Hooten….what a slippery snake he is. I have heard him almost screaming hate on the Kathryn Ryan programme, while this time he paints grudging admiration of Ardern it is however laced with deprecating comments on her intellect and 'lack of policy'
Social policy doesn't count in his world. No doubt about his misogyny though, in his Granny Herald offering. HE almost says 'typical woman, only good at putting her arms round people' Sorry folks I can't bring up the link, not really computer literate.
The right blinked for barely a fortnight before going back to it's tactic of using misogyny as it's primary weapon to attack the government.
The loathing of aging white men in the media on the right wing for Jacinda Ardern is visceral, but hopefully their inbuilt arrogance means they won't see that she is practically untouchable on that front until well after the net two elections.
However the new IRD computer system is nearly online. From memory it is due for full completion about mid-2021. But is close to functionally complete now.
I don't think that anyone outside of the government and the computing communities are quite aware of just how much the computing capacity of the tax system has been constrained by having a essentially obsolete system for more than 20 years has been.
That is going to make it way harder for cheats and border-line avoiders to not pay tax. The full enforcement of the bright-line test would be high on my list of tasks for doing routine scans and investigations on. Along with the ownership shares in companies.
Indeed, lprent. Technological advancement will help the state to clampdown. Though, I'm sure creative accounting innovation will continue to give them a run for their money.
It has been interesting watching the advance of professionalism in the accounting and director communities over the last three decades. Essentially the IRD and SFO don’t like creative accounting and they tend to be quite assiduous in trying to make sure that it doesn’t pay – regardless how long they have to take people to court if they think that an example needs to be made.
In a lot of ways you’ll find that accountants aren’t that willing to be creative when they think that the IRD may argue the point. That is as much because getting into disfavour with the IRD seems to provoke some very detailed look at the other clients of external accountants and auditors who are suspect.
The only real exception to that appear to be overseas companies doing transfer costs. However I’m expecting that will change internationally within the decade. There is a pretty strong inter-government movement against them these days and it has been growing for the last decade.
Yes, there is a growing inter-government movement to clampdown on the tax minimisation methods of companies trading internationally. And anything fruitful produced will be helpful for Labour at this current time.
Headhunting top IRD staff to help companies circumvent tax obligations is not unheard of. Who best to get help around the rules than those that helped create them.
Not really. What they do look at the multiplicity of objectives that they always have and prioritize what they will expend effort on.
The problem with a capital gains tax is that with the exclusion of "family home" from it, then a capital gains tax in NZ had several problems politically.
It wasn't ever going to be that effective in evening out the wealth issues – there was still going to be an over abundance of capital concentrated in housing because it was effectively tax-free. A CGT immediately dropped from being the most effective means of reducing the capital investment distortion to being a minor means.
Conversely as showed up in the commission report, a CGT was going to impact on the saving done by Kiwisaver on austrailasian shared – which currently is the other major method of personal saving – especially for those without their own home. That would have caused capital to move to overseas shares more and inhibited kiwisaver. Neither being a useful outcome.
So other measures are more likely to get the desired effect. It doesn't mean that the outcomes desired are any less important.
Even without the family home included, revenue projections were vast. Thus, the new tax revenue produced would have provided funding to have made an effective difference.
As for the distortion in investment, I agree it would have had minimal effect. Even the working group highlighted this. Fairness was the main aim.
It's negative impact on Kiwisaver could have been worked through.
Yes, they may still produce a viable alternative, but till then, there is still voter uncertainty and another void where policy should be.
And until they actually produce some new tax policy, we don't know how effective and viable that will be.
Im no fan of hootons but its hard to argue with the fact Ardern has put winning ahead of change.
My thoughts are that if the options are to abandon CGT and win, or implement CGT and lose, and then have CGT repealed (which is a very real possibility – opinion polling suggests Labour lost a lot of votes at the 2017 election very late in the piece from tax scaremongering), then abandoning CGT is a better option because you can't do anything in Opposition.
Fact or opinion. beaghorn? The fact is that she has forgone CGT while she is leader. The opinion is about why she did it, or its possible effects, or indeed whether it is the ony way to either win or achieve change.
Craig H has a good point below. Whilst she is winning she has the power to make change. National knew that. That's why they're still spitting the dummy over the last MMP election result. They are not in power. They cannot make changes, nor can they oppose it successfully.
I'd say wait for a budget or two to find about tax changes. CGT has been ruled out by Ardern but that's one avenue only.
As a question of philosophy, is a tightening of the 'bright line test' with either reducung the time period or increasing enforcement introducing a CGT?
I'd say wait for a budget or two to find about tax changes. CGT has been ruled out by Ardern but that's one avenue only.
Labour should have been better prepared and been ready with an alternative when they dumped the CGT. Leaving voids for National to fill and creating further uncertainty seem to be their thing. And it doesn't do them any favours.
Have yet to see a poll that has taken into account the latest debacle.
However, abandoning the CGT and the accompanying tax cuts (largely favoured by voters) has disappointed many and stirred a lot of outrage online. So the result of the next round of polls will be interesting to see.
If voters start to turn on Jacinda, Labour will be in big trouble. She's what got them over the line and they still lack depth when it comes to replacing her. Delivery (or failure of improvement) is her Achilles heel.
And as for previous polls, ponder this: who can certainly say that past voids and uncertainty Labour has created hasn't cost them more support in those polls?
There will be alternatives. CGT has been sidelined. The tax working group has reported. There was an anti-CGT campaign. Coalition partners had their say. The Budget comes out on 30 May.Those are all facts. There is no void, just the usual waiting period till the annual budget. Taking a loaf off the dinner table does not mean there will be no meal. The family can wait to find out what is on the menu, but there will be carbohydrates in a balanced and healthy meal. For all.
Yeah, the underlying problems of economic distortion by concentrating wealth in speculation and rentiers will start to being dealt with one way or another. It is simply unsustainable to go on like this.
Yes, and it got given far more legs because Labour created a void by not sufficiently challenging it.
The Budget is over a month away, thus there is another void and further uncertainty in the making. And National are already making good use of it. Attacking Labour on tax before they can even get their next tax policy sorted let alone announced.
That is what oppositions do. They can pretty much make their own spin pre-budget.
Government, especially when it comes to budgets, have to be more responsible. That stops or diminishes speculative game playing by people looking at taking short positions.
That is of course what opposition parties do, but by creating policy voids and uncertainty, Labour make it far too easy for them.
And we see this time and time again. They just copped flack for doing this awaiting the CGT announcement and now they've just gone and done it again, leaving a void until the Budget.
I’ve pull them up on this years ago and they are still at it, go figure. Coms aren't really there strong point and in politics coms is vital.
Additionally, I agree being in Government puts them in a more responsible position, but an astute Government would have foreseen the outrage and a opposition looking to fill the void and stir up further uncertainty. Hence, would have formulated and simultaneously announced a viable alternative to mitigate the fallout.
Providing the opportunity to take control of the narrative, giving voters certainty while coming off looking like a Government in control with a plan and sense of direction.
Instead, they dropped the CGT and left voters waiting while they formulate an alternative.
Jacinda did a lot of damage taking it completely off the table under her watch.
Therefore, it’s unbelievable they would drop a policy bomb like this and not have a B plan (to immediately help soak up the damage) in waiting.
You make it sound like she had some master plan. You say the COL partners had their say. BS. She had the power to call Winston’s bluff and the general public was resigned to some form of CGT and any political damage would most likely have been short lived. She had no stomach for a confrontation with the business sector or public opinion. And it wasn’t a bright move because she has pissed off a lot of her own people so don’t down play the CGT debacle and paint it up as some sort of clever political move because it’s not.
[lprent: Please be careful of the attribute controls. Don’t just yell by bolding up your comments.
It tends to get unwelcome moderator attention. I have removed it for you – this time. ]
It would have gone down to a vote between the coalition partners. If Labour was voted down by NZF they could have told the media and then genuinely blamed Winston. There was no sign of that. The result, it makes Labour Winston’s puppet and has shown they have no spine of their own.
Well, I guess you're another one who needs to learn the difference between "partner" and "toady".
If they'd gone the way you suggest, folks currently saying Winston is calling all the shots would instead be saying that there were clear and fractious divisions within an unstable coalition.
Grownups know the value of letting shit go from time to time in a relationship, professional or personal.
No, not a master plan as in a "cunning plan" but a clear set of goals and priorities that can be achieved in more ways than one. Coalition means you don't get what you want always. MMP has in this way produced a more honest system of dealing than FPTP when the Labour Party was hijacked by a coterie of neo-liberals who would not have been in the Labour Party under a full mature MMP environment. National is still an uneasy coalition within itself and little chunks of it want to keep hiving off -from parts of NZF, to the Conservatives, ACT, the Blue Greens, Christian parties, Then there's the urban liberal, country consrvative divide which is festering away underneath as well as Bridges knows. It's too glib and facile to see coalition politics under MMP in such terms as bluff and blame.
I could easily see a rural party appearing in the near future. That's where a true conservative party will come from.
MMP doesn't really work that well in NZ because we're still basically got a two-party system.
What we really need is 4 parties with around 25% of the vote each, that way we end up with a good cross section of the population getting represented.
At the moment it's one large party with a couple of pissy little parties that end up forming the government and we end up handing far too much power to small parties which is causing so much dissatisfaction.
A read for Mike Lee and all the rest of the light rail naysayers in Auckland.
Construction chaos drove everyone crazy, was almost 5 years late and cost way more than originally forecast. So despite being a case study in how NOT to build public transport infrastructure Edinburgh’s light rail line from the airport (yep the airport!) to the city centre is working out so well they’re planning to extend it through to Leith and Newhaven.
The light rail in Surfers Gold Coast is very successful, and talk of extending it to Burliegh Heads from Broad Beach. In the Sunshine Coast they have extended the Metro to Redcliffe from Petrie. This is a huge success as well.
I'm just hoping our city planners, lobbyists and their enterages (who I'm prepared to accept are "passionate about what they do, and who are all very 'visionary'" (going forward), are prepared to consider the medium to long term, rather than trying to resolve the immediate problem that's part of Auckland's gridlock and stupidity (which goes back as far as Mayor 'Robbie'.
I'm also hoping that any and all involved in Wellington's public transport system are kept far, far away from anything in Auckers.
I'm picking not however. But let's just agree that light rail is a start in what is needed.
I'm hoping that whatever is implemented is not incompatible with existing infrastructure, and maybe a future need for some sort of integration. (Such as simple things like ensuring track gauge fits with what's already laid down – the possibility of what elsewhere is called 'tram trains'
The Edinburgh example is obviously causing a few to slope off with their tails between their legs
Short termism is a bad Kiwi affliction – it's possible it has something to do with out relatively short history as a Nayshun – alongside that eggslint post Incognito put up the other day on Kulchril Kringe
I think we have to bite the bullet and go for 4-year terms as a bit of twiddling the political sharpness with time to implement promises before getting into the next election. Also let us have controls on electioneering in whatever way seems intelligent. And limits of three terms before stepping down for at least three terms – that gives the possibility of green pollies becoming statesmen and women and co-betweens, in later life.
Well yes to 4 year terms BUT not before we fix a few other things – such as the state of what our PS has become, the obfuscations and corruptions related to OIA requests, ensuring the primacy of tToW and BOR, a recognition of what an electorate comprised of citizens (and possible PRs is) means that isn't constructed primarily on the notion of their being economic units, rather than social beings……………and then possibly alongside an upper house with veto powers based on regions and in respect of demographic and social differences.
No no not the comfy chair up in an Upper House. With four year terms we would have a government in long enough which might concentrate on those other things you boringly persisted in stating just as I was trying to forget about them. How could you do it? There is no hope for us. Weeps and throws teddy bear at the wall.
There have been a couple of referendums on bringing in a 4 year term. Those, in 1967 and 1990 were both about 70% in favour of retaining the current 3 year term.Do you think the general opinion would really be any different today? I wouldn't really have thought there would be any change.
I'm hoping that whatever is implemented is not incompatible with existing infrastructure, and maybe a future need for some sort of integration. (Such as simple things like ensuring track gauge fits with what's already laid down – the possibility of what elsewhere is called 'tram trains'
Labour's abysmal discipline around messaging and bumbling approach to comms version #564328:
Louisa Wall goes off on social media about the need for media restrictions then goes to ground and refuses to front Morning Report and Labour supplies no one else in her place, thus giving a free hit to Stephen Franks to indulge in his usual creepy misogyny dog whistles and pompous opining without contradiction.
Hi Patricia Bremner
It is the Year of the national Jackals.
The Trolls a dancing before their own sick mirrors now. One behind the other – like so many kiddies wanting their suck at slamming Jacinda.
Their Chant is : Jacinda is Dumb. Jacinda is policy Free.
You have to remember that a large number of the Trolls (who use the Standard as a kiddies playground ) are not mentally sound. Hooten being one of them. Screaming at the top of his empty head on air.
It is a bit of a nuisance that the Standard – a fine traditional, long standing, successful Civil and Political Institution – has to give blog support to the mentally challenged that wander the streets of Auckland looking for shit to throw at our Prime Minister.
Patricia – Troll grubs verbally assault Jacinda – because She is extraordinarily intelligent. Her Policy of releasing the decent people of New Zeland from poverty thrown at them by the likes of Brash, Key, English, Collins, Bennett, Smith, Joyce, Bridges (The Gang of the Wealthy) is a Very Sound Policy.
You know it Patiricia. I know it. The public of New Zealand knows it too.
The Major Corporations – such as sick Fonterra – Fletchers – and other tiresome low weights – are on the ropes.
Just as Key and English abused the Youth of New Zealand loudly – National and their Trolls are now abusing a young gifted Politician who has given Her all to a Nation which has been Abused by a bunch of sodden Rat Bags. The Wealthy Fools.
The Youth of Jacinda are sick of you Greedy tossers – National – Fonterra – Universities that no youth can afford. Greed dribbles from every hole in your minds and bodies. You wealthy Filth.
HIgher petrol prices look likely as the United States tells every country in the world including China and India that they can't buy Iranian oil anymore. Iran supplies around 10 percent of the world's oil. We might also have a military confrontation to look forward too as one third of the world's oil that travels by sea goes through the narrow straight next to Iran, which it says it is going to block (I suspect it won't though).
Drones, what a great idea for marginal or difficult to reach terrain. No need for roads in if the aim is native regeneration or tree cover for carbon sequestering. I think a job like that would be useful skillful and using technology to assist in reaching a target quickly.
The holes still have to be made and the roots put in right. But a drone hovering alongside with the small trees in starter tubes ready to be placed then covered and firmed. It would make the job so much easier. It could hover between two men working a few metres apart. After they finished an area, another drone would drop groundcover seed and leaf mould to lie round the trees and help them get started.
Funnily enough, paintball guns were invented to mark trees. Dunno about getting fungus under bark or seeds far enough into the ground, though – we're beginning to talk decent energy loads. Fungus is pretty hardy, but the seeds might be a bit fragile.
What's your opinion about wilding pines WtB. Some must have them all out. I think Robert is easy peasy – let sleeping pines lie. They could be allowed to grow after self seeding and then be cut for posts etc, early on before they spread seed far. When do they start seeding anyway?
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration:
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
For each of the 57 remaining trials, 1 or more FDA inspections of a trial site had uncovered evidence of significant departures from good clinical practice, such as under reporting of adverse events, violations of protocol, violations of recruitment guidelines, and various forms of scientific misconduct.
* falsification or submission of false information,
* 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting,
* 14 trials (25%); protocol violations,
* 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate record keeping,
* 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent,
* 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized,
* 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection.
No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
lol yes, it's an issue, just not of the gravity your selective quoting suggests.
They found 600 clinical trials with bad FDA inspections over fifteen years. There are 120,000 clinical trials cureently operating in the USA. While the reporting needs to be worked on, the real issue at the moment is to ensure that all trials publish results, rather than the current positive bias.
Which still manages to save millions of people every year, by the way. As opposed to life 200 years ago.
