dotcom and Sky City, at which it was clear these donations were NOT anonymous, then how was it correct for him to record these donations as anonymous?
It was stated in Court that it was effectively the ‘custom and practice’ in the 2010 and previous John Banks Mayoral campaigns to deliberately keep financial details, particularly about donations, separate from the Mayoral candidate.
So how could John Banks, in all honesty, ask this third party who had prepared his candidate’s returns if the information was true and correct, before signing them, if the knowledge of the John Banks as Mayoral candidate, and this third party were not one and the same regarding donations?
What dodgy ‘sleight of hand’ is being perpetrated here, by the (now) Leader of the ACT Party – the Party which supposedly upholds the principles of both ‘personal responsibility’ and ‘one law for all’?
How can ANY candidate for public office, sign their candidate’s returns without first PERSONALLY double-checking that the information is correct???
In my considered opinion as someone who was a Mayoral candidate both in 2010 (and 2013), this case SHOULD go to trial.
Today – fellow Public Watchdog / Judicial Whistle blower Vince Siemer is in the Auckland HIGH Court (Waterloo Quadrant) , where at 10am he will be cross-examining Detective SuperIntendent Lovelock over his role in organising the Police raid/invasion of the Siemer’s home in February 2008 where they took heaps of stuff (unlawful search and seizure) and still have not returned some of it. It’s a BIG deal and Vince deserves support! So folks – if you can come to the High Court today at 10am I think you will find this VERY interesting!
So even at the far ends of the earth the global Tea Party agenda is reduced to smearing filth. Desperation, you see. A black president, a socialist pope – neck minnit even all-powerful Granny is reduced to publishing pictures of Len’s daughters.
Carry on, chaps. Your thirty-year hiatus is closing. Back in the sewer, old boy.
On-air display of dumb insolence by Jim Mora’s producer.
But who can blame her? The Panel, Radio NZ National, Tuesday 15 October 2013
Jim Mora, Graham Bell, Mai Chen
JIM MORA: We’ll be discussing these sensational revelations about Len Brown after 4 o’clock, but first Jessica Maddock is here, with what the WOOOOOORLD is talking about! JESSICA MADDOCK: Well first up is a plan to deliver books in Australia by drone! JIM MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha! MAI CHEN: What if they run out of batteries? GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho ho ho! JESSICA MADDOCK: Two kilos, I think, is the most they can carry. MORA:[urgently] Can they carry two kilograms?!?!!??
…..Significant pause……
JESSICA MADDOCK:[significant pause] Mmmmm. MORA: Mmm-kay. What else? JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that when you watch advertisements on TV when you are eating something, you subconsciously mouth the brand names. GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho! MAI CHEN: I believe it! MORA: Hang on! So when you watch TV and eat you are subconsciously mouthing the brand names?
…..Significant pause……
MORA: Mmmmm. MORA: What else have you got for us? JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that children who go to bed earlier behave better. MAI CHEN: You reckon? GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho! MORA: Okay, so it’s like a scientific confirmation of conventional wisdom isn’t it.
….. Extended silence……
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, another study shows that using plastic items, like water-bottles, can lead to miscarriages! MAI CHEN: Good grief! JESSICA MADDOCK: And it can also lead to a decrease in male fertility! GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho! MORA: Okay, we’ve got thirty seconds. Anything else? JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, there is this item is about the rediscovery of seventeenth century beauty practices. For example, the use of tobacco ash will whiten your teeth. MORA: Tobacco ash?
MORA: Tobacco ash will whiten your teeth? JESSICA MADDOCK: Mmmm, hmmmm.
Thankfully for Jim Mora, the news rescues him from any more dumb insolence by his producer. This writer missed the rest of the program. Perhaps it improved….
Morrissey, do you have any actual consistent or objective measurement for what constitutes a “significant pause” or “extended silence” compared to “pause” or “silence”?
As far as I can tell he doesn’t even distinguish between ‘devastatingly pregnant pause’ and the ordinary ending of one sentence followed by the beginning of another.
Hey Rogue. I believe that you would equal the Guiness Book of World Records which claimed that a letter exchange between two angry writers had the shortest well thought out response.
The second to last letter had nothing on the page but “!”
The last letter had nothing on it but “.”
Well done that man!
you are very kind, and it’s a bit of an off day. No rhyme or reason, (well, that would not be entirely true at all)., however, it’s getting better. An excellent therapeutic intervention in my opinion, gardening, so I’ve put in some Kamo Kamo plants, which are generally very productive, and you can koha them around joint.
Morrissey, do you have any actual consistent or objective measurement for what constitutes a “significant pause” or “extended silence” compared to “pause” or “silence”?
Come on Lanthanide, both you and I are perfectly aware of what constitutes an awkward, pregnant or extended silence, and all the other points on the continuum. I wouldn’t like to attempt to chart them scientifically, of course, but they are real, and undeniable.
Carry on Morrissey, you make me laugh whether it is accurate or not. You get the gist right most of the time so regardless of the criticism around here I will treat it as Gonzo, and something slightly more amusing than the dry balls stone faces comments.
“JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that when you watch advertisements on TV when you are eating something, you subconsciously mouth the brand names.
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho!
MAI CHEN: I believe it!
MORA: Hang on! So when you watch TV and eat you are subconsciously mouthing the brand names?”
Moz, you’ve got this arsebackwards. Maddock correctly said that the study shows that eating in the cinema STOPS people subconsiously mouthing the brand names. Presumably she was quoting the Guardian article, or one of many other news reports on the finding:
Your misunderstanding/mishearing of what Maddock said also means that the words you attribute to Bell, Chen and Mora were not actually spoken by them. And what they did discuss was the exact opposite of what you claim.
As I suggested the other day, if you listen to the show a second time, you are far less likely to get things like this wrong.
The only grey areas are what was said, who said what, how they said it and what they meant.
You’re quibbling over exact details. Yes, I made a mistake as to the actual findings of a no-account study in the Grauniad, but I got the dynamics of that dreadful conversation just right. As you would know if you had listened to the show.
Word of advice, my friend: avoid such puerile antics. It makes you look like a teenager—and not a very bright one.
quibbling exact details like the diametric opposite of what they actually said.
As I’ve already pointed out, the substance of my post was about the vacuity and foolishness of the chit-chat infesting our public radio. The actual details of the trivial subject being discussed are not really important. You know that, of course, perfectly well.
Given that you’ve previously argued that your “transcripts” are “pretty close to word-perfect”, arguing that the details of what was said (like whether they said something completely different) makes you a fucking joke.
We’re all friends around here, buddy. Except for Brett Dale.
Given that you’ve previously argued that your “transcripts” are “pretty close to word-perfect”….
They pretty much are. That’s not an “argument”, that’s a fact. And you know it.
….arguing that the details of what was said (like whether they said something completely different)
What they said was not the point. How they reacted to one another—-especially the way Jessica Maddock reacted to Jim Mora—-was the point.
…makes you a fucking joke.
Ha! A little bit of swearing just to intimidate, huh? I’m sure that works for you in real life situations, but here in cyberspace it only makes you look foolish.
… except when they say the exact opposite of what actually took place.
I have explained with perfect clarity what the point of my post was. It was to highlight the vacuity of that fifteen minutes of excruciatingly poor quality radio chit-chat. Your quibbles about my slip-up over an incidental detail are utterly spurious.
Of course, that suits your purpose perfectly well: after all, your aim is not serious discussion, but to assail my integrity. Are you Whaleoil? You certainly write like him.
It doesn’t matter that your transcripts are grossly inaccurate.
Another wild, swingeing statement by you. My transcripts are pretty much on the money always, and you know it. You are going after me (ineptly) not because you are worried about anything that happened on that awful radio show yesterday, but because I have in the past targeted dishonest people and corrupt organisations that you have, foolishly, chosen to parrot.
My transcripts are pretty much on the money always, and you know it.
Bullshit. They’re bunk.
You are going after me (ineptly) not because you are worried about anything that happened on that awful radio show yesterday, but because I have in the past targeted dishonest people and corrupt organisations that you have, foolishly, chosen to parrot.
Bullshit. You’re making shit up (again). I’d quite like your transcripts if they were accurate, or satire, but they can’t be both. You’re ego’s writing cheques that your recollection can’t cash.
See, I had to transcribe some quotes from an interview today. It was easy: I pressed “play” for a few words, then “pause”, wrote it down, replayed that section to make sure I was word perfect in something other than my imagination. It transcribing is how you get your rocks off, it’s not that difficult.
Your [sic] are all either mischievous or mistaken.
“All”? In case you haven’t noticed, a small clique of my ideological enemies are following a strategy of quibbling about nothing of consequence, in order to attack my credibility. Fortunately, I can simply cite my substantial body of work on the internet, both here and elsewhere, and am happy to put my credibility up against that of people who parrot the lies of people and organisations that have been shown repeatedly to be dishonest and even fraudulent.
Morrissey’s renditions are always accurate and telling representations, he is truly a Shakespeare of our times.
I can just read your transcript and imagine the opposite.
As we saw last year with your strident and unashamed support for the most obviously nonsensical and bizarre official lies, you are adept at imagining the very opposite of reality to be the truth.
Life, say what you will about it you cant like it…..I think that is what marvin said but hell it is a bit hazy, many years since. Still thats what he meant.
You mean Marvin the Paranoid Android. He really doesn’t want to know because he knows that if he ever does find out he will be even feel more depressed.
Moz, you’ve got this arsebackwards. Maddock correctly said that the study shows that eating in the cinema STOPS people subconsiously mouthing the brand names. Presumably she was quoting the Guardian article, or one of many other news reports on the finding:
Thanks for that, my eagle-eyed, bat-eared friend. Accuracy, that’s the thing! I’ve GOT to up my game!
Your misunderstanding/mishearing of what Maddock said also means that the words you attribute to Bell, Chen and Mora were not actually spoken by them. And what they did discuss was the exact opposite of what you claim.
The point of my post, and I’m sure you realise this as well as anybody, was not to critique another vacuous study published in the ever-vacuous Grauniad, but to highlight the vacuous nature of the chit-chat that has been allowed to take over National Radio. Yes, as you so helpfully point out, I did get the earth-shatteringly important findings of that study “arsebackwards”, but that was not really significant. What is significant is: (a) the faux jollity of Graham Bell, (b) the obvious boredom of Mai Chen, who must have been wondering (yet again) why the hell she bothers with this program, (c) just how incredibly vacuous and annoying Jim Mora is, and (d) the contemptuous silences and curt replies by Jessica Maddock.
” … another vacuous study published in the ever-vacuous Grauniad …”
If you can’t even read what I wrote, what’s the point of you? I said it was in the Guardian and many other news sites. Which google will confirm. It’s not the Guardian’s study, it’s peer reviewed research from academics at Cologne university and it has major implications for advertising on both the big screen and the one your reading this on.
Y’know, it’d be great if you could just say, ‘cheers, I got that wrong’ instead of offering vacuous piffle to try and excuse yourself instead.
Indeed, Moz, you are the Jim Mora of the interwebs.
Y’know, it’d be great if you could just say, ‘cheers, I got that wrong’
Errrr, that’s exactly what I did do.
….instead of offering vacuous piffle to try and excuse yourself instead.
I explained the purpose of my post, and you understand it perfectly well, of course. Instead of acknowledging that, you instead focus on a minor failure to get all the details correct. It’s like picking holes in Citizen Kane because Welles used stock footage in some of the scenes with less than due care and attention.
Indeed, Moz, you are the Jim Mora of the interwebs.
Holy fuck, did you just compare yourself to Orson Welles???
Well, he had his failures too, don’t forget. I myself have never been so down and out that I have been reduced to providing a voiceover for something as dire as the Future Shock movie.
At one stage about ten months ago, I was banned from Whaleoil, Brian Edwards and The Standard, all at the same time. But I tell ya now, my friend, despite such low-points, I can say with hand on heart that I’ve never been as desperate as this….
And the response was simply exactly the same as the previous response.
Orson Welles could have advertised vibrators in supermarket ads while wearing a leapordskin onesy, it still wouldn’t excuse the pure-distilled narcissism that let you compare yourself with him.
Orson Welles could have advertised vibrators in supermarket ads while wearing a leapordskin [sic] onesy, it still wouldn’t excuse the pure-distilled narcissism that let you compare yourself with him.
so grateful to live in quiet, provincial New Zealand.(although, there is representation here, The ‘A’ Team , can be quite serious stuff, and people know people…), and, Napier has elected the Mayor they suit.
Napier has elected a mayor with a mandate to oppose being tied to the corpse 20km away on the Heretaunga plains with every tool available. As a born and bred Napier boy from a well-established family, all I can say that is a good fight! If National plans a forced amalgamation of Napier and Hastings, they can kiss goodbye to the Napier electorate for two generations… Perhaps that is why Tremain is bailing?
it doesn’t bother me, I have heard Bill Dalton on Bay FM, so I understand. I’m not sure what Labour’s policy is on these amalgamations (not being a rate-payer, apologies). Maybe someone can enlighten us (slow day today). You are correct however, there is significant feeling in letters and op-eds to HBT (which I no longer read much).
You may be aware, I grew up in the ‘nui, yet was quite socially mobile for many years, so met families with mates and daughters, students at Lindisfarne,, St John’s etc. Briefly dated, and remained friends with, the Dux of Sacred Heart.
It appears the Growers Action Group candidates have been elected to the HBRC, so that’s gonna be interesting. Personally, I support water collection, but not the RWSS.
how a stage is negotiated influences subsequent stage outcomes. much is determined, hence I’m on the cusp and always ready to return.whoooooo, glad that ride is over. Cups of
Tea all round. Choysa round.
