Open mike 20/09/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 20th, 2010 - 27 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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27 comments on “Open mike 20/09/2010 ”

  1. Pascal's bookie 1

    Andrew Geddis unloads on the Law and Order committee, re Paul Quinn’s “prisoners don’t get no stinkin rights’ bill

    This proposal is downright wrong in its intent, outright stupid in its design and (if finally enacted) would be such an indelible stain on the parliamentary lawmaking process as to call into question that institution’s legitimacy to act as supreme lawmaker for our society.

    I think that’s lawyer talk for swearing and throwing bricks through windows and stuff.

    (hattip dimpost)

    • joe90 1.1

      This has to be the best ever from the Dimpost.

      So what happened? Well take a look at some of the members of the Law and Order Select Committee: Melissa Lee, Shane Ardern, David Garrett, Sandra Goudie – I’m amazed the bill wasn’t written in crayon with fairy dust and bits of macaroni glued to it.

      captcha: select

      • Tigger 1.1.1

        Truly genius comment from Dim Post there! This law, this mess of a Bill and these idiot committee members are all woeful.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1

      Some landlords still expected people whose flats or commercial properties were wrecked to pay rent.

      Gee, what a surprise – expecting to get paid for nothing. Of course, that was what was happening already any way.

      • Bored 2.1.1

        It gets worse Draco. Now tht we have had a huge quake event the pressure will be on around NZ for at risk buildings to be strengthened. Watch out for the grasping fingers of commercial landlords who have happily collected rent for years to stick out their grubby paws and demand public money to do the necessary strengthening.

        • Bill

          Aye, so unity would be being an unsustainable and expensive sentiment all of a sudden then?

          Good to see division and profit reassert itself. Shame we lost democracy in the interim, innit? Oh well. Things could be worse.

          Somebody might have been in a position to rort…sorry, run… our second largest city on a wink and a nod and put through a whole pile of arse covering retrospective orders on March 30 2012 as an early April Fools present…

          • Bored

            Bill, you just watch the buggers go for gold, chance to do a few water rights as well. Disasters give a really good opportunity for the golden rule to be demonstrated (on steroids). That goes “those with the gold make the rules to give gold to those with the gold”…sort of a golden solidarity fraternity.

            Keep an eye out for those grasping landlords to take your money to fix their buildings.

  2. Janice 3

    Did the taxpayer fund Rodney’s (and his girlfriend’s?) trip to Hong Kong for his son’s twenty-first?

  3. joe90 4

    RB at public address has made my day with this post, Graziella Thake WTF!.

    • Red Rosa 4.1

      Well spotted Joe. Some choice phrases there – is there a computer algorithm that spits these out on demand?

    • Bored 4.2

      Jeez Joe, WTF????????? Graziella does come across as a super person (or perhaps super ego), at what I am not quite sure (because as per the person at Public Address and yourself) the language is totally impenetrable….and then there is the whole concept of “social responsibility”…..I get the heebie jeebies whenever I hear some group of corporate time servers and self promoters using the phrase “social responsibility”.

  4. ianmac 5

    “Education Minister Anne Tolley says a new report showing there has been little progress in primary school maths in the past 12 years is concerning and will be dealt with through the new national standards framework.”

    Oh really? Very precise testing (National Education Monitoring Project) shows only slow improvement. What on earth will blunt inexact flawed National Standards do to change that? Just a political diversion when the money could be spent helping the Literacy and Numeracy Program that has been running for about 10 years!

  5. john 6

    A link to a passionate condemnation of Blair as War Criminal, this contrasts starkly with our own media who interviewed him: Mark Sainsbury and Kim Hill who treated him as an important if controversial Politician. It shows how crimes can be quietly endorsed by ignoring them as if they don’t exist!

  6. nzfp 7

    RADIO NZ: BP has stopped the deep-sea well in the Gulf of Mexico
    Media Disinformation – which well did BP really cap?

    On Monday, 20 September 2010 7:48 a.m. Radio New Zealand reported that “BP has stopped the deep-sea well in the Gulf of Mexico”. However, this begs the question – which well did BP stop? Radio NZ reported that

    The US Government says BP has permanently killed the Deep Sea well which ruptured in April and unleashed the worst oil spill in US history

    However, this doesn’t fit with the facts. First of all we know that BP drilled two wells in the Gulf Coast at area “MC” block no. “252”:

    Well “A”:
    was drilled 15-Apr-2009 and abandoned on 24-Jul-2009

    Well “B”:
    was drilled 15-Apr-2010 and was supposed to be abandoned on 24-Jul-2010, however a blowout occurred on April 21, 2010

    [source: “wikipedia”].

    We know there are two wells because it is in the BP submission to the US Governments regulatory body the Mineral Management Service which can be found online on the US Governments MMS website

    [source: “” (page 8 of 53)].

    We know the locations of Well A and Well B also from the BP submission to the US Governments regulatory body. Well “A” is located at map coordinates: X=1202804 and Y=10431617, 28 44 17.277N 88 21 57.340W (page 9 of 53) and Well B is located at map coordinates: X=1202514 and Y=10432914, 28 44 16.027N 88 22 00.581W (page 10 of 53), such that:

    Well “A”:

    Well “B”:

    [source: “” (page 9 and 10 of 53)].

    From the US Government MMS and BP’s own sources we find that it is Well “B” at location X=1202514, Y=10432914 that blew out.

    Further to this BP has roving cameras located at the site of the Well relaying pictures of the well capping. The ROV cameras record X (I) and Y (N) coordinates as well as datetime stamps. The entire capping exercise of July 2010 has been recorded and much of it posted to Youtube. However there appear to be discrepancies.

    On 11 July 2010, “Youtube Video” of the BP well capping was posted. You can clearly see the date “11 07 10” in the bottom right corner, as well as the X (I) and Y (N) coordinates in the top left corner. The coordinates read:

    When these coordinates are compared with the coordinates supplied by the MMS and BP we can clearly see that BP has capped (re-capped) Well “A” and not Well “B”:

    Well “B” (the well that blew out on April 21, 2010):

    Well “A”:

    Mystery Well

    I will leave it as a reader exercise to search Youtube for more “videos of BP capping the well”, in order to compare the well coordinates with those supplied by BP to the MMS and available online.

    Considering that this information is freely available to anybody with an eye to look, it begs the question of why Radio New Zealand would report the fallacy?

    • ianmac 7.1

      The fox has killed the chickens.
      Its OK. We killed the fox that killed the chickens. Look: a film.
      You did? How come the film of the killing of the fox was dated 4 weeks before the fox killed the chickens?

      Be interesting to see if it plays out NZFP.

      • nzfp 7.1.1

        Hey ianmac,
        Yeah I know it’s not really related to NZ but I hate it when the media treats us like mindless school children (what do you expect with National Standards eh ;-)), I hate it more when it’s RNZ.

  7. The Chairman 8

    No significant changes are intended for the current royalties regime?

  8. Jum 9

    Just been checking out the colin craig blurb.

    I was just thinking; can anyone tell me if the exclusive brethren are still active politically?

  9. Pete 10

    And it begins – National’s move to angle for a new electoral system.


  10. john 11

    Is Human Industrial Civilisation Collapsing? I believe this process has begun. Listen to Mike Ruppert a recognised expert on this event which is 100% certain to happen sooner or later, preferably much later,I hope! What do you think? Will technology save us? Listen to lifeboat hour:

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