So how big is the issue then…you that's right…you don't know…but keep attempting to minimize it in your own mind, as it makes no difference what you or I think…
There is however a bounty of actual scientific evidence built up over many decades and growing…
Manufacturers do not publish or share data…as you say… that is a problem…because it is the basis of the entire fabrication surrounding vaccine science, and would open manufacturers up to even greater scrutiny…actually it would be the end of the pharma industry…that ship is sinking quickly enough already on its own…it has already sunk…without sharing the data…
Staying out of court is all that matters to the vaccine manufacturers…which is why Merck have stalled for the last 8 years seeking to keep details of the mumps component of MMR statistical fraud from seeing a courtroom…oh you didn't know about the two merck researchers and mumps stats lies…
…manages to save millions of lives every year...good luck proving that…or even providing evidence that is not fabricated on the back of statistical lies and fluid AEFI classifications…
…opposed to life 200 years ago… my oh my…that really is all you have!
Edit: Not withstanding HHS has failed for 32 years…that’s 16 times it has broken federal law by not submitting biannual reports to congress detailing improvement to vaccine safety…
You want to shit on current medical practise, you compare it with the situation before we had it. That's what irks me about your little rants. In the last thirty years SUDI/SIDS/"cot death" has decreased by something like 75% in NZ. That's thousands of deaths prevented in the last 20 years from one cause in NZ alone, saved by population research, animal experiments, clinicians and public health workers.
And your bleating about vaccination stands in the face of our current causes of death, so rather than asking about congressional reports nobody cares about and were probably politically horse-traded by the inbred member for the 3rd district, maybe you should invent a better disease prevention tool to take the place of vaccination.
Other commenters have valid concerns about individual agency and the way some things are done, but they usually also have a pretty good idea of how to fix it. You're just someone who feels good by pretending everyone and everything else is shit sorry "working at a lower level".
Firstly, and so you are under no illusion. I have not forgotten that insult you threw at me a while back…you know the one I am talking about…or have you blanked it?
That you feel empowered enough to be responding to my comments after that is a strong indication of who you are as an individual. Shall I remind you what that insult was ?
I am responding to you, is an indication of who I am. See if you can wrap your head around that before you think about reverting to type.
So, in actuality it's the 100% liability free vaccine science industry/pharmaceutical profit model which shits all over the human species as is hindering improvements to current medical practice while people such as yourself seek to make excuses for it…the bleating rests firmly with you…
You've not read the congressional report, and if you had you read it along with a number of the other links I have posted recently, you would understand there is a serious set of problems which are now coming out in no uncertain terms…and they will continue to sink the entire industry…real science will see to that…
But instead you want to generalise and dismiss 32 years of federal law breaking by the HHS…and your seemingly comfortable enough with the law breaking of federal agencies who are running interference for the pharmaceutical industry…because you're apparently comfortable with modern medical practice…
As for the last paragraph…yeah I get that you angry little guys like to support each other no matter what level of horridness is in the comments which are pushed out…and when I respond using actual hard evidence linking to serious data…you angry little guys capitulate…
As I said to marty mars elsewhere…we're not all on the same level…that is a complete impossibility…so instead of mouthing off with ignorant abuse and insults against mothers of vaccine damaged and killed children..and those who share information about what is actually going on …
Show some god damn humility and respect to what is a highly sensitive, complex and polarising subject…and read a tonne more material…put in the hours, make some effort and take some responsibility for your shortcomings…
Or stay out of the subject…either way…show the subject some respect.
As for the sort of person you are, I note that you're the sort of person who likes to say things like "I am responding to you, is an indication of who I am." as if incoherence is a substitute for intelligence.
Go look up some old photos of polio wards and iron lungs, then get back to me about “vaccine damage”.
I await your predicted collapse of vaccination with baited breath 🙄
Of course you do, despite another long term commentator, contributer and former moderator of this site pulling you up on it…
No humility, not a shred of it to be found…of course you stand by it…
The sort of person I am… is that I continue to engage with you…but you can't comprehend that level of positivity when presented with it…so you have to use smears laced with your own highly toxic (not so masculine) views…
Go look up some old photos of polio wards and iron lungs, then get back to me about “vaccine damage”.
Only someone who is terribly misinformed and unhealthy could attempt to wave away millions of vaccine damaged children…untold thousands of deaths all measured by a passive voluntary system which captures +/- 1% of damage caused by vaccines globally…that’s only the nations who have such systems….vaccine science…
Dismissing the misery and suffering of families past, present and future all to prove what…that some maimed and dead people are more worthy than other maimed and dead people…seriously, that is what it appears you’re doing…
That you seek to make such a vile comparison illustrates purely who you are…
You're a guy who calls another blogger a rape enabling shit heel…and stands behind it…despite being called out, and told in no uncertain terms you had crossed a line…
You explained only what enables you to stand by that insult..
Which you made from pure assumptions made up around a belief of my not having been 'trusted'…that's all about you…all of it…
You're like the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers…you have created an environmemt from which there is no way to peacefully or respectfully back out of…so you press on relentlessly…
As for your request..it's all out there…do it yourself…I already have…search my comments…do the leg work…I've given plenty of material for you or anyone else to work from…
One Two you clueless Munter, go on post your evidence of millions of vaccine affected children, but I know you won’t, you are a flake & on line clown
[lprent: Less abuse, more content please. Otherwise I may have to release my inner abuser to demonstrate why that behaviour isn’t a good idea (and I’ve had a good 40 years on the net to hone the art properly). ]
Nothing to do with trust, everything to do with your snide innuendo.
And for someone who rants about the scientific method, saying "do it yourself" when asked for evidence of your assertions is hypocritical in the extreme.
No evidence or links supplied by One Two, what a surprise – he shows his true colours. Spreads his hilarious rubbish trying to appear knowledgable, but is a person of no real substance.
The funny thing is that if VAERS was as far off as you think that project suggested (and they were only looking at possible adverse events based on subsequent contact with healthcare within 30 days, without actually providing a baseline for that figure), why is it that every other adverse event reporting system shows similarly high levels of safety, and lower levels of safety for similar specific vaccines? Often using the same reporting system as for drugs and medications etc.
Your argument is that every nation and international organisation around the world is failing to detect some sort of epidemic of vaccine-related illnesses that kill thousands and "damage" millions. And that either nobody has noticed or the people that know are deliberately covering it up.
But that's not the only link I've posted to regarding VAERS…its failings and limitations…
+/- 1% at best…
30 days is almost the longest vaccine pre licensure testing cycle of any CDC scheduled vaccine…if you knew that would wouldn't believe it was a failing of the study…
Most pre licensure testing cycles were single figure days with no follow up at all…
None of which were tested against an inert placebo control group..all were FDA approved…after which time they can't ever be tested against an inert placebo control group..
Completely unscientific…
…failing to detect some sort of epidemic…
* Trained to detect what?
* Adverse reactions. Which type…defined by who ?
* Logging identified adverse reactions into what/when/how well…
Shed loads of highly qualified professional medical people and other professional industry people have noticed…and more are making the realization every day that kids get sicker…more illness and disease…disorders and symptoms are considered normal..it's not…
The NVICP has paid out $4bn in compensation…Aus/Nz have no such scheme…
FDA/CDC/Pharma have a long legacy of cover ups…FDA had an off record database holding 1.1m adverse reactions from medical devices hidden from medical professionals researchers and the public…look it up…
All the big players have form…that is undeniable as it is abundantly documented.
enjoying the lengthy rants from one two? He is a bona fide crazy, would be happier living in the Middle Ages with a witches poultice as treatment for disease.
I suspect he is into Tarot card reading, Feng Shui & other weird stuff, probably got a homeopathy stand at the local market
lol nah, 1-2 just reads the matrix and cures everything with the power of their own ego.
Trouble is, if you leave them in a little echo chamber too long, less stupid people might end up believing that shit. Because people would rather believe some numpty on the interwebz than get their shots, and then we're all endangered
Given One Two’s irrational fear of wi-fi radiation, he must be fully dressed in a tin foil suit doing such lengthy posts. This could be quite uncomfortable which may explain why he gets so rat-eye doing his posts.
Reduced largely due to clean water supply, city scale sanitation, pest control, warmer homes and safer food supplies. The massive increases in life expectancy the last century were much more to do with relatively mundane engineering than medical magic.
I'm not unappreciative of what modern medicine does for us; for acute illness and severe accidents it can and does perform miracles. Yet for the great chronic killers, cancer, strokes, heart disease, diabetes and dementia progress is much less stellar.
City water supply – oh, some of that would be down to the physician John Snow who demonstrated that cholera was waterborne, not distributed by bad air. Broke off a pump handle.
The solutions might have been mundane engineering (although the London sewers have some really nice tweaks in the original designs – there's some detail in there), but for the solutions to work out of anything more than coincidence, you need to know the mechanisms of ill health.
City sanitation is definitely a contributor to public health, but that would mostly be gastro and rabies sorts of thing. The major improvements to health were antibiotics and vaccines, with some military-oriented things like dietary analysis and blood transfusion.
There have been some pretty massive advances against chronic conditions over the last 20 years (e.g. cancer survival rates are improving), but unless you get hit by a truck you have to die of something non-injury related.
Vaccines are not health improving…you're confused and incorrect…
You're either poorly educated, poorly trained …certainly poorly informed…there is no excuse for it in this day and age whatever your constraints are…
<em>know the mechanisms of ill health…</em>
Sure…but that changes nothing about the truth behind Reds comment…sanitation and plumbing and nutrition did more than vaccines ever have…
Look up the graphs…disease deaths rapidly declined before vaccines were available…almost across the board…
How are you even challenging my comments with that level of thought…
In your opinion…an honest one if you can muster it…
Does a single comment you've made refute or alter any of the links I've been posting…
I'll be posting many more on this subject…suggest you go through my comments and read some of the linked detail…understand it…grasp it…comprehend the information…
I've not even got moving yet…
[lprent: Don’t try to play the internet victim card. Or I’ll see about making you understand the difference between playing a victim and actually being one. And I will do it critically looking at what you say and what it says about you.
I’d probably start by criticising the value of your selected links for your topic. In my opinion, a brief scan of them shows that about third are unrelated to the topic, another third are from sources and that I’d class as dubious, and most of the remainder don’t really support your argument because you don’t seem to understand what the papers were looking at. Unconvincing.
But I do like to educate people about the limits of the net, usually by echoing their own style back at them – just done more precisely ]
Your movement is there for all to see. Sitting there, in the middle of the room.
You're going to cut&paste paragraphs and sections that criticise some aspects of modern healthcare but ignore the wider context of the articles that you take those criticisms from, usually without any links so people can easily see what the articles actually say as a complete work.
You will also avoid any impulse to acknowledge the demonstrable benefits of the modern healthcare that has enabled many people reading this blog to be alive today. And you will continue to shit on one of the most effective and least harmful health interventions ever developed by humans.
And you'll do this knowing that every lazy cut&paste you throw out will take work to find the source, read it, actually understand it (and effort you happily avoid), figure out that you're treating serious adverse effects as possible adverse effects and vice versa, and then compose that as a response… which you will fail to understand and then ignore with some trite dismissal.
So your intense stupidity and your undeserved ego act in a mutually-defensive symbiosis, each protecting the other from getting through to you what a complete dropkick you really are.
Do the numbers by searching the VAERS DB…what there is to search anyway…
Alongside that check into the changing of AEFI classifications and other methods employed to deflect injury and deaths away from the vaccines…lot's of word play…not mine…the vaccine science industry's…
Even if I did understand as little as what you wish I do…it would still be easy enough to identify the fraudulant illegal activities…
Being able read would be enough…which is why I know you're not serious…
You are asking him to prove a negative. That is impossible. The mere fact he hasn’t had TB in about 40 years will never be a proof despite the minor prevalence of Tb in NZ (or its prevalence wherever he travelled). You can’t prove that it didn’t confer immunity either.
in short you are acting like an ignorant dimwit trying to define an impossible test.
I really don’t like game playing dickheads, would you like me to prove that, or are you going to tone down.
Such a pity about the 1/4 of a million the modern medical profession manages to kill.
The perfect is the enemy of the good. How about giving some thanks for the good instead of berating the good for not being perfect?
I'd be dead twice over already without the modern medical profession, and if one of those medical professionals fucks up the next time and kills me, I'll still have lived decades longer than I would have otherwise. The people who'd prefer nature got to take its course with me back in the 80s can go fuck themselves.
As you are all aware, the Wealthy Goons we call National, thump their chests like Gorillas and shit like Monkeys. Why? because they are Monkeys. They do no work. They steal from the Poor.
It is even said that they don't pay a lot of Taxes. Their Accountants make sure they don’t't have to. They do give heaps of Gaming Machines to their chosen Monkey friends.
The Gorillars also make sure that the general New Zealand Public pay Tax on every purchase they make.
Any how, I am beginning to think that the Gorillas – Collins and Company for instance, should take their foot off the necks of the Impoverished New Zeland Population.
The Poor in NZ pay 15% of whatever they Purchase to the Government. It used to be less than that. But one of the Gorillas (you know him well) shoved the Fee up to 15% – so he could hurt the Poor even more. Billy English laughed all the way home. He loves hurt.
I am proposing that from the First day of Spring 2019, the impoverished Sector of New Zealand have no Purchase Tax ( GST) imposed upon them. None. Zilch. Nothing.
I mean when a family is facing paying $17 dollars for a block of low level Cheese (Fonterra muck) it is about time low level people like most of us, get a break.
To be fair to the Gorrillas who are not like ordinary men ,and who proudly declare they are wealthy because they work their fat bellies off on cruises and dodgy property sales, we will offer a GST.
Now, as Wealthy people are frequently reluctant to pay anything that resembles a tax, we will Give the wealthy Gorillas a GST of 75%, based on their earnings over the past nine years.
Like as the wealthy Gorrilas set out to impoverish the poor, we will set out to help the Fat Cats and fat Gorillas to trim down a bit of their offensive guts.
the GST will apply to every Purchase made. That is why it is called a GST.
I am sure it will please the the Goons- no end. It will be a nice farewell to devious Mr Roger Nomics.
[lprent: I see that I need to trailing whitespace cleanup with the the new editor. ]
I think the phrase should have been "Microsoft becomes third listed US firm to have been valued at $1tn".
At close of business Apple had a Market Cap of $967 billion, Amazon $936 billion and Microsoft $991 billion. You really have to feel story for Mr Bezos et al, don't you?
Rarely have I identified with anything so strongly as when I listened to Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Nobel peace prize nominee, talking to Nick Robinson on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. Like her, I have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, and it is rare that women like me appear in the media.
Yet Thunberg’s rise to prominence has been accompanied by a kind of thoughtlessness and intolerance that you might have expected society to have moved beyond.
Spiked’s editor, Brendan O’Neill, seized upon autistic traits Thunberg exhibits, such as her “monotone voice” and forthright manner, to liken her to a “cult member”, in an attempt to delegitimise her message.
In an even more spiteful example, a glib tweet by the Australian writer and lawyer Helen Dale called for Andrew Neil to interview Thunberg with such ferocity that it causes her to “have a meltdown on national telly”. This strongly implies that there are those who want not only to humiliate her but to cause her great emotional distress.
😈 ➡
Are you suprised? Vested interests will gleefully throw children into a threshing machine if they genuinely believe it will protect their ill-gotten gains and/or maintain the comfortable status quo. There is no low they will not stoop to because they don't care about anyone other than themselves and those like them.
In regard to climate change, their philosophy seems to be, "By the time the shit really hits the fan, I'll be dead. And my pampered offspring will be safely ensconced inside the Armageddon bunker I've spent torrents of cash constructing. Fuck the rest of the humanity."
When the Hunkdead family bunker was finally entered after a decade of no communication, the bodies of the family were found dehydrated in blood-splattered rooms, the result of an apparent rampage of the patriarch of the family who killed himself with one of the two guns he was holding.
Ever since Trump, those who enjoy "Pecking the chicken which is different" feel justified in so doing. Many examples are appearing. The situation you described and Destiny Church blasting the Mosque with loudspeakers "Claiming Christchurch."
These people have always been there, but IMO Trump and other antisocial events have made it normal, sadly.
Just a Midday Greeting , best wishes and Aroha to the parents of the 440 children in Napier/Hastings who slept in motels last night, cramped into unsuitable rooms, with their humble possessions. And who are probably dreading tonights sleeping arrangements.
I can’t even imagine (and certainly no one in power wants to measure) how many children are bedding down at grandparents, Aunts and Uncles houses, out of sheer desperation.