Apologies if someone mentioned this already and I missed it through all the panty-sniffing about sex lives above:
Groser admits MPI underresourced.
Who knew – apparently if you gut a public service of its staff, it might not be able to handle individual or multiple crises when they eventually arise.
that would be an advantageous strategy. Maybe the National Party is finding that the “types of material we want”, are not the materials they need, Hence , Minister for A Lot, S. Joyce.
Esquire’s Coffee Shop, Lorne Street. In one corner, a television shows Jeremy Kyle, a segment called “Is my porn addict husband a cheat?” At a corner table beneath the television set, a furtive couple lurks in the shadows; the man is moustachioed and wears a fedora tilted low over his head, his overcoat collar pulled up to further hide his face.
YOUNG WOMAN: Shall I play mother? Milk — and sugar?
MAN: Thank you. [looks around nervously] You know what’s happened, don’t you?
….[TELEVISION: “It’s an addiction. I need to get help for it.”]….
YOUNG WOMAN: Yes. Yes I do. You’ve been reduced to wearing a false moustache and a fedora.
MAN: No, no, no. What’s happened is: I’ve fallen in love with you.
YOUNG WOMAN: [rolls eyes heavenward] Yes, I know.
MAN: Tell me honestly — please tell me honestly — what I believe is true.
YOUNG WOMAN: What do you believe?
MAN: That it’s the same with you. That you’ve fallen in love, too.
….[TELEVISION: Jeremy Kyle: “Are you going to pass the lie-detector test?”]….
YOUNG WOMAN: It – it sounds so silly.
MAN: Why?
YOUNG WOMAN: I know you so little.
….TELEVISION: “If you fail this lie-detector, she says she’s gone. Are you gonna pass?”….
MAN: It is true, though, isn’t it?
YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, it’s true.
MAN: [relieved] Oh, B____.
YOUNG WOMAN: No, L__, please. Please. We must be sensible. Please help me to be sensible. We must forget we’ve said what we’ve said and done what we’ve done. Done in the Ng_t_ Wh_t__ Room.
MAN: [nostalgically/lasciviously] And the L_ngh_m. And the H_lt_n. And Sk_ C_t_.
YOUNG WOMAN: [shuddering] Urrrrrrgghhh! Oh God! I feel like Monica Lewinsky! I want OUT of this NOW!
MAN: Not yet. Not quite yet.
….TELEVISION: “We asked, Did you steal the money from your mother’s stockings on Christmas Eve?”….
YOUNG WOMAN: But we must. Don’t you see? Because the security guards know! They’ve known about the pair of us ever sin—–
…..[Suddenly she sits up and waves. A bulky, oily, menacing male figure approaches]…..
MAN: Oh FUCK! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! It’s C_m_r_n fucking Sl_t_r ! Do you fucking KNOW him?
YOUNG WOMAN: Of course! He’s an old N_t__n_l Party friend! Just pull your fedora down a bit further. He’ll NEVER suspect it’s you.
MAN: [whimpering and cowering in terror] I’m fucking DOOMED!
[The YOUNG WOMAN turns to the interloper and beams a warm smile]
YOUNG WOMAN: Hey, C_m_r_n! How are you? Have you met my friend, errrrr, uhhhh, “Neil”?
Short version – invasion of yuppies + the continuation of Thatcher’s attack on social housing is pricing people on low incomes out of London, including Brixton, which is probably going to erode a good deal of local culture.
Seriously, you can’t see the differences? Circumstances might change, but at the moment:
The possibility of up to two years in prison. Brown NO Banks YES
The fact that it was allegedly done so people would not know when he was acting in a conflict of interest (all that “I’ll be able to help you” crap he bailed on). Brown NO Banks YES
The fact that the allegations pertain directly to his duties as a public representative, such as filling in declarations truthfully. Brown NO Banks YES
Q: Seagoon, which way is South America?
A: It all depends where you are standing!
Yes I can see this from a number of places. And it all has the same leopard spots despite the different silhouettes. Do I trust Banks not to be criminal? Certainly not! Do I trust Brown to be honest and honorable? Ask his wife.
So to cut to the chase: why defend Brown and attack Banks on trustworthiness? And remember we are debating trustworthiness, not any particular deed criminal or personal. I would suggest that you are being decidedly partisan which is fine by me. You have valid reasons for not trusting Banks….might you not agree I have valid reasons for not trusting Brown?
That good old “internationally experienced high flying CEO” (and associated multi-million $ package) bit….I feel a little botulism coming on. I need an …
Compassionless people lecture about lack of empathy The Panel, Radio NZ National, Wednesday 16 October 2013
Jim Mora, Steve McCabe, Gordon McLauchlan
JIM MORA: It’s quarter to four: time for Susan Baldacci and what the WOOOOOOORLD’s talking about! SUSAN BALDACCI: Well, first up is this modern phenomenon of giving children names that can contribute to them becoming narcissists. JIM MORA: Oh yes? Ha ha ha ha! SUSAN BALDACCI: Jean Twenge, psychologist and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic, notes that a remarkable number of people have turned naming their babies into opportunities to show off — a sign of our culture’s increasing vanity. GORDON McLAUCHLAN:[sagely] Ha ha ha ha! STEVE McCABE:[thoughtfully] Hmmmmmm…. SUSAN BALDACCI: Yes, there is an ever increasing incidence of names such as Messiah, King, Prince, Greatness. There are even sixteen girls called Beautifull—with two Ls. JIM MORA: You’d have to be beautiful, with a name like that! SUSAN BALDACCI: Well it reflects a growing narcissism in society. You know, a lack of feeling, a lack of empathy for the suffering of others….
Felix let’s himself down, and gives himself away by lowering to such puerile comments, which if truth be known, I find some of the cats comments to be entertaining and witty, so clearly a level of intelligence there, cross pollinated with something slightly unsavory!
TRP – The follower, easily lead, also a handbag thrower!
How’s project Onan coming on Muz? And pointing out that Morassey regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service. The irony is that he accuses others, but can’t see the mote in his own eye.
Ha ha ha ha ha! How will Muzza recover from THAT one?
And pointing out that Morassey
“Morassey”. Oh I see what you’re doing there!
….regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service.
I make up nothing in my transcripts. I don’t get them word-perfect all the way through because, sadly, I have never learned shorthand beyond a rudimentary few dozen words. But I make up nothing. You are the one who has made nonsensical claims, like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.
“Oh look the tr0lls are out stalking Morrissey again, a more hapless pair of wannabees the blogosphere has never seen.”
I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either. We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.
I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either.
Now that must be about the funniest dishonest statement made in this country in the last 24 hours. It’s possibly even more funnier and dishonest than either the Prime Minister’s assertion that “John Banks is a thoroughly credible and trustworthy individual” or John Boscawen’s solemn pronouncement that the ACT party was in great shape.
We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.
You are not “mocking bullshit” at all; the pair of you have shown yourselves to be assiduous recyclers of the most malicious black propaganda; if we were able to send you back to a more suitable milieu for your talents, we’d zap you back fifty years to Red China, where you could enthusiastically denounce dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists to your dark hearts’ content.
“dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists”
You’re none of those things, Moz. You’re just someone with comprehension difficulties who thinks making things up and attributing them to others is acceptable. On the upside, your intellectual laziness is matched by your pomposity and self delusion.
….still waiting for you to show where I defended Trotter as you allege.
On July 19th I transcribed Trotter’s grandiloquent declamation on behalf of the Florida jury in the Trayvon Martin travesty. I might have omitted his windy “ummms” and “ahhhs”, but I got the pretentious and intellectually vacant tone of Trotter’s bloviating just right.
Instead of chiding me for minor inaccuracies, which would have been a reasonable and fair thing to do, you foolishly claimed I had made it all up…..
You said I made it up. That implies Trotter did not defend that lynch mob. He did, in the most pretentious manner possible.
edit: here’s your made up claim again:
There you go again! I made up nothing. There are (necessarily) some ellipses and some accidental transpositions of vacuous laughter. I made up nothing, and you know I did not. You are acting just like you did when you were parroting the most scurrilous official lies against Julian Assange last year, i.e., you’re prepared to say anything at all. That’s a very unwise course to embark on, my friend, and one you would be well advised to reconsider.
“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”
“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”
That’s exactly what he did, as you know.
This, as best as I can transcribe, it what trotter said in relation to Zimmerman’s juror’s lives being forever changed:
T: Yes, and I can’t help thinking that the system we have here which really protects jurors [um] from the attentions of the news media, and in fact as far as I know prohibits jurors from discussing [ah] any case that they have judged, I think that’s by far th-the most sensible approach to take. The idea that having delivered their collective verdict they come out as individuals and muddy the waters in the way that this person has, I mean especially in a case as controversial as this
N: and as fraught as this
T: yeah I I I think it’s most unfortunate
N: Were you surprised that only three of the jurors were said to have thought that this man was not guilty?
[1 second pause]
T: Oh, I think you have to be in the courtroom, in the jury box to judge any case. Ah, I think the information people don’t have, even if the news media is covering a trial, y’know, to the very best of it’s ability is so huge that that you really should trust jurors, I think – even in this case it would seem that the tragedy, ah notwithstanding, y’know, there were, um, items of evidence which would raise reasonable doubt I think in most people’s minds
[1-2 second pause before N starts a standard bridge to the next topic
Whether that counts as a ” pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law”, I’ll let others decide.
But unless Mozz has a link to a different piece that he was actually transcribing, it’s interesting to compare it with Moz’ near-word-perfect, extremely accurate transcription:
CHRIS TROTTER: [very slowly, mustering all the pomp and gravitas he can] I think all this talk about the jury is most unfortunate. You have, even in this case I think, to trust the jury. In any trial, there are always items of evidence that we do not know about, even in this case I think.
….[Long, extremely uncomfortable pause]….
NOELLE McCARTHY: [doggedly positive] One thing the whole world is talking about, Zoe Ferguson, is the royal birth!
Well I think your snookered there Morrissey. Why not just say it is satire I don’t get why you are holding so tightly to this word perfect get the feel transcript stuff – heads up – no one cares – haven’t you seen the positive comments about your satire – that is your skill – so just say it and then all this would be over.
Still waiting to see where I defend Trotter, Moz. Have a think about what I said about Trotter and let me know whether that’s a defence or an attack.
“You actually let people like Trotter off the hook by making up quotes, when the real words he used should be damning him.”
Should be damning him.
Does that sound like I was defending Trotter? Nooooo, just the opposite, you goose! I actually had some small sympathy for your position, though not in the weird way you expressed it today (Deep South make excellent ice cream btw).
I thought Trotter missed the point that day. On the evidence, I think you miss the point every day.
Thanks for transcribing that, McFlock. I can see that I missed a lot, and you have a valid point in disagreeing with my interpretation of Trotter’s comments. I did render his words a little more pointedly than they actually were. However, I think that even when you compare my admittedly imperfect rush “transcript” to your word-perfect transcript, I have captured the essential pomposity of his speaking style and the gist of his admonition to the lesser mortals in the studio to respect that outrageous verdict in Florida. Trotter was speaking slowly and sententiously, as if he was defending the Western system of justice; what he was actually doing was defending a grievous miscarriage of justice. His suggestion that there were “items of evidence which would raise reasonable doubt I think in most people’s minds” was not backed up at all, and disappointingly, Noelle McCarthy failed to demand he did so.
You are right to time the silences; they’re not as long as I recalled them in my mind, but they are significant nonetheless. Noelle McCarthy was, I believe, genuinely lost for words after listening to that. So was I.
oh fuck off.
So let’s say you “captured” trotter’s pompousness (personally, I think you overstated it). That means that you are (at best) a dadaesque caricaturist of discourse.
So are all the claims as to near word perfect accuracy simply self-delusion, or are you trying to mimic Sacha baron Cohen’s immersion satire?
Someone from a wealthy country chooses to sail somewhere in a yacht for fun and adventure. It goes missing and any country nearby is asked to conduct searches for it.
Tongan fishermen getting food or money for their families drift for a month or die, refugees from hard regimes, or cruel ones, or wars, or starvation are going into the water probably every day in their efforts to find land and a living and instead find dying.
Probably because of the actions of the forces from the country the yacht came from. Who gets looked for and cared about?
Has Tim Groser gone rogue on his own government? His comments around the under-preparedness of MPI and its subsequent reactions to all the recent food safety crises we’ve had are quite extraordinary.
If y’all can get past the Auckland mayor letting it all hang out something which in Europe people more or less expect their politicians and “leaders” to do with all of them being Apha personalities and all here is what else those same people do behind the scenes and that pesonally has me way more worried that an alpha male midlife crisis: Jason Burmas from Loose Change shines a light in the shade where the cockroaches of Bilderberg reside. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Shade, enjoy!
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Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the City Centre Advisory Panel …and what can we do to increase its success? Here at Greater Auckland it is axiomatic that cities are, or at least can and should be, forces for good for their inhabitants and host nations. This of course explains ...
Things are starting to come right for the Government. Though recent polling has placed it behind Labour and the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, keeps tripping up in public, the economy is picking up, which may be enough to stop further poll falls. Better still for National, it is picking up ...
The New Zealand Supreme Court describes detention as the “most punitive and most liberty-depriving” of the penalties the law can impose. Because of this, they have always been incredibly careful to give a wide interpretation and hefty weight to the right not to be arbitrarily detained. This is an interpretation ...
If there’s any one person to be praised for finding receipts and sticking them in this government’s complacent face, that person would be Craig Renney.His most recent effort is a thorough rebuttal of some tough-on-crime puffed-chest- beating that went like this:You can find the full rebuttal here but the essence ...
