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notices and features - Date published:
2:08 pm, May 14th, 2019 - 17 comments
Categories: climate change, disaster, Environment, global warming, science, sustainability -
This was Bill Nye in a Last Week Tonight clim from 5 years ago.
And here is a more recent video.
Fox News is not amused.
Right-wing media lashed out over Bill Nye’s call to action on climate change.
— Media Matters (@mmfa) May 14, 2019
A Fox News chyron called it "Climate Hysteria"
A Fox host said: "If it was a real crisis, he wouldn't be joking like that"
More: https://t.co/jrSzqqLvqX pic.twitter.com/yJbKo2sCRO
Science community is fed up with being treated as some sort of irrelevant committee as the canary is fading.
We have 30 years to remove carbon or the water cycles we've altered via our 'civilisation' will end it for us. simple physics as higher temps fuel more aggressive and frequent cycles.
That's where the science is at and is pitching at the next generation as this one isn't bothered.
Is solar minium science?
One of the tragedies I find most ironic about right-wing opposition to getting serious about eliminating emissions is that it would be a massive economic stimulus of the order of the boost from coming out of WW2. I thought righties were all for economic activity, but apparently not.
Also, there is a lot of resource and waste reduction and system optimisation to create value out of waste streams… all awesome benefits to the business… make more with less, sell for more and create new revenue streams…. What is there not to like?
Just review this article of a large wave from climate change devour the small settlement in HB and tell us that climate change is not real
. https://www.nzherald.co.nz//business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12230318&ref=clavis $75k sale: New Zealand's cheapest beachfront property is so seaside it's almost underwater
14 May, 2019 6:00am
It's NZ's cheapest beachfront property, and on days like this in 2018, it's easy to see why.
Hawkes Bay Today
By: Blair Voorend
A Hawke's Bay house which is the last place you'd want to be in the event of a large East Coast swell has sold for an astonishingly cheap $75,500.
The 21 Clifton Road, Haumoana
That house is right across the road from Beach House Wines. Their CabSav-Merlot-Malbec blend is utterly magical and it would be a terrible shame to see the winery flood before I get back up there for a weekend road-trip and bring another boot-load of plonk back to Wellington.
They are probably going to turn it into a restaurant called The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. That would be appropriate. Or have it for lively tertiary students beach house. Or rent it for $250 per week (no need to be greedy).
Would be nice to see a debate between a single denier and a single scientist, but with the consensus ratio applied to time they have to speak:
"So Don D Nier, what's you're response to the scientific consensus that CC is happeining now?"
"Well I–"
"Sorry, out of time there, there you have it"
No need, watch Brian Cox destroy one of one nations many climate denialist Malcom Roberts.
Cat and mouse stuff…..all they have is bs and rhetoric.
Why are we discussing this when the major news should be about the slow down in house sales volumes in Auckland! Priorities! (sarc)
Do we want to leave a better earth for our Grandchildren?….Naah fuck em!
The more I see of certain people the more I wonder if homo sapiens demise might not be a good thing as far as our planet goes.
Well it obviously would eventually be a good thing for the health of the planet without us apex feeders, however all the collateral damage mankind would continue to do to earths flora and fauna before we shuffled off plus the destruction of coming generations who are not responsible for the damage that is being done to our world at the moment makes it just too expensive for mankind to continue the way we are.
And yet will there be change? NZ probably but world wide I doubt it .
"The world is on fire…"
And sometime before 2050 New Zealand might do something, about it.
But not now.
certainly not before 2021
Word from twitter in heading 'chyron'
Meaning – an electronically generated caption superimposed on a television or cinema screen.
am completely baffled as to any significance
That's for you to work out – I just provided the meaning. We have to keep up you know.
think ill spend my limited time on tame geese
You'll have more time for that if I don't reply to any of your comments. Sp glad to assist positively.