They know their man

Written By: - Date published: 11:04 am, March 18th, 2008 - 6 comments
Categories: john key, Media, national - Tags: , ,

This week’s NBR editorial, titled “Smarten up, John Key”, frets that Key keeps showing himself to be a slippery, policy lightweight (can’t have people seeing that side of him until the election is safely won). They have three recommendations for how Key can smarten up:

‘First, is to keep his mouth shut when asked questions about policy’

Says it all really.

6 comments on “They know their man ”

  1. Matthew Pilott 1

    Why not just give the editorial the headline “shut-up, john Key”? It’s a bit snappier, more accutare, and would save anyone from having to actually read the editorial..

  2. Daveo 2

    Sometimes I feel embarrassed for the NBR. I know I shouldn’t, but y’know, when the entire point of their existence is to provide right wing propaganda and yet they fail so miserably at it you have to feel some sympathy.

  3. ghostwhowalks 3

    What the romance is over from the right, and they havent even got to the wedding in November.

  4. gobsmacked 4

    “First, is to keep his mouth shut when asked questions about policy’

    He’s clearly been told to leave that to Bill English. Except, that doesn’t seem to be working either …

    So what’s Plan C?

  5. gobsmacked 5

    Oh dear. Key really should have taken the NBR’s advice. Here we go again …

    Sunday Star-Times today:

    Key appeared confused when speaking to the Star-Times about what he had already announced on the timing of tax cuts. He disputed he had said 2010 was the earliest tax cuts could take effect. Instead, he told the Star-Times last week: “We said that was the last date, so we obviously have got some flexibility.”

    When reminded an August 2007 report in the Dominion Post quoted Key as saying 2010 was the earliest date for tax cuts, he said: She “must have the wrong date”.

  6. IrishBill 6

    He meant Australian tax cuts.