I have been trying to make sense out of the shifts in US foreign policy under Trump 2.0. I understand his admiration for authoritarians and supination to Putin (which I believe is because Putin has dirt on him), and I also understand the much vaunted “transactional” nature of his view ...
The Government’s announcement to change citizen’s arrest powers shows workers will bear the brunt of their lack of a plan to deal with retail crime, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “If the proposed changes to citizen’s arrests laws are any indication of what is to come, there ...
For the past few years I've been waging war on secrecy clauses, submitting at select committee where clauses in legislation seem to over-ride the Official Information Act. One of the drivers of this was a 2014 decision by the Ombudsman (unpublished, but posted here), where they interpreted an exemption in ...
This morning I saw a line on social media that got my attention —"More cycle and walking lanes that nobody uses to kill economy. Absolute genius!”But cycle ways only cost 1% of the entire transport budget!That's not what is killing the economy.Business liquidations are at a 10 year high. Unemployment ...
Recently, Auckland’s Mayor Wayne Brown expressed bewilderment in a social media post about the current changes to Victoria Street in the city centre. “Welcome to Cone Central,” he says, adopting the universally recognised arms-wide position of exasperation, and gesturing around him at the works under way. “Nobody knows what it’s ...
Economic growth – and the lack of the sustained productivity growth that underpins it – is again briefly in focus. 70 years of relative economic decline still shows no sign of being durably reversed, but the last few years have been particularly tough and there is an election next year, ...
Back in January the government held a public consultation on its draft Regulatory Standards Bill. The bill is a piece of neoliberal bullshit which seeks to bind all future lawmaking to some highly contentious (and not public accepted) Libertarian ideological principles, in an effort to deter future lawmaking with the ...
Risin' up, straight to the topHad the guts, got the gloryWent the distance, now I'm not gonna stopJust a man and his will to surviveSongwriters: Frank Sullivan / James Peterik.Butter Chicken is one of the most popular takeaway dishes in Aotearoa. It’s the curry to have when you don’t like ...
Yesterday, I received a few messages telling me that my article on school lunches was being heavily discussed on Reddit -I was pleasantly surprised it hadn’t been zapped, so took a look.95% of the comments were positive, and many Kiwis appear to feel angry at the ‘free market, public-private enterprise ...
The new report details the effects of unmet dental need and the financial strains, such as incurring debt including large MSD loans. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong story short, I spoke to researcher and campaigner Kayli Taylor in the interview above about her ActionStation Aotearoa report into unmet need ...
Hi,Late yesterday afternoon Webwormpublished a story on our website ( — which this morning is top of New Zealand reddit, which is nice.But I wanted to get it to your inbox first thing today with a bit of added background.Webworm can report that various health professionals involved in gender ...
Germany had its Federal Election this week, and, well, people are talking about the map: Yes. That looks very much like the old German Democratic Republic (GDR) reborn, aka East Germany. Only this time, rather than Communism, the region has given itself over to the Far-Right (the Alternative ...
Prof Jane Kelsey examines what the ACT party and the NZ Initiative are up to as they seek to impose on the country their hardline, right wing, neoliberal ideology. A progressive government elected in 2026 would have a huge job putting Humpty Dumpty together again and rebuilding a state that ...
So. Farewell thenAndrew Bayly.It’s not easy to imagine something a minister could do in the Luxon Beehive that would be beyond the pale.But youseem to have a knack for finding it.I took the discussion too far and I placed a hand on their upperarm, you said.You sound like the sheriff ...
Back in January, Samoan cabinet minister La’auli Leuatea Schmidt was charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. When he refused to resign, samoan prime minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa sacked him - triggering a political crisis. Because a majority of her political party felt that she should have not ...
Hi,Webworm can report that various health professionals involved in gender affirming care in New Zealand have received a threatening legal letter from Wellington law firm Franks Ogilvie.The law firm who sent the letter.The letter was sent on behalf of Inflection Point NZ, an anti-trans lobby group that boasts speakers including ...
Ryman Healthcare last year abandoned plans for a ‘boutique retirement village’ and sold this central Wellington site, after demolishing the former factory (seen here) and leaving it to sit vacant for 14 years. Now it has announced it will slash its building rate and look to dump more of its ...
Yesterday we covered a big part of a recent speech by Minister of Housing and Transport Chris Bishop. One aspect we didn’t cover was about the City Rail Link and his announcement of $200 million towards the removal of level crossings. On the CRL he notes: I’ve been down to ...
Long story short, I interviewed Reserve Bank of New ZealandChief Economist Paul Conway yesterday in the full video above about:the Monetary Policy Committee’s decision to cut the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points to 3.75% last week;the bank’s projection in its Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for three more ...
Stay where you areYou're not going, just leavingI will sit around, let everybody talkAnd they will say what they knowThey will end up believingI will sit around, let everybody talkAndrew by Fur Patrol.Subscribe to Nick's Kōrero and save 20%Around lunchtime yesterday, I started seeing notifications about Andrew Bayly’s resignation. To ...
Hi,Something interesting has happened in Aotearoa, where one of the country’s most toxic Christian churches has pushed things too far, and properly fucked New Zealand off.As I wrote last week, members of Destiny church protested a Pride event in a library, pushing and punching their way inside.Destiny has always been ...
Allegedly, the defence environment has changed, and New Zealand thus needs to spend significantly more on Defence. The rationale is that China (our main trading partner) has been raising its profile in the Pacific, a region hitherto seen to be our own backyard, and an American lake. The cheek of ...
Germans went to the polls today, in what looks to be their most important election since 1945. The good news is that they seem to have kept the fascists out, with the Putin/Trump/Musk-backed Alternative für Deutschland coming second and effectively excluded from power. Instead, it looks like a Christian Democrat ...
I relaxed myself into the dentist chair first thing this morning. I was back for a quick second filling that couldn’t be done on the last visit because it had to go alongside the one he’d just done.I like the dentist, Geoff, very much. You may recall me mentioning the ...
The Way We Were - And Hoped To Remain: The iconic photograph of Prime Minister Norman Kirk holding the hand of a little Māori boy at Waitangi on 6 February 1973 held out the promise of a future founded upon the uncomplicated and uncontested acceptance of racial equality.WAITANGI DAY commentary ...
Over the weekend, David Seymour announced the government’s plans to “overhaul” the Overseas Investment Act.The Act looks after overseas investments in sensitive assets in New Zealand. Its main purpose is balancing foreign money in our sensitive assets/lands/fisheries/forestries with the risks associated with that.This includes considering New Zealand’s national and economic ...
Last month, David Seymour’s press release on school lunches said:“The [school lunch] programme was reformed to deliver the same outcomes while costing taxpayers less. This was achieved by embracing commercial expertise, using government buying power, and generating supply chain efficiencies…”And while that all sounded fair, the end result is - ...
Here are some thoughts about the hysteria surrounding a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) flotilla conducting freedom of navigation exercises in the Tasman Sea, including live fire drills. 1) The flotilla has been tracked for over a week by New Zealand and Australian forces. The tracking began when the ...
Insurance premia are already sky high, especially in Wellington and other places deemed high risk, and now another cost of living shock is set to be delivered by a Government. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things that stood out to me in our political ...
On Friday, Chris Bishop, the Minister of Housing, Transport, Infrastructure and RMA Reform, gave an absolutely fantastic speech to the Committee for Auckland. As a starter, he really sums up well why we need better cities with this line. I make no apologies for being an urbanist. Well-functioning urban environments ...
You can be amazingYou can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drugYou can be the outcastOr be the backlash of somebody's lack of loveOr you can start speaking upNothing's gonna hurt you the way that words doWhen they settle 'neath your skinKept on the inside and no sunlightSometimes, ...
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, wagged a metaphorical finger at the National Party on Saturday, and RMA Minister Chris Bishop wagged straight back. A former National Party Environment Minister, Upton was a keynote speaker at the party’s Blue Greens Forum in Methven. His speech went right to ...
A listing of 33 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 16, 2025 thru Sat, February 22, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
The Golden Age There has been long-standing recognition that New Zealand First has an unrivalled reputation for delivering for our older New Zealanders. This remains true, and is reflected in our coalition agreement. While we know there is much that we can and will do in this space, it is ...
Labour Te Atatū MP Phil Twyford has written to the charities regulator asking that Destiny Church charities be struck off in the wake of last weekend’s violence by Destiny followers in his electorate. ...
Bills by Labour MPs to remove rules around sale of alcohol on public holidays, and for Crown entities to adopt Māori names have been drawn from the Members’ Bill Ballot. ...
The Government is falling even further behind its promised target of 500 new police officers, now with 72 fewer police officers than when National took office. ...
This morning’s Stats NZ child poverty statistics should act as a wake-up call for the government: with no movement in child poverty rates since June 2023, it’s time to make the wellbeing of our tamariki a political priority. ...
Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson’s Consumer Guarantees Right to Repair Amendment Bill has passed its first reading in Parliament this evening. ...
“The ACT Party can’t be bothered putting an MP on one of the Justice subcommittees hearing submissions on their own Treaty Principles Bill,” Labour Justice Spokesperson Duncan Webb said. ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
As the world marks three years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions on Russian entities and support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. “Russia’s illegal invasion has brought three years of devastation to Ukraine’s people, environment, and infrastructure,” Mr Peters says. “These additional sanctions target 52 ...
Associate Finance Minister David Seymour has today announced the Government’s plan to reform the Overseas Investment Act and make it easier for New Zealand businesses to receive new investment, grow and pay higher wages. “New Zealand is one of the hardest countries in the developed world for overseas people to ...
Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello is traveling to Australia for meetings with the aged care sector in Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney next week. “Australia is our closest partner, so as we consider the changes necessary to make our system more effective and sustainable it makes sense to learn from ...
The Government is boosting investment in the QEII National Trust to reinforce the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's biodiversity on private land, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. The Government today announced an additional $4.5 million for conservation body QEII National Trust over three years. QEII Trust works with farmers and ...
The closure of the Ava Bridge walkway will be delayed so Hutt City Council have more time to develop options for a new footbridge, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Mayor of Lower Hutt, Campbell Barry. “The Hutt River paths are one of the Hutt’s most beloved features. Hutt locals ...
Good afternoon. Can I acknowledge Ngāti Whātua for their warm welcome, Simpson Grierson for hosting us here today, and of course the Committee for Auckland for putting on today’s event. I suspect some of you are sitting there wondering what a boy from the Hutt would know about Auckland, our ...
The Government will invest funding to remove the level crossings in Takanini and Glen Innes and replace them with grade-separated crossings, to maximise the City Rail Link’s ability to speed up journey times by rail and road and boost Auckland’s productivity, Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown ...
The Government has made key decisions on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) framework to enable businesses to benefit from storing carbon underground, which will support New Zealand’s businesses to continue operating while reducing net carbon emissions, Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “Economic growth is a ...
Minister for Regulation David Seymour says that outdated and burdensome regulations surrounding industrial hemp (iHemp) production are set to be reviewed by the Ministry for Regulation. Industrial hemp is currently classified as a Class C controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, despite containing minimal THC and posing little ...
The Ministerial Advisory Group on transnational and serious organised crime was appointed by Cabinet on Monday and met for the first time today, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello announced. “The group will provide independent advice to ensure we have a better cross-government response to fighting the increasing threat posed to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will travel to Viet Nam next week, visiting both Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, accompanied by a delegation of senior New Zealand business leaders. “Viet Nam is a rising star of Southeast Asia with one of the fastest growing economies in the region. This ...
The coalition Government has passed legislation to support overseas investment in the Build-to-Rent housing sector, Associate Minister of Finance Chris Bishop says. “The Overseas Investment (Facilitating Build-to-Rent Developments) Amendment Bill has completed its third reading in Parliament, fulfilling another step in the Government’s plan to support an increase in New ...
The new Police marketing campaign starting today, recreating the ‘He Ain’t Heavy’ ad from the 1990s, has been welcomed by Associate Police Minister Casey Costello. “This isn’t just a great way to get the attention of more potential recruits, it’s a reminder to everyone about what policing is and the ...
No significant change to child poverty rates under successive governments reinforces that lifting children out of material hardship will be an ongoing challenge, Child Poverty Reduction Minister Louise Upston says. Figures released by Stats NZ today show no change in child poverty rates for the year ended June 2024, reflecting ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the most common family names given to newborns in 2024. “For the seventh consecutive year, Singh is the most common registered family name, with over 680 babies given this name. Kaur follows closely in second place with 630 babies, while ...
A new $3 million fund from the International Conservation and Tourism Visitor Levy will be used to attract more international visitors to regional destinations this autumn and winter, Tourism and Hospitality Minister Louise Upston says. “The Government has a clear priority to unleash economic growth and getting our visitor numbers ...
Good Evening Let us begin by acknowledging Professor David Capie and the PIPSA team for convening this important conference over the next few days. Whenever the Pacific Islands region comes together, we have a precious opportunity to share perspectives and learn from each other. That is especially true in our ...
The Reserve Bank’s positive outlook indicates the economy is growing and people can look forward to more jobs and opportunities, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. The Bank today reduced the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points. It said it expected further reductions this year and employment to pick up ...
Agriculture Minister, Todd McClay and Minister for Māori Development, Tama Potaka today congratulated the finalists for this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy, celebrating excellence in Māori sheep and beef farming. The two finalists for 2025 are Whangaroa Ngaiotonga Trust and Tawapata South Māori Incorporation Onenui Station. "The Ahuwhenua Trophy is a prestigious ...