And yet the Hawkes Bay has an amazing economy, the housing market is booming..the question is..do we have a Government willing to take the bull by the horns and restructure the economy so everyone 'benefits'. (Though at what point a roof over ones head became such an elusive 'benefit' I do not know)
Haven’t seen many on this forum willing to say that. I agree. I’m from the right but would be willing to support Labour if they had the fortitude to make the changes that National were criticised for not making. So far they are good at trying to stay in Government but not so good at making real change.
We don't use bulls these days, the process is too dodgy, physical, fraught with microbes, error possibilities and it's low technology. So no bulls, no horns; we get scientific results from artificial insemination. Really all sexuality is so uncertain in the old ways. In our Brave New World we are improving on Nature. This is sarc/ by the way you stupid believers.
Using motels unfilled capacity to provide housing for NZs homeless. It sounds like an economists smart plan for maximum utilisation of all living spaces in NZ. The sort of thing that communist governments might think of within some five year plan for efficient use of assets.
Since Clark, Labour has had Goff, Shearer, Cunliffe, Little and now Ardern – 5 in 9 years is quite a few, but more than 5 policies have come and gone in that time.
We're not bad people. This is not us. Calls from those who haven't ever reflected on the health of society's mind. Doesn't do to not think on one's own moral integrity as well.
One from the past. A town closed round and attempted to grow over its sore. The young woman's murderers were known from practically the next day, but there was an unwillingness to show integrity and respect from the whites to the Indian family involved. Only determination to bring justice for the death in 1971 brought the case to trial in 1987. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Betty_Osborne
The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme received $22 million in 2017 to investigate UFO's, and now the US Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting them.
We've followed and filmed them: "The aircraft was capable of “advanced acceleration, aerodynamic and propulsion capability”
"Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace multiple times per month.
"We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who's doing it, where it's coming from and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again.""
These craft are said to 'operate outside the laws of physics' e.g. tremendous velocity but no exhaust port, turn on a dime at high speed. As physics is the model humans use to make clever stuff – the designers of these craft are not us.
The US navy is gunning to gun one down: 'aircraft entering designated air space […] We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again'.
Somebody needs to tell the aliens the rules on US airspace (all the airspace are us) before these trigger-happy rednecks start an interplanetary incident.
It's obvious that If Trump were to meet Alf he'd kill him for doing Trumps hair better than Trump. We are not alone in the universe. Can we make it to a meet and greet – before a war?
What gets me WTB is that while it would seem that US military pilots are desperate for their bosses at the Pantygon to take their reports of encounters with UFOs seriously, 'the media'…and almost all of them…seem determined to present the issue as a joke. Complete with cartoon flying saucers.
Luckily it appears there will be a worldwide clamp down on what stories appear in front of the common people…we will be saved from having to decide for ourselves if we think claims such as the pilots are making are plausible.
Media's always been controlled – the internet gave some respite from that. Back in the day the trick was to only have bibles, and them in Latin. Let the peasants work that out!
For sure they'll want to police the internet better.
Note how the '78 Kaikoura phenomena "appeared on Wellington Air Traffic Control radar, on the aircraft radar". "A report by authorities later dismissed the giant orbs as possibly reflected lights from squid boats."
I suspect the report failed to explain how lights from squid boats appeared on both radar screens. I suspect nobody in the media ran a story featuring a scientist explaining how light can appear as an object on a radar screen. I suspect no scientists were even asked. Could be due to the general view that radar waves bounce off solid objects, eh?
Why would an official report insult everyone's intelligence in this manner? Muldoon probably told them to. "Kiwis are as thick as pig-shit. They'll swallow anything."
RNZ newsreader earlier mentioned that there's been a big upswing in sightings since 2014. Think it referred to official sightings, what's more. This seems to support that:
"Since 2014, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis," Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday."
"Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month." Security chiefs must be seriously spooked!
Military pilots who have reported seeing these aircraft say they have "no air intake" "and no exhaust". Not burning fossil fuels equals Green tech, eh? Little Green Men! Trying to be helpful: "Hey, copy this!"
Chris Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and a staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee said the strange aircraft "seem to exceed our aircraft in speed". All the ace-dude jet pilots are probably in a collective funk after being out-buzzed by the LGMs.
Joe, are you going to keep running with abusive and deeply mysogonistic comments?
You have proven not to understand the fundamentals of the vaccine discussion yet you continue to insult and abuse every parent globally who has and can testitfy to their child having been maimed, damaged or killed by vaccines…
Why are you continuing on in such a manner ?
Instead of throwing abusive insults and running away…perhaps you could uplift your understanding on the issues ….
The FDA has built and expanded a vast and hidden repository of reports on device-related injuries and malfunctions
Since 2016, at least 1.1 million incidents have flowed into the internal “alternative summary reporting” repository, instead of being described individually in the widely scrutinized public database known as MAUDE, which medical experts trust to identify problems that could put patients in jeopardy.
Yet the program, in all its iterations, has been so obscure that it is unknown to many of the doctors and engineers dedicated to improving device safety. Even a former FDA commissioner said he knew nothing of the program.
“The public has a right to know about this,” said Dr. S. Lori Brown, a former FDA official who accessed the data for her research. She said doctors relying just on the public reports — and unaware that many incidents may be omitted — can easily reach the wrong conclusion about the safety record of a particular device.
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
For each of the 57 remaining trials, 1 or more FDA inspections of a trial site had uncovered evidence of significant departures from good clinical practice, such as under reporting of adverse events, violations of protocol, violations of recruitment guidelines, and various forms of scientific misconduct.
* falsification or submission of false information, * 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, * 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, * 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate record keeping, * 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, * 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, * 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection.
No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
The argument for herd immunity was actually developed out of observations of natural immunity, not vaccination. Statisticians observed that populations were protected when sufficient members contracted the wild form of a disease, and subsequently acquired lifelong immunity. With vaccines, however, evidence shows that unvaccinated children may catch infectious diseases from vaccinated children. What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
Gosh, Science! And, Statistics!
(They still won't be able to break away from the herd One Two. I think you're asking too much.)
Actually, the latter part of quoted statement is false and appears to be a case of deliberate lying.
This is the carrier problem, one of those things that simpletons don't usually understand too well – and therefore a quite common myth amongst anti-vaxxers.
Vaccines or even previous exposure don't kill all instances of a bacterium or virus in a body. What they do is to assist the bodies natural defenses in keeping the volume of a particular population of and organism down below the point of explosive growth.
So yes, if a unvaccinated person is exposed to a vaccinated person, they can get exposed to the organism and it will start breeding.
However exactly the same thing happens in herd animals as well. The statement :-
What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
is a simple lie.
It is pretty obvious even to a simpleton if they care to think about it. Unlike modern humans, most herd animals have two distinguishing characteristics as populations:-
* They don't usually move out of the herd or local family or herds. Which means that they don't meet others carrying organisms that they don't have immunity from.
* They have much shorter lives and faster breeding cycles than humans do. Which means that any immunities that are passed to them from their lactating mother tend to be stronger over their lifetime.
So when looking at herds you're looking at a population awash with the small concentrations of diseases and a high natural immunity because everyone is exposed to the same diseases all of the time. A good example is cowpox which is endemic in most populations of cattle, but only affects new populations or human hand milkers.
As you'd expect when a new disease is introduced from outside of the local herds, then you tend to find rapid decreases in population (think of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle) and the residual population getting a strong immunity and passing it to their progeny.
Whereas humans may have gained immunity the hard way many decades before having a kid and simply don’t pass all of their own weakened immunities to the kids.
Wide vaccination increases the immunity in the small herds at schools and therefore keeps the population density of bugs down regardless of the varying degrees of immunity amongst that population.
What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
I would suggest Rosemary is referring to natural immunity as in catching a strain of the virus which circulates outside of the lab created strains…
Catching such a virus strain leads to full cell immunity which confers lifetime immunity…
Vaccine induced immunity does not, is not and cannot create lifetime immunity…
What vaccine strains of a virus can and do leave, is tell-tale signs of identifiable vaccinated human beings for whom vaccination has failed, or has worn off…
The lie you're searching for is vaccine induced herd immunity as it applies to human beings… I've provided a link elsewhere…
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. – PubMed – NCBI
The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.
Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles.
The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.
MMR is now considered a 3 dose vaccine, because the 2 dose recommendation is failing.
My conclusion One Two is that you are killing us with statistics as your authority. Statistics relying on statistics and each repetition weakens the brain, yours, because someone died, and ours because …
You get it she doesn’t. She believes everything on the internet she wants to believe. She’ll quote stuff that’s been disproved and come from like minded people who refuse to believe the information put forward by every government in the world. She’s a flat earther that will live on the back of all those around her that are vaccinated. But worst of all like the modern terrorist she spreads her unsubstantiated information like poison for others to take. She is entitled to her opinion but not to preach her miss information which does irreparable harm to others.
Actually, we don't really know how many people MMR or any other vaccine truly protects because we only count how many vaccines are given not if they are effective. You may have had two MMR vaccines but still not have any immunity, unless you are tested you will never know. Officially all vaccines have a failure rate, it varies from vaccine to vaccine but none of them claim 99% efficacy.
Part of the problem is that none of the vaccines currently on the schedule have been through true double blind testing which means there are a lot of unanswered questions.
The mumps component is 88% effective after 2 doses, and even then…
" Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities, particularly in settings where people have close, prolonged contact, such as universities and close-knit communities. During an outbreak, public health authorities may recommend an additional dose of MMR for people who belong to groups at increased risk for mumps. An additional dose can help improve protection against mumps disease and related complications. "
Lots of "mays" and "cans"….this is not an exact science.
However….to address OneTwo's original comment regarding the veracity of the 'adverse events' register at the FDA????
Many vaccines are being tested by being administered to large populations…too many adverse events and the vaccine will be pulled…maybe, eventually, if our children are lucky.
And more importantly if the adverse event was actually reported and investigated…
" Subsequent epidemiologic studies using laboratory- and hospital-identified cases of aseptic meningitis linked to MMR vaccination records established that the true risk of MMR-associated aseptic meningitis was substantially higher than previously thought (∼1 in 10,000–15,000 doses) and was exclusively related to the Urabe mumps strain in the vaccine (4–6). Furthermore, there was an increased risk of hospital admission for febrile convulsion 15–35 days after receipt of a Urabe-containing MMR vaccine (an attributable risk of approximately 1 in 1,500 doses), indicating that the real risk of acute neurologic consequences from the Urabe mumps component of MMR was underestimated when using case ascertainment methods that were reliant on laboratory investigations (5).
Edit….what is euphemistically called ‘vaccine hesitancy’ could have been largely avoided had shit like this not been covered up. Parents noticed neurologic changes in their children after the MMR and were told that there was no causal relationship and the fever and meningitis were coincidental. These (mostly) mothers were treated like simpletons. It is a wonder that the vaccination rates are as high as they are. Most of us, despite ‘knowing’ there was a problem with MMR went on and vaccinated our children for other diseases.
MMR has never been tested against an inert placebo control group…ever…99% is an absolute fabrication…
Having had 100% of liability removed from the manufacturers in 1986 , the motivation to improve vaccine safety was gone when legal liability was 100% transferred to the US taxpayers…
The motivation to introduce more vaccines without the headache of regulatory rigour was greatly increased…so the liability free vaccine manufacturers set about expanding the CDC vaccine schedule…
Taxpayers also fund the DOJ lawyers to defend the vaccine manufacturers under the NVICP against children who have been damaged for killed by vaccines…
Taxpayers also fund the 75 cents per vaccine dose which provides funding of NVICP payouts (currently over $4bn) via the largest purchaser of vaccines in the western world…the taxpayer funded CDC…
The above vein requires letting. Please moderator can tiresome people with their sanctimonious messages be outed for a while and give us a break. I really despise the way that they push people here with a flood of spurious information to irritation and beyond, and then go all superior when it prompts a caution. They should be cautioned together, and that would solve the problem. Cooling off time for the endless wa….rs. I have given up following their endless barrage.
Prove that there were no issues at all with the early MMR vaccine containing the Urabe strain of mumps.
And provide an actual argument to refute my assertion that a lack of honesty and transparency from our health officials over vaccine adverse events have caused the mistrust that leads to the very small number of people who refuse all vaccines.
Demanding that people whose interests and knowledge do not coincide with your own are banned smacks of….?
California already has Rosemary, and there are currently bills passing through numerous states , every single one authored by the pharmaceutical industry seeking to remove the fundamental right of bodily autonomy, and seek to force mandate the remaining few % of children in the USA who are not currently vaccinated…
And these same folks, including those here who shout out about herd immunity (which is a mathematical theory plagiarized from naturally occurring immunity), are now admitting that theory is complete fallacy, while now, the perverse irony is that the so called immuno compromised…would also losing their exempt status by also being force vaccinated…
There public banning of unvaccinated under 18’s in Rockland country was over turned by a supreme court judge… and so will any further judgement…
Meanwhile Merck are 8 years into fighting to prevent the alleged fabrication of efficacy statistics of the mumps component of the MMR vaccine…while a 100% fully vaccinated population on an America Naval vessel is unable to port, because of….mumps…
J90 et al are seemingly completely unaware of they're rallying in favour of…
The official line is to make it more efficient to vaccinate higher percentages of naive immune systems in a single visit…
In commercial reality it will be about cost reductions
Japan (‘strongest health outcomes on earth’, and no mandatory vaccinations) for example has individual (measles, mumps and Rubella) vaccines resulting from the well documented historical issues within their population resulting from the MMR vaccine…
A Review of Factors Affecting Vaccine Preventable Disease in Japan
Note the mumps stats in the table (‘japan’ believes that mumps is less dangerous than the MMR vaccine) and in using ‘vaccine preventable disease VPD’ as a measure of a nations health…completely warps the metrics versus USA table…
Shirley Smith: an examined life
by Sarah Gaitanos (Victoria University Press, $40). 464 pages.
Reviewed by Simon Nathan
This new biography of Shirley Smith (1916-2007) is an example of an unusual life, skilfully narrated by Sarah Gaitanos.
Although she showed an early interest in studying law, this was vetoed by her father, who felt that it was no profession for a woman. Instead she studied classics at Oxford in the late 1930s. Her social conscience was aroused by the gathering political storms in Europe, and she joined the Communist Party. The atmosphere of the times is nicely evoked by the recent movie, “Red Joan”. In later years Shirley confided that she was so thankful that she was at Oxford rather than Cambridge, where she might have been recruited as a potential spy.
When the story is written, the Greedy Nationals will come out as utter Trash.
The sad thing about the Trolls is that they club together to ensure that they will never have to do anything for the welfare of New Zealanders.
They will continue to abuse decent people in Aotearoa – but they will never lift a finger to assist the rebuilding of a stable, proud Population.
Why? Because, Billy English, and Mrs Bennett declared there was no crisis of poverty or housing or income within New Zealand. They got voted out on their asses. Inspiteof offering the Wealthy generous bribes.
The upcoming generation will despise National and count them as imbeciles.
To be fair, in a hundred years I think most if not all our governments over the last 35 years will be regarded in the same light as Forbes&Coates. But some definitely worse than others.
Does there really need to be a comma in that sentence? Might have even been better as, "Clown, off you fuck." Maybe have to get an exclamation mark going though.
OT. Why do you keep on about National when it’s not the current Government. We all know they lost their way in the last two years before the last election. We also know that they had some pretty big expensive problems to deal with in their time as Government, and we know when The Labour coalition took over there was a healthy bank balance for them to use. So why don’t you and your potty mouth try keeping the current Government honest instead of blathering on about National that haven’t been in Government fo two years. The labour coalition has promised a lot, talked a lot and achieved very little to date.
Flooding in Mozambique the poor country's are feeling the effects of climate change.hope not to many people passed in the floods.
I say a roster is a important part of a employees condition and the running a organisation the doctors must get conditions that keep them safe and that will attract new doctors . ???????.
I don't get people who destroy thing for no practical reason the school having a fire.
The people who work in the justices system have had a lot to sweat about in the last couple of years with the reality of the system being CORRUPT and having unfair effects on brown people it's was a cheap solution to a tricky problem I know that there is a lot of positive effects because of this phenomenon .
Our sports stars all OUR stars make our country shine brightly
I say brexit is the big blind stopping every one from seeing the big real problems the Papatuanukue faces YOU SEE Britain still has a major influence on the Papatuanukue seen that's reality Climate change is what is being blinded .
