Written By:
lprent - Date published:
8:22 am, November 10th, 2022 - 29 comments
Categories: abortion, Donald Trump, International, Joe Biden, us politics -
Tags: gun control, inflation, mid-terms, nutbar candidates, Republicans, Ron DeSantis, US Democrats
Except in Florida, where Ron DeSantis led a convincing set of Republican gains, the Republican party in the US have had a disappointing mid-term election. The Democrats who were expecting to face the classic mid-term vote against incumbents, will be pleasantly surprised. There are still a lot of votes to count. This being the US, lawyers will be trying to set court dates.
Widely described as a red ripple, as of this morning it has left Republican without definite control in the Senate with 3 senate races not been called. One of which, Georgia, will probably go to a run-off election in December. As expected the Republican party will have a shallow control of the House with an unconvincing majority which is going to make it hard for them to control their undisciplined mob.
Anthony Zurcher at the BBC described it early on as “Mixed-bag kind of election”
This has been a strange kind of midterm election. Democrats are claiming victory even though they appear poised to lose control of the House of Representatives. Republicans are engaging in the kind of circular firing squads usually reserved for the defeated party.
It’s all about expectations. Republicans – looking at midterm history, Joe Biden’s negative approval ratings and a US economy that was struggling – expected to ride a wave to sweeping congressional victories.
Democrats, after watching their last two presidents get drubbed in their first midterm elections, were assuming the worst.
Antony Zurcher, BBC: Mixed-bag kind of election
That really sums it up. The Republicans focused on inflation, crime and disapproval of Joe Biden. That seems to have resonated with parts of their base.
But outside of the Republican bubble the Democratic and Independent voters voted against nut bar election denialists, shot down further restrictions on abortions and anti-abortion candidates, and against the Trump anointed candidates. They also responsibly seemed to have voted for gun control candidates.
Rising prices and abortion were the two issues top of voters’ minds as they cast their ballots, according to the national exit poll.
Almost a third of people surveyed said inflation was the issue that mattered most in deciding how they voted. A large majority of voters also said it had caused them hardship in the past year.
But abortion was another top issue, with 27% of people saying it was their deciding factor, after the Supreme Court overturned a ruling which had given nationwide protection for abortion rights.
That said, voters were sharply divided along party lines – inflation was by far the biggest issue for Republicans, while for Democrats, abortion was top.
BBC: “US midterms: How the parties are doing in maps and charts”
Probably the clearest example of a refusal to elect nut-bar candidates is in Georgia with senatorial candidate Hershel Walker. There was clearly a lot of split voting from Republican supporters who convincingly voted back in Bryan Kemp as governer, while voting for the Democratic senatorial candidate. Hershel Walker is a Trump anointed candidate with what appear to be similar levels of blatant lying and outright hypocrisy between his public positions and his personal actions – especially on abortion. Of course that could also just be simple racism by Republican supporters voting against a black candidate in Georgia. But there are numerous other examples of the Trump touch being off-putting to the general population of voters.
Where restrictions on abortion was a direct question uncomplicated by other positions, it was seems to have clearly been renounced.
Five states voted on changes to abortion rules.
Vermont, California and Michigan all voted in favour of including the right to reproductive freedom in the state constitution.
In Kentucky, however, the question is the opposite – whether or not to specifically exclude the right to abortion in the state constitution. The measure was rejected by a narrow margin.
In Montana, voters have not been asked about abortion directly. Instead they are being asked to decide on a so-called “born alive” measure that would guarantee any newborn infant, even those born as a result of abortion, the right to medical care that will preserve life.
BBC: “US midterms: How the parties are doing in maps and charts”
It is probably also a factor in the high turnout, something that the Republican party spends considerable time and effort to try to suppress.
Midterm elections usually have a relatively low turnout, but over 116 million people went out to vote this year, according to early figures from the US Elections Project.
This is one of the highest turnout figures in decades.
BBC: “US midterms: How the parties are doing in maps and charts”
2018 was a sweep of repugnance voting against Donald Trump, especially by women. This election looks to me like it was the election by women revolting against a supreme court decision.
I haven’t had a look at the state elections yet, but I suspect that when you factor out the ridiculous gerrymandering (MMP thank you for saving us from that particular political crap) you’re going to see problems for anti-abortion extremists.
But I’m sure there will be a lot more analysis over the coming week. What I am sure about is that the Republican circular firing squad will be interesting after this election. Especially between the Trump arse-lickers and the realpolitik parts of the Republican party who want to gain wider support.
What happened in Arizona? Please please let Kari Lake lose, I have never used heroin but I am pretty sure nothing would top the joy of watching her meltdown.
Too early and close to call
69% counted. Hobbs is ahead of Lake by 50.3% to 49.7%.