The Government is continuing to respond to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care by establishing a fund to honour those who died in care and are buried in unmarked graves, and strengthen survivor-led initiatives that support those in need. “The $2 million dual purpose fund will be ...
A busy intersection on SH5 will be made safer with the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of SH28/Harwoods Road, as we deliver on our commitment to help improve road safety through building safer infrastructure, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Safety is one of the Government’s strategic priorities ...
The Government is turbo charging growth to return confidence to the primary sector through common sense policies that are driving productivity and farm-gate returns, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay announced today. “The latest Federated Farmers Farm Confidence Survey highlights strong momentum across the sector and the Government’s firm commitment to back ...
Improving people’s experience with the Justice system is at the heart of a package of Bills which passed its first reading today Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says. “The 63 changes in these Bills will deliver real impacts for everyday New Zealanders. The changes will improve court timeliness and efficiency, ...
Returning the Ō-Rākau battle site to tūpuna ownership will help to recognise the past and safeguard their stories for the benefit of future generations, Minister for Māori Crown Relations Tama Potaka says. The Te Pire mō Ō-Rākau, Te Pae o Maumahara / Ō-Rākau Remembrance Bill passed its third reading at ...
A new university programme will help prepare PhD students for world-class careers in science by building stronger connections between research and industry, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Dr Shane Reti says. “Our Government is laser focused on growing New Zealand’s economy and to do that, we must realise the potential ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown has today announced funding of more than $14 million to replace the main water supply and ring mains in the main building of Auckland City Hospital. “Addressing the domestic hot water system at the country’s largest hospital, which opened in 2003, is vitally important to ensure ...
The Government is investing $30 million from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy to fund more than a dozen projects to boost biodiversity and the tourist economy, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. “Tourism is a key economic driver, and nature is our biggest draw card for international tourists,” says ...
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters will travel to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea later this week. “New Zealand enjoys long-standing and valued relationships with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both highly influential actors in their region. The visit will focus on building ...
Minister for Rail Winston Peters has announced director appointments for Ferry Holdings Limited – the schedule 4a company charged with negotiating ferry procurement contracts for two new inter-island ferries. Mr Peters says Ferry Holdings Limited will be responsible for negotiating long-term port agreements on either side of the Cook Strait ...
Ophthalmology patients in Kaitaia are benefiting from being able to access the complete cataract care pathway closer to home, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. “Ensuring New Zealanders have access to timely, quality healthcare is a priority for the Government. “Since 30 September 2024, Kaitaia Hospital has been providing cataract care ...
Carbon capture, utilisation and and storage has been tabled as an interim solution to rising emissions. But leakage from long-term disposal sites is a major technical risk, write David Dempsey and Andrew La Croix. The government recently announced a framework to regulate carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) by ...
Comment: Today, on World Hearing Day, which is about acknowledging the importance of our sense of hearing, I would like to draw attention to a less recognised, but important, part of our ear: the vestibular system.Sometimes referred to as our sixth sense, the vestibular system plays a critical role in ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Adrian Beaumont, Election Analyst (Psephologist) at The Conversation; and Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne A poll of 20 marginal seats by Redbridge and Accent Research was conducted for the News Ltd tabloids on February 20–25, from ...
By Koroi Hawkins, RNZ Pacific editor The Trump administration’s decision to eliminate more than 90 percent of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) funding means “nothing’s safe right now,” a regional political analyst says. President Donald Trump’s government has said it is slashing about US$60 billion in overall US ...
For a while the forces of woke stopped me from running over schoolchildren in my vehicle. But thanks to the government, I’m back in business.Not everyone rejoiced when prime minister Chris Luxon and transport minister Chris Bishop stood on a section of State Highway 2 near Featherston to announce ...
Tara Ward takes to the skies to experience the flight upgrade of her dreams.It’s been two decades since I took a long haul flight, and a lot has changed since then. For one, I no longer wear three tank tops layered over each other, but also, flying is very ...
The space agency in charge has refused to say why staff and students at Auckland University are not driving the MethaneSAT satellite by now, as promised. ...
The choice to have children can be fraught with medical, financial and ethical hurdles. Mitchell first noticed something was wrong when his right foot suddenly started to lose feeling, becoming stubborn and unresponsive. A year later, he could barely feel the ground beneath him. A creative director now in ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cynthia Mehboob, PhD Scholar in Department of International Relations, Australian National University Gail Johnson/Shutterstock Last month tech giant Meta announced plans to build the world’s longest submarine communication cable. Known as Project Waterworth, the 50,000-kilometre cable would link five continents. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jacob Broom, Lecturer in Politics and Policy, Murdoch University The Western Australian election is less than a week away, and two themes have dominated: big public spending and culture wars. The main parties are racking up a long and expensive list ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jennifer Lacy-Nichols, Senior Research Fellow in Commercial Determinants of Health, The University of Melbourne Good quality information about when and how alcohol and gambling industries try to influence government decision making should be easily accessible. But in Australia, it’s not. When we ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Dempsey, Associate Professor in Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury Shutterstock/Oksana Bali The government recently announced a framework to regulate carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) by New Zealand companies. Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts outlined new ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Bruce Isaacs, Associate Professor, Film Studies, University of Sydney Disney+/Netflix/Stan This month, as the weather stays high and you’re likely to want to stay under the air-conditioning, our experts have a cornucopia of shows and films they’re watching to suit every ...
Make no mistake this report makes clear that health is in crisis and Government policies are to blame. We now have stark evidence from health workers who know the system best that funding cuts and the hiring freeze are having a direct impact on services. ...
Last week, we reviewed all 81 albums nominated for the Taite Music Prize. Today, the shortlist has landed. Now in its 16th year, the Taite Music Prize has become one of the highest accolades in New Zealand independent music. Championing “bold and boundary-pushing albums”, the award is named after the ...
The confrontation made clear the Trump administration’s increasing contempt for the Ukraine war effort, writes Catherine McGregor in today’s extract from The Bulletin. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. Ten fiery minutes that shook the world It’s been called the most consequential moment in the Ukraine ...
For all her mirth at the expense of Act arts spokesman Todd Stephenson, Labour’s arts spokesperson Rachel Boyack has revealed herself as a bit of a literary ignoramus herself. She called for the wretched Stephenson to resign last year after my interview with him appeared in ReadingRoom. She told media, ...
Last week, it became easier for overseas investors to buy build-to-rent housing developments. With the housing model set to expand, what does it have to offer?Last year in June, Christopher Luxon took a pair of scissors to a huge white ribbon in front of a crowd of people and ...
Inland Revenue has called thousands of New Zealanders in the past week in an effort to raise awareness about its new security system. Unfortunately, many people think it’s a scam. Shanti Mathias explains.There’s a page on the IRD website that keeps an ongoing list of scams impersonating the government’s ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Monday 3 March appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Toxic masculinity is nothing new but now it is everywhere and young teens are a worrying target.That warning comes from a specialist media teacher who says our national curriculum is failing students by not having compulsory media literacy, leaving them to grapple with the rising online onslaught of issues like ...
Parliament’s environment watchdog said delay was ‘disappointing’, as studies show thousands of deaths a year are linked to air pollution The post Air pollution regulations delayed two years appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Comment: When Act dropped its latest deceased pet on the dinner table, I was not surprised they had found a point of unanimity in Parliament. Pretty much all parties seemed to warm to the idea that they should be accountable less often. Four more years indeed!It all depends how you ...
Opinion: The recent freeze on foreign aid by the United States, alongside the dismantling of the United States Agency for International Development, has attracted significant concern and attention, including in our region of the world. Many have rushed to defend USAID’s work in supporting the needs of the most vulnerable – ...
Asia Pacific Report The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has accused Israel of “blackmail” over aid and urged the US government to act more like a neutral mediator in the ceasefire process. “We call on the US administration to stop its bias and alignment with the fascist plans of the war ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Matthew Sussex, Associate Professor (Adj), Griffith Asia Institute; and Fellow, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University Has any nation squandered its diplomatic capital, plundered its own political system, attacked its partners and supplicated itself before its far weaker enemies as ...
Political voices have become very familiar since the beginning of radio, but they haven't always sounded the same. Listen to 14 former Prime Ministers from 1912 to 1990. ...
Pacific Media Watch With international media’s attention on the Israeli and Palestinian captives exchange, Israel’s military and settlers have been forcibly displacing tens of thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, says Al Jazeera’s Listening Post media programme. The European Union has condemned Israel’s military operation in West Bank, ...
ANALYSIS:By Ali Mirin Last week, on 26 February 2025, President Prabowo Subianto officially launched Indonesia’s first bullion banks, marking a significant shift in the country’s approach to gold and precious metal management. This initiative aims to strengthen Indonesia’s control over its gold reserves, improve financial stability, and reduce reliance ...
An Insurance Council survey found 83 percent of respondents believed there should be more control on where properties were built so they were not at risk from flooding. ...
so..the mayor has had an affair..
..could someone remind me..
..why i should care..?
phillip ure..
I don’t know why have you chosen to post about it ?
um..!..tinfoil..yr sentence can be read with two meanings.. u plse clarify..?
..phillip ure..
I don’t know why you personally should care ?
I only know why I personally care as I reflected on whether it would have made a difference to who I voted for if they had been found to have behaved in this manner … and it would have.
You don’t have to care, but the mayor of AK can’t be trusted or taken as a man of his word, which may or may not be of some importance to voters in his electorate.
“You don’t have to care, but the mayor of AK can’t be trusted or taken as a man of his word”
In that case, thank grod I’m not married to him.
I’d have his balls in a jar and a lawyer drawing up the papers.
Take a European leaf mate, this shit happens, it happens A LOT, and spouses need to figure out together what they want to do next and if its worth continuing.
CV +1…and they don’t need the interference of 1) the Moral Majority( outmoded Christian fascists) or 2)prissy frustrated Catholics( you know that hypocritical Church of sexist Papists and perverts with a direct line to God)..or 3)wannabe Mana Party Mayors like John Minto, who would never get in as Mayor anyway, and who does a better hatchet job on Brown on National radio than the vested interests and right wingers who set Brown up in the first place)
Brown should stay…and he should be judged on what he has done as a Mayor for Auckland ( He was elected in with a huge majority …remember).
His family should stick together, if that is their will…and not let the ‘moral’ mud -slingers cause a family tragedy.
The Europeans are far more sophisticated then the Americans on this…We live in New Zealand not USA….let us make up our own minds and give Brown a chance…( and btw…who would replace him?)
Exactly CV and Chooky. It’s interesting that we come over all uppity on the moral high ground and recover some long lost religious type outrage about Len Brown having an affair when we can turn a blind eye to the immorality of say, the way beneficiaries have been treated under the Bennett regime.
If this had happened to a poli in France, no body would have raised an eyebrow, but as it happens you could have mistaken Cameron Slater for some hick being interviewed for Fox news, if last nights new was anything to go by. This is Little America now, so maybe we take on their fake morals too, and this is reflected in the media coverage this situation is receiving. Or maybe NZer’s are so small minded that they want to be scandalised by something like this.Either way, it’s hardly news worthy.
His affair is for him and his family to deal with. It’s nobody’s business but theirs. The only time you need to be concerned about affairs is if and when it happens to you.
CV, this “grod” entity of whom you speak…….does he too whip into other mens “virgin” wifes in order to start a religion? Was he watching Len? Who can we trust?
Gangs of New York
spare the rod
“..a man of his word..”
um..!..reality-check here for you..
..he is a his very nature..etc..
..i fucken what..?
..i cd criticise brown all day long..for his incrementalist-approach to the urgencies we confront..
..i just don’t see what this (moralistic) fuss is all about..
..i people really believe what politicians say to them..?
..i know i fucken don’t..
..phillip ure..
He’s a politician, what a cop out argument.
Used on here last night a few times excusing his deceit.
There’s nothing moralistic about it. It is about politicians being trusted.
You don’t need that from your pollies, okay, good on ya.
perhaps you could define for us allen..
..just how/where browns’ affair..
..has any impact on his abilities to do his job..? are you not outing yrslf as a moralistic-bluestocking..?
..and as a comparison-marker.. wd you rate yr outrage over banks’ dodgy-dealings around political-donations..?
..phillip ure..
No, you’re his defender, you tell us how a man who lies to his wife for two years can keep a level of trust amongst the wider community in the job of mayor and all it entails?
Re Banks: Fuck off and do your research.
“Re Banks: Fuck off and do your research”
Why so nasty ? He only asked for you to rate your outrage level.
Because it’s leading, and it’s typical as it’s shit.
so..allen..u r all 4 politicians being totally open about their sex-lives..? far do you take it..?
..should brown interrupt press-conferences on confess to present reporters..
..that while in the shower that morning..
..he committed infidelity with his hand..?
..(and in this case – it is a multi-faceted/nuanced exhortation..
..but..get a bloody grip..!
..and re yr banks-reaction..?
..heh..! untoward penises to be seen
phillip ure..
Here’s the thing. If Len has nicked some money from the public purse, even a hundred dollars, he’s be gone before breakfast because the ‘trust’ would be gone forever. Of that we must all agree, regardless of how one eyed we are being for the team.
Interesting then that a two year deceit is viewed as less bothersome by an elected official as pinching a hundy.
If an elected official misappropriates funds, trust is not involved.
It is professional misconduct and should be detected by standard accounting practises, and directly affects the organisation’s ability and reputation for being able to fulfil its role.
Sticking your dick in a consenting adult might be shit for your personal life, but it is not misconduct and does not affect the organisation’s ability to fulfil its role.
What A Great Cuntry?
It’s all about trust and now Len doesn’t have any.
