Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
4:24 pm, October 9th, 2009 - 10 comments
Categories: Environment -
Tags: greenwash
Mike Britton, the general manager of the Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society, writes today in the Dom about the gap that appears to be developing between National’s pre-election rhetoric and the post-election reality. Worth a look.
In the lead-up to the election, John Key said National’s top three priorities were the three Es – environment, education and the economy.
On the campaign trail, when Opposition leader, he showed great enthusiasm for the first topic, lifting hopes among environmental groups that National had turned over a new, green leaf.
In the past six months, environmentalists have observed with increasing disquiet a range of announcements from the Government that threaten damaging consequences for the environment. For example, Mr Key’s pre-election promises on climate change have not been followed through by his actions in Government.
Open wide Nick Smith, here’s some more medicine for you.
No surprise there, nice Mr Jonkey sound clip extraordinaire tells us he is blue green, and we all believe him because, hell he is such a nice guy and much better than those dreadful girlies who are telling us we must have low pressure showers. Then theres the dirty little secret we all have, yes we still want to drive our gas guzzlers to the Warehouse and buy more useless paraphenalia that improves our life and social status, so covertly voting for Jonkey means we can just carry on. Lets face it hes got that nice Mr Smith, really clever as he has a doctorate and he could not possibly get it wrong or be biassed could he? And Smithy and Mr Brownlee would not possibly let the planet go west would they? Who goes to national parks anyway, thers so few roads to drive to see the sites? And what dreadful creatures snails are, coals much nicer and more useful. So if you voted for Jonkey you have absolution, which you are going to need because it will kill you.
With hindsight the bluegreen positioning was just that, positioning. Everything NACT has done since being elected has been to move away from allowing space for protection of our environment.
Heading towards 2011, it will be impossible for anyone with an orientation towards preserving our environment – whether left or right – to vote for National. Guy Salmon – among many others – has been scammed.
The orientation of this government is towards old fashioned 1960’s style economic growth, RMA reforms designed to limit expression of Civil Society, Holcim cement plants ( a Nick Smith and John Key favourite), subdivisions on pristine South Island lake frontages, mining and oil exploration in Fiordland, demolition of suburbs to make way for 1960’s motorways (Australia does tunnels). And that is before we get to the complete abdication on climate change.
We have been sold an environmental lemon.
positioning the public for a rogering, how unlike NACT
Saw this quote on another website today:
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money.”
Says it all really.
But dont you know technology will save us, yeah right…….
But dont you know technology will save us, yeah right…
bluegreen wash
Says it all really
who’d a thunk by “enthusiastic for the environment” Key
actually meant “enthusiastic to mine national parks”?
From the the Nobel Committee
“Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.”
For our NACT gov’t: Yeah right, Stick that on a Tui ad