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- Date published:
4:27 pm, June 29th, 2012 - 17 comments
Categories: tv -
Tags: save tvnz7
This is the finale. We had a great march yesterday in Wellington and we hope the Auckland march will be even better.
Reminder – the Auckland Save TVNZ 7 Funeral March is tomorrow (Saturday 30th) at 4.30pm.
Starting at Queen Elizabeth Square (Britomart) at 4.30pm, we then walk up Queen Street, Victoria Street West, past TVNZ to St Matthew-in-the-City for speeches. We know the media will be out in force to get shots of us filing past the TVNZ building so please come along and show your support for public service television.
As well as protesting the government’s decision we are also mourning the loss of our last public service television channel. Please bring flowers or a candle and tell your friends to come along too. It’s a chance to be amongst friends as we remember and celebrate one of the best television channels in New Zealand’s history.
The weather forecast is looking good so please come along for a fun, festive ‘funeral’.
Wellington March Update
The march yesterday exceeded all our expectations. Around 400 TVNZ 7 ‘saviours’ loudly marched to Parliament where the petition with 36,155 signatures was presented to Labour Broadcasting Spokeswoman Clare Curran. It was officially handed over by three generations of TVNZ 7 fans – Anne Fyfe, Kirsty Fyfe and Elliot Baguley. There were rousing speeches from Clare Curran, Julie Anne Genter (Greens Broadcasting Spokeswoman), Andrew Williams (NZ First), Peter Dunne (United Future Leader), Grant Robertson (Labour Deputy) and Russell Norman (Greens Co-Leader).
Pictures and videos are available in the links below.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
Na matou, noa na
Myles Thomas and the Save TVNZ 7 team
And keep the marchers who have never actually watched tvnz7 in the centre so they don’t get asked any inconvenient questions.
If readers on this website are so cut up about the loss of an unwatched TV channel, why didn’t they reach into their pockets to fund it?
Um we do. It is called “taxes”.
Richard’s high up in the Libertarianz party.
He doesn’t like taxpayer funded anything.
Um Richard you just extolled the quality of Backbenchers but you think that finding TV7 is a bad idea. Why is that?
Funding a TV channel one likes is rational. Forcing others who don’t watch the channel to fund it is bullying.
If you don’t like to help other members of society, and don’t think they should help you, go live in the fucking desert by yourself.
Because we want our Government to be answerable and responsive to us, the people, the citizens, that they are supposed to be acting on behalf of.
Instead this fucking National Govt acts like it is answerable to Sky City and Peter Jackson and overseas financiers instead.
NZ is a LOST country, I am sorry to say.
So according to Stuff.co there were 400 people marching for keeping TVNZ7 on air in Wellington?
That is an abysmal show up! It is a total failure of the people who actually may have signed the petition and took other actions. That is the best excuse and cop out Key and this rotten government are looking for!
Are NZers so bloody divided now, so indifferent and so uncommitted to anything, so they rather sign up as being the next prostitute workers, slaves and whatsoever for overseas corporations, for media conglomerates, the NZ government under this rotten lot and the extortionist tax man, that they are prepared to sell their minds and souls?
It seems that way, I am afraid, and I see this country slipping into a situation of a total basket case, no hopeer, idiotic, ignorant and useless society of sorts, so that the only economic activity will revolve around paying your “dues” to the bloody “paymaster”.
Ignorant iwi thought that by travelling to China to discuss the Crafar Farms deal would result in something benefitial. What is the result? An extortionist deal offered for 2 to 3 farms to be sold back for mega millions. Maybe this puts into perspective the land theft under the Crown and Pakeha settlers now?
NZers are lost and hopeless, with NO spine, no guts and no resolution and answers, that is what I as a migrant (hopeful) of over 20 years ago expected. This is a gonner country, ignorant, dumb and useless, that is my resume. You may enjoy your little bit of corner activist and social discussions here on the Standard, but with a whimp like Shearer, you will get NOWHERE. Key and English go around talking tough and rude to their lots and fans, and the opposition is “divided”?!
Hopeless situations, get out of here, turn the light off and close the door please, too many sheeples in NZ!
What a contrast on the other side of the Pacific:
FUCK NEW ZEALAND FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Instead of pleasuring yourselves about your middle class leisure mind games, perhaps concentrate on what goes on in the world, like the suppression and intimidation of Mapuche people in the south of Chile. I hear and read NOTHING of such relevance in the biased, navel gazing media in NZ. What a bloody shame!
Resistencia how it should be, perhaps (no comfort zone):
I would think that marching over the voting down of the Depleted Uranium Bill , would be a more worthwhile use if time.
Or having a cup of tea and a scone.
…and there it goes…
No fan fare, no goodbye, no nothing, just the old “Goodnight Kiwi” and then fade to black…..
As much as I am still very, very angry, especially about the lack of awareness and activity of the wider public out there, I am happy and proud to have attended the protest march up Queen St, past TVNZ (at least 2 huge security bullies were “guarding” the entrances!) and to St Mathews in the City church.
It was an opportunity to meet – for a change – some really intelligent, enlightened and commited people there. To my surprise even Kim Dotcom attended (as I heard on the National Radio news later, because he likes the ‘Media 7’ program).
So it is all over now, for time being. It is a total shame, I am disgusted about Key and this government (Craig Foss being the worst public broadcasting Minister I can think of), for closing down TVNZ7 for supposed funding reasons.
All informed know the decision was POLITICAL!
So I thank “Bomber Bradbury” for his excellent speech, Claire Curran as a commited Labour MP and advocate in this matter, same as Julie Ann Genter from the Greens and others, who took a stand, spoke out and are continuing to be committed to NZ public broadcasting.
It was a revelation to hear that NZ is the only county within the OECD, besides of Mexico, where there is such negligence and abolition of true public broadcasting. ALL other OECD countries and many even in the so-called “developing world” believe in public broadcasting and maintaining certain standard that also ensure that local culture, social and economic interests are represented.
This government of NZ, that we sadly have, is moving us towards a total media dictatorship, by handing all means over to private enterprise, commercial interests and thus also a higher exposure to corruption. They want it, because they think their “mates” (let us not forget Joyce and “Mediaworks”) will look after them and not give a shit about the people and their honest, deserved concerns.
The coffin I saw today was just a symbol. The idea is NOT dead, and despite of too many ignorant motorists complaining about the traffic hold-up today, I believe that NZers must and to some degree will wake up, wanting more than cooking shows, who is the best model or slut to win competitions, shallow, nonsensical news or rather “infotainment” and the incessant commercial brain washing that still happens.
Time to bloody well wake up and take a solid stand, or your country will truly and finally go down the toilet.
@ xtasy
All your comments are a welcome relief to hear thank you xtasy