The exit polls show interesting sectional voting. Lake isn't very popular with women or younger voters or anyone with tertiary education. A lot of voting on straight party lines which really shows up in the cross-correlations down below the fold.
BTW: The delays in Arizona counting appear to be largely a result of Republican voter suppression laws and rules.
The Georgia runoff has the fate of the Biden Presidency in it.
Ripple perhaps but they can still lock both Houses.
That will really shut Biden down, makes for a crazy US end to the political year.
Huge shoutout to all who fought the Republicans to a standstill.
Yep. A win by 1 seat is just as good as 100.
Given the received wisdom of the dire political pundit class in the US was these elections were going to see a sweeping GOP victory, where does that leave the shibboleths of the media talking heads everywhere? After all, our keyboard interviewing circle jerk pundit class have practically declared the next election and done and dusted for National on much of the same reasoning as the Democrats were written off.
Good point Sanctuary. The pundits there and here really seem to enjoy the aroma of their own flatulence. Plus I guess many of them are paid mouths for hire anyway.
A hell of a lot of community organising work went into reducing the widely predicted “red wave” to the “red ripple” as LPRENT well ascribes.
The descriptive terms like red trickle, or flood or whatever wash over the nitty-gritty, the minutiae. Like the Kari Lake situation and that of gun-toting Lauren Boebert.
And the most dramatic one of Marjorie Taylor Greene. The appalling, ignorant representative garnered comfortably more than 60% of the vote.
That alone paints a picture of the terminal state of the United States.
Be of good cheer.
Lauren Boebert with 96% reported counted (153,295 votes)
Has only 49.7%.
Her opponent Adam Frisch has the majority
Pretty freaky how many republicans she must have pissed off.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is at 65% odd with 97% counted. However her district has always been one of the safest republican house seats for a very long time. She was unlikely to lose. I’d have to look it up – but wasn’t her vote down compared to 2020?
BTW: why don't you just look these things up rather than dribbling all over yourself in anticipation whilst slagging off something you obviously know fuck all about? Google search is pretty good and designed for the lazy.
"Slagging off something you obviously know fuck all about?" What?
I certainly wasn't seeking to slag anything off. Just pointing out that behind the headlines there are all sorts of stories bringing joy and bewilderment.
One little comment I saw, probably an oldie, was about the Republicans suffered from 'electile dysfunction.'
Naturally there are stories about Herschel Walker on being told there was to be a 'ru-off.' And him last being seen, headphones aboard, jogging down the road.
This bit of re-elected Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ victory speech has wide appeal.
Select comments under a YouTube video of Ron’s anti-woke diatribe appealed to me:
I was generally supportive of causes that aim to raise awareness of and/or address racial prejudice, sexism and other social inequalities, long before DeSantis and his ilk started labelling them ‘woke’. Imho he is a fitting successor to the previous GOP President of the United States. Unless overtaken by events, Woke War One (WWI) is coming – buckle up.
U-S-A, U-S-A – let's make America ‘great’ again!!!
"Woke" has taken over from "Politically Correct" as the term for "something in the 21stC I don't like", much beloved of lazy thinkers.
IMHO "Woke" is a shorthand for "Critical Theory" that rejects empirical knowledge, and importantly, ignores material (Marxist) analysis of class conflict, focusing instead on its own political project
If "woke" was used in this way, it would certainly be a valuable word. I just don't think it is currently used this way – and may never have been. The meaning is the use.
The quotee views 'wokeness' as much more dangerous than a Trump presidency.
I'm either immunised against "Critical Theory", or it's taken over my brain
Can DeSantis trump Trump in the race to be the most 'anti-woke' candidate ever?
Imho, 'woke' is a near-perfect pejorative – way better than predecessors such as 'politically correct'. The proportion of cheering DeSantis supporters who heard 'woke woke woke' and thought 'Critical Theory' won't be large. Rather, 'woke' will be viewed as something abnormal and 'other' – a regressive mix of weak and weird.
Yeah, I know that wasn't the best reference around but I quoted the bit I thought had merit.
Sleep on Florida. DeSantimonious is watching.
DeSantis wants to impose a theocracy, plain and simple. His mass progroms have already started by trying to purge queer culture from the school system, and allowing people to run down protestors like dogs. I wouldnt be suprised if we started seeing the odd lynching in Florida over the next few years.
DeSantis is a scary character, building on the MAGA base, but he's much more electable and coherent than Trump.
DeSantis is responsible for the deaths of many thousands of Floridians due to his lies and coverups re Covid safety measures
Yeah, kinder, küche, kirche.
How will the Democrats repay women particularly young women for saving the mid terms from total carnage?
If nothing else, the furniture has been saved.
