Written By:
- Date published:
6:57 am, July 10th, 2011 - 6 comments
Categories: education, jobs, national/act government -
Yesterday, hundreds of parents protested cuts to early childhood education on Queen St and gave Phil Goff a 60,000 signature petition to take to Wellington. 1000 people in the Octagon called on the government to consider Kiwi jobs when awarding contracts. What is wrong with the priorities of this government that puts tax cuts ahead of kids and job?
A couple of hundred turned out, wow that issue must really be a major issue
Still more details for Labour to use (whoops sorry Labour don’t do that)
A couple of hundred? From having been in the crowd, I’d have said there were easily 1000 on Queen St, delivering 60,000 signatures – which is a fair slice of the electorate who have signed.
And another 1000 in Dunedin – there are quite a few dissatisfied with this government.
Lookin’ good my man!
60 000 more signatures for Labour to use (sorry to pass on)
This will be a good week for Goff 😉
I can’t believe tvnz and stuff ran those two articles. They are essentially just union written press releases.
And yet you don’t seem to complain when they run seemingly reworded National Party press releases…