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- Date published:
5:05 pm, October 16th, 2017 - 19 comments
Categories: election 2017, humour -
Tags: coalition talks, election 2017, waiting for winston
Spare a thought for our poor political reporters – tasked with reporting the unreportable – breaking live feed!
Looks like no further developments today:
No comment.
Not Lloyd Burr of 3News anyway lol
“She was carrying a Tank juice in case you were wondering.”
This guy is my pick for ‘NZ Journalist of the Year’. What amazing insight.
2. simonm, Henry tries to make Jacinda appear trite. So “prat of the year” IMO. He did a P… Poor job of reporting on Jacinda’s activities over the last 4 days of the campaign. Just photos, and a heading, no write up often, while Bill’s mob waxed lyrical.
So am I sorry for the prat?? No I am not.
I can’t wait for the lunchomancy apocalypse prediction story.
“The lack of salads on the NZF lunch trolley indicates a significant distaste for Greens.”
God this is like another “who done it” saga.
I am inclined to say “Poor Politicians”
I watched this mornings Winston arrival in Wellington, and at the airport rush of the reporters was pandamonium and yes an over weight overzealous Lloyd Burr of 3News was included in the pack hunting for snipbits for todays juncket news but got not much at all.
I wished the reporters would concentrate on Bullshit Bill English’s comments as he lied again today when he said “I say since the election was over three weeks ago” the public expects a quick resolution tio who is the next government”.
No,No,No, – The election was ovver one week ago as it took two weeks for the final tally to be counted remember Bill?
Bill English – If you are getting pissed off about who is dragging out the election process, go after the Electoral Commission about them taking two weeks to count the other 15% of the votes and leave Winston alone!!!!!!!
Besides Bill you could just say to Winston-
what do you want.
And answer OK done.
That would take about 1 hr!!
So who is the hold up?
@cleangreen…Yes I saw one of those journos ask Winston…”can you give us a hint of who is ahead at the moment ?”
This will go on ALL week.
It’s called ‘bargaining for the best policy deal’ for each party simply put.
Take a breath and let it proceed people.
Between them, the gallery journos could have spent the last couple of weeks educating us all about the various policy combinations at stake. But no. Half a dozen folk muttering about snacks and floor tiles and broken escalators instead. First against the wall when the robots arrive.
And yes there appears to be an area, a small area not much bigger than a small coin probably a 50 cent one, of dried paint now, wait WAIT I can confirm it is only a 20 cent size – over to our expert panel – hollow Matt what do you make of this, is it significant that it is ONLY 20 cent size? Yessss that indicatessss the utter depravity of the left, seeeee it issss all about honessssty…
I believe those reporters are re-enacting Waiting for Godot with MSM & social media as their stage; it really is an avant-garde post-modern art-form of “freedom of press” – those cheeky reporters.
They have nothing to report.
They have all run out of all possible coalition possibilities.
It is still possible someone will suggest a lab/nat cozy up. Probably Bomber. He cannot tell the difference between them.
Actually the media have been pretty stupid over the negotiations.
The time frame Peter’s set was always way too short.
The media only want a result.
Forming governments is actually faintly important and breathless “breaking news media yaps yaps are not.
Negotiations are negotiations, they take time. Live with it.
I was not aware we had any journalists…….?
Ha ha ha you win the best humour for the day SPARKY.
One chocolate fish for you now. (See Wild Katipo as he was last offering them).
Yes SPARKY you are right, we dont have any jouralists now since S Joyce sanctioned the whole media two years ago through his propaganda agency MBIE ’employee policy’ unit in his action control bunker.
Sad day we have here now.
Winston has the answer when in a coalition he wil use NZF “Public broadcasting policy” to bring back investigative jornalism again.
I appreciate your comment, Patricia Bremner. I think we need to comment on the commentators and journalists and their coverage of politics. It was hopeful when Jacinda began naming the political commentators who were interviewing her and we could observe who was asking what.
Yes Alana, Agreed;
We have done all this so many times but those Jouno’s still carry on doing us all a dis-service using their own naked bias.
So I am leaning toward ‘a new set of priincipals to guide these journalists to use standard ‘balanced’ reporting’.
As we now have a very ‘biased’ reporting system that infuences their views only, and is not very helpful to all of us expecting to hear all sides of the issues.
You miss the point. It’s all about the media self satisfying. The media has become the message.