Open mike 13/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 13th, 2024 - 2 comments
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2 comments on “Open mike 13/10/2024 ”

  1. Jenny 1


    They were warned

    Holocaust surviver calls for the end of the genocide in Gaza, recounts how his family were warned to get out, or face certain death.

    Currently the IDF are planning to 'liquidate' the remaining population still in North Gaza.
    SPC claimed, here that because they were warned to get out, just as the doomed branch of this Holocaust surviver's, family were warned to get out, that this is not "consistent" with committing genocide.

    @0:00 minutes:

    Hello and welcome to London, I'm Enda Brady.

    Now for a year, people have been taking to the streets of this city, and others all over the world, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I want to hear how they're feeling on this rather grim anniversary. From the everyday Marchers, to the politicians, the celebrities and even the Jewish Holocaust survivors who turn up at these protests….


    I found it very painful and shocking, that um, this destruction and um killings that we experienced during the Holocaust in World War II is, is revisited on the Palestinian people. And, and, it is done by the same, um people, who um, were the victims originally.

    And, uh, it is doubly shocking, that first that they are capable of doing it, but also it had to for it to be the people who suffered the same themselves. And I'm afraid it even goes for some of my family I visited in Israel.

    I found Israel overwhelmingly racist in their attitude, and this infected even my own family who just survived the Holocaust.

    15 members of my family died in the Holocaust. And one example, is that um, a branch of the family who lived in Transylvania, were told by the locals that um, they could be smuggled across the Romanian border where they would have been in Greater, relatively greater, safety. But one member of the family was disabled. And therefore they turned down the opportunity, and they all died as a result. And I think this kind of thing repeats in Gaza, where, where families are told to. told to flee in matter of 24 hours sometimes. And, and they have exactly the same problems. What to do with disabled members of a family?

    Do they leave leave them behind, or, or all of them stay and be victims of bombing?….

    I wonder if SPC would have the nerve to tell this Holocaust survivor to his face, "What happened to your family, was not genocide, because they were warned to get out"

    In SPC's defence he is not the only one to make this argument.

    The International Court of Justice ruled that there is a plausible case to be heard that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

    Germany has filed a motion of intervention in the ICJ in defence of Israel, claiming that Israel is not committing genocide in Gaza.
    Judge Nolte representing Germany at the ICJ, claims genocide is not being committed because Israel gave warnings to the Palestinians to "evacuate".

    The stakes are high

    Germany is not a neutral party. Germany is the second biggest supplier of arms to Israel, after the US. If Israel is found guilty of committing genocide, Germany will be complicit in that genocide, the third time Germany has been found culpable of involvment in committing genocide.

    Namibia strongly objected to Germany's intervention in the case, stating that Germany which committed a genocide against the Namibien people, which it has not fully attoned for, is in no position to defend a charge of genocide at the ICJ.

    Namibia has condemned former colonial ruler Germany for rejecting a case at the UN's top court accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

    Germany has offered to intervene on Israel's behalf in the case brought by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

    President Hage Geingob urged Germany to "reconsider its untimely decision to intervene as a third-party in defence".

    In 2021 Berlin acknowledged committing genocide in Namibia.

    German colonisers massacred more than 70,000 Herero and Nama people between 1904 and 1908. Historians consider this to be the 20th Century's first genocide.

    President Geingob said Germany could not "morally express commitment to the United Nations Convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in Namibia" and at the same time support Israel.

    "The German Government is yet to fully atone for the genocide it committed on Namibian soil," he added.

    Georg Nolte, the sitting judge representing Germany on the ICJ bench, made the same argument SPC makes, that because the Palestinians were warned to get out it is not a genocide.


    South Africa hardly mentioned the efforts by Israel to
    evacuate the civilian population from areas of hostilities…..

    Bearing these considerations in mind, I am not persuaded that South Africa has plausibly
    shown that the military operation undertaken by Israel, as such, is being pursued with genocidal

    The Applicant must be expected to engage not only with the stated purpose of the operation, namely to “destroy Hamas” and to liberate the hostages, but also with other manifest circumstances, such as the calls to the civilian population to evacuate…..

    (Signed) Georg NOLTE.

  2. Jenny 2

    Google search:

    Are New Zealand peacekeepers currently in the Middle East?

    AI overview

    AI Overview

    Yes, New Zealand peacekeepers are currently in the Middle East:

    • Multinational Force and Observers (MFO)

      A 28-person contingent of New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) peacekeepers is deployed to the MFO in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. The MFO is an independent organization that monitors the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.

    • United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation

      Eight NZDF peacekeepers are deployed to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation in the Middle East. This organization has troops in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Syria.

    Condemnation from accross the world as Israel attacks peacekeepers…..

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