I say Mark is correct we need to have a campaign to tell slow drivers to be polite and pull over to let the drivers that no the road pass . We also NEED more passing lanes so they can be over taken safely.
Fleetwood mack is a good band I listen to back in the day
I based my opinion on climate change on facts and the amount of our truth telling scientists who are tell us the facts with no conflict of interest they just have a love for OUR FUTURE generations and the massive weather events that we are getting NOW.
What followed were four months of desperately tracking down and interviewing the people who live on the frontline of climate change. I spoke to scientists who described the so-loud-it-gives-you-whiplash crack of a glacier calving off the Greenland ice shelf. Another told me of the horror he felt when his calculations revealed that the current logging and burning of tropical forests releases more carbon dioxide than our remaining forests could possibly absorb. I read detailed and disturbing death threats sent to climate activists to make them go quiet.
I listened to people who have lost their homes and heritage to rising sea levels. I watched countless videos of wildfires ripping through suburbia, and cannot forget the little girl’s voice in the background of one shaky mobile phone recording asking her daddy if she was going to catch fire. Still, the most upsetting videos I saw were of politicians and pundits spreading harmful lies, promoting their own interests at the cost of protecting children from climate change Ka kite ano P.S This is OUR reality WHANAU. Links above
Whanau the Australian government has dish up a big mess to our Australian tangata whenua cousin . They have it a lot harder than US tangata whenua O Atoearoa they only got to vote 40 years ago they are treated real badly by some Australians and the Government hence going the for a holiday was allways not on because of the way they treat their tangata whenua. The Australian government should compensate THEM.
Gavin Ritchie talks to Guardian Australia about the disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians as part of the Fair Go? series. Ritchie says he was on Newstart and for the past three years he has been on the disability support pension. 'I will always run out of money before my next pay,' he says. 'When I was on Newstart I would pay my rent and I had $320 to last me a fortnight. That's ridiculous'. He says he has trained himself to subsist 'on next to nothing' and recounts the racist abuse he endured as a child. 'Indigenous people anywhere, their rights, their safety, their happiness, I believe, should be of paramount significance to everybody,' he says. 'Billions of dollars have been made in this country in 200 odd years. My people are still chained firmly to the lowest rung in the socioeconomic LADDER Ka kite ano links below
Condolences to the Whanau who lost there love in the crash by Ohakuri Road the road are worse in Te tairawhiti.
I seen a story on stuff about the Australian Airports having problems with their smart gates big problems and big waiting lines.
, I, its cold in Rotorua at the minute the Tawhirirmate is just going to get stronger because of you know what .
Come on we already know who is responsible for the mess at stats NZ ational they have no scruples and don't care what carnage they cause.
Wow that was fast that fire at that Australian gas station lucky no one was badly injured. I remember back in the day the skipper lit a smoke an boom his car mat set a light we all jumped out pull the mat out put it out and carried on our journey it was a 1980 mini lol the fire was no more than burning a4 peace of paper lucky
Congratulat to Tim for him being houners for his services to Southland.
That's good that the Pike River familys are going to get some closure on their loved ones lost in the mine explosion on Friday.??????????????????????????.
Condolences to the American Jewish community and those who lost there love ones in that atrocitie at their Church.
Mbovies did not have to be as bad as it is. It is sad that the Money going to IHC charity could be reduced because of the mess. Ka kite ano
Free speach is a must in a democract society so that the common people can hold the powerful to account for their actions .
It was cool that The government has got to this stage in the Pike River mine. Yes its all about shonky backing COAL and his bet was WRONG instead of admiting it they decided to cut cost to try and make it work the cost cutting lower the safety standards in the mine operation.
Its not MAORI fault . Of course its poverty that is the main driver of child negligence its in the textbooks around the world . Maori need to look after Maori as love is need not hate to cure this problem .what no one is talking about is the link to PEE that is causing all the bad stats to rise fast.
Eco Maori says that ational deliberately through a curved ball to statistics NZ WHY all the latest stats would have been used to prove that shonky and national gave the wealthy a lolly scramble and the common people got ripped off with I WILL NOT RAISE GST YEA RIGHT. shonky was a control freak there are many things that point to that.
The Papatuanukue largest Ice shelves are melting 10 x faster that what our good scientists pridicted our lives have to change fast to beat climate change. The money people have to look at climate change as a opportunity to make money mitigateing this problem .
Kai pal Sir Tim classic Kiwi bloke get through all the bullshit to get smart solutions to fix simple problems .
I say all councils should have a place to drop off goods that can be given a new life that's the new fad going around Europe at the minute taking pride in having reused goods that is a FAD we need here recycling is COOL to save Papatuanukue .
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Everything is good and brownI'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends are close at handAnd all my inhibitions have disappeared without a traceI'm glad, oh, that I found oohSomebody who I can rely onSongwriter: Jay KayGood morning, all you lovely people. Today, I’ve got nothing except a ...
Welcome to 2025. After wrapping up 2024, here’s a look at some of the things we can expect to see this year along with a few predictions. Council and Elections Elections One of the biggest things this year will be local body elections in October. Will Mayor Wayne Brown ...
Canadians can take a while to get angry – but when they finally do, watch out. Canada has been falling out of love with Justin Trudeau for years, and his exit has to be the least surprising news event of the New Year. On recent polling, Trudeau’s Liberal party has ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Much like 2023, many climate and energy records were broken in 2024. It was Earth’s hottest year on record by a wide margin, breaking the previous record that was set just last year by an even larger margin. Human-caused climate-warming pollution and ...
Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)Every time I look around (look around)Every time I look around (every time I look around)Every time I look aroundIt's in my faceSongwriters: Alan Leo Jansson / Paul Lawrence L. Fuemana.Today, I’ll be talking about rich, middle-aged men who’ve made ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Hi,The thing that stood out at me while shopping for Christmas presents in New Zealand was how hard it was to avoid Zuru products. Toy manufacturer Zuru is a bit like Netflix, in that it has so much data on what people want they can flood the market with so ...
And when a child is born into this worldIt has no conceptOf the tone of skin it's living inAnd there's a million voicesAnd there's a million voicesTo tell you what you should be thinkingSong by Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour.The moment you see that face, you can hear her voice; ...
While we may not always have quality political leadership, a couple of recently published autobiographies indicate sometimes we strike it lucky. When ranking our prime ministers, retired professor of history Erik Olssen commented that ‘neither Holland nor Nash was especially effective as prime minister – even his private secretary thought ...
Baby, be the class clownI'll be the beauty queen in tearsIt's a new art form, showin' people how little we care (yeah)We're so happy, even when we're smilin' out of fearLet's go down to the tennis court and talk it up like, yeah (yeah)Songwriters: Joel Little / Ella Yelich O ...
Open access notables Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored, Ecker et al., American Psychologist:Recent academic debate has seen the emergence of the claim that misinformation is not a significant societal problem. We argue that the arguments used to support this minimizing position are flawed, particularly if interpreted (e.g., by policymakers or the public) as suggesting ...
What I’ve Been Doing: I buried a close family member.What I’ve Been Watching: Andor, Jack Reacher, Xmas movies.What I’ve Been Reflecting On: The Usefulness of Writing and the Worthiness of Doing So — especially as things become more transparent on their own.I also hate competing on any day, and if ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
Morena folks,We’re having a good break, recharging the batteries. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday period. I’m not feeling terribly inspired by much at the moment, I’m afraid—not from a writing point of view, anyway.So, today, we’re travelling back in time. You’ll have to imagine the wavy lines and sci-fi sound ...
Completed reads for 2024: Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola A Platonic Discourse Upon Love, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Of Being and Unity, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Giovanni Francesco Pico Three Letters Written by Pico ...
Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
Don't you cry tonightI still love you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightSong: Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so”, said possibly the greatest philosopher ever to walk this earth, Douglas Adams.We have entered the ...
Because you're magicYou're magic people to meSong: Dave Para/Molly Para.Morena all, I hope you had a good day yesterday, however you spent it. Today, a few words about our celebration and a look at the various messages from our politicians.A Rockel XmasChristmas morning was spent with the five of us ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
Ríu Ríu ChíuRíu Ríu Chíu is a Spanish Christmas song from the 16th Century. The traditional carol would likely have passed unnoticed by the English-speaking world had the made-for-television American band The Monkees not performed the song as part of their special Christmas show back in 1967. The show's ...
Dunedin’s summer thus far has been warm and humid… and it looks like we’re in for a grey Christmas. But it is now officially Christmas Day in this time zone, so never mind. This year, I’ve stumbled across an Old English version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: It has a population of just under 3.5 million inhabitants, produces nearly 550,000 tons of beef per year, and boasts a glorious soccer reputation with two World ...
Morena all,In my paywalled newsletter yesterday, I signed off for Christmas and wished readers well, but I thought I’d send everyone a quick note this morning.This hasn’t been a good year for our small country. The divisions caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, the cuts to our public sector, increased ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30 am include:Kāinga Ora is quietly planning to sell over $1 billion worth of state-owned land under 300 state homes in Auckland’s wealthiest suburbs, including around Bastion Point, to give the Government more fiscal room to pay for tax cuts and reduce borrowing.A ...
Hi,It’s my birthday on Christmas Day, and I have a favour to ask.A birthday wish.I would love you to share one Webworm story you’ve liked this year.The simple fact is: apart from paying for a Webworm membership (thank you!), sharing and telling others about this place is the most important ...
The last few days have been a bit too much of a whirl for me to manage a fresh edition each day. It's been that kind of year. Hope you don't mind.I’ve been coming around to thinking that it doesn't really matter if you don't have something to say every ...
The worms will live in every hostIt's hard to pick which one they eat the mostThe horrible people, the horrible peopleIt's as anatomic as the size of your steepleCapitalism has made it this wayOld-fashioned fascism will take it awaySongwriter: Twiggy Ramirez Read more ...
Hi,It’s almost Christmas Day which means it is almost my birthday, where you will find me whimpering in the corner clutching a warm bottle of Baileys.If you’re out of ideas for presents (and truly desperate) then it is possible to gift a full Webworm subscription to a friend (or enemy) ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/winter-solstice-2024/as-our-power-lessens/ As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the year’s news with: on climate. Her book of the year was Tim Winton’s cli-fi novel Juice and she also mentioned Mike Joy’s memoir The Fight for Fresh Water. ...
The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Kiwis planning a swim or heading out on a boat this summer should remember to stop and think about water safety, Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop and ACC and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand’s beaches, lakes and rivers are some of the most beautiful in the ...
The Government is urging Kiwis to drive safely this summer and reminding motorists that Police will be out in force to enforce the road rules, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rossana Ruggeri, Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow, The University of Queensland An illustration of the death of a massive star.NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Dana Berry By looking at light from distant exploding stars called supernovas, in 1998 astronomers discovered the universe isn’t ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Clark, Professor in Public History, University of Technology Sydney Shutterstock/Nils Versemann From the Torres Strait to Tasmania, and from the east coast to the west, beach shacks are an iconic part of Australian coastal history. Beach shacks have a ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nicholas Davis, Industry Professor of Emerging Technology and Co-Director, Human Technology Institute, University of Technology Sydney Oselote/Shutterstock In November 2023, the estates of two now-deceased policyholders sued the US health insurer, United Healthcare, for deploying what they allege is a flawed ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Caroline Spry, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Department of Archaeology and History, La Trobe University Earth ring on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country, near Sunbury, Victoria.David Mullins On the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, there is a series of large rings which rise mysteriously out ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kylie Message, Professor of Public Humanities and Director of the ANU Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University National Museum of Australia Pompeii: Inside a Lost City at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra depicts life in the flourishing Roman city ...
Complaints have poured in from people who say they couldn't get their submission in because of problems with the website, and parties are weighing in. ...
The chorus of praise for Turia underscores the fact that TPM does not represent any real alternative to the political establishment. It is a right-wing party that for the past two decades has represented the interests of indigenous capitalists, who ...
“This is a massive project,” says Stephen Horn, of a plan to eradicate introduced pests from Auckland Island/Maukahuka. The manager of the Department of Conservation’s national eradication team says that’s something a feasibility project, published in 2021, unearthed – “that the scale is enormous, and it’s complex”.The scale and complexity ...
Opinion: Let’s face it. Sitting on a beach or by the lake with a dry text on economic theory is hardly what you would describe as compelling summer reading, perhaps except if you happen to be the Reserve Bank governor!For the rest of us, economics is probably off our holiday ...
Analysis: According to three vital global metrics for ocean temperatures, 2024 was the warmest year on record. The coincidence of all three global metrics being highest on record is unusual. The last time was 2016. The three metrics are the global mean surface temperature (GMST), the global sea surface temperatures (SST), ...
Summer reissue: Simon Palenski journeys home to fossick through Ōtautahi’s secondhand bookshops offerings. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.After finishing undergraduate studies and ...
Summer reissue: Checkered Flag director Natalie Wilson on her lifelong love of motorsport, and the allure of Pukekohe Park Raceway. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a ...
Summer reissue: Alex Casey returns to a New Zealand classic on its 30th birthday. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.First published October 14, ...
Summer reissue: As her family home goes on the market, Lucy Black reflects on a childhood full of books, libraries and reading.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to ...
Summer reissue: The CEOs of two major New Zealand banks say Facebook is rife with fraud – and that Meta is too busy making money from scam ads to try and stop them. Duncan Greive reports. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;i.style.cursor='wait';i.style.opacity='0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','https://take.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/quiz-embed-v1.js','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Wednesday 8 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Allen Cheng, Professor of Infectious Diseases, Monash University Five years on from the first news of COVID, recent reports of an obscure respiratory virus in China may understandably raise concerns. Chinese authorities first issued warnings about human metapneumovirus (hMPV) in 2023, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrea Jean Baker, Senior Lecturer in Journalism, Monash University Nominations galore, but no wins for Aussiewood at the 82nd Golden Globes on Sunday. Formerly, the Golden Globes were voted on by the nonprofit Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which consisted of about ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dirk Matten, Professor of Sustainability, Hewlett-Packard Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada The second season of Squid Game, Netflix’s most-watched show of all time, has been eagerly awaited by many. The first season featured players participating ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Frank Bongiorno, Professor of History, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University The Oxford English Dictionary defines a gaffe as a “blunder, an instance of clumsy stupidity, a ‘faux pas’.” It evokes a sense of triviality rather than high ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrew King, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, ARC Centre of Excellence for 21st Century Weather, The University of Melbourne It’s the height of summer and many Australians have already experienced heatwaves, heavy rains and even significant bushfires over the Christmas and New ...
Israelis were frustrated that captives remained in Gaza and surprised that, in recent weeks, Israeli military activity there had intensified, Liel said. ‘Surprised’ over military intensity“Generally speaking, Israelis are quite surprised that the intensity of the military activity is growing. I think the general feeling here was a month or ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Frank Bongiorno, Professor of History, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University The Oxford English Dictionary defines a gaffe as a “blunder, an instance of clumsy stupidity, a ‘faux pas’.” It evokes a sense of triviality rather than high ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent, French Pacific desk New Caledonia’s territorial government has been toppled on Christmas Eve, due to a mass resignation within its ranks. Environment and Sustainable Development Minister Jérémie Katidjo-Monnier said he was resigning from the cabinet, with immediate effect. Katidjo-Monnier was the sole representative from ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Clive Phillips, Former Foundation Professor of Animal Welfare, University of Queensland, Curtin University sw_photo/Shutterstock You might think dairy farmers would be enjoying boom times. The dairy industry has been expanding worldwide in response to increasing demand, mainly in the emerging markets ...
RNZ Pacific Honolulu police have announced the death of a fourth person due to the New Year’s Eve fireworks explosion in Aliamanu, Hawai’i — a 3-year-old boy who has died in hospital. Six people with severe burn injuries from the explosion were flown to Arizona on the US mainland for ...
Commenting on this, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “ACC is funded by levies. Taxpayers shouldn’t be picking up the bill for hardened criminals who get themselves hurt whilst out committing crimes." ...
Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “Taxpayers don’t pay bureaucrats to sit watching adult videos, so why does it keep happening?” ...
