Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 3:45 pm, May 22nd, 2017 - 32 comments
Categories: caption contest - Tags: ,

32 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. Anne 1

    Now I know the world’s gone nuts!

  2. Anne 2

    Twerp on the left thinks:
    Someone in this room didn’t have a shower this morning.

  3. mac1 3

    “No, it’s mine.”
    “Get your dirty hands off, it’s mine!”

    AKA global economics.

  4. Bill 4

    And Lo! We will light up the world and cast our giant shadows…

  5. The decrypter 5

    For fuck sake bill, hurry up with your sheep and come here to make it a foursome.

  6. David Mac 6

    “Open Sesame”

  7. thechangeling 7

    There’s something very, very scary about that photo.

    • Bill 7.1


    • David Mac 7.2

      Yes, if the World has to end we may as well do it as extras in a huge budget Marvel Comics production.

    • Bill 7.3

      Get’s even scarier when you consider what it was all in aid of.

      Trump, King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Abdel Fatah al-Sisi were pictured standing with their hands on the miniature globe at the opening event for the new Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology on Sunday.

      That would be the Saudi King alongside Egypt’s President and Trump – and the centre is in Saudi Arabia, the home of wahhabism and funding for Al Qaeda/ISIS etc. You couldn’t make it up.

  8. Bill 8

    The sheik dude. He’s got one of those fleshlights installed around about …hmm, somewhere between Europe and the US would be about right….yes?

    Donald looks like he’s doing quite well on the “desperately ignoring” front 🙂

    edit – Nope. He’s fucking Asia…maybe far eastern Russia – possibly Mongolia.

  9. David Mac 9

    Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
    (Absent from this photo………………………..)

  10. Ad 10

    “Hillary’s back.”

  11. Cinny 11

    Agent Orange gazed into the crystal ball, to discover the truth.. and see’s that he really is full of shit.

  12. McFlock 12

    “Okay, pose, gentlemen, please.
    President Trump, try to make your tiny hands cover the continental US.
    King salman, try to cover up the source of hydrocarbons that will make your tinpot regime irrelevant.
    President al-Sissi, could you just place your hands either side of your next hegemonic supporter.
    Now smile, gentelmen, please.
    [aside] can we do anything about Trumps ‘resting duckface’?”

  13. Paul Campbell 13

    “Mr Bond is tied up in the back room with a laser, I’ve explained what we’re doing, nothing can stop us now ….”

  14. The world going down.

  15. bwaghorn 15

    he he i got the ginger idiot to sell me guns yesterday , and now i’ve got him believing this is the bulb of youth

  16. David Mac 16

    “Diamonds are Trumps”

  17. North 17

    Man (or something) on the right – “More hands, more hands……Obama’s watching us !” Man in the middle (perplexed)……”What the fuck ???”

  18. Mrs Brillo 18

    Double, double, toil and trouble….

  19. John 19

    In 24 hours ISIS will be gone

  20. red-blooded 20

    Glow ball, warming three great contributors to the cause.

  21. mauī 21

    [Honk]… Team “Most terrible, terrible people in the world” can you stop pushing your buzzer early, thank you. No the answer to the question is not “Syria”. I will repeat the question again “what country is the largest exporter of terrorism in the world?”

  22. Incognito 22

    Holy Camel! With this mind meld I can read his mind!

    A leaked scene from The Last Jedi.

    Trump is taking a power nap on overseas trip.

    Trump has discovered Planet Key.

    I am the Master of the Universe.

    Trump is channelling his thoughts into a fake world without using Twitter, one character at a time.

  23. mosa 23

    I have Allah on the line for you Mr Trump.

  24. Stuart Munro 25

    “Build me an army worthy of Mordor.”

  25. rod 26

    Three old men waiting to be enlightened. This could take some time.