Caption Contest

Written By: - Date published: 11:00 am, June 21st, 2011 - 34 comments
Categories: accountability, caption contest, disaster, Gerry Brownlee, leadership - Tags:

34 comments on “Caption Contest ”

  1. tc 1

    whatdya mean costume…..I’ve always wanted to dress like this.

  2. HC 3


    or perhaps

    “Pie” her, “pie” her, oder ich fall um?

    (sorry – maybe need a German dictionary?)

  3. Bo Duke 4

    So dressing opponents up as Nazis is all you have left, nice.

    • That’s a Wehrmacht uniform, not a Nazi uniform.
      Do you not understand the difference, or do you think all Germans were Nazis?

      • Zorr 4.1.1

        It is probably the most slimming outfit he has had on all year…

      • Robert M 4.1.2

        There was no different on the Russian front between the the German Army and the SS. Both were elite fighting units which excluded the dumber half of male Germans. The point of the night of the long knives was not just to restore order and stop the SA from taking over the Army it was to exlude the SA low intelligence thugs from fighting in either the army or SS, which was largely achieved. There is a popular view on the left , that the SA represnted genuine socialism and a lesser evil than the SS and the rest of the Nationalist Socialists, it is a view advocated even by literate left wing historians like Edward Pierce the biographer of Wilson and Callaghan cabinet minister Denis Healy who really was a sado monetarist like Roger Douglas and which Lady Thatcher definitely was not.. If the SA under Rhoem or the KPD had gained real power in Germany they would have represented something far more terrible and destructive of human civilisation and the middle class than anything the Nazis or SS achieved , have no doubt.
        Given the alternative for the Nats longterm is Judith Collins, Brownlie could be regarded as a lesser evil. He is no thicker than Shipley and Bolger. Like them he is only a 109 or a 110. But given there are no 111 IQs on offer to lead the Nats and Bill English is a vacillating Hamlet , what is the choice. Martin Dunne directing the reconstruction of Christchurch seemed rather too strong for the NZ electorate. Nevertheless one would have to note the Soviet Army and Generals had the trams running in Berlin by May 17 1945, despite being distracted by many other activities.

    • Andy-Roo 4.2

      No I think that dressing Gerry Brownlee up as Sergeant Schultz is an attempt at humour.

      I agree that it is completely inappropriate though.

      Sergeant Schultz was after all, a reasonably likeable character.

    • ron 4.3

      No. But dressing our opponent up as a clown is perfectly appropriate. Seargent Schulz was a clown in a TV show called…………..
      Oh, sigh….forget it.

    • North 4.4

      Fool before Nazi………

  4. Zorr 5

    The new owners have elected me to speak with you because I am the most non-threatening. Perhaps I remind you of the lovable Sergeant Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes.

    • perhaps jerrycan Rob

      “A jerrycan is a robust fuel container”

      “Fuel is any material that stores energy that can later be extracted to perform mechanical work in a controlled manner.”

      yeah maybe jerrycan’t is better

  5. Jason 7

    When the fence around the CBD reminded him of Stalag 13, Jerry seized the opportunity to engage in the buffoonery so successfully employed by his money trader friend, who loved to pretend he was a competent Prime Minister.

  6. Tiger Mountain 8

    Ze ansurance burghers ask ze qvestions!! I know nothink.

  7. scotty 9

    Colonel Klink will be back from oz Monday ,ask him

  8. Treetop 10

    Non performers used to get sent to the Russian front in WW2.

    Can Jerry be threatened with being sent to Siberia?

  9. LolNats 11

    Ze Truth?

    You can’t handle ze truth!

  10. jackal 12

    Vat did you put in zee water?

  11. Jum 13

    Careful. I liked Sgt Schultz. You are in danger of making the creep Brownlee cute.

  12. mikesh 14

    In my job, of course, I wear a variety of hats.

  13. prism 15

    I know nuzzing, do your hear nuzzing! (Don’t try and pin any responsibility on me. I wear the Cross of Christchurch no other.)

  14. HitchensFan 16

    I will ask zee questions! But I won’t give zee answers…

  15. lprent 17

    Look if he is Schultz – then who is Klink?

    Artwork anyone?

  16. Jim Nald 18

    “My head has been getting a bit too big for this helmet.”

  17. bbfloyd 19

    sorry… the only thing that goes through my head,,,, repeatedly when i look at the pic is” das wiener, das wiener, das wiener der floomph!

  18. BLiP 20

    And zo, as part of ze glorious leader’s magnificent gesture to zose who haff lost zer houses and must now live in ze streets, you vill all be issued wizz zese wunnerfull helmets to keep you safe in case zere is an earthquake vile you’re sleeping unner der bridges. Zat is all.

  19. I bet Minto and Locke, love me now.

  20. richarquis 22

    “To paraphrase JFK… Ich will ein Berliner!”