Hooten….what a slippery snake he is. I have heard him almost screaming hate on the Kathryn Ryan programme, while this time he paints grudging admiration of Ardern it is however laced with deprecating comments on her intellect and 'lack of policy'
Social policy doesn't count in his world. No doubt about his misogyny though, in his Granny Herald offering. HE almost says 'typical woman, only good at putting her arms round people' Sorry folks I can't bring up the link, not really computer literate.
Yes, it's sneaky and we need to be prepared for more of the same long-game tactics from the righties. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12225293
Im no fan of hootons but its hard to argue with the fact Ardern has put winning ahead of change.
It is being painted that way very successfully. Let's see their climate policy first.
The right blinked for barely a fortnight before going back to it's tactic of using misogyny as it's primary weapon to attack the government.
The loathing of aging white men in the media on the right wing for Jacinda Ardern is visceral, but hopefully their inbuilt arrogance means they won't see that she is practically untouchable on that front until well after the net two elections.
CGT is just one issue. There are other tax levers that can lead to more equality.
Extending the "bright line test" from 5 to 8 years for instance.
Jacinda has stated that the "bright line test" will remain at the current five years setting.
However the new IRD computer system is nearly online. From memory it is due for full completion about mid-2021. But is close to functionally complete now.
I don't think that anyone outside of the government and the computing communities are quite aware of just how much the computing capacity of the tax system has been constrained by having a essentially obsolete system for more than 20 years has been.
That is going to make it way harder for cheats and border-line avoiders to not pay tax. The full enforcement of the bright-line test would be high on my list of tasks for doing routine scans and investigations on. Along with the ownership shares in companies.
Indeed, lprent. Technological advancement will help the state to clampdown. Though, I'm sure creative accounting innovation will continue to give them a run for their money.
It has been interesting watching the advance of professionalism in the accounting and director communities over the last three decades. Essentially the IRD and SFO don’t like creative accounting and they tend to be quite assiduous in trying to make sure that it doesn’t pay – regardless how long they have to take people to court if they think that an example needs to be made.
In a lot of ways you’ll find that accountants aren’t that willing to be creative when they think that the IRD may argue the point. That is as much because getting into disfavour with the IRD seems to provoke some very detailed look at the other clients of external accountants and auditors who are suspect.
The only real exception to that appear to be overseas companies doing transfer costs. However I’m expecting that will change internationally within the decade. There is a pretty strong inter-government movement against them these days and it has been growing for the last decade.
Yes, there is a growing inter-government movement to clampdown on the tax minimisation methods of companies trading internationally. And anything fruitful produced will be helpful for Labour at this current time.
Headhunting top IRD staff to help companies circumvent tax obligations is not unheard of. Who best to get help around the rules than those that helped create them.
Time to tax financial transactions, possibly?
There has been a bit of talk on that, but little sign of any outcome to date. Thus, it seems unlikely anything fruitful will come of it.
Labour has a pragmatic leader and pragmatic leaders don’t tend to fight for what they believe in – they tend to pragmatically give up.
Not really. What they do look at the multiplicity of objectives that they always have and prioritize what they will expend effort on.
The problem with a capital gains tax is that with the exclusion of "family home" from it, then a capital gains tax in NZ had several problems politically.
It wasn't ever going to be that effective in evening out the wealth issues – there was still going to be an over abundance of capital concentrated in housing because it was effectively tax-free. A CGT immediately dropped from being the most effective means of reducing the capital investment distortion to being a minor means.
Conversely as showed up in the commission report, a CGT was going to impact on the saving done by Kiwisaver on austrailasian shared – which currently is the other major method of personal saving – especially for those without their own home. That would have caused capital to move to overseas shares more and inhibited kiwisaver. Neither being a useful outcome.
So other measures are more likely to get the desired effect. It doesn't mean that the outcomes desired are any less important.
Even without the family home included, revenue projections were vast. Thus, the new tax revenue produced would have provided funding to have made an effective difference.
As for the distortion in investment, I agree it would have had minimal effect. Even the working group highlighted this. Fairness was the main aim.
It's negative impact on Kiwisaver could have been worked through.
Yes, they may still produce a viable alternative, but till then, there is still voter uncertainty and another void where policy should be.
And until they actually produce some new tax policy, we don't know how effective and viable that will be.
Hard to make change while losing.
Is that a note to self Craig H?
My comment was in response to
My thoughts are that if the options are to abandon CGT and win, or implement CGT and lose, and then have CGT repealed (which is a very real possibility – opinion polling suggests Labour lost a lot of votes at the 2017 election very late in the piece from tax scaremongering), then abandoning CGT is a better option because you can't do anything in Opposition.
Fact or opinion. beaghorn? The fact is that she has forgone CGT while she is leader. The opinion is about why she did it, or its possible effects, or indeed whether it is the ony way to either win or achieve change.
Craig H has a good point below. Whilst she is winning she has the power to make change. National knew that. That's why they're still spitting the dummy over the last MMP election result. They are not in power. They cannot make changes, nor can they oppose it successfully.
I'd say wait for a budget or two to find about tax changes. CGT has been ruled out by Ardern but that's one avenue only.
As a question of philosophy, is a tightening of the 'bright line test' with either reducung the time period or increasing enforcement introducing a CGT?
Labour should have been better prepared and been ready with an alternative when they dumped the CGT. Leaving voids for National to fill and creating further uncertainty seem to be their thing. And it doesn't do them any favours.
"And it doesn't do them any favours………"
Tell that to the pollsters………..
Have yet to see a poll that has taken into account the latest debacle.
However, abandoning the CGT and the accompanying tax cuts (largely favoured by voters) has disappointed many and stirred a lot of outrage online. So the result of the next round of polls will be interesting to see.
If voters start to turn on Jacinda, Labour will be in big trouble. She's what got them over the line and they still lack depth when it comes to replacing her. Delivery (or failure of improvement) is her Achilles heel.
And as for previous polls, ponder this: who can certainly say that past voids and uncertainty Labour has created hasn't cost them more support in those polls?
There will be alternatives. CGT has been sidelined. The tax working group has reported. There was an anti-CGT campaign. Coalition partners had their say. The Budget comes out on 30 May.Those are all facts. There is no void, just the usual waiting period till the annual budget. Taking a loaf off the dinner table does not mean there will be no meal. The family can wait to find out what is on the menu, but there will be carbohydrates in a balanced and healthy meal. For all.
Yeah, the underlying problems of economic distortion by concentrating wealth in speculation and rentiers will start to being dealt with one way or another. It is simply unsustainable to go on like this.
Yes, and it got given far more legs because Labour created a void by not sufficiently challenging it.
The Budget is over a month away, thus there is another void and further uncertainty in the making. And National are already making good use of it. Attacking Labour on tax before they can even get their next tax policy sorted let alone announced.
That is what oppositions do. They can pretty much make their own spin pre-budget.
Government, especially when it comes to budgets, have to be more responsible. That stops or diminishes speculative game playing by people looking at taking short positions.
That is of course what opposition parties do, but by creating policy voids and uncertainty, Labour make it far too easy for them.
And we see this time and time again. They just copped flack for doing this awaiting the CGT announcement and now they've just gone and done it again, leaving a void until the Budget.
I’ve pull them up on this years ago and they are still at it, go figure. Coms aren't really there strong point and in politics coms is vital.
Additionally, I agree being in Government puts them in a more responsible position, but an astute Government would have foreseen the outrage and a opposition looking to fill the void and stir up further uncertainty. Hence, would have formulated and simultaneously announced a viable alternative to mitigate the fallout.
Providing the opportunity to take control of the narrative, giving voters certainty while coming off looking like a Government in control with a plan and sense of direction.
Instead, they dropped the CGT and left voters waiting while they formulate an alternative.
Jacinda did a lot of damage taking it completely off the table under her watch.
Therefore, it’s unbelievable they would drop a policy bomb like this and not have a B plan (to immediately help soak up the damage) in waiting.
Introducing a GGT may well cause a sort of "Gresham's law" effect since, once it is in place, it may well be impossible to change to something better.
This is by far the most compelling argument yet agains CGT!
You make it sound like she had some master plan. You say the COL partners had their say. BS. She had the power to call Winston’s bluff and the general public was resigned to some form of CGT and any political damage would most likely have been short lived. She had no stomach for a confrontation with the business sector or public opinion. And it wasn’t a bright move because she has pissed off a lot of her own people so don’t down play the CGT debacle and paint it up as some sort of clever political move because it’s not.
[lprent: Please be careful of the attribute controls. Don’t just yell by bolding up your comments.
It tends to get unwelcome moderator attention. I have removed it for you – this time. ]
As a Labour Party member, my primary annoyance is that the TWG was meant to find something other than CGT, and failed in that regard.
The thing about calling someone's bluff is that they might not be bluffing. NZ1 has ditched a coalition mid-term before now.
Didn't Shipley fire him?
After he told her where she could put her plans for the airport.
Definitely one of those "mutual decision" moments, unlike when she fired Bolger lol
It would have gone down to a vote between the coalition partners. If Labour was voted down by NZF they could have told the media and then genuinely blamed Winston. There was no sign of that. The result, it makes Labour Winston’s puppet and has shown they have no spine of their own.
Well, I guess you're another one who needs to learn the difference between "partner" and "toady".
If they'd gone the way you suggest, folks currently saying Winston is calling all the shots would instead be saying that there were clear and fractious divisions within an unstable coalition.
Grownups know the value of letting shit go from time to time in a relationship, professional or personal.
No, not a master plan as in a "cunning plan" but a clear set of goals and priorities that can be achieved in more ways than one. Coalition means you don't get what you want always. MMP has in this way produced a more honest system of dealing than FPTP when the Labour Party was hijacked by a coterie of neo-liberals who would not have been in the Labour Party under a full mature MMP environment. National is still an uneasy coalition within itself and little chunks of it want to keep hiving off -from parts of NZF, to the Conservatives, ACT, the Blue Greens, Christian parties, Then there's the urban liberal, country consrvative divide which is festering away underneath as well as Bridges knows. It's too glib and facile to see coalition politics under MMP in such terms as bluff and blame.
I could easily see a rural party appearing in the near future. That's where a true conservative party will come from.
MMP doesn't really work that well in NZ because we're still basically got a two-party system.
What we really need is 4 parties with around 25% of the vote each, that way we end up with a good cross section of the population getting represented.
At the moment it's one large party with a couple of pissy little parties that end up forming the government and we end up handing far too much power to small parties which is causing so much dissatisfaction.
Or we could grow up, and have referenda on policy, like the Swiss.
The real problem is we put way too much power and control in the hands of so few people
BM NZF is the New National Party for the Regions, progressive, intelligent and pro business & exports, there is your answer IMHO
NZF Progressive….Joke.
Thanks Sacha.
Most welcome
A read for Mike Lee and all the rest of the light rail naysayers in Auckland.
Construction chaos drove everyone crazy, was almost 5 years late and cost way more than originally forecast. So despite being a case study in how NOT to build public transport infrastructure Edinburgh’s light rail line from the airport (yep the airport!) to the city centre is working out so well they’re planning to extend it through to Leith and Newhaven.
The light rail in Surfers Gold Coast is very successful, and talk of extending it to Burliegh Heads from Broad Beach. In the Sunshine Coast they have extended the Metro to Redcliffe from Petrie. This is a huge success as well.
I'm just hoping our city planners, lobbyists and their enterages (who I'm prepared to accept are "passionate about what they do, and who are all very 'visionary'" (going forward), are prepared to consider the medium to long term, rather than trying to resolve the immediate problem that's part of Auckland's gridlock and stupidity (which goes back as far as Mayor 'Robbie'.
I'm also hoping that any and all involved in Wellington's public transport system are kept far, far away from anything in Auckers.
I'm picking not however. But let's just agree that light rail is a start in what is needed.
I'm hoping that whatever is implemented is not incompatible with existing infrastructure, and maybe a future need for some sort of integration. (Such as simple things like ensuring track gauge fits with what's already laid down – the possibility of what elsewhere is called 'tram trains'
The Edinburgh example is obviously causing a few to slope off with their tails between their legs
Short termism is a bad Kiwi affliction – it's possible it has something to do with out relatively short history as a Nayshun – alongside that eggslint post Incognito put up the other day on Kulchril Kringe
I think we have to bite the bullet and go for 4-year terms as a bit of twiddling the political sharpness with time to implement promises before getting into the next election. Also let us have controls on electioneering in whatever way seems intelligent. And limits of three terms before stepping down for at least three terms – that gives the possibility of green pollies becoming statesmen and women and co-betweens, in later life.
Well yes to 4 year terms BUT not before we fix a few other things – such as the state of what our PS has become, the obfuscations and corruptions related to OIA requests, ensuring the primacy of tToW and BOR, a recognition of what an electorate comprised of citizens (and possible PRs is) means that isn't constructed primarily on the notion of their being economic units, rather than social beings……………and then possibly alongside an upper house with veto powers based on regions and in respect of demographic and social differences.
No no not the comfy chair up in an Upper House. With four year terms we would have a government in long enough which might concentrate on those other things you boringly persisted in stating just as I was trying to forget about them. How could you do it? There is no hope for us. Weeps and throws teddy bear at the wall.
i'd do without the upper house for sure if we could get a few of the other things fixed.
Anyway – back to Mo Fat…..there goes one of the obstacles.
There have been a couple of referendums on bringing in a 4 year term. Those, in 1967 and 1990 were both about 70% in favour of retaining the current 3 year term.Do you think the general opinion would really be any different today? I wouldn't really have thought there would be any change.
You might find this post useful: https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2019/03/14/our-next-rail-network-should-be-different-from-our-current-one/
Yep @ Sacha.
Kind of proves my point (at least as far as gauge goes)
It explicitly argues the opposite.
Labour's abysmal discipline around messaging and bumbling approach to comms version #564328:
Louisa Wall goes off on social media about the need for media restrictions then goes to ground and refuses to front Morning Report and Labour supplies no one else in her place, thus giving a free hit to Stephen Franks to indulge in his usual creepy misogyny dog whistles and pompous opining without contradiction.
Wall doesn't seem to get the fact that she's a Labour MP, not an independent. Her "fucking TERFs" blurt was in the same category.
She is of a too fine a character to fully embrace the mud wrestling theme that is so essential for long-term success in our parliament.
That's a pretty good summation of Stephen Franks.
Yes Stephen Franks is even nastier than Hooton; that takes some doing.
Hi Patricia Bremner
It is the Year of the national Jackals.
The Trolls a dancing before their own sick mirrors now. One behind the other – like so many kiddies wanting their suck at slamming Jacinda.
Their Chant is : Jacinda is Dumb. Jacinda is policy Free.
You have to remember that a large number of the Trolls (who use the Standard as a kiddies playground ) are not mentally sound. Hooten being one of them. Screaming at the top of his empty head on air.
It is a bit of a nuisance that the Standard – a fine traditional, long standing, successful Civil and Political Institution – has to give blog support to the mentally challenged that wander the streets of Auckland looking for shit to throw at our Prime Minister.
Patricia – Troll grubs verbally assault Jacinda – because She is extraordinarily intelligent. Her Policy of releasing the decent people of New Zeland from poverty thrown at them by the likes of Brash, Key, English, Collins, Bennett, Smith, Joyce, Bridges (The Gang of the Wealthy) is a Very Sound Policy.
You know it Patiricia. I know it. The public of New Zealand knows it too.
The Major Corporations – such as sick Fonterra – Fletchers – and other tiresome low weights – are on the ropes.
Just as Key and English abused the Youth of New Zealand loudly – National and their Trolls are now abusing a young gifted Politician who has given Her all to a Nation which has been Abused by a bunch of sodden Rat Bags. The Wealthy Fools.
The Youth of Jacinda are sick of you Greedy tossers – National – Fonterra – Universities that no youth can afford. Greed dribbles from every hole in your minds and bodies. You wealthy Filth.
Here here Observer Tokoroa
HIgher petrol prices look likely as the United States tells every country in the world including China and India that they can't buy Iranian oil anymore. Iran supplies around 10 percent of the world's oil. We might also have a military confrontation to look forward too as one third of the world's oil that travels by sea goes through the narrow straight next to Iran, which it says it is going to block (I suspect it won't though).
Take it away Shane…
Drones, what a great idea for marginal or difficult to reach terrain. No need for roads in if the aim is native regeneration or tree cover for carbon sequestering. I think a job like that would be useful skillful and using technology to assist in reaching a target quickly.