Defend him, mitigate and minimise if you must, but it won’t change a thing.
ps You can always have a mini stalk-a-thon until you think you;ve won, but I’m at work til later, so don’t be offended if I don’t come rushing in with a snap back
Why is being an elected official “all about trust”?
If they don’t do the job, they get overruled by their colleagues. If they do really badly, they get voted out. Simple. Don’t project more onto the relationship than actually exists. Like ’em, then vote for ’em. Don’t like ’em, don’t vote for ’em.
ps: I get to work with a broadband connection, lucky me
phillip ure….lol

I don’t have any outrage.
I don’t care if Lenny has been dipping his wick all over town. What I WOULD care about is, has it impacted on his ability to do his job ? A: NO
And the only drawback is he will waste a lot of time talking to the deaf and blind idiots that are our MSM.
I dunno, that’s alot of time he could have been spending working for auckland or with his family, or are we only talking a couple of minutes each time.
@ Tracey…what you call a “quickie”…Bill Clinton specialised in them…..provides stress relief on the job!
( But politicians should beware!….especially Left politicians….Somehow they always seem more vulnerable….and the Right always seems better able to shrug the scandals off or sweep them under the carpet….Maybe the difference is that the Left does not have the equivalent of the ruthless hunters and scandal mongers like Slater et al))
It is important that politicians don’t get fat and have heart disease and die before their time like Norm Kirk. Brown was actually using his time well – working out in a very effective and satisfactory way. Getting sweaty and relieving tension at the same time.
Thinking about working more efficiently, ways of multi-tasking – I’ve forgotten how many minutes it has been calculated that we spend waiting at traffic lights in our lifetime. Time which could be used for neck massage relieving stress and preparing for the next round of talks with central government partners.
And while driving to and from work, he could probably run through all the points he wants to make on the agenda for both the morning’s and afternoon’s meetings. I understand that some of those beamers in Wellington have massage units built in to the seats – so many ways of enhancing sharpness of mind and work effectiveness.
Sex is only a small part of being trustworthy. It’s naive to expect complete morality from any human being. If you want to continue expecting that from your pollies…
Yeah, the same he’s a politician cop out.
NZ, you can do a lot better.
Some people will always wonder if someone can lie to their wife and others around them for 2 years, what else do they lie about. If we dont expect higher standards from our pollies we will continue to get lower standards.
CV and I have disagreed on this before, and will again I am sure.
Mission accomplished though, Banks is off the front pages.
Shall we have a clean out of Parliament then? Both National and Labour MPs have had extramarital affairs. And they run the whole country!!!
No, this is a very bad US politics road to go down, there are zero redeeming features to it.
I understand your view point, but down this road lies madness.
“Both National and Labour MPs have had extramarital affairs. And they run the whole country!!!”
Could go a long way to explain the current state of “affairs” in this country… a country shaped by self centred people lacking self discipline and ethics.
Yesterday Slater acted as a mirror.
Let’s agree to disagree fella?
Sure thing…
Tracey: On the money as I see it.
@ Tracey @ The Allen….Lets just get the Catholic Church to run the country ….. as they used to do during the Inquisition….they are celibate and they dont have extramarital affairs do they?!….
I’m not a god squad kind of man, so the pious angle is wasted on me.
I’m coming at it straight from political perception not the immaculate conception. I’m not part of any moral minority and have no vested interest, I don’t even live in Auckland so have no voter rights or sensibilities to be offended or cajoled.
Should Brown resign and there be a new ballot, for me, yes and yes.
I neither care if you agree or disagree, if trust your pollies or not, or even if you appease and excuse the mayor of the countries largest city having a secret two year long affair, each to their own and all that, but it does show a real lack of judgement on his part, and an insight into his character that isn’t pleasant to see in anyone.
Whether trust is transitive or not, his lack of respect for his family probably is, especially as far as the wider community is concerned. Unscientific as they are, all the web polls I’ve seen so far seem to support this theory.
@The Allen…Loosen up!!!! ….ok you wouldnt do it….I wouldnt do it….lots of people wouldn’t do it……( not on the job and not in that way…we would be too cautious, or have too much loyalty, or be too sensible, or have too much self control)…..But does that make us better people?…Would that make us better Mayors?.
….no one is perfect….and there are far worse things…what he did was consensual and it sounds like he was ‘set up’ ….. and he never had any intention of leaving his wife…he broke it off!
The issue is was he a good Mayor?…an overwhelming number of voters said “YES” ……just leave it at that….otherwise it becomes a moral witch hunt…and it wont do his family any good
Al1en, How do you know the Browns don’t have an open marriage, and all he’s done that requires an apology is not having told his wife earlier, or carried it on too long?
Should he still resign?
To be fair they said yes without knowing he was a love cheat.
Judging by the tv interview I’d guess no to the notion of open marriage, but hope that poor lady doesn’t read these pages if not, it would just compound her hurt. Last night there were comments like she might have had an affair herself :rolledeyessofartheycamebacktheotherway:
They’re not eyes….they’re little lights that blink…
Meaney O’Br1an
They’re not rose tinted, that’s for sure
“Mission accomplished though, Banks is off the front pages.” Tracey
precisely .
TA – Politicians can’t be trusted, wake up, it’s not new, what are you on about!
This is how the system works, its arms up backs, and threats, plain and simple!
The fact that the system has turned on one of it “brothers” is interesting though!
Indeed, and when they’re caught out they should go.
Allen, had Brown denied the affair he would be run out of office not because of having the affair but because of lying about it.
Brown needs to stay to fight the dirty tricks because this is what is behind the affair coming out. Any dirty tricks on Browns part e.g. were he involved in any intimidating or harrassing txts I would throw him to the wolves because I would find this to be unacceptable from an elected mayor.
It is not illegal to have an affair, neither is it illegal to deny having had an affair.
I get it when you say that being able to trust an elected high profile politician is important to you. It comes down to the individual person on what breaches the trust for them. For some it is an affair when married, for others it is denying the affair, for others it would be being involved in intimidating or harrassing txts (the latter is unproven to date).
I do not like double standards e.g. two years ago a security guard who worked for the council got sacked because of having sex on council premises. However there was not a dirty tricks brigade behind the secuirty guards job.
Brown having sex on council premises maybe an employment issue and he has himself to blame. When it comes to the dirty tricks brigade they never play fair because it is about a grab for power and innocent people get hurt and you never know how or who they are.
It’s not a cop out argument.
Trust has nothing to do with being a representative.
Look, I used to be responsible for securing items of value. A shit system would have relied on me being trustworthy. As it was, trust never came into it because the system was designed with checks, balances and audit trails. Not only did I behave properly in my role, I was seen to behave properly in my role. Have I always behaved properly in my personal life? No. But the systems in that job were set up to make it very difficult for me to behave improperly, even if I had wanted to.
Democracy has councillors, legal frameworks, and voters who can challenge the mayor if he behaves improperly in his role (not mentioning the 4th estate as it’s been on holiday for the last decade or two).
Trying to discern professional integrity from someone’s personal life is unreliable at best, and an excuse for fetishistic voyeurism and public harassment at its worst.
+1 McFlock …. you make a lot of sense
“O what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive” (Scotty).
“but the mayor of AK can’t be trusted or taken as a man of his word, which may or may not be of some importance to voters in his electorate.”
Trust isn’t transitive. Being untrustworthy in one’s marriage doesn’t mean that one is untrustworthy in one’s job. One of course can be untrustworthy in both, but they’re not necessarily related in the way you imply.
Aha Weka, the good old selective morality argument…we can compartmentalize? Of course my mother told me tales of leopards and spots, and she is a very wise woman. And some prior seer asked those without sin to throw the first stone. I suppose if we are all sinners the question becomes “do we genuinely seek redemption?”
well, if you watch a mechanic rebuild enough engines, in time, you’ll know where the starter goes.
“Aha Weka, the good old selective morality argument”
No, that is a different thing. The issue was whether someone was trustworthy, not whether they were moral or not.
Google “trust is not transitive”, read the article on airplane pilots, and come back and tell me if when you fly in a plane you want the pilot to be someone who doesn’t cheat on their spouse, or someone who is very good at flying planes safely, and whether those two things are related.
I always trust the pilot, regardless of his/her morals….killing yourself is fairly self selective, the passengers don’t really come into the equation.
And yet we know that there are pilots that drink and fly for instance, so their sense of self-preservation is not really the issue.
Do we know? I don’t or I would not fly. It is going to look really good as I burst into the cockpit prior to take off to demand an answer though.
wearing a towel.
Perhaps you could tell me what you are on about? I replied to someone else about trust not being transitive. You brought up selective moralilty, but haven’t clarified why.
That’s okay, I’m not suggesting you’re not allowed to trust Len any more, just saying I don’t because he’s proven to be very untrustworthy over a sustained period.
In politics that’s poison.
That’s fine because that is how you feel and only you get to speak for you.
Leopard spots and personal choice!
How has Len proven to be untrustworthy over a sustained period? Were questions over this affair put to him during the campaign? Did he mislead us about that? Has he lied to Aucklanders at any point about this affair? The fact is (to paraphrase Simon) you didn’t trust him from the start. And if it’s poison in politics you’re after well the ashen face of Key at his stand-up today might be a good place to look.
Or to put it another way, if trust were transitive, then someone lying at work would mean their spouse could no longer trust them in their marriage. Doesn’t make sense though, does it.
We should all be super-human paragons of grace and enlightenment?
Yeah, apparently.
because our leaders are people to look up to?
because our leaders represent the very best of humankind?
because he is Christian, or some other religion with rules about fidelity?
because if he is subject to the whims of the devil then how can we trust him to do the right thing for the community?
none of the above?
you shouldn’t care at all and most people don’t. Because most political leaders are very very average people who do the same things as the rest of us and have no more brains or pieces of wisdom in their heads about anything at all.
that is why you shouldn’t care
One of the real issues here is that now ALL politicians personal lives could be up for severe scrutiny. As a country do we really want to go down that “News of the Screws” road? My guess is that a lot of people in positions of power will be somewhat apprehensive over the latest turn of events. To quote Henry KIssinger, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Slater has opened a Pandora’s Box here.
Agreed. I could personally out ‘dirt ‘ on three National MPs. With a little effort I could get affidavits on their extramarital affairs/sexploits. It’s a small country we live in and secrets are hard to keep.
get your affidavits, have them delivered by a process server to Slater and see if he publishes them… when he doesn’t, make the story about him, not the MPs.
So strange from the side that abhors politics of personality, negative tactics and smears.
From my point of view the worst part of this was his choice of skanky partner. Rating your lover 4/10 when it was your own choice to stay with them for two years. Ugghers. Signing a sworn affidavit that crassly describes sexual acts that, if we are honest, go on in offices all over the country.
I wonder how much of this was threatened by her during the campaign just to put pressure on Len Brown – and didn’t he cope well! I think she is the real issue here and I really hope the media look very closely into her background. No doubt a trail of pissed off ex-lovers are just dying to talk about how the bitch manipulated them.
That language is unnecessary mate. My sense is she is going to end up thoroughly screwed by her right wing “friends” and is as much a victim of WO. Her campaign manager described her as “ambitious”. However her ethnic community cred is now fucked, and if she is unelectable by her own base, sayonara to any political career.
This Young lady has not thought through her dealings with the Family Slater. Her google history is forever tainted.
The Herald already has a couple of old articles about her wanting a Dragon baby, and in light of current events its all a bit creepy for her.
Not much career prospects at all I am afraid.
not the same scrutiny for slater… and then there’s Slater taking “credit” for stephen cook’s work? No one comes out of this smelling of roses…
Herald online has nothing noticeable of a man who holds the balance of power in NZ in Court for a serious allegation of undermining the rules of democracy….
She says she wasnt politically motivated but I am unsure what other motivation she had unless she is angry and bitter at it ending? She mentioned his catholicism but didnt let this stop her screwing him for two years. I agree if she had really wanted to hurt him she would have released BEFORE the election, but thenit wouldn’t have saved Banks further publicity.
Jabba the Whale on TV didnt do himself any favours, imo, he looked like Jabba the Hut, salivating over the salacious gossip he tried to seriously look like was in the interests of the country. While giddingly lapped up by his followers I am not sure everyday NZers would see him as some kind of champion of truth.
Did he give Len 24-48 hours to break it to his family before he published? He could still have had his scoop but preserved some aspect of the innocent’s pain.
It all gets very murky once you know Jabba’s father ran the campaign for Palino.
While she is not an innocent victim (such as Mrs brown and the kids) she will be feeling like one this morning I sispect.
Seeing she hangs around with right wingers, 4/10 was probably a significant improvement. I heard from the voices in my head that her combined score for Slater, Lusk and Simon Bridges didn’t even manage to beat Lenny boy all on his own.
You should care because people love to project themselves onto other people and situations. They like to see our political leaders as people with higher standards, greater character, finer wisdom, superior understanding. They need to do this to make them feel better. People need leaders.
You should care because this affair shatters that projection by people. It shows how exposed humanity is to itself. That there are no great defenders of some higher order. There is just us. You should care because such disillusionment is not good for society – we need higher beings and Len and lady have shown that they do not exist (in any useful number)
That is why you should care.
Politicians as paragons? I don’t think that’s the consensus view, somehow.
