Posts Tagged ‘toll roads’

Secretive Haast-Hollyford Highway

Written By: - Date published: 2:00 pm, December 5th, 2012 - 15 comments

A rather secretive bid in Central Otago/Westland for what amounts to a toll road cutting through a National Park. As with the as-yet-undecided tunnel and monorail proposals, this raises the question of whether Zealand is moving in the direction of selling its most public and protected land to private developers, for their private profit-generating schemes. It will have meetings to brief as many “key stakeholders” with a “significant interest” but will include “no public meetings”.

National Monopoly

Written By: - Date published: 1:00 pm, September 16th, 2008 - 14 comments

Just came across this on G.Blog. Pure gold: ps. Is that Winston in the bottom left corner?