The holes still have to be made and the roots put in right. But a drone hovering alongside with the small trees in starter tubes ready to be placed then covered and firmed. It would make the job so much easier. It could hover between two men working a few metres apart. After they finished an area, another drone would drop groundcover seed and leaf mould to lie round the trees and help them get started.
Use clay 'bullets' with fertiliser and seed in them.
Also, to kill wilding pines: Use bullets designed to get under the bark and spread out with Armillaria fungus in them.
Fly over with a chopper (or drones) and let rip.
Funnily enough, paintball guns were invented to mark trees. Dunno about getting fungus under bark or seeds far enough into the ground, though – we're beginning to talk decent energy loads. Fungus is pretty hardy, but the seeds might be a bit fragile.
What's your opinion about wilding pines WtB. Some must have them all out. I think Robert is easy peasy – let sleeping pines lie. They could be allowed to grow after self seeding and then be cut for posts etc, early on before they spread seed far. When do they start seeding anyway?
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration:
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
For each of the 57 remaining trials, 1 or more FDA inspections of a trial site had uncovered evidence of significant departures from good clinical practice, such as under reporting of adverse events, violations of protocol, violations of recruitment guidelines, and various forms of scientific misconduct.
* falsification or submission of false information,
* 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting,
* 14 trials (25%); protocol violations,
* 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate record keeping,
* 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent,
* 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized,
* 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection.
No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
lol yes, it's an issue, just not of the gravity your selective quoting suggests.
They found 600 clinical trials with bad FDA inspections over fifteen years. There are 120,000 clinical trials cureently operating in the USA. While the reporting needs to be worked on, the real issue at the moment is to ensure that all trials publish results, rather than the current positive bias.
Which still manages to save millions of people every year, by the way. As opposed to life 200 years ago.
So how big is the issue then…you that's right…you don't know…but keep attempting to minimize it in your own mind, as it makes no difference what you or I think…
There is however a bounty of actual scientific evidence built up over many decades and growing…
Manufacturers do not publish or share data…as you say… that is a problem…because it is the basis of the entire fabrication surrounding vaccine science, and would open manufacturers up to even greater scrutiny…actually it would be the end of the pharma industry…that ship is sinking quickly enough already on its own…it has already sunk…without sharing the data…
Staying out of court is all that matters to the vaccine manufacturers…which is why Merck have stalled for the last 8 years seeking to keep details of the mumps component of MMR statistical fraud from seeing a courtroom…oh you didn't know about the two merck researchers and mumps stats lies…
…manages to save millions of lives every year...good luck proving that…or even providing evidence that is not fabricated on the back of statistical lies and fluid AEFI classifications…
…opposed to life 200 years ago… my oh my…that really is all you have!
Edit: Not withstanding HHS has failed for 32 years…that’s 16 times it has broken federal law by not submitting biannual reports to congress detailing improvement to vaccine safety…
You want to shit on current medical practise, you compare it with the situation before we had it. That's what irks me about your little rants. In the last thirty years SUDI/SIDS/"cot death" has decreased by something like 75% in NZ. That's thousands of deaths prevented in the last 20 years from one cause in NZ alone, saved by population research, animal experiments, clinicians and public health workers.
And your bleating about vaccination stands in the face of our current causes of death, so rather than asking about congressional reports nobody cares about and were probably politically horse-traded by the inbred member for the 3rd district, maybe you should invent a better disease prevention tool to take the place of vaccination.
Other commenters have valid concerns about individual agency and the way some things are done, but they usually also have a pretty good idea of how to fix it. You're just someone who feels good by pretending everyone and everything else is
shitsorry "working at a lower level".Firstly, and so you are under no illusion. I have not forgotten that insult you threw at me a while back…you know the one I am talking about…or have you blanked it?
That you feel empowered enough to be responding to my comments after that is a strong indication of who you are as an individual. Shall I remind you what that insult was ?
I am responding to you, is an indication of who I am. See if you can wrap your head around that before you think about reverting to type.
So, in actuality it's the 100% liability free vaccine science industry/pharmaceutical profit model which shits all over the human species as is hindering improvements to current medical practice while people such as yourself seek to make excuses for it…the bleating rests firmly with you…
You've not read the congressional report, and if you had you read it along with a number of the other links I have posted recently, you would understand there is a serious set of problems which are now coming out in no uncertain terms…and they will continue to sink the entire industry…real science will see to that…
But instead you want to generalise and dismiss 32 years of federal law breaking by the HHS…and your seemingly comfortable enough with the law breaking of federal agencies who are running interference for the pharmaceutical industry…because you're apparently comfortable with modern medical practice…
As for the last paragraph…yeah I get that you angry little guys like to support each other no matter what level of horridness is in the comments which are pushed out…and when I respond using actual hard evidence linking to serious data…you angry little guys capitulate…
As I said to marty mars elsewhere…we're not all on the same level…that is a complete impossibility…so instead of mouthing off with ignorant abuse and insults against mothers of vaccine damaged and killed children..and those who share information about what is actually going on …
Show some god damn humility and respect to what is a highly sensitive, complex and polarising subject…and read a tonne more material…put in the hours, make some effort and take some responsibility for your shortcomings…
Or stay out of the subject…either way…show the subject some respect.
I remember it, and stand by it.
As for the sort of person you are, I note that you're the sort of person who likes to say things like "I am responding to you, is an indication of who I am." as if incoherence is a substitute for intelligence.
Go look up some old photos of polio wards and iron lungs, then get back to me about “vaccine damage”.
I await your predicted collapse of vaccination with baited breath 🙄
I remember it, and stand by it.
Of course you do, despite another long term commentator, contributer and former moderator of this site pulling you up on it…
No humility, not a shred of it to be found…of course you stand by it…
The sort of person I am… is that I continue to engage with you…but you can't comprehend that level of positivity when presented with it…so you have to use smears laced with your own highly toxic (not so masculine) views…
Go look up some old photos of polio wards and iron lungs, then get back to me about “vaccine damage”.
Only someone who is terribly misinformed and unhealthy could attempt to wave away millions of vaccine damaged children…untold thousands of deaths all measured by a passive voluntary system which captures +/- 1% of damage caused by vaccines globally…that’s only the nations who have such systems….vaccine science…
Dismissing the misery and suffering of families past, present and future all to prove what…that some maimed and dead people are more worthy than other maimed and dead people…seriously, that is what it appears you’re doing…
That you seek to make such a vile comparison illustrates purely who you are…
You're a guy who calls another blogger a rape enabling shit heel…and stands behind it…despite being called out, and told in no uncertain terms you had crossed a line…
That is the type of guy you are!
When I saw RL's comment, I went back, had a think, and yes that's exactly what you were being in that Assange thread. And I explained why.
Please show some basis for your millions and untold thousands line. At least something to indicate you're not just making shit up.
You explained only what enables you to stand by that insult..
Which you made from pure assumptions made up around a belief of my not having been 'trusted'…that's all about you…all of it…
You're like the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers…you have created an environmemt from which there is no way to peacefully or respectfully back out of…so you press on relentlessly…
As for your request..it's all out there…do it yourself…I already have…search my comments…do the leg work…I've given plenty of material for you or anyone else to work from…
One Two you clueless Munter, go on post your evidence of millions of vaccine affected children, but I know you won’t, you are a flake & on line clown
[lprent: Less abuse, more content please. Otherwise I may have to release my inner abuser to demonstrate why that behaviour isn’t a good idea (and I’ve had a good 40 years on the net to hone the art properly). ]
Nothing to do with trust, everything to do with your snide innuendo.
And for someone who rants about the scientific method, saying "do it yourself" when asked for evidence of your assertions is hypocritical in the extreme.
…snide innuendo…
As I’ve already said to you multiple times…stop applying your crude emotional interpretations to my comments as validation for your abuse…
…hypocritical in the extreme…
I’ve done the leg work and pointed you to where you can find ample evidence of VAERS failings…there’s another clue for you…
Don’t project your ill disciplined lack of search and comprehension and capability in my direction…
Take responsibility for your own learning…that’s if you’re actually interested …
Which all indications are…that you're not…your comments tell me you're not…
Your tremendous lack of knowledge and misguided comments on this subject are proof that you're not genuinely interested…
Or you’d already have done something about it…years ago…
No evidence or links supplied by One Two, what a surprise – he shows his true colours. Spreads his hilarious rubbish trying to appear knowledgable, but is a person of no real substance.
The funny thing is that if VAERS was as far off as you think that project suggested (and they were only looking at possible adverse events based on subsequent contact with healthcare within 30 days, without actually providing a baseline for that figure), why is it that every other adverse event reporting system shows similarly high levels of safety, and lower levels of safety for similar specific vaccines? Often using the same reporting system as for drugs and medications etc.
Your argument is that every nation and international organisation around the world is failing to detect some sort of epidemic of vaccine-related illnesses that kill thousands and "damage" millions. And that either nobody has noticed or the people that know are deliberately covering it up.
But that's not the only link I've posted to regarding VAERS…its failings and limitations…
+/- 1% at best…
30 days is almost the longest vaccine pre licensure testing cycle of any CDC scheduled vaccine…if you knew that would wouldn't believe it was a failing of the study…
Most pre licensure testing cycles were single figure days with no follow up at all…
None of which were tested against an inert placebo control group..all were FDA approved…after which time they can't ever be tested against an inert placebo control group..
Completely unscientific…
…failing to detect some sort of epidemic…
* Trained to detect what?
* Adverse reactions. Which type…defined by who ?
* Logging identified adverse reactions into what/when/how well…
Shed loads of highly qualified professional medical people and other professional industry people have noticed…and more are making the realization every day that kids get sicker…more illness and disease…disorders and symptoms are considered normal..it's not…
The NVICP has paid out $4bn in compensation…Aus/Nz have no such scheme…
FDA/CDC/Pharma have a long legacy of cover ups…FDA had an off record database holding 1.1m adverse reactions from medical devices hidden from medical professionals researchers and the public…look it up…
All the big players have form…that is undeniable as it is abundantly documented.
For those who put in the time.
You're just making unsubstantiated assertions now.
I can do that, too.
Everything you wrote is wrong.
enjoying the lengthy rants from one two? He is a bona fide crazy, would be happier living in the Middle Ages with a witches poultice as treatment for disease.
I suspect he is into Tarot card reading, Feng Shui & other weird stuff, probably got a homeopathy stand at the local market
lol nah, 1-2 just reads the matrix and cures everything with the power of their own ego.
Trouble is, if you leave them in a little echo chamber too long, less stupid people might end up believing that shit. Because people would rather believe some numpty on the interwebz than get their shots, and then we're all endangered
Given One Two’s irrational fear of wi-fi radiation, he must be fully dressed in a tin foil suit doing such lengthy posts. This could be quite uncomfortable which may explain why he gets so rat-eye doing his posts.
Trouble is, if you leave them in a little echo chamber too long, less stupid people might end up believing that shit.
Fuck yes. Thank you for taking the trouble.
less stupid people might end up believing…
Many folks are much smarter than you…or I…and they sure don't need you're patronizing and mysogenistic concerns…
…and then we're all endangered…
Are you serious with that comment…be honest now…do you stand by that comment?
Despite proven:
Provide evidence to show how we're all endangered by unvaccinated human beings…
No bold type so it can't be true
Can't get it work 😉
Like your arguments
Which sail over your head.. 🙂
But only because my head isn't up your arse, where you pull your logic from.
[lprent: Constrain yourself to robust argument – you know what happens when you don’t. ]
"Which still manages to save millions of people every year,…"
Such a pity about the 1/4 of a million the modern medical profession manages to kill.
Yes, it is a pity.
You know why it's the third largest? Because polio, poxes, tuberculosis, cholera, and a variety of other causes have been vastly reduced.
Reduced largely due to clean water supply, city scale sanitation, pest control, warmer homes and safer food supplies. The massive increases in life expectancy the last century were much more to do with relatively mundane engineering than medical magic.
I'm not unappreciative of what modern medicine does for us; for acute illness and severe accidents it can and does perform miracles. Yet for the great chronic killers, cancer, strokes, heart disease, diabetes and dementia progress is much less stellar.
I mean, what have the Romans ever done for us?
City water supply – oh, some of that would be down to the physician John Snow who demonstrated that cholera was waterborne, not distributed by bad air. Broke off a pump handle.
The solutions might have been mundane engineering (although the London sewers have some really nice tweaks in the original designs – there's some detail in there), but for the solutions to work out of anything more than coincidence, you need to know the mechanisms of ill health.
City sanitation is definitely a contributor to public health, but that would mostly be gastro and rabies sorts of thing. The major improvements to health were antibiotics and vaccines, with some military-oriented things like dietary analysis and blood transfusion.
There have been some pretty massive advances against chronic conditions over the last 20 years (e.g. cancer survival rates are improving), but unless you get hit by a truck you have to die of something non-injury related.
Vaccines are not health improving…you're confused and incorrect…
You're either poorly educated, poorly trained …certainly poorly informed…there is no excuse for it in this day and age whatever your constraints are…
<em>know the mechanisms of ill health…</em>
Sure…but that changes nothing about the truth behind Reds comment…sanitation and plumbing and nutrition did more than vaccines ever have…
Look up the graphs…disease deaths rapidly declined before vaccines were available…almost across the board…
How's your smallpox been lately?
How are you even challenging my comments with that level of thought…
In your opinion…an honest one if you can muster it…
Does a single comment you've made refute or alter any of the links I've been posting…
I'll be posting many more on this subject…suggest you go through my comments and read some of the linked detail…understand it…grasp it…comprehend the information…
I've not even got moving yet…
[lprent: Don’t try to play the internet victim card. Or I’ll see about making you understand the difference between playing a victim and actually being one. And I will do it critically looking at what you say and what it says about you.
I’d probably start by criticising the value of your selected links for your topic. In my opinion, a brief scan of them shows that about third are unrelated to the topic, another third are from sources and that I’d class as dubious, and most of the remainder don’t really support your argument because you don’t seem to understand what the papers were looking at. Unconvincing.
But I do like to educate people about the limits of the net, usually by echoing their own style back at them – just done more precisely ]
Your movement is there for all to see. Sitting there, in the middle of the room.
You're going to cut&paste paragraphs and sections that criticise some aspects of modern healthcare but ignore the wider context of the articles that you take those criticisms from, usually without any links so people can easily see what the articles actually say as a complete work.
You will also avoid any impulse to acknowledge the demonstrable benefits of the modern healthcare that has enabled many people reading this blog to be alive today. And you will continue to shit on one of the most effective and least harmful health interventions ever developed by humans.
And you'll do this knowing that every lazy cut&paste you throw out will take work to find the source, read it, actually understand it (and effort you happily avoid), figure out that you're treating serious adverse effects as possible adverse effects and vice versa, and then compose that as a response… which you will fail to understand and then ignore with some trite dismissal.
So your intense stupidity and your undeserved ego act in a mutually-defensive symbiosis, each protecting the other from getting through to you what a complete dropkick you really are.
+/- 1% Mcflock…
Do the numbers by searching the VAERS DB…what there is to search anyway…
Alongside that check into the changing of AEFI classifications and other methods employed to deflect injury and deaths away from the vaccines…lot's of word play…not mine…the vaccine science industry's…
Even if I did understand as little as what you wish I do…it would still be easy enough to identify the fraudulant illegal activities…
Being able read would be enough…which is why I know you're not serious…
Because you can obviously read…
ill see about making you understand the difference between playing the victim and being one..
Come of it…that is simply not necessary at all…I've been posting in good faith on this subject…I always seek to comment in good faith…
personally I'd start by criticising the value of your selected links
Lprent…go right ahead..it would make a change from the present level of responses…
Although given your misread of Rosemarys comment which I replied to you on, you'll want to do more than be skim reading…
What argument am I making…and how are the links not supporting it?
Remember your BCG immunisation? I do, and I've not had TB once. Result.
Be sure to post the method used to prove the vaccine prevented you getting TB…
Or that it will prevent you ever catching TB…
Or that it's not responsible for some other future illness you may contract…
Oh…you can’t…neither can vaccine manufacturers…becsuse it was never tested that way…
You are asking him to prove a negative. That is impossible. The mere fact he hasn’t had TB in about 40 years will never be a proof despite the minor prevalence of Tb in NZ (or its prevalence wherever he travelled). You can’t prove that it didn’t confer immunity either.
in short you are acting like an ignorant dimwit trying to define an impossible test.