Quite, but my point was that humans are herd animals and need leaders. Currently, society’s leaders tend to be the political kind, for better or worse. P Ure should care because this type of act is an attack at this base human requirement for upstanding leadership. Nothing to do with caring for Len or lady, it is about caring for the requirements for good human existence, one of which is good leadership, even if it is a front.
vto, can you point out any decision, any negative effect on the management of Auckland as a city that Len’s little dalliance has caused, were the cities secrets revealed in the ‘pillow talk’, one section of Auckland society favored over other’s because of Lens wayward ways???,
If there were NO negative effects n the functioning of the Mayoralty i find what are in essence the private lives of politicians as big a yawn as their sexuality…
You’re quite right bad12 but I think you miss the point that people imo need leaders, whether it is in transiting across the Serengeti, inside the Vatican or playing a team sport. As I said, even if it is a front, people still need leaders. Humans need their leaders to be stronger, faster, wiserer, clevererer, someone to look up to.
The issue is that when a leader lets a people down it is a dint in the side of the community.
This is the case (whether it should be or not). This is why P Ure should care.
@ vto.. yr ‘leaders’ contention..
..we don’t need ‘leaders’..
..we need good ideas..and people with the skills to implement them..
..yr whole ‘leader’-thesis is misguided..a fantasy..
..all ‘leaders’ are also humans..with the faults/flaws shared by most..
..and..all politicians lie to attain office..
..and just one example is both brown..and the ‘green’ mayor of wellington..
..who..before their initial election-victory..
..both promised to help the homeless..if elected..
..both have done just the opposite..
..introducing legislation to remove the beggars/homeless from the city centres..
..personally..i find that promise-breaking/persecution of the weakest..
..far more fucken obscene..
..than silly old man brown having a bit on the
..phillip ure..
People know this about their leaders and happily turn a blind eye to their averageness unless it is shoved in their face like this.
People know this but that is immaterial to humanity’s requirement for leadership. imo.
People do not need “leaders”.
This is a nonsense which has been “learnt”, it is not the case, even less so these days\.
What people need, is not own up and accept that they are already a leader, of themselves, because like heck anyone else is going to look out for you, we all know that.
I’m not advocating every man/woman for themselves, but there is nothing higher than man/woman in this earth, so stop searching for something/someone to look up to, admire, or follow!
So no, we should not care about it, its par for the course we have all been put on, and Len has walked straight into the oldest trick in the book!
Do you really think so muzza? I would have thought that just about all of human history indicates that leadership is always at the forefront.
Sure, people are their own sovereign entities but the idea that there is no inbuilt requirement for leadership just seems off the planet….
you shouldn’t. I don’t even care if he owns a Harley Davidson.
tho’..i am enjoying the humour..
..that rightwing business-trout on tvone breakfast..
..has her knickers knotted up to her neck..
..over this one..
..wholesale corporate/elite-looting..?
..said ‘expert’ is far more relaxed/loose-knickered over/about that one..
..i think it has something to do with her bowing to the demands of the ‘acceptable-gatekeeper’ role she so hungers for..
(and..heh..!..the female co-compere…stretched/strove for a suitable simile/metaphor..
..and the only (ever-so-tenuous)penis-connection she could come up with..
..was andrew williams peeing on a tree..(heh..!)
..utter dumbness…as cheap entertainment..
..phillip ure..
Looks like John Boehner just scuttled another plan to end the U.S. stand-off.
Now, that’s a dangerous game.
Not sure Boehner is able to call it off, there is some speculation that’s its not on him!
Any case, this is completely staged, and not what it looks like at all!
So you don’t think Boehner and his team have gone rogue then? Even the Koch brothers are a bit antsy about this one.
Expect the majority of the system has been rogue for quite some period of time!
This is theatre!
If one of the Auckland city council managers got caught rooting some woman in the Ngati Whatua room would he still have a job.
Or do different rules apply to the Mayor, is he untouchable?,
Does he have some sort of employment contract? or can he do fairly much what ever he wants as long as he doesn’t break the law?
Common sense would tell you the mayor is an elected official, so most likely there are different employment rules and they are accountable to different people.
“Common sense”? Remember who you are replying to here.
IF he was in her direct employment line, line manager etc then yes, it would be an employment issue, particularly if he threatened her or advanced her career. No evidence of that so far.
Those work places where I have been aware of an affair (married person/s with someone other than partner/spouse) it has always been hierarchical not on the same level. It causes HUGE problems employment wise. Staff morale plummets, especially if lower ranked one throws weight around, awkwardness of staff social functions when partners are present.
So, BM if Mark Thingy (Ford??) was having an affair with someone immediately below him in line management and it was impacting staff, yup I would call for resignation,
So, apart from the voters the mayor answers to no one.
He can do whatever he wants along as he doesn’t do anything bad enough to be imprisoned?
Apart from voting once every three years there’s no way you can get rid of the mayor if he doesn’t want to leave?
Bloody democracy, who needs it eh?
Maybe you could get him on misusing council resources for personal gain?
Interesting thing. Stuff currently has a vote on it. I usually think Stuff’s unscientific polls lean to the right/conservative side pf politics. I was expecting to find a massive vote for Brown resigning. Instead, the vote is slightly in favour of Brown not resigning – by just over 50%.
And, as an Auckland voter, who voted for Brown, I want my vote to stand. There is no way I want one of the SleazeOil benefactors on the right to take office.
Now can we get back to the really pressing issues local and government politicians should be dealing with?
Kind of like a PM who either has alzheimers or is a liar. He gets to stay too.
Yeah, but you keep telling him to resign.
Q: Who is John Dragecivich?
Q: Why does Auckland Council condone/endorse bullying?
Q: Does corporate council or the elected members have a “no affairs” policy, or a “no affairs” code of conduct?
Good questions. You wont get them answered while media is focused on “sex and the super city” headlining.
I think Dragecivich might be the idiot I came across in 1987 out at Waitemata City when I was looking for information about council building codes. He was extremely rude, an absolute prick, and refused to answer any questions. He told me about four times to get back to school teaching, but scuttled back into his office when I told him I hadn’t been teaching at all, but had been in prison for criminal assault (I hadn’t. I have no convictions for violent offences.) The photo could well be him, thirty years on. Such was the disfunctionality of the Waitemata Council with Shadbolt as Mayor. If the stories about his mayoral antics ever came out, they’d make Brown look like a choirboy, but Invercargill seem to like him as Mayor. Just like Auckland, it’s not WhaleSpew Blubber Boy who gets to choose. Thank god and all her angels.
This is awesome be great to something done similar here
The New Economics Foundation has a similar visualisation for the UK
Yes, it would be interesting to see the responses in NZ.
I was just looking at yesterday’s site stats. So with the whole trooling frenzy over Len as a result of sleazeoil and his sewer rats, it would perhaps be understandable that TS had an unusually high number of hits. But most surprisingly hits for “Angry Simon Implodes on Campbell Live” seemed to have gone through the roof, in contrast with the number of hits posts usually get in a day.
So, I guess there’s more online interest in the implosion of Nat Crosby Textor failure Simon Bridges, than in sleazoil and his sewer rats’ smear campaign?
One would hope so karol!
Brian Edwards attempts to limit Bridges damage after storm
What a load of shit Edwards, stay away from Boag…she’s rubbing off on you old boy.
Nice T-Shirt, A Sailor’s Dream (sunken chest)
ooh, double 7’s, ag’in. That’s my Lucky Number
Oh please I’ve just had breakfast!
That guy has no neck!
lol, light breakfast for moi (can get too many little green apples in the summertime, sigh, still, something more natural is going to help)
Don’t splash that on yourself, the harpoon operator will be on your trail in a case of mistaken identity..
” cos it’s in ‘im and he’s gotta let it out…let that boy boogie woogie”
Boogie Chillen
Marbleless. ( You’re Never Alone When You’re A Schizophrenic ), something I’ve had brief understandings of. I have an uncle, lovely, bright man,(I’m fairly certain he associated with some members of Shihad ), two years older than me, who has lived with those challenges since he was in his late teens. Very sad really, and that becomes one’s life. It’s a mystery at times.
Here’s a version with more balls
Very Good; I have an a tape with J-L in various ensembles, a similar one by B.B King. see ZZ Top do ‘Hey Joe’ on the sidebar.
marbles? – self-deprecation, and curious things regularly appear around the section.
I think Simon had watched Shonkey v Campbell and thought he could do the same volume voice over trick his master uses….Campbo learnt from Shonkers technique…never fight the next war with the last ones tactics, the enemy learns quickly how to counter.
The Graham McCready vs John Banks case is waiting for the Judges’s decision today Wednesday 16 October 2013 at 2.15pm, in the Auckland District Court, as to whether or not it will go to trial.
What came out loud and clear in Court yesterday, was that John Banks DID know that the donations from Kim Dotcom and Sky City were NOT anonymous. But because he had (lawfully???) delegated the responsibility of compiling his candidate’s returns (including donations) to a third party, who purportedly DIDN’T know the donations from Kim Dotcom and Sky City were NOT anonymous, they were recorded as such.
If this third party was not present at the meetings with Kim Dotcom and Sky City, at which it was clear these donations were NOT anonymous, then how was it correct for him to record these donations as anonymous?
It was stated in Court that it was effectively the ‘custom and practice’ in the 2010 and previous John Banks Mayoral campaigns to deliberately keep financial details, particularly about donations, separate from the Mayoral candidate.
So how could John Banks, in all honesty, ask this third party who had prepared his candidate’s returns if the information was true and correct, before signing them, if the knowledge of the John Banks as Mayoral candidate, and this third party were not one and the same regarding donations?
What dodgy ‘sleight of hand’ is being perpetrated here, by the (now) Leader of the ACT Party – the Party which supposedly upholds the principles of both ‘personal responsibility’ and ‘one law for all’?
How can ANY candidate for public office, sign their candidate’s returns without first PERSONALLY double-checking that the information is correct???
In my considered opinion as someone who was a Mayoral candidate both in 2010 (and 2013), this case SHOULD go to trial.
Today – fellow Public Watchdog / Judicial Whistle blower Vince Siemer is in the Auckland HIGH Court (Waterloo Quadrant) , where at 10am he will be cross-examining Detective SuperIntendent Lovelock over his role in organising the Police raid/invasion of the Siemer’s home in February 2008 where they took heaps of stuff (unlawful search and seizure) and still have not returned some of it. It’s a BIG deal and Vince deserves support! So folks – if you can come to the High Court today at 10am I think you will find this VERY interesting!
Good on you Vince Siemer!
Good on Graham McCready!
Penny Bright
Her Warship
Thanks, Penny. I will be interested in the outcome. Justice may not be served, as it may rest on some fine legal point.
Have a read of the first decision that got the case this far. The Judge shrugged off, pretty easily, some of Bank’s legal teams arguments.
It’s not a “fine legal point” but a huge fucken loophole (Talking about Banks).
the legal question is whether his ego could fit through the loophole
So even at the far ends of the earth the global Tea Party agenda is reduced to smearing filth. Desperation, you see. A black president, a socialist pope – neck minnit even all-powerful Granny is reduced to publishing pictures of Len’s daughters.
Carry on, chaps. Your thirty-year hiatus is closing. Back in the sewer, old boy.
King Kong posted from Koru International lounge yesterday and then today this headline caught my eye
“Rat family found living on plane”
Budgie smuggling
On-air display of dumb insolence by Jim Mora’s producer.
But who can blame her?
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Tuesday 15 October 2013
Jim Mora, Graham Bell, Mai Chen
JIM MORA: We’ll be discussing these sensational revelations about Len Brown after 4 o’clock, but first Jessica Maddock is here, with what the WOOOOOORLD is talking about!
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well first up is a plan to deliver books in Australia by drone!
JIM MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha!
MAI CHEN: What if they run out of batteries?
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho ho ho!
JESSICA MADDOCK: Two kilos, I think, is the most they can carry.
MORA: [urgently] Can they carry two kilograms?!?!!??
…..Significant pause……
JESSICA MADDOCK: [significant pause] Mmmmm.
MORA: Mmm-kay. What else?
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that when you watch advertisements on TV when you are eating something, you subconsciously mouth the brand names.
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho!
MAI CHEN: I believe it!
MORA: Hang on! So when you watch TV and eat you are subconsciously mouthing the brand names?
…..Significant pause……
MORA: Mmmmm.
MORA: What else have you got for us?
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that children who go to bed earlier behave better.
MAI CHEN: You reckon?
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho!
MORA: Okay, so it’s like a scientific confirmation of conventional wisdom isn’t it.
….. Extended silence……
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, another study shows that using plastic items, like water-bottles, can lead to miscarriages!
MAI CHEN: Good grief!
JESSICA MADDOCK: And it can also lead to a decrease in male fertility!
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho!
MORA: Okay, we’ve got thirty seconds. Anything else?
JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, there is this item is about the rediscovery of seventeenth century beauty practices. For example, the use of tobacco ash will whiten your teeth.
MORA: Tobacco ash?
MORA: Tobacco ash will whiten your teeth?
Thankfully for Jim Mora, the news rescues him from any more dumb insolence by his producer. This writer missed the rest of the program. Perhaps it improved….
Morrissey, do you have any actual consistent or objective measurement for what constitutes a “significant pause” or “extended silence” compared to “pause” or “silence”?
I take it that’s a rhetorical question.
As far as I can tell he doesn’t even distinguish between ‘devastatingly pregnant pause’ and the ordinary ending of one sentence followed by the beginning of another.
Pfft that made me laugh…
Hey Rogue. I believe that you would equal the Guiness Book of World Records which claimed that a letter exchange between two angry writers had the shortest well thought out response.
The second to last letter had nothing on the page but “!”
The last letter had nothing on it but “.”
Well done that man!
you are very kind, and it’s a bit of an off day. No rhyme or reason, (well, that would not be entirely true at all)., however, it’s getting better. An excellent therapeutic intervention in my opinion, gardening, so I’ve put in some Kamo Kamo plants, which are generally very productive, and you can koha them around joint.
