
Categories under blogs

The Standard hearts Kiwiblogblog

Written By: - Date published: 11:10 am, September 29th, 2007 - 1 comment

We’ve just been introduced to a blog we think you might like to meet too: Kiwiblogblog <snip> Kiwiblog is a New Zealand blogging phenomenon. It’s hard to say why. It’s certainly not the most well-written blog in the Kiwi blogosphere. David’s posting style is a little too reflective of its author: short, unpretty, rushed posts […]

Has DPF lost his mojo?

Written By: - Date published: 11:00 am, September 11th, 2007 - 8 comments

I dropped into the National Party’s Kiwiblog again last week and I must say it looks like party insider David Farrar may well be losing his “mojo”. I mean really? He’s been comparing Helen Clark’s policies to “gassing the Jews”? and running lines like: “the Government only thinks that if you question them you are […]


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