I really don’t like game playing dickheads, would you like me to prove that, or are you going to tone down.
Both mcflock and alien were talking about proving negatives…
You understand thats what their comments were doing regarding smallpox and TB…right?
I don't really like game playing dickheads…would you like me to prove that…
Firstly, this is not a subject I play games with and if you'd done more than skim read you would see I've actually stated as much…
Secondly, can you ease off with the abuse and threats of bullying…there is more than enough going around without you piling in as well…
Ready to discuss in a respectful manner with you, anytime…but that needs to go both ways…
Be sure to post all the evidence you have that getting a BCG jab at 12 will be responsible for a future illness I haven't yet contracted at 52. lol
Such a pity about the 1/4 of a million the modern medical profession manages to kill.
The perfect is the enemy of the good. How about giving some thanks for the good instead of berating the good for not being perfect?
I'd be dead twice over already without the modern medical profession, and if one of those medical professionals fucks up the next time and kills me, I'll still have lived decades longer than I would have otherwise. The people who'd prefer nature got to take its course with me back in the 80s can go fuck themselves.
Nationals Aparthied Game
them and us
As you are all aware, the Wealthy Goons we call National, thump their chests like Gorillas and shit like Monkeys. Why? because they are Monkeys. They do no work. They steal from the Poor.
It is even said that they don't pay a lot of Taxes. Their Accountants make sure they don’t't have to. They do give heaps of Gaming Machines to their chosen Monkey friends.
The Gorillars also make sure that the general New Zealand Public pay Tax on every purchase they make.
Any how, I am beginning to think that the Gorillas – Collins and Company for instance, should take their foot off the necks of the Impoverished New Zeland Population.
The Poor in NZ pay 15% of whatever they Purchase to the Government. It used to be less than that. But one of the Gorillas (you know him well) shoved the Fee up to 15% – so he could hurt the Poor even more. Billy English laughed all the way home. He loves hurt.
I am proposing that from the First day of Spring 2019, the impoverished Sector of New Zealand have no Purchase Tax ( GST) imposed upon them. None. Zilch. Nothing.
I mean when a family is facing paying $17 dollars for a block of low level Cheese (Fonterra muck) it is about time low level people like most of us, get a break.
To be fair to the Gorrillas who are not like ordinary men ,and who proudly declare they are wealthy because they work their fat bellies off on cruises and dodgy property sales, we will offer a GST.
Now, as Wealthy people are frequently reluctant to pay anything that resembles a tax, we will Give the wealthy Gorillas a GST of 75%, based on their earnings over the past nine years.
Like as the wealthy Gorrilas set out to impoverish the poor, we will set out to help the Fat Cats and fat Gorillas to trim down a bit of their offensive guts.
the GST will apply to every Purchase made. That is why it is called a GST.
I am sure it will please the the Goons- no end. It will be a nice farewell to devious Mr Roger Nomics.
[lprent: I see that I need to trailing whitespace cleanup with the the new editor. ]
A programmer's life is terrible hard, and his work is never done.
Microsoft becomes third listed US firm to be valued at $1tn
Company beat sales and profit expectations to join Apple and Amazon in prestigious club
Most of these companies are propped up by mum and dad super funds looking for a perch. That is what is pushing values askew.
I think the phrase should have been "Microsoft becomes third listed US firm to have been valued at $1tn".
At close of business Apple had a Market Cap of $967 billion, Amazon $936 billion and Microsoft $991 billion. You really have to feel story for Mr Bezos et al, don't you?
Like Greta Thunberg, I am on the autism spectrum. She gives me hope
Charlie Hancock
Rarely have I identified with anything so strongly as when I listened to Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Nobel peace prize nominee, talking to Nick Robinson on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. Like her, I have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, and it is rare that women like me appear in the media.
Yet Thunberg’s rise to prominence has been accompanied by a kind of thoughtlessness and intolerance that you might have expected society to have moved beyond.
Spiked’s editor, Brendan O’Neill, seized upon autistic traits Thunberg exhibits, such as her “monotone voice” and forthright manner, to liken her to a “cult member”, in an attempt to delegitimise her message.
In an even more spiteful example, a glib tweet by the Australian writer and lawyer Helen Dale called for Andrew Neil to interview Thunberg with such ferocity that it causes her to “have a meltdown on national telly”. This strongly implies that there are those who want not only to humiliate her but to cause her great emotional distress.
😈 ➡
Are you suprised? Vested interests will gleefully throw children into a threshing machine if they genuinely believe it will protect their ill-gotten gains and/or maintain the comfortable status quo. There is no low they will not stoop to because they don't care about anyone other than themselves and those like them.
In regard to climate change, their philosophy seems to be, "By the time the shit really hits the fan, I'll be dead. And my pampered offspring will be safely ensconced inside the Armageddon bunker I've spent torrents of cash constructing. Fuck the rest of the humanity."
And later news:
When the Hunkdead family bunker was finally entered after a decade of no communication, the bodies of the family were found dehydrated in blood-splattered rooms, the result of an apparent rampage of the patriarch of the family who killed himself with one of the two guns he was holding.
Ever since Trump, those who enjoy "Pecking the chicken which is different" feel justified in so doing. Many examples are appearing. The situation you described and Destiny Church blasting the Mosque with loudspeakers "Claiming Christchurch."
These people have always been there, but IMO Trump and other antisocial events have made it normal, sadly.
Just a Midday Greeting , best wishes and Aroha to the parents of the 440 children in Napier/Hastings who slept in motels last night, cramped into unsuitable rooms, with their humble possessions. And who are probably dreading tonights sleeping arrangements.
I can’t even imagine (and certainly no one in power wants to measure) how many children are bedding down at grandparents, Aunts and Uncles houses, out of sheer desperation.
And yet the Hawkes Bay has an amazing economy, the housing market is booming..the question is..do we have a Government willing to take the bull by the horns and restructure the economy so everyone 'benefits'. (Though at what point a roof over ones head became such an elusive 'benefit' I do not know)
"…do we have a Government willing to take the bull by the horns and restructure the economy so everyone 'benefits'. "
Sadly, no.
Hi Rosemary McDonald
Why don’t't you ask the wealthy for the Money. Put a call into Simon.
The Nationals have untold wealth. But no Heart.
Haven’t seen many on this forum willing to say that. I agree. I’m from the right but would be willing to support Labour if they had the fortitude to make the changes that National were criticised for not making. So far they are good at trying to stay in Government but not so good at making real change.
We don't use bulls these days, the process is too dodgy, physical, fraught with microbes, error possibilities and it's low technology. So no bulls, no horns; we get scientific results from artificial insemination. Really all sexuality is so uncertain in the old ways. In our Brave New World we are improving on Nature. This is sarc/ by the way you stupid believers.
Using motels unfilled capacity to provide housing for NZs homeless. It sounds like an economists smart plan for maximum utilisation of all living spaces in NZ. The sort of thing that communist governments might think of within some five year plan for efficient use of assets.
There is talk Labour are considering relaxing their Budget Responsibility Rules to help compensate for their abandonment of a comprehensive CGT.
However, failing to address the fairness in our tax system leaves those (not making vast tax free gains) paying off the burden of borrowing more.
Hi Siobanh
Do you think a National Mongrel Government will do anything for the impoverished children of New Zealand.
They havent done anything – have they? And yet they sell themselves as the Messiah. They have not changed their ugly spots in decades.
"Ther is talk". As the Lyrics of the song "Show Me" in My Fair Lady put it
"Words!Words! Words!
I'm so sick of words!
I get words all day through;
First from him, now from you!
Is that all you blighters can do?"
When will the "talk" finish and the action start?
The more time they spend talking, the less time they have to put that talk into action.
It seems, Labour thinks talking buys them time to act. Which would explain all their working groups (talkfests).
And after all that talking, time and time again Labour has shown they largely fail to walk the talk.
9 years in opposition, nearly 2 years in government and they are still talking and working through policy.
Labour had stacks of policy and lost two elections, so had to rethink a lot of it because it obviously wasn't selling.
From memory, they have made more changes in party leaders than they have in policy.
Since Clark, Labour has had Goff, Shearer, Cunliffe, Little and now Ardern – 5 in 9 years is quite a few, but more than 5 policies have come and gone in that time.
Dropping removing GST off food.
The turnaround on the TPP.
Dropping Kiwi insure.
Dropping a CGT.
Dropping compulsory Kiwisaver.
Above are 5 that come to mind. Care to list some more?
"nearly 2 years in government" – you spinner! Exactly one-and-a-half years, actually.
"Labour are considering relaxing their Budget Responsibility Rules to help compensate for their abandonment of a comprehensive CGT."
Do you get paid to repeat the same talking points day after day? Had this discussion already.
Trusting, naive young female v young jocks. Expose by hacker Anonymous.
We're not bad people. This is not us. Calls from those who haven't ever reflected on the health of society's mind. Doesn't do to not think on one's own moral integrity as well.
One from the past. A town closed round and attempted to grow over its sore. The young woman's murderers were known from practically the next day, but there was an unwillingness to show integrity and respect from the whites to the Indian family involved. Only determination to bring justice for the death in 1971 brought the case to trial in 1987. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Betty_Osborne
Book – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25800893-betty
Tv film – (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFGSiu9G0Vc
VAERS Reporting System Globally:
In these countries AEFI data is mainly collected through spontaneous (voluntary) reporting from doctors .
Bad quality data is reported into voluntary global reporting systems which only capture a fraction of adverse events from around the world.
What point are you trying to make Phil ?
They Are Not Us.
The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme received $22 million in 2017 to investigate UFO's, and now the US Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting them.
We've followed and filmed them: "The aircraft was capable of “advanced acceleration, aerodynamic and propulsion capability”
There are various accounts of 'tic-tac' like craft
"Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace multiple times per month.
"We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who's doing it, where it's coming from and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again.""
These craft are said to 'operate outside the laws of physics' e.g. tremendous velocity but no exhaust port, turn on a dime at high speed. As physics is the model humans use to make clever stuff – the designers of these craft are not us.
The US navy is gunning to gun one down: 'aircraft entering designated air space […] We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again'.
Somebody needs to tell the aliens the rules on US airspace (all the airspace are us) before these trigger-happy rednecks start an interplanetary incident.
It's obvious that If Trump were to meet Alf he'd kill him for doing Trumps hair better than Trump. We are not alone in the universe. Can we make it to a meet and greet – before a war?
I can't read all that serious stuff. But I saw that bit about Alf and Trump's hair. Lol.
What gets me WTB is that while it would seem that US military pilots are desperate for their bosses at the Pantygon to take their reports of encounters with UFOs seriously, 'the media'…and almost all of them…seem determined to present the issue as a joke. Complete with cartoon flying saucers.
Luckily it appears there will be a worldwide clamp down on what stories appear in front of the common people…we will be saved from having to decide for ourselves if we think claims such as the pilots are making are plausible.
Media's always been controlled – the internet gave some respite from that. Back in the day the trick was to only have bibles, and them in Latin. Let the peasants work that out!
For sure they'll want to police the internet better.
Note how the '78 Kaikoura phenomena "appeared on Wellington Air Traffic Control radar, on the aircraft radar". "A report by authorities later dismissed the giant orbs as possibly reflected lights from squid boats."
I suspect the report failed to explain how lights from squid boats appeared on both radar screens. I suspect nobody in the media ran a story featuring a scientist explaining how light can appear as an object on a radar screen. I suspect no scientists were even asked. Could be due to the general view that radar waves bounce off solid objects, eh?
Why would an official report insult everyone's intelligence in this manner? Muldoon probably told them to. "Kiwis are as thick as pig-shit. They'll swallow anything."
RNZ newsreader earlier mentioned that there's been a big upswing in sightings since 2014. Think it referred to official sightings, what's more. This seems to support that:
"Since 2014, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis," Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday."
"Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month." Security chiefs must be seriously spooked!
Military pilots who have reported seeing these aircraft say they have "no air intake" "and no exhaust". Not burning fossil fuels equals Green tech, eh? Little Green Men! Trying to be helpful: "Hey, copy this!"
Chris Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and a staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee said the strange aircraft "seem to exceed our aircraft in speed". All the ace-dude jet pilots are probably in a collective funk after being out-buzzed by the LGMs.
Synchronicity, archetype, Jung, UFO sightings and alien abductions. Alternatively, lack of oxygen to the brain: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a14939840/a-10-hypoxia/
BTW, how’s the laptop, Dennis?
They brought children to their pro-plague party. FFS
Joe, are you going to keep running with abusive and deeply mysogonistic comments?
You have proven not to understand the fundamentals of the vaccine discussion yet you continue to insult and abuse every parent globally who has and can testitfy to their child having been maimed, damaged or killed by vaccines…
Why are you continuing on in such a manner ?
Instead of throwing abusive insults and running away…perhaps you could uplift your understanding on the issues ….
Would you like to continue ?
Do fuck off.
And you would say the same to every parent globally who has had a child maimed, damaged or killed by vaccines, would you?
Keep going…or run…again?
I lived through a polio epidemic that claimed the lives of neighbours and afflicted close family with life long disabilities disabilities.
So would you mind fucking yourself, you supercilious shit. Ta.
[lprent: I’d not suggest continuing in this vein. ]
That's no excuse for the abusive, insulting and mysogonistic comments you continue to post on the subject….
What is it that you are so fearful of which compels you to remain willfully ignorant?
As I've previously explained how confirmation bias works Joe…your twisted feeds are the consequence of your twisted bias…
As your feed includes such low grade sites such as TH…have another link from the same site…did your feed send you this article…nah…course not.
If only half of America is properly vaccinated, where are the epidemics?
Below are comments I have recently posted.
FDA Hiding Adverse Reaction Data
The FDA has built and expanded a vast and hidden repository of reports on device-related injuries and malfunctions
Since 2016, at least 1.1 million incidents have flowed into the internal “alternative summary reporting” repository, instead of being described individually in the widely scrutinized public database known as MAUDE, which medical experts trust to identify problems that could put patients in jeopardy.
Yet the program, in all its iterations, has been so obscure that it is unknown to many of the doctors and engineers dedicated to improving device safety. Even a former FDA commissioner said he knew nothing of the program.
“The public has a right to know about this,” said Dr. S. Lori Brown, a former FDA official who accessed the data for her research. She said doctors relying just on the public reports — and unaware that many incidents may be omitted — can easily reach the wrong conclusion about the safety record of a particular device.
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration:
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
For each of the 57 remaining trials, 1 or more FDA inspections of a trial site had uncovered evidence of significant departures from good clinical practice, such as under reporting of adverse events, violations of protocol, violations of recruitment guidelines, and various forms of scientific misconduct.
* falsification or submission of false information,
* 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting,
* 14 trials (25%); protocol violations,
* 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate record keeping,
* 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent,
* 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized,
* 20 trials (35%). Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection.
No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.
VAERS Reporting System Globally:
In these countries AEFI data is mainly collected through spontaneous (voluntary) reporting from doctors .
Bad quality data is reported into voluntary global reporting systems which only capture a fraction of adverse events from around the world.
The argument for herd immunity was actually developed out of observations of natural immunity, not vaccination. Statisticians observed that populations were protected when sufficient members contracted the wild form of a disease, and subsequently acquired lifelong immunity. With vaccines, however, evidence shows that unvaccinated children may catch infectious diseases from vaccinated children. What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
Gosh, Science! And, Statistics!
(They still won't be able to break away from the herd One Two. I think you're asking too much.)
Actually, the latter part of quoted statement is false and appears to be a case of deliberate lying.
This is the carrier problem, one of those things that simpletons don't usually understand too well – and therefore a quite common myth amongst anti-vaxxers.
Vaccines or even previous exposure don't kill all instances of a bacterium or virus in a body. What they do is to assist the bodies natural defenses in keeping the volume of a particular population of and organism down below the point of explosive growth.
So yes, if a unvaccinated person is exposed to a vaccinated person, they can get exposed to the organism and it will start breeding.
However exactly the same thing happens in herd animals as well. The statement :-
What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
is a simple lie.
