Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
2:28 pm, November 26th, 2014 - 182 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, john key -
Tags: #dirtypolitics, cut the crap, dirty politics, Gwyn report
Andrew Little invokes the phrase that is going to forever haunt our lying, denying and obfuscating PM.
Labour has a new slogan. No more #votepositive … Now it's #cutthecrap
— Patrick Gower (@patrickgowernz) November 26, 2014
Fair to say nobody's accused Key of plain talking lately, so we have a point of difference.
— if you can read this the bird site is still here (@lyndonhood) November 26, 2014
lprent: While we are at it. Here is the youtube of Andrew Little in parliament at question time. Very good. Maybe we accidently have an all-rounder? I may have to revise my opinion about his public speaking.
H/T Lee Paterson
Little in General debate today. On fire…
It’s high time Labour cut the pc crap they have been indulging in for years and start to get down to the nitty gritty. Thank God for Andrew Little. For the first time in ages the left has real hope!
The Labour Party is in good heart.
+100 Anne…the softly softly approach did not work ….but Little is turning into a master speaker!…
The best of it Chooky, a good many of us have been pleading with them for years to “cut the crap” (we may not have put it in those words) ), but they ignored us as if we were a bunch of mentally challenged neanderthals who knewed nuttin.
Slight exaggeration of course – but only slight. 😉
Bloody Hell……… Just watched General Debate Part 1 …………
Good on ya Andrew …….. All this talk of Labour being National Light……… Maybe we can have a strong Labour Party that is prepared to stand up against the Money Men and not push this ponzi scheme economics that is meant to be so great. (chase your tail and screw the planet) Its time to tag team with the Greens and bring down this house of cards (credit cards ha ha )
Policy determines where they sit on the spectrum.
Am pleased to see passion back on the Left.
Thank fuck. Refreshing is what that is.
He’s done it again in the House! He’s Just reeled off a hard hitting, no holds barred speech in the General debate. Fabulous stuff. Somebody link it to this post when it becomes available please?
Here it is:
Cut the crap is spot on as NZ’s Prime Schmuck is full of it.
Little’s speech was one of the best I’ve heard in a while.
YEP. He called out John Key for his money trader ethics, in a fiery speech. And he asked who int he National Party was going to stand up and show some ethics.
Unless I’m very much mistaken, he called for some better wingnuts 😀
He did. Obviously the quality of trolls is lacking not just at the Standard.
About time opposition MPs started to show outrage. They’ve been too bloody tame for a long time now and is one of the reasons Key and his mates get away with so much.
It is “inappropriate” and “unacceptable” for the government to . . .
Good riddance to those two words.
If anyone makes bumper stickers I’ll buy a hundred that say, “cut the crap.” My LEC will have no trouble selling them.
That speech by Little was highly impressive. Yes! This is exactly what is required! Completely justified outrage at the complete lack of ethics and any sense of honesty displayed by the National “administration” – infested by corruption and sleaze.
Dead on…..http://brianedwardsmedia.co.nz/2014/11/on-the-uncanny-resemblance-between-john-key-and-sergeant-schultz/
I hope i got a hat tip!?! 😉
Pass it down your lines………….
Andrew Little on fire in the General Debate – takes it to Key.
Telling Key to ‘man up’ and to ‘cut the crap’ is precisely what many of us have been yearning to hear from a Labour leader for years. This guy Andrew is looking like a winner, and it’s only been a week. The famous Key formula, borrowed from Dick Nixon, and beloved by his cronies, and the media, is not working anymore. How long before Joyce and English and Bennett realise the main chance is before them? How long can they hide their political Ponzi scheme before it goes bust?
Wouldn’t mind betting you could
adadd Collins to your list of plotters.[lprent: fixed typo. ]
Key is so dense that he just not see a problem that’s right in front of his nose.
He will go down as one of our worst PM’s for sure.
He’s not dense, far from it he’s just committed to this scripted MO as it feeds the MSM and puts muddle NZ to sleep.
Key has taken the title off Muldoon when it comes to using confidential information to discredit an MP (Moyle 1976 ) in order to take them out of the running for PM. It does not make it OK that classified information was then declassified in order to release it (re Goff mistakenly being briefed by Tucker).
Tucker is silent because he does not want to land the PM in it. Tucker may also have some guilt that he did not stand up to Key when it came to dealing with the hench men in the PMs office targeting Goff and Slater being the conduit. Had Tucker made the claim in a court, Tucker would now be facing a perjury charge.
Findlayson (now the minister of the SIS) could intervene and lacks the back bone to do so.
Well done to Little, Norman and Peters for exposing the rot in the PMs office. Either way Key has fallen short because of what he has condoned. I also find it hard to believe that the involvement the SIS had with the PMs office that they did not keep very accurate records of anyone acting on the behalf of the PM when it came to an MP because of the SIS needing to be neutral. The SIS investigated themselves, this is why a Royal Commission of Inquiry is needed.
