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5:37 am, October 28th, 2016 - 22 comments
Categories: us politics, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: donald trump, hillary clinton, US election
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Blacks for Trump seem like like a strange thing? Yup, it is.
Emails highlight Sanders’ threat
Forget the Presidential race, which is going to be a loss to the Republicans like they haven’t seen since, well, since the previous Clinton. A nice low Republican base turnout.
But watch these three states:
Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.
Those three states are the ones that will make the difference to the balance of the Senate, and they are the closest races.
With that Senate balance goes Supreme Court nominations, free in-state university tuition, and the chance to really reign in big banking and cartels.
A split Senate means the Vice President will be working overtime to whip with the Senate leader.
All to play for in the Senate.
Yes, and the Repubs are preparing to block any nomination to the Supreme Court made by the Dems:
How to start washing the stain of Trump away.
Pussy Riot really don’t like Trump.
Because Trump kowtows to Putin and Putin has been….less than friendly to Pussy Riot
Considering Pussy Riot’s entire body of work, somehow I think they would really dislike Trump even without the Putin factor.
Gee, who saw this coming? The Repugs announce they aren’t even going to pretend to do their jobs, and just spend their time investigating Hillary if she wins.
A Havard educated American friend of mine is a strong supporter of Clinton, but his gloomy assessment is the GOP will simply pave the way for an imperial presidency by continually investigating Clinton, trying to impeach her, and refusing to approve her nominations for the supreme court. His view is eventually such obstruction will see the president rule as an empress, and just do stuff by decree, and congress and senate will fade away into irrelevance, just like the Roman senate.
Sore losers they will be seen as the GOP is a reflection of Trump.
If the Democrats win either the house or senate the GOP will go into meltdown.
Then Trump could be in the same position as Bill Cosby Rolf Harris.
Dragging down the GOP.
Which is close to what Obama has had to do. Even though he started his presidency with a pretty strong mandate, a firm commitment to bi-partisanship, and a more moderate platform than Hillary’s.
If Trump had it his way elections would fade into irrelevance, too.
never would have guessed 🙂
“Stabbing a copy of The Art Of The Deal with a Basilisk’s tooth is the next step to eliminating Donald Trump, according to experts this morning.
Donald Trump howled in agony and demanded a flask of serpent’s milk to help him recover some strength after the destruction of his first Horcrux on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame yesterday.
Trump, whose unusually-styled hair is believed to hide a face on the back of his head, is understood to have concealed fragments of his soul in multiple receptacles in an attempt to protect himself from defeat in the forthcoming election…”
Trump is really at the heart of too many scandals. While his serial offending against women is taking the limelight, it is good to recall some others such as the Trump University scam:
Hell, he even stiffs the lawyers that help him stiff other people. Although that’s the kind of snakefight it’s hard to get upset about.
Jimmy Dore, I know, unwatchable for some, but this is pretty good commentary on “Robert Reich Pens Hate Screed Against Anti-Hillary Voters”
For the record, Robert Reich is a proponent of a Universal Basic Income (he sees it as inevitable), as well as being a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders.
A psychographic, whatever the hell that is, profile of every voter.
Sounds just like big brother on stilts. His name is Donald.
NEW YORK — In a Fifth Avenue office near Trump Tower, a company being paid millions of dollars by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign says it has developed a political weapon powerful enough to help the Republican nominee overcome his troubles and win the White House.
The key is a psychological model for identifying voters that can “determine the personality of every single adult in the United States of America,” said Alexander Nix, chief executive of Cambridge Analytica.
The firm says it can predict how most people will vote by using up to 5,000 pieces of data about every American adult, combined with the result of hundreds of thousands of personality and behavioral surveys, to identify millions of voters who are most open to being persuaded to support Trump.
by using up to 5,000 pieces of data about every American adult
How/ where do they get ‘5,000 pieces of data’ on every US adult? (I read the article, couldn’t find it)
More James O’Keefe dodginess