Pencilsword on renting

Written By: - Date published: 1:16 pm, April 29th, 2017 - 14 comments
Categories: cartoons, class war, housing, human rights, journalism - Tags: , , , ,

Pencilsword does brilliant analysis and commentary in cartoon form. Go check out the latest on the invisible rental crisis…

14 comments on “Pencilsword on renting ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    Why’s everyone going to the house?

    It’s the garage that’s for rent.

    • weka 1.1


    • ” Why’s everyone going to the house?

      It’s the garage that’s for rent.”


      Yeah , … that’s what I was wondering as well …

    • Sabine 1.3

      getting to the paper work to fill out and maybe a small bribe for the ‘landlord’? After all, a good garage is hard to come by.

  2. Carolyn_nth 2


    yes, a big part of the problem is the mythology that all Kiwis need to and/or want to own property.

    Some of us just want a decent long term rental.

  3. Antoine 3

    This is very well done

    • Antoine 3.1

      A little unfair in that it misses out that the GOvernment is actually doing quite a bit to insulate rentals better

      • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1.1


        Sob Sob, yes, it’s so unfair to the poor Tory scum when they don’t get the credit for Green Party initiatives.

      • Why do these rentals need to be retro-fitted for insulation in the first place.

        • BM

          Because insulation wasn’t a requirement if it wasn’t a requirement it didn’t get done.

          Our house(built in the 1960’s) had nothing in the walls, some dusty dirt shit in the roof and nothing underfloor.

          Up until 2005 or so, it was acceptable to lay some tin foil like paper under the floor and that was considered acceptable as underfloor insulation.

          It did absolutely nothing but that met code so that’s all people got.

          • Sabine

            Funny, a few month ago we bought a lil cottage in Nowhere NZ. Now this property is originally a Ministry of Works house and is pristine. Like the floor boards are clean as, the water cylinder is still in gallons and what not.

            Now, the house had two owners in its 80 years of existence, and the news paper under the old underlay / carpet dates to 1979 – and speaks of Kossaks coming 🙂 ?

            Now frankly, this house is weather tight, the windows close, the doors do to, and in the walls i have something that feels like rough sheep wool? Everywhere.

            The only thing new is the Roof with insulation. The sheep wool? Is either from 1949 or 1979.

            So i would say that depending the owner of the property you either had insulation or not. We did have awesome owners before us, and the house will serve us well not only as a Shelter but to finally make a home. Yei!

      • Sabine 3.1.3

        let me fix that for you

        the Government is using Taxpayers money – by giving it to private property owners, to incentives these private properties owners to increase their value by adding insulation . Once the insulation is added – Courtesy of the NZ Taxpayer – the Landlords can then increase the rent, cause now the house is ‘heat – able’.

        so frankly, its not the government that is doing anything, its the tax payer that is footing the bill so that the poor landlord has no excuse not to ‘add value’ to his retirement package.

        Always remember, the government is the people, the peeps getting the perps and tricks are simply the ‘representative’ of the people, and supposedly they are to work for all the peeps, but we can clearly say that this is currently not so.

        One could also say that the ‘Government’ is doing quite a bit to make life better for Motel owners, one emergency housed homeless person at a time.

        Maybe that money would be better spend updating State Houses, building more State Houses and Flats so that we can house people instead of pleating the behind of the rental investors of NZ in gold.

  4. Smilin 4

    looking at that its a shocking indictment on where the wealth of nz is at
    What percentage owns the lionshare of property?