Open mike 20/12/2009

Written By: - Date published: 8:50 am, December 20th, 2009 - 10 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


Topics of interest, announcements, general discussion. The usual rules apply (see the link to Policy in the banner).

Step right up to the mike..

10 comments on “Open mike 20/12/2009 ”

  1. r0b 1

    Sorry this was late, the post didn’t go ahead at the scheduled time for some reason – Lynn?

  2. Doug 2

    What is happening at Kiwibank will it end up as another BNZ?

  3. r0b 3

    Mickysavage – moved your comment to the post on that topic.

  4. funkster 6

    How come this is the first I’m hearing of this? According to Matt McCarten’s opinoin piece in the Herald, embedded in the next supercity bill is an extra vote for landlords for each commercial or residential property they own, the vote being in the ward where the property is.

    Way to gerrymander for the right, by allowing landlords to effectively cancel out the vote of tenants, or potentially vote 3, 4, or X times.

    • felix 6.1

      One dollar, one vote eh?

      Nice one, Rodney. Nice one, Act.

      Thanks National Ltd™ , I’m lovin it.

  5. Lindsey 7

    I thought that there always has been the ability of people who pay rates in more than one Ward to vote in each. I remember a non-resident roll in my Ward at the last local body election. What has changed?