Those who care enough to see through Key I say this to them.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.”
What makes you think this is the one and only time Tucker did something like this for Key/Nats?
I don’t. Squirrels always favour Tories. They must have tastier nuts or something. There will be more, and it will come to light. Our country is in a real mess.
Until there is a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Tucker misleading and being partisan to the government of the day, Tucker will get away with his dirty politics which goes on/has gone on in the PMs office.
As for the Inspector General (Gwyn) exposing the crap, she cannot even get the deleted emails from Edes computer. Kitteridge (SIS Director) has stated that Gwyn can go into the SIS at any time and look at anything.
A 10 hour raid on Hager and all IT records have been seized and will be forensically examined and Edes computer still sitting in the PM’s office with what I expect to be compelling evidence (because of what was deleted) to me this is contemptible.
Where did Little first say ‘cut the crap’?
Almost as good as just saying’s “Just Tell the Fucking Truth” 😉
Stop lying to NZ would also do it.
Cut the crap is better cos it can be used by any mp in the house whenever Key opens his mouth.
Also “cut the crap Key ” is nice alliteration, rolls off the tongue easily and repeatably
My comment was to “Just Tell the F**king Truth”
Cut the crap is hard to beat. It would make a good mantra as well, maybe the Labour caucus could meditate to it in the house.
From now on, he could be known as CTC John.
He must have been checking Speaker’s rulings before he spoke.
You certainly aren’t allowed to accuse someone of lying and you wouldn’t get away with weka’s suggestion of fucking either. Both would get an immediate demand to withdraw and apologise, which rather slows down the rhetoric.
Crap has clearly not been ruled out.
I didn’t suggest that just saying’s aphorism be used in parliament.
Actually I prefer your original version. It’s just a shame that our MPs have got so prissy.
You used to be able to say someone was a liar I believe.
Then in 2007 it was banned completely. Pity. It would be a fair description of just about every member of the house I would think.
However they got soft and we got this as a Speaker’s Ruling.
“The use of the word “liar” is absolutely forbidden in the House when it
relates to current members. The same protection does not exist for those
outside the House.
2007, Vol. 637, p. 7348. Robertson (Assistant Speaker). ”
@lprent. Are most comments still going into moderation or is it just me or something I am saying?
Comments seem to be randomly going into moderation. Some of mine do. Some dont.
It is some kind of conflict on some of the plugins contending over a record with locks.
Problem is that I think there are several and I can’t figure out which. I am out of time to be able to look at it again tonight.
Probably an interesting anthropoligical history to be written there alwyn.
Alwyn just stating the obvious. It seems a better option that addressing the constant lies or stupidity of the PM?
Running into parliament to correct the record as Tv3 catch him in another lie.
So you’re surrendering are you Alwyn ?
{RL: We don’t like these kind of ‘pwned’ comments. They contribute nothing and start flames.]
How about, “Be Adequate!” 😛
In his question to Key in question 2. Key answered a question gleefully attacking the Labour Party. Little’s next question was,
“When is the PM going to cut the crap?”“Why doesn’t he just cut the crap and apologise for running a smear machine out of his office?
thanks karol.
Damn, pretty impressed with Little today. Goff, Shearer, and Cunliffe all tried the measured, reasoned approach against Key, trying to show restraint against getting too fired up. Cunliffe did the best of those three, but had to deal with one too many unfair obstacles, (e.g. the Labour Party).
But Little’s clearly going for a new approach. F*ck restraint, just call a spade a spade. I like it.
I love “cut the crap”. Because it is not just about whether something is a lie (which people can deny and debate). Its denting Key’s image. “cut the crap” implies the person is lying, stupid, wasting time, full of it. It is a reasonably subtle form of ridicule and It is the sort of thing that will (hopefully) stick. When people are watching Key on the tele, hopefully this will go through their minds every time he opens his mouth.
Also its not too offensive or rude (like Key’s a f…ing liar) would be. So its palatable to the masses.
Andrew Little, you have been hiding your light under a bushell. Glad you have surfaced and that I voted for you.
“Cut the crap” works for a numerous issues and situations: SIS additional powers, budget/deficits, beneficiary bashing, TPP, Christchurch rebuild, advantages for employers over workers, highways of national disgrace, selling the environment . . . the list is endless.
Yeah, it makes a change and it’s about time. When Key is asked a serious question, he just acts like a clown and speakers let him get away with it. If Labour can get this right, all they’ll need is decent policies and some notion of how to cooperate with the left.
What a huge relief to have a Leader who tells it as it is !
Its about legacy and integrity. That Slater-Eed-Tucker were all of the belief that John Key could not win re-election, needed their help. The astonishing thing is Key is standing by all of them. Returns Slaters calls, keepin Eed on, and Tucker remaining at liberty.
Key was