It is pretty obvious even to a simpleton if they care to think about it. Unlike modern humans, most herd animals have two distinguishing characteristics as populations:-
* They don't usually move out of the herd or local family or herds. Which means that they don't meet others carrying organisms that they don't have immunity from.
* They have much shorter lives and faster breeding cycles than humans do. Which means that any immunities that are passed to them from their lactating mother tend to be stronger over their lifetime.
So when looking at herds you're looking at a population awash with the small concentrations of diseases and a high natural immunity because everyone is exposed to the same diseases all of the time. A good example is cowpox which is endemic in most populations of cattle, but only affects new populations or human hand milkers.
As you'd expect when a new disease is introduced from outside of the local herds, then you tend to find rapid decreases in population (think of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle) and the residual population getting a strong immunity and passing it to their progeny.
Whereas humans may have gained immunity the hard way many decades before having a kid and simply don’t pass all of their own weakened immunities to the kids.
Wide vaccination increases the immunity in the small herds at schools and therefore keeps the population density of bugs down regardless of the varying degrees of immunity amongst that population.
What is true of natural immunity is not true of vaccination.
I would suggest Rosemary is referring to natural immunity as in catching a strain of the virus which circulates outside of the lab created strains…
Catching such a virus strain leads to full cell immunity which confers lifetime immunity…
Vaccine induced immunity does not, is not and cannot create lifetime immunity…
What vaccine strains of a virus can and do leave, is tell-tale signs of identifiable vaccinated human beings for whom vaccination has failed, or has worn off…
The lie you're searching for is vaccine induced herd immunity as it applies to human beings… I've provided a link elsewhere…
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. – PubMed – NCBI
The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.
Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles.
The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.
MMR is now considered a 3 dose vaccine, because the 2 dose recommendation is failing.
Herd Immunity and Immunization Policy: The Importance of Accuracy
My conclusion One Two is that you are killing us with statistics as your authority. Statistics relying on statistics and each repetition weakens the brain, yours, because someone died, and ours because …
Speak only for yourself, gw..
And don't be projecting your lack of understanding towards my commentary…
You don't get it…that's fine…
You get it she doesn’t. She believes everything on the internet she wants to believe. She’ll quote stuff that’s been disproved and come from like minded people who refuse to believe the information put forward by every government in the world. She’s a flat earther that will live on the back of all those around her that are vaccinated. But worst of all like the modern terrorist she spreads her unsubstantiated information like poison for others to take. She is entitled to her opinion but not to preach her miss information which does irreparable harm to others.
MMR in two doses as per recommendation protects around 99% of persons who are vaccinated.
Once again what point are you trying to make posting that paper from 1994 ?
Actually, we don't really know how many people MMR or any other vaccine truly protects because we only count how many vaccines are given not if they are effective. You may have had two MMR vaccines but still not have any immunity, unless you are tested you will never know. Officially all vaccines have a failure rate, it varies from vaccine to vaccine but none of them claim 99% efficacy.
Part of the problem is that none of the vaccines currently on the schedule have been through true double blind testing which means there are a lot of unanswered questions.
The mumps component is 88% effective after 2 doses, and even then…
" Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities, particularly in settings where people have close, prolonged contact, such as universities and close-knit communities. During an outbreak, public health authorities may recommend an additional dose of MMR for people who belong to groups at increased risk for mumps. An additional dose can help improve protection against mumps disease and related complications. "
(dated March 2019)
Lots of "mays" and "cans"….this is not an exact science.
However….to address OneTwo's original comment regarding the veracity of the 'adverse events' register at the FDA????
Many vaccines are being tested by being administered to large populations…too many adverse events and the vaccine will be pulled…maybe, eventually, if our children are lucky.
And more importantly if the adverse event was actually reported and investigated…
" Subsequent epidemiologic studies using laboratory- and hospital-identified cases of aseptic meningitis linked to MMR vaccination records established that the true risk of MMR-associated aseptic meningitis was substantially higher than previously thought (∼1 in 10,000–15,000 doses) and was exclusively related to the Urabe mumps strain in the vaccine (4–6). Furthermore, there was an increased risk of hospital admission for febrile convulsion 15–35 days after receipt of a Urabe-containing MMR vaccine (an attributable risk of approximately 1 in 1,500 doses), indicating that the real risk of acute neurologic consequences from the Urabe mumps component of MMR was underestimated when using case ascertainment methods that were reliant on laboratory investigations (5).
Edit….what is euphemistically called ‘vaccine hesitancy’ could have been largely avoided had shit like this not been covered up. Parents noticed neurologic changes in their children after the MMR and were told that there was no causal relationship and the fever and meningitis were coincidental. These (mostly) mothers were treated like simpletons. It is a wonder that the vaccination rates are as high as they are. Most of us, despite ‘knowing’ there was a problem with MMR went on and vaccinated our children for other diseases.
Have you any idea how old the MMR vaccine is?
MMR has never been tested against an inert placebo control group…ever…99% is an absolute fabrication…
Having had 100% of liability removed from the manufacturers in 1986 , the motivation to improve vaccine safety was gone when legal liability was 100% transferred to the US taxpayers…
The motivation to introduce more vaccines without the headache of regulatory rigour was greatly increased…so the liability free vaccine manufacturers set about expanding the CDC vaccine schedule…
Taxpayers also fund the DOJ lawyers to defend the vaccine manufacturers under the NVICP against children who have been damaged for killed by vaccines…
Taxpayers also fund the 75 cents per vaccine dose which provides funding of NVICP payouts (currently over $4bn) via the largest purchaser of vaccines in the western world…the taxpayer funded CDC…
Vaccine science…the antithesis of science.
The above vein requires letting. Please moderator can tiresome people with their sanctimonious messages be outed for a while and give us a break. I really despise the way that they push people here with a flood of spurious information to irritation and beyond, and then go all superior when it prompts a caution. They should be cautioned together, and that would solve the problem. Cooling off time for the endless wa….rs. I have given up following their endless barrage.
Prove it.
Prove that there were no issues at all with the early MMR vaccine containing the Urabe strain of mumps.
And provide an actual argument to refute my assertion that a lack of honesty and transparency from our health officials over vaccine adverse events have caused the mistrust that leads to the very small number of people who refuse all vaccines.
Demanding that people whose interests and knowledge do not coincide with your own are banned smacks of….?
Rosemary, I believe that comment from gw was aimed at me…
It has been an unfortunate regression to observe gw's commentary decline in recent times…
When at his best he is one of the very best around this blog site…
I asked him a week or two ago if he was ok…didn't get a response…
That comment indicates he may not be very well…hopefully that is not the case…
They're legislating for forced medical treatment, FFS.
What you're looking at there is people exercising their democratic right to participate actively in politics.
If this were about say, climate change, would you have problems with them bringing the kids along?
California already has Rosemary, and there are currently bills passing through numerous states , every single one authored by the pharmaceutical industry seeking to remove the fundamental right of bodily autonomy, and seek to force mandate the remaining few % of children in the USA who are not currently vaccinated…
And these same folks, including those here who shout out about herd immunity (which is a mathematical theory plagiarized from naturally occurring immunity), are now admitting that theory is complete fallacy, while now, the perverse irony is that the so called immuno compromised…would also losing their exempt status by also being force vaccinated…
There public banning of unvaccinated under 18’s in Rockland country was over turned by a supreme court judge… and so will any further judgement…
Meanwhile Merck are 8 years into fighting to prevent the alleged fabrication of efficacy statistics of the mumps component of the MMR vaccine…while a 100% fully vaccinated population on an America Naval vessel is unable to port, because of….mumps…
J90 et al are seemingly completely unaware of they're rallying in favour of…
Why is it that one cannot get an English Measles only vaccine?
You used to, until the early-mid eighties, then that option was off the table.
Despite the issues with MMR… that we now know to be likely caused by the Urabe strain of mumps?
The official line is to make it more efficient to vaccinate higher percentages of naive immune systems in a single visit…
In commercial reality it will be about cost reductions
Japan (‘strongest health outcomes on earth’, and no mandatory vaccinations) for example has individual (measles, mumps and Rubella) vaccines resulting from the well documented historical issues within their population resulting from the MMR vaccine…
A Review of Factors Affecting Vaccine Preventable Disease in Japan
Note the mumps stats in the table (‘japan’ believes that mumps is less dangerous than the MMR vaccine) and in using ‘vaccine preventable disease VPD’ as a measure of a nations health…completely warps the metrics versus USA table…
Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. – PubMed – NCBI
Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination
How come the BBC has nobody as capable as this young man?
Shirley Smith legal counsel to many low-payers, partner to Bill Sutch, whose life seems opaque to me.
This review of her biography is good and the book sounds enormously interesting.http://books.scoop.co.nz/2019/04/24/woman-in-law/
Shirley Smith: an examined life
by Sarah Gaitanos (Victoria University Press, $40). 464 pages.
Reviewed by Simon Nathan
This new biography of Shirley Smith (1916-2007) is an example of an unusual life, skilfully narrated by Sarah Gaitanos.
Although she showed an early interest in studying law, this was vetoed by her father, who felt that it was no profession for a woman. Instead she studied classics at Oxford in the late 1930s. Her social conscience was aroused by the gathering political storms in Europe, and she joined the Communist Party. The atmosphere of the times is nicely evoked by the recent movie, “Red Joan”. In later years Shirley confided that she was so thankful that she was at Oxford rather than Cambridge, where she might have been recruited as a potential spy.
When the story is written, the Greedy Nationals will come out as utter Trash.
The sad thing about the Trolls is that they club together to ensure that they will never have to do anything for the welfare of New Zealanders.
They will continue to abuse decent people in Aotearoa – but they will never lift a finger to assist the rebuilding of a stable, proud Population.
Why? Because, Billy English, and Mrs Bennett declared there was no crisis of poverty or housing or income within New Zealand. They got voted out on their asses. Inspiteof offering the Wealthy generous bribes.
The upcoming generation will despise National and count them as imbeciles.
Go get help.
OT seemed firm but fair in that comment.
Fuck off, you clown.
To be fair, in a hundred years I think most if not all our governments over the last 35 years will be regarded in the same light as Forbes&Coates. But some definitely worse than others.
Does there really need to be a comma in that sentence? Might have even been better as, "Clown, off you fuck." Maybe have to get an exclamation mark going though.
When the Story is Written………
Unless you prefer
Forward looking people despise them already.
OT. Why do you keep on about National when it’s not the current Government. We all know they lost their way in the last two years before the last election. We also know that they had some pretty big expensive problems to deal with in their time as Government, and we know when The Labour coalition took over there was a healthy bank balance for them to use. So why don’t you and your potty mouth try keeping the current Government honest instead of blathering on about National that haven’t been in Government fo two years. The labour coalition has promised a lot, talked a lot and achieved very little to date.
Kia ora The AM Show.
Flooding in Mozambique the poor country's are feeling the effects of climate change.hope not to many people passed in the floods.
I say a roster is a important part of a employees condition and the running a organisation the doctors must get conditions that keep them safe and that will attract new doctors . ???????.
I don't get people who destroy thing for no practical reason the school having a fire.
The people who work in the justices system have had a lot to sweat about in the last couple of years with the reality of the system being CORRUPT and having unfair effects on brown people it's was a cheap solution to a tricky problem I know that there is a lot of positive effects because of this phenomenon .
Our sports stars all OUR stars make our country shine brightly
I say brexit is the big blind stopping every one from seeing the big real problems the Papatuanukue faces YOU SEE Britain still has a major influence on the Papatuanukue seen that's reality Climate change is what is being blinded .
I say Mark is correct we need to have a campaign to tell slow drivers to be polite and pull over to let the drivers that no the road pass . We also NEED more passing lanes so they can be over taken safely.
Fleetwood mack is a good band I listen to back in the day
Ka kite ano welcome back
Some Eco Maori Music for the minute.
Some Eco Maori Music for the minute.
Kia kaha to all the Extinction Rebellion peaceful protesters
I based my opinion on climate change on facts and the amount of our truth telling scientists who are tell us the facts with no conflict of interest they just have a love for OUR FUTURE generations and the massive weather events that we are getting NOW.
What followed were four months of desperately tracking down and interviewing the people who live on the frontline of climate change. I spoke to scientists who described the so-loud-it-gives-you-whiplash crack of a glacier calving off the Greenland ice shelf. Another told me of the horror he felt when his calculations revealed that the current logging and burning of tropical forests releases more carbon dioxide than our remaining forests could possibly absorb. I read detailed and disturbing death threats sent to climate activists to make them go quiet.
I listened to people who have lost their homes and heritage to rising sea levels. I watched countless videos of wildfires ripping through suburbia, and cannot forget the little girl’s voice in the background of one shaky mobile phone recording asking her daddy if she was going to catch fire. Still, the most upsetting videos I saw were of politicians and pundits spreading harmful lies, promoting their own interests at the cost of protecting children from climate change Ka kite ano P.S This is OUR reality WHANAU. Links above
Whanau the Australian government has dish up a big mess to our Australian tangata whenua cousin . They have it a lot harder than US tangata whenua O Atoearoa they only got to vote 40 years ago they are treated real badly by some Australians and the Government hence going the for a holiday was allways not on because of the way they treat their tangata whenua. The Australian government should compensate THEM.
Gavin Ritchie talks to Guardian Australia about the disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians as part of the Fair Go? series. Ritchie says he was on Newstart and for the past three years he has been on the disability support pension. 'I will always run out of money before my next pay,' he says. 'When I was on Newstart I would pay my rent and I had $320 to last me a fortnight. That's ridiculous'. He says he has trained himself to subsist 'on next to nothing' and recounts the racist abuse he endured as a child. 'Indigenous people anywhere, their rights, their safety, their happiness, I believe, should be of paramount significance to everybody,' he says. 'Billions of dollars have been made in this country in 200 odd years. My people are still chained firmly to the lowest rung in the socioeconomic LADDER Ka kite ano links below
Some Eco Maori Music for the minute .
Whanau it's expensive serviving in Australia
Kia ora Newshub.
Condolences to the Whanau who lost there love in the crash by Ohakuri Road the road are worse in Te tairawhiti.
I seen a story on stuff about the Australian Airports having problems with their smart gates big problems and big waiting lines.
, I, its cold in Rotorua at the minute the Tawhirirmate is just going to get stronger because of you know what .
Come on we already know who is responsible for the mess at stats NZ ational they have no scruples and don't care what carnage they cause.
Wow that was fast that fire at that Australian gas station lucky no one was badly injured. I remember back in the day the skipper lit a smoke an boom his car mat set a light we all jumped out pull the mat out put it out and carried on our journey it was a 1980 mini lol the fire was no more than burning a4 peace of paper lucky
Congratulat to Tim for him being houners for his services to Southland.
That's good that the Pike River familys are going to get some closure on their loved ones lost in the mine explosion on Friday.??????????????????????????.
Condolences to the American Jewish community and those who lost there love ones in that atrocitie at their Church.
Mbovies did not have to be as bad as it is. It is sad that the Money going to IHC charity could be reduced because of the mess. Ka kite ano
Kia ora Newshub..
Free speach is a must in a democract society so that the common people can hold the powerful to account for their actions .
It was cool that The government has got to this stage in the Pike River mine. Yes its all about shonky backing COAL and his bet was WRONG instead of admiting it they decided to cut cost to try and make it work the cost cutting lower the safety standards in the mine operation.
Its not MAORI fault . Of course its poverty that is the main driver of child negligence its in the textbooks around the world . Maori need to look after Maori as love is need not hate to cure this problem .what no one is talking about is the link to PEE that is causing all the bad stats to rise fast.
Eco Maori says that ational deliberately through a curved ball to statistics NZ WHY all the latest stats would have been used to prove that shonky and national gave the wealthy a lolly scramble and the common people got ripped off with I WILL NOT RAISE GST YEA RIGHT. shonky was a control freak there are many things that point to that.
The Papatuanukue largest Ice shelves are melting 10 x faster that what our good scientists pridicted our lives have to change fast to beat climate change. The money people have to look at climate change as a opportunity to make money mitigateing this problem .
Kai pal Sir Tim classic Kiwi bloke get through all the bullshit to get smart solutions to fix simple problems .
I say all councils should have a place to drop off goods that can be given a new life that's the new fad going around Europe at the minute taking pride in having reused goods that is a FAD we need here recycling is COOL to save Papatuanukue .
Ka kite ano