Daily review 12/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 12th, 2024 - 5 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

Open mike 12/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 12th, 2024 - 50 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Daily review 11/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 11th, 2024 - 4 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

Open mike 11/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 11th, 2024 - 71 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

UK General Election – the mood on the doorstep

Written By:
Date published: 10:04 pm, June 10th, 2024 - 12 comments

The UK still has the First Past the Post Electoral system. Something New Zealand should have absolutely no nostalgia for. This means that, while the campaign is UK-wide, a lot of campaign activity is directed into constituencies that are deemed marginal. In marginal constituencies, a General Election brings a conveyor belt of the good and the great supporting their prospective parliamentary candidate. In “safe seats” voters get much less attention.

Daily review 10/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 10th, 2024 - 22 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

Open mike 10/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 10th, 2024 - 67 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Respect existence or expect resistance

Written By:
Date published: 11:08 am, June 9th, 2024 - 16 comments

Yesterday’s Greenpeace’s War on Nature protest in Tamaki Makaurau suggests growing unity on the left and an increasing determination to stop the Fast Track Projects Bill from being passed.

Open mike 09/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 9th, 2024 - 10 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Fast-Track to Fast-Fail

Written By:
Date published: 7:33 pm, June 8th, 2024 - 35 comments

Only a fool insists on furiously flogging a dead horse to go faster on the track.

Open mike 08/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 8th, 2024 - 5 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

NATO escalation danger

Written By:
Date published: 3:17 am, June 8th, 2024 - 26 comments

The destruction on 23 May of a key part of Russia’s nuclear defence means the Doomsday clock is ticking closer to midnight.  A Ukrainian/NATO drone attack on the Armavir radar station north of Georgia attcked a Voronezh-DM radar which is designed to detect incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Daily review 07/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 7th, 2024 - 8 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

March for Nature

Written By:
Date published: 8:46 am, June 7th, 2024 - 21 comments

Be there, bring your whanau, bring friends. Make it noisy and passionate and make it count.

Open mike 07/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 7th, 2024 - 68 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Daily review 06/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 6th, 2024 - 7 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

Lies Damn Lies and Police Statistics

Written By:
Date published: 10:43 am, June 6th, 2024 - 15 comments

Police Minister has been caught out claiming an increase in patrols in Central Auckland when a proper analysis of the data shows that the number of patrols have decreased.

Open mike 06/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 6th, 2024 - 37 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Daily review 05/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 5th, 2024 - 12 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

National’s irksome incompetence is inexcusable

Written By:
Date published: 6:05 am, June 5th, 2024 - 11 comments

When the fabric of lies unravels the gaslighting increases.

Open mike 05/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 5th, 2024 - 31 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Daily review 04/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 5:30 pm, June 4th, 2024 - 4 comments

Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

National/Act – good at breaking public services

Written By:
Date published: 12:14 pm, June 4th, 2024 - 41 comments

Today is my 65th birthday. So I’m trying to check out a PDF letter on MyMSD which probably has some details about superannuation. But I get ERR_CONNECTION_RESET consistently. Looks like the idiots in this government have managed to screw up the efficient systems already. The MyMSD site is currently partially dead.

Open mike 04/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 4th, 2024 - 22 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

The National Party has a pattern of broken election promises

Written By:
Date published: 6:02 pm, June 3rd, 2024 - 9 comments

The National Party has created a new slogan: give New Zealanders a break … in promises!

The Big Budget Backflip *

Written By:
Date published: 2:57 pm, June 3rd, 2024 - 10 comments

* or is it?

Open mike 03/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 3rd, 2024 - 20 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Open mike 02/06/2024

Written By:
Date published: 6:00 am, June 2nd, 2024 - 24 comments

Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …

Anti-Muslim, anti-black, pro-Zionist: UK Labour goes for purge

Written By:
Date published: 4:44 am, June 2nd, 2024 - 10 comments

I attended Faiza Shaheen’s impressive candidate launch in Chingford four years ago. She aimed to take on IDS and she dented his majority. Reselected two years ago by the local Labour Party, four days ago she was deselected by a 3-person kangaroo court from the party’s National Executive Committee.
Update: Faiza Shaheen to stand as an independent in Chingford.

Putting Politics over People

Written By:
Date published: 2:00 pm, June 1st, 2024 - 24 comments

National’s breaking of its election promise to fund 13 cancer treatments is cruel beyond words.

The QE2 covenant, the Mining Company and the donation to NZ First

Written By:
Date published: 8:53 am, June 1st, 2024 - 18 comments

Radio New Zealand has broken the jaw dropping and astounding story that shows why the Fast Track Projects Bill is potentially so corrupting to the body politic and why there has to be electoral law reform to stop corporations from buying influence.


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