By the Twelfth Day of Christmas National Gave To Us

Written By: - Date published: 7:36 am, December 10th, 2015 - 22 comments
Categories: humour - Tags:

♯ ♬  ♪ . . .  $12 million Saudi sheep farm

$11 million dollar apartment

ten Northland bridges

nine bills through urgency

$80 billion dollars debt

Seven long years

Six percent unemployment

Five Flag options

$45 million Novopay

Three $6,000 sofas

two toy sheep, and

John Key ignoring detainees . . . ♯ ♬  ♪


(By Carmel Sepuloni / Annette King)

22 comments on “By the Twelfth Day of Christmas National Gave To Us ”

  1. esoteric pineapples 1

    On the 12th day of Christmas National took from me – workplace morning and afternoon tea

  2. maui 2

    haha brilliant, shouldnt that be 6% unemployment? If it was 6% employment we may be in the midst of revolutionary times or a really really good universal basic income is in place.

  3. ianmac 3


  4. ropata 4

    empty convention centres
    tax breaks for corporations
    subsidies for polluters
    zero hour contracts
    dirty oily politics
    lots and lots of bullshit
    a massive housing bubble
    uncountable kids in poverty
    Collins and McCully
    a holiday on Christmas Island
    dumbed down edjumication
    flags and sports distractions
    attacks on reporters

    fa la la la la la la la

    • BLiP 4.1

      You’re a genius – or is it just too easy? Either way, thanks for the lulz 🙂

      • ropata 4.1.1

        (slow morning at work …)

        all too easy I’m afraid,
        there’s a new scandal every day with NatCorp™,
        and that’s just the stuff we *know* about

        • miravox

          This list could get long…

          Freedom for Cartels
          invisible social housing
          and one Mr Speaker

          • ropata

            pike river
            ECAN theft of water
            ripping off earthquake victims
            mining in national parks
            sale of rakaia river
            sale of critical assets
            underfunding science
            DOC cuts killing native fauna
            100% pure lies
            bribing movie makers with cheap labour
            GST broken promise
            lowering top tax rate
            easy ride for landlords
            tough time for tenants
            damp mouldy houses
            leaky homes deregulation
            donghua liu
            sheep farms in the desert
            cutting the “back office” thereby enriching consultants
            novopay debacle
            WINZ going rogue and not meeting its statutory obligations to benes
            crony appointments to CERA, ECAN, GCSB, TV3
            messing with the OIA process

            etc etc
            it’s all documented right here on TS

  5. Puckish Rogue 5

    Three more years…

    • b waghorn 5.1

      I make it more like 20 months but we all know you right wingers aint as clever as us normal people.

  6. savenz 6

    Ha Ha what about Sky City …

  7. infused 7

    Going to be a tough 5 years for you blip.

    • b waghorn 7.1

      Oh look he’s fixing old PR maths failings how cute.

    • BLiP 7.2

      Thanks for the warning, it was a warning, right, not a threat? But don’t worry that little pointy head of yours, confused. I have a graveyard humour borne from watching the on-line behaviour of somnambulant New Zealanders who insist on rallying against not only their own but also their children’s best interest.

      • infused 7.2.1

        You’re a crack up.

        What you believe isn’t necessarily what everyone else believes, which is one of the reasons Labour is in the mess it’s in. So keep pushing that barrow.

        [lprent: Perhaps you’d like to provide some evidence that BLip has even supported or voted for Labour (I can’t remember him having a good word for them myself)? Or apologize profusely and retract. Or just accept the 6 month ban I just gave you for deliberately lying without substantiation about an author on their own post.

        I’m getting rather tired of commenters having a go at the newer authors without any justification for their smears. I’d prefer to lose a commenter who wants to do that rather than lose an author who can write their own very clear opinions.

        You can have a go at their opinions and their ideas. But if you want to have a go at them especially in their post, then I want to have a piece of you. Try laughing at that – dickhead. ]

        • Lanthanide

          Doesn’t look to me like infused said BLiP voted or supports Labour, merely that the type of thinking BLiP has is not the same type of thinking that others in the community have. And that that same type of thinking is emblematic of Labour’s “current mess”.

        • ropata

          Thankfully not everyone “believes” what you claim they believe, in fact kiwis prefer Labour’s policies, but regrettably most people vote on PR and personality in front of a camera, thereby perpetuating the cycle of cluelessness. Not a bandwagon to be proud of, confused

  8. Eralc 8

    Annette and Carmel can’t count. The $11m apartment should appear at four. $4m net after the old apartment was sold (and on which a tidy profit was made). But why let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

  9. Northsider 9

    Welcome onto The Standard Carmel Sepuloni: looking forward to hearing more from you.

    • BLiP 9.1

      She’s not on The Standard. I ripped off the song from Annette King’s speech which was based on something Carmel wrote. The source is linked if you’d bothered to check it out.