However Biden is still going to face the most right wing, racist, homophobic, transphobic, mysoginistic, authoritarian, anti union, anti welfare, anti public, sector, theocratic GOP in US history. They belive in total Biblical Christianity, and the imposing of it at gunpoint. We are talking about turning the clock back to the 1800's.
The Republicans will stop at nothing to commence their pogroms, starting with the LGBT community. As far as the GOP goes, the are vermin who deserve to be exterminated. Same with the blacks,
Some magnificent writing from Jack Holmes at Esquire:
"McCarthy now faces the prospect of a one- or three-seat majority where, even if he can fend off a leadership challenge, he will spend all day, every day trying to appease and corral the National Disgrace Caucus of halfwits and narcissists trying to get themselves on TV. It could amount to a Vice-Speaker Marjorie Taylor Green situation, or possibly Jim Jordan, although the caucus may be one light if Lauren Boebert crashes to shock defeat in Colorado's 3rd District. Adam Frisch led her all night and into the morning there, and the prospect that just one of these ghouls might have to get a real job is some solace indeed. Speaking of which, Sarah Palin is getting beaten like a drum up in Alaska again by Mary Peltola."
Bobert is still behind although only just …
All I can say is well done to our American friends for not voting in the Christian Fascists who have infested the GOP.
Seems to be a big reaction against by republican voters.
Time will tell.
" Especially between the Trump arse-lickers
That description does you favours.
We have such a rich language yet you choose language like that to make a point.
Where next for the GOP if they can shake Trump?
Anti-democratic campaigning or plotting has been part of their long term goals for a long time. There will have been a lot of anti-democratic ultra partisan Republicans elected in key offices that decide on electoral issues. ID/voter suppression laws weren’t discussed, nor was gerrymandering.
The Federalists seem to rather have overachieved in terms of flooding the judiciary. There seems to be more Russian sympathy with the GOP, with talk about slowing or stopping support for Ukraine. Fox News has demon spawn in OAN etc. We’ve seen Elon Musk tweeting conspiracies about Nancy Pelosi’s husband.
In short, Trump is an issue, but if he goes American democracy isn’t necessarily free from disloyal opposition and attacks on it as an institution or a concept. To be cheerful about it, perhaps it’s only going to get worse? Perhaps ‘civility’ maybe be returned in some discussion of their plans, but the plans without the insults and reality denying fabrications won’t change an enormous amount? The next coup may be better organised and less visible.
And let’s be honest it is far far from clear that they will shake themselves free from Trump 2024.
The far greater danger in the US is that BOTH sides have had it clearly demonstrated that NEITHER can prevail by voting and the 50/50 split has been well reinforced.
Not true on the Democrat and Biden record of delivery this term.
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is a federal bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on March 11, 2021, to provide economic relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the White House, the key features of the law include the following government initiatives and investments:[2]
Build Back Better Act of 2021
The Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) is a bill pending before the 117th Congress. It cleared the United States House of Representatives on November 19, 2021.
House Democrats released a $1.75 trillion budget framework on October 28, 2021, for spending on climate change, childcare, and healthcare. President Joe Biden (D) announced his support for the framework the same day. Key spending included the following initiatives:
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) is a federal bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on November 15, 2021.
According to the White House, the key features of the bill include:
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 is a firearm regulation and mental health bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on June 25, 2022.
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on August 16, 2022, addressing climate change, healthcare costs, and tax enforcement.
Joe Biden presidential administration – Ballotpedia
Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Act
Directing Pentagon to give US$Trillion and counting weapons to Ukraine which have enabled them to repel Russia, and now likely to win
Revived and expanded NATO
Unified much of world against Russia
Deep trade sanctions against China which are working in specific and telling areas
Very robust defence of Taiwan
And Biden has successfully defended the Senate majority which hasn't been done in a fair while, and he has two years to go to achieve more.
The above I'd argue is more extensive than that achieved by LBJ, our last big New Dealer.
Remember this: https://time.com/4608555/hillary-clinton-popular-vote-final/
In the final count, Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes.
According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton’s final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump’s 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974. The total number of votes for other candidates was 7,804,213.
Seems the reverse has occurred: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/11/10/republicans-have-won-6-million-more-votes-than-democrats-in-house-races-but-relatively-few-seats/
According to the Cook Political Report, as of Thursday morning, November 10, Republicans have won 50,113,534 votes, or 52.3% of the vote, compared to 44,251,768, or 46.2% of the vote. Republicans lead by 6.1%, which is better than their average in “generic congressional ballot” polls, in which the party led by 2.5% in the final RealClearPolitics average before the election. But Republicans have only managed to flip nine seats thus far — likely enough to control the House, but far short of a “wave” result many anticipated.