Morrissey, do you have any actual consistent or objective measurement for what constitutes a “significant pause” or “extended silence” compared to “pause” or “silence”?
Come on Lanthanide, both you and I are perfectly aware of what constitutes an awkward, pregnant or extended silence, and all the other points on the continuum. I wouldn’t like to attempt to chart them scientifically, of course, but they are real, and undeniable.
Carry on Morrissey, you make me laugh whether it is accurate or not. You get the gist right most of the time so regardless of the criticism around here I will treat it as Gonzo, and something slightly more amusing than the dry balls stone faces comments.
+1
Wee bit overly mean sometimes but what the hell…
Thank you, Ennui. I appreciate your support.
Agree with E & A!
Keep at it Moz, it’s entertaining.
phenomenally so.
“JESSICA MADDOCK: Well, a study shows that when you watch advertisements on TV when you are eating something, you subconsciously mouth the brand names.
GRAHAM BELL: Ho ho ho!
MAI CHEN: I believe it!
MORA: Hang on! So when you watch TV and eat you are subconsciously mouthing the brand names?”
Moz, you’ve got this arsebackwards. Maddock correctly said that the study shows that eating in the cinema STOPS people subconsiously mouthing the brand names. Presumably she was quoting the Guardian article, or one of many other news reports on the finding:
Your misunderstanding/mishearing of what Maddock said also means that the words you attribute to Bell, Chen and Mora were not actually spoken by them. And what they did discuss was the exact opposite of what you claim.
As I suggested the other day, if you listen to the show a second time, you are far less likely to get things like this wrong.
No, TRP. Morrissey’s transcript, as always, is accurate.
The only grey areas are what was said, who said what, how they said it and what they meant.
The only grey areas are what was said, who said what, how they said it and what they meant.
You’re quibbling over exact details. Yes, I made a mistake as to the actual findings of a no-account study in the Grauniad, but I got the dynamics of that dreadful conversation just right. As you would know if you had listened to the show.
lol – quibbling exact details like the diametric opposite of what they actually said.
lol –
Word of advice, my friend: avoid such puerile antics. It makes you look like a teenager—and not a very bright one.
quibbling exact details like the diametric opposite of what they actually said.
As I’ve already pointed out, the substance of my post was about the vacuity and foolishness of the chit-chat infesting our public radio. The actual details of the trivial subject being discussed are not really important. You know that, of course, perfectly well.
I’m not you’re friend, buddy.
Given that you’ve previously argued that your “transcripts” are “pretty close to word-perfect”, arguing that the details of what was said (like whether they said something completely different) makes you a fucking joke.
I’m not you’re [sic] friend, buddy.
We’re all friends around here, buddy. Except for Brett Dale.
Given that you’ve previously argued that your “transcripts” are “pretty close to word-perfect”….
They pretty much are. That’s not an “argument”, that’s a fact. And you know it.
….arguing that the details of what was said (like whether they said something completely different)
What they said was not the point. How they reacted to one another—-especially the way Jessica Maddock reacted to Jim Mora—-was the point.
…makes you a fucking joke.
Ha! A little bit of swearing just to intimidate, huh? I’m sure that works for you in real life situations, but here in cyberspace it only makes you look foolish.
… except when they say the exact opposite of what actually took place.
Well, then. It doesn’t matter that your transcripts are grossly inaccurate.
… except when they say the exact opposite of what actually took place.
I have explained with perfect clarity what the point of my post was. It was to highlight the vacuity of that fifteen minutes of excruciatingly poor quality radio chit-chat. Your quibbles about my slip-up over an incidental detail are utterly spurious.
Of course, that suits your purpose perfectly well: after all, your aim is not serious discussion, but to assail my integrity. Are you Whaleoil? You certainly write like him.
It doesn’t matter that your transcripts are grossly inaccurate.
Another wild, swingeing statement by you. My transcripts are pretty much on the money always, and you know it. You are going after me (ineptly) not because you are worried about anything that happened on that awful radio show yesterday, but because I have in the past targeted dishonest people and corrupt organisations that you have, foolishly, chosen to parrot.
Bullshit. They’re bunk.
Bullshit. You’re making shit up (again). I’d quite like your transcripts if they were accurate, or satire, but they can’t be both. You’re ego’s writing cheques that your recollection can’t cash.
See, I had to transcribe some quotes from an interview today. It was easy: I pressed “play” for a few words, then “pause”, wrote it down, replayed that section to make sure I was word perfect in something other than my imagination. It transcribing is how you get your rocks off, it’s not that difficult.
Your are all either mischievous or mistaken.
Morrissey’s renditions are always accurate and telling representations, he is truly a Shakespeare of our times.
Your [sic] are all either mischievous or mistaken.
“All”? In case you haven’t noticed, a small clique of my ideological enemies are following a strategy of quibbling about nothing of consequence, in order to attack my credibility. Fortunately, I can simply cite my substantial body of work on the internet, both here and elsewhere, and am happy to put my credibility up against that of people who parrot the lies of people and organisations that have been shown repeatedly to be dishonest and even fraudulent.
Morrissey’s renditions are always accurate and telling representations, he is truly a Shakespeare of our times.
Thanks for that!
“As you would know if you had listened to the show.”
No need to, I can just read your transcript and imagine the opposite.
I can just read your transcript and imagine the opposite.
As we saw last year with your strident and unashamed support for the most obviously nonsensical and bizarre official lies, you are adept at imagining the very opposite of reality to be the truth.
So there.
When this ends I’ll know the Meaning of Lif.
Life, say what you will about it you cant like it…..I think that is what marvin said but hell it is a bit hazy, many years since. Still thats what he meant.
You mean Marvin the Paranoid Android. He really doesn’t want to know because he knows that if he ever does find out he will be even feel more depressed.
Moz, you’ve got this arsebackwards. Maddock correctly said that the study shows that eating in the cinema STOPS people subconsiously mouthing the brand names. Presumably she was quoting the Guardian article, or one of many other news reports on the finding:
Thanks for that, my eagle-eyed, bat-eared friend. Accuracy, that’s the thing! I’ve GOT to up my game!
Your misunderstanding/mishearing of what Maddock said also means that the words you attribute to Bell, Chen and Mora were not actually spoken by them. And what they did discuss was the exact opposite of what you claim.
The point of my post, and I’m sure you realise this as well as anybody, was not to critique another vacuous study published in the ever-vacuous Grauniad, but to highlight the vacuous nature of the chit-chat that has been allowed to take over National Radio. Yes, as you so helpfully point out, I did get the earth-shatteringly important findings of that study “arsebackwards”, but that was not really significant. What is significant is: (a) the faux jollity of Graham Bell, (b) the obvious boredom of Mai Chen, who must have been wondering (yet again) why the hell she bothers with this program, (c) just how incredibly vacuous and annoying Jim Mora is, and (d) the contemptuous silences and curt replies by Jessica Maddock.
” … another vacuous study published in the ever-vacuous Grauniad …”
If you can’t even read what I wrote, what’s the point of you? I said it was in the Guardian and many other news sites. Which google will confirm. It’s not the Guardian’s study, it’s peer reviewed research from academics at Cologne university and it has major implications for advertising on both the big screen and the one your reading this on.
Y’know, it’d be great if you could just say, ‘cheers, I got that wrong’ instead of offering vacuous piffle to try and excuse yourself instead.
Indeed, Moz, you are the Jim Mora of the interwebs.
Y’know, it’d be great if you could just say, ‘cheers, I got that wrong’
Errrr, that’s exactly what I did do.
….instead of offering vacuous piffle to try and excuse yourself instead.
I explained the purpose of my post, and you understand it perfectly well, of course. Instead of acknowledging that, you instead focus on a minor failure to get all the details correct. It’s like picking holes in Citizen Kane because Welles used stock footage in some of the scenes with less than due care and attention.
Indeed, Moz, you are the Jim Mora of the interwebs.
I’ll take that as a compliment.
Holy fuck, did you just compare yourself to Orson Welles???
Holy fuck, did you just compare yourself to Orson Welles???
Well, he had his failures too, don’t forget. I myself have never been so down and out that I have been reduced to providing a voiceover for something as dire as the Future Shock movie.
Ya reckon. You’d be delusional to even set it as a distant aspiration.
At one stage about ten months ago, I was banned from Whaleoil, Brian Edwards and The Standard, all at the same time. But I tell ya now, my friend, despite such low-points, I can say with hand on heart that I’ve never been as desperate as this….
second verse, same as the first
second verse, same as the first
Another lame failure to respond. You’re not looking too convincing, buddy.
I’m not your buddy, guy.
And the response was simply exactly the same as the previous response.
Orson Welles could have advertised vibrators in supermarket ads while wearing a leapordskin onesy, it still wouldn’t excuse the pure-distilled narcissism that let you compare yourself with him.
Orson Welles could have advertised vibrators in supermarket ads while wearing a leapordskin [sic] onesy, it still wouldn’t excuse the pure-distilled narcissism that let you compare yourself with him.
Ha! “Narcissism” is clearly the Word of the Day….
In non-political news, Eleanor Catton has won the Man Booker Prize for The Luminaries. Pleasing to see a Kiwi do well.
a kiwi/canadian?
Alias, Grace
Dancing in the streets? Nationwide parades? Or just a day of gushing on RNZ?
More irrelevance from Key (Armstrong, not so much just recently).
Hmmm… interesting. Armstrong no longer the total Key Shill.
been a couple along those lines recently. maybe some Integrity , as opposed to Despair
Integrity Vs. Despair. The senior developmental life span stage? Generativity Vs. Stagnation me.
anyway, Holy Shamoly, Queensland’s Plan For Bikie Prisons
so grateful to live in quiet, provincial New Zealand.(although, there is representation here, The ‘A’ Team , can be quite serious stuff, and people know people…), and, Napier has elected the Mayor they suit.
Napier has elected a mayor with a mandate to oppose being tied to the corpse 20km away on the Heretaunga plains with every tool available. As a born and bred Napier boy from a well-established family, all I can say that is a good fight! If National plans a forced amalgamation of Napier and Hastings, they can kiss goodbye to the Napier electorate for two generations… Perhaps that is why Tremain is bailing?
it doesn’t bother me, I have heard Bill Dalton on Bay FM, so I understand. I’m not sure what Labour’s policy is on these amalgamations (not being a rate-payer, apologies). Maybe someone can enlighten us (slow day today). You are correct however, there is significant feeling in letters and op-eds to HBT (which I no longer read much).
You may be aware, I grew up in the ‘nui, yet was quite socially mobile for many years, so met families with mates and daughters, students at Lindisfarne,, St John’s etc. Briefly dated, and remained friends with, the Dux of Sacred Heart.
It appears the Growers Action Group candidates have been elected to the HBRC, so that’s gonna be interesting. Personally, I support water collection, but not the RWSS.
how a stage is negotiated influences subsequent stage outcomes. much is determined, hence I’m on the cusp and always ready to return.whoooooo, glad that ride is over. Cups of
Tea all round. Choysa round.
Indeed. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s all in how you ride that crazy little pony.
whisper a little discipline and honesty.
What Does Fran Have To Say?
on China.What Liu Chang (Xinhua) had to say, and then a bit more. Trend you see, renminbi.
Good Lord! These winds can’t be helpful
Meet Fukuppy, the inadvertent Fukushima mascot…
couldn’t put Humpty together again
Lolz. Bridges explains himself:
Loved it!
Apologies if someone mentioned this already and I missed it through all the panty-sniffing about sex lives above:
Groser admits MPI underresourced.
Who knew – apparently if you gut a public service of its staff, it might not be able to handle individual or multiple crises when they eventually arise.
Funny, the Dept of Education has said the same thing about their privacy lapse. It all got a bit busy and not enough people to handle the detail.
Back office people – what are they for, huh?
Even more telling is that it is Groser making the call on MPI staff resources.
It looks like Nathan Guy has been put in a box and told to shut-up.
that would be an advantageous strategy. Maybe the National Party is finding that the “types of material we want”, are not the materials they need, Hence , Minister for A Lot, S. Joyce.
That’s why we elect Political Supermen with Big Muscles and Very Little Brain. Pooh to you they say to every disaster in Their Way.
Oh please. It’s laugh material and not much more.
Reminds me of that scene with the mayor in The Wire. Someone should mail Len the DVDs.
[lprent: the more that this thread proceeds, the more that it seems to me that it should be in OpenMike as being unrelated to the topic of the post. ]
Frank Underwood also springs to mind.
On the subject of the Wire, wouldn’t you rather have a philandering Carcetti than a corrupt Clay Davis. Sheeeeeeeyitt!
Don’t you remember the scene where the guard walked in on Davis receiving a blow job?
That was Royce – Davis is above such antics
…..ACT ONE….
Esquire’s Coffee Shop, Lorne Street. In one corner, a television shows Jeremy Kyle, a segment called “Is my porn addict husband a cheat?” At a corner table beneath the television set, a furtive couple lurks in the shadows; the man is moustachioed and wears a fedora tilted low over his head, his overcoat collar pulled up to further hide his face.
YOUNG WOMAN: Shall I play mother? Milk — and sugar?
MAN: Thank you. [looks around nervously] You know what’s happened, don’t you?
….[TELEVISION: “It’s an addiction. I need to get help for it.”]….
YOUNG WOMAN: Yes. Yes I do. You’ve been reduced to wearing a false moustache and a fedora.
MAN: No, no, no. What’s happened is: I’ve fallen in love with you.
YOUNG WOMAN: [rolls eyes heavenward] Yes, I know.
MAN: Tell me honestly — please tell me honestly — what I believe is true.
YOUNG WOMAN: What do you believe?
MAN: That it’s the same with you. That you’ve fallen in love, too.
….[TELEVISION: Jeremy Kyle: “Are you going to pass the lie-detector test?”]….
YOUNG WOMAN: It – it sounds so silly.
MAN: Why?
YOUNG WOMAN: I know you so little.
….TELEVISION: “If you fail this lie-detector, she says she’s gone. Are you gonna pass?”….
MAN: It is true, though, isn’t it?
YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, it’s true.
MAN: [relieved] Oh, B____.
YOUNG WOMAN: No, L__, please. Please. We must be sensible. Please help me to be sensible. We must forget we’ve said what we’ve said and done what we’ve done. Done in the Ng_t_ Wh_t__ Room.
MAN: [nostalgically/lasciviously] And the L_ngh_m. And the H_lt_n. And Sk_ C_t_.
YOUNG WOMAN: [shuddering] Urrrrrrgghhh! Oh God! I feel like Monica Lewinsky! I want OUT of this NOW!
MAN: Not yet. Not quite yet.
….TELEVISION: “We asked, Did you steal the money from your mother’s stockings on Christmas Eve?”….
YOUNG WOMAN: But we must. Don’t you see? Because the security guards know! They’ve known about the pair of us ever sin—–
…..[Suddenly she sits up and waves. A bulky, oily, menacing male figure approaches]…..
MAN: Oh FUCK! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! It’s C_m_r_n fucking Sl_t_r ! Do you fucking KNOW him?
YOUNG WOMAN: Of course! He’s an old N_t__n_l Party friend! Just pull your fedora down a bit further. He’ll NEVER suspect it’s you.
MAN: [whimpering and cowering in terror] I’m fucking DOOMED!
[The YOUNG WOMAN turns to the interloper and beams a warm smile]
YOUNG WOMAN: Hey, C_m_r_n! How are you? Have you met my friend, errrrr, uhhhh, “Neil”?
…..SOUNDTRACK: Ominous music plays…..
Short version – invasion of yuppies + the continuation of Thatcher’s attack on social housing is pricing people on low incomes out of London, including Brixton, which is probably going to erode a good deal of local culture.
This just in … John BANKS to stand trial.
Huge story (sorry, panty sniffers, this is about fraud, things that really matter) …
Tick tock tick tock!
John Banks is going to trial! YUSS!
Banksie versus Len for Auckland heavyweight “most trustworthy person” title…..come on McF, show us your hand. Tell us the difference as you see it.
Seriously, you can’t see the differences? Circumstances might change, but at the moment:
The possibility of up to two years in prison. Brown NO Banks YES
The fact that it was allegedly done so people would not know when he was acting in a conflict of interest (all that “I’ll be able to help you” crap he bailed on). Brown NO Banks YES
The fact that the allegations pertain directly to his duties as a public representative, such as filling in declarations truthfully. Brown NO Banks YES
I agree with post 22.1.1
“I agree with post 22.1.1”
Are you sure? There isn’t one….yet….shall I put one there ? What about: The Al1en is spacejunk
ackshully, when The Al1en posted that, there was the corresponding post 22.1.1, I scrolled up, still, Believe It Or Not.
Q: Seagoon, which way is South America?
A: It all depends where you are standing!
Yes I can see this from a number of places. And it all has the same leopard spots despite the different silhouettes. Do I trust Banks not to be criminal? Certainly not! Do I trust Brown to be honest and honorable? Ask his wife.
So to cut to the chase: why defend Brown and attack Banks on trustworthiness? And remember we are debating trustworthiness, not any particular deed criminal or personal. I would suggest that you are being decidedly partisan which is fine by me. You have valid reasons for not trusting Banks….might you not agree I have valid reasons for not trusting Brown?
Only if you are a sexy woman Ennui. I think gender would indicate the ratio of trustworthiness.
I’m attacking neither on trustworthiness.
My criteria for attack are whether they performed their official functions to the required standard.
Brown has.
The main issue of Banks’ professional performance (signing declarations truthfully) is now set to be evaluated in a trial.
ps: nice Goon Show line
The ol’
“She’ll be awrite on the night approach ”
That good old “internationally experienced high flying CEO” (and associated multi-million $ package) bit….I feel a little botulism coming on. I need an …
Just for people who might be interested:
Harvards report on schools provides food for thought
Compassionless people lecture about lack of empathy
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Wednesday 16 October 2013
Jim Mora, Steve McCabe, Gordon McLauchlan
JIM MORA: It’s quarter to four: time for Susan Baldacci and what the WOOOOOOORLD’s talking about!
SUSAN BALDACCI: Well, first up is this modern phenomenon of giving children names that can contribute to them becoming narcissists.
JIM MORA: Oh yes? Ha ha ha ha!
SUSAN BALDACCI: Jean Twenge, psychologist and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic, notes that a remarkable number of people have turned naming their babies into opportunities to show off — a sign of our culture’s increasing vanity.
GORDON McLAUCHLAN: [sagely] Ha ha ha ha!
STEVE McCABE: [thoughtfully] Hmmmmmm….
SUSAN BALDACCI: Yes, there is an ever increasing incidence of names such as Messiah, King, Prince, Greatness. There are even sixteen girls called Beautifull—with two Ls.
JIM MORA: You’d have to be beautiful, with a name like that!
SUSAN BALDACCI: Well it reflects a growing narcissism in society. You know, a lack of feeling, a lack of empathy for the suffering of others….
At that point, I was simply unable to continue listening to the idle chatter any longer. I’m sure I was not the only one to pick up on the exquisite, canting hypocrisy of Ms. Baldacci’s words. Messrs McCabe and McLauchlan were too polite to mention it, but Susan Baldacci and Jim Mora are the last people in the country who should be pontificating about a lack of empathy for the suffering of others….
Hi Morrissey.
Before I listen to the segment tonight, is your transcript “near word-perfect” or just “accurate”?
Or is it one of the ones where the actual words don’t matter at all?
It doesn’t matter. It’s the vibe, your honour. Mabo, etc.
Oh look the tr0lls are out stalking Morrissey again, a more hapless pair of wannabees the blogosphere has never seen.
Socko – Well put.
Felix let’s himself down, and gives himself away by lowering to such puerile comments, which if truth be known, I find some of the cats comments to be entertaining and witty, so clearly a level of intelligence there, cross pollinated with something slightly unsavory!
TRP – The follower, easily lead, also a handbag thrower!
Rule Qatar!
Dr Strangelove I presume
How’s project Onan coming on Muz? And pointing out that Morassey regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service. The irony is that he accuses others, but can’t see the mote in his own eye.
Public Service – Um, yeah ok Mr Plod!
I prefer Mozzas commentary over your so called public service announcements, all day ref
That’s not to say you don’t make some witty comments from time to time, you do, they don’t go unappreciated, but the above ain’t one of them, IMO.
How’s project Onan coming on Muz?
Ha ha ha ha ha! How will Muzza recover from THAT one?
And pointing out that Morassey
“Morassey”. Oh I see what you’re doing there!
….regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service.
I make up nothing in my transcripts. I don’t get them word-perfect all the way through because, sadly, I have never learned shorthand beyond a rudimentary few dozen words. But I make up nothing. You are the one who has made nonsensical claims, like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.
Oh, do tell. When did I do that for Trotter?
Time to saddle up and roam wide. Adios.
“Oh look the tr0lls are out stalking Morrissey again, a more hapless pair of wannabees the blogosphere has never seen.”
I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either. We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.
I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either.
Now that must be about the funniest dishonest statement made in this country in the last 24 hours. It’s possibly even more funnier and dishonest than either the Prime Minister’s assertion that “John Banks is a thoroughly credible and trustworthy individual” or John Boscawen’s solemn pronouncement that the ACT party was in great shape.
We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.
You are not “mocking bullshit” at all; the pair of you have shown yourselves to be assiduous recyclers of the most malicious black propaganda; if we were able to send you back to a more suitable milieu for your talents, we’d zap you back fifty years to Red China, where you could enthusiastically denounce dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists to your dark hearts’ content.
“dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists”
You’re none of those things, Moz. You’re just someone with comprehension difficulties who thinks making things up and attributing them to others is acceptable. On the upside, your intellectual laziness is matched by your pomposity and self delusion.
You’re none of those things, Moz.
Oh really? Could you explain why I’m not a satirist? Maybe you missed this little gem from yesterday….
….or this little pearler from the more distant past….!topic/nz.general/Ern1_QrFIw8
….or THIS one….!searchin/nz.general/morrissey$20breen$20$2B$20bush$20$2B$20blair/nz.general/sl3yTyT3Bec/s76OirkbI0IJ
…and don’t forget THIS one….
your intellectual laziness is matched by your pomposity and self delusion.
“Pomposity”? On the part of this writer?!?!???!??
I’m too bored with you to bothered with your linkwankery. Though still waiting for you to show where I defended Trotter as you allege.
….still waiting for you to show where I defended Trotter as you allege.
On July 19th I transcribed Trotter’s grandiloquent declamation on behalf of the Florida jury in the Trayvon Martin travesty. I might have omitted his windy “ummms” and “ahhhs”, but I got the pretentious and intellectually vacant tone of Trotter’s bloviating just right.
Instead of chiding me for minor inaccuracies, which would have been a reasonable and fair thing to do, you foolishly claimed I had made it all up…..
Link fail. Show me where I defended Trotter.
You claimed I made it up that Trotter had said that. I did not make any of it up, and you knew I did not.
Here is your claim, and my refutation of that claim….
Link fail. Show me where I defend Trotter.
edit: here’s your made up claim again:
“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”
Link fail. Show me where I defend Trotter.
You said I made it up. That implies Trotter did not defend that lynch mob. He did, in the most pretentious manner possible.
edit: here’s your made up claim again:
There you go again! I made up nothing. There are (necessarily) some ellipses and some accidental transpositions of vacuous laughter. I made up nothing, and you know I did not. You are acting just like you did when you were parroting the most scurrilous official lies against Julian Assange last year, i.e., you’re prepared to say anything at all. That’s a very unwise course to embark on, my friend, and one you would be well advised to reconsider.
“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”
That’s exactly what he did, as you know.
Another day, another crock of lies from Morrissey.
You’ve still not quoted this supposed “defence of Deep South lynch law” that you made up.
And if you didn’t make it up, you’d be able to quote it.
But you did.
So you won’t.
Just to recap, the closest I could find was this bit of The Panel 18 July, from 6’14”.
This, as best as I can transcribe, it what trotter said in relation to Zimmerman’s juror’s lives being forever changed:
Whether that counts as a ” pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law”, I’ll let others decide.
But unless Mozz has a link to a different piece that he was actually transcribing, it’s interesting to compare it with Moz’ near-word-perfect, extremely accurate transcription:
Well I think your snookered there Morrissey. Why not just say it is satire I don’t get why you are holding so tightly to this word perfect get the feel transcript stuff – heads up – no one cares – haven’t you seen the positive comments about your satire – that is your skill – so just say it and then all this would be over.
Still waiting to see where I defend Trotter, Moz. Have a think about what I said about Trotter and let me know whether that’s a defence or an attack.
“You actually let people like Trotter off the hook by making up quotes, when the real words he used should be damning him.”
Should be damning him.
Does that sound like I was defending Trotter? Nooooo, just the opposite, you goose! I actually had some small sympathy for your position, though not in the weird way you expressed it today (Deep South make excellent ice cream btw).
I thought Trotter missed the point that day. On the evidence, I think you miss the point every day.
Thanks for transcribing that, McFlock. I can see that I missed a lot, and you have a valid point in disagreeing with my interpretation of Trotter’s comments. I did render his words a little more pointedly than they actually were. However, I think that even when you compare my admittedly imperfect rush “transcript” to your word-perfect transcript, I have captured the essential pomposity of his speaking style and the gist of his admonition to the lesser mortals in the studio to respect that outrageous verdict in Florida. Trotter was speaking slowly and sententiously, as if he was defending the Western system of justice; what he was actually doing was defending a grievous miscarriage of justice. His suggestion that there were “items of evidence which would raise reasonable doubt I think in most people’s minds” was not backed up at all, and disappointingly, Noelle McCarthy failed to demand he did so.
You are right to time the silences; they’re not as long as I recalled them in my mind, but they are significant nonetheless. Noelle McCarthy was, I believe, genuinely lost for words after listening to that. So was I.
oh fuck off.
So let’s say you “captured” trotter’s pompousness (personally, I think you overstated it). That means that you are (at best) a dadaesque caricaturist of discourse.
So are all the claims as to near word perfect accuracy simply self-delusion, or are you trying to mimic Sacha baron Cohen’s immersion satire?
Banks resigns !!
Someone from a wealthy country chooses to sail somewhere in a yacht for fun and adventure. It goes missing and any country nearby is asked to conduct searches for it.
Tongan fishermen getting food or money for their families drift for a month or die, refugees from hard regimes, or cruel ones, or wars, or starvation are going into the water probably every day in their efforts to find land and a living and instead find dying.
Probably because of the actions of the forces from the country the yacht came from. Who gets looked for and cared about?
Has Tim Groser gone rogue on his own government? His comments around the under-preparedness of MPI and its subsequent reactions to all the recent food safety crises we’ve had are quite extraordinary.
If y’all can get past the Auckland mayor letting it all hang out something which in Europe people more or less expect their politicians and “leaders” to do with all of them being Apha personalities and all here is what else those same people do behind the scenes and that pesonally has me way more worried that an alpha male midlife crisis: Jason Burmas from Loose Change shines a light in the shade where the cockroaches of Bilderberg reside. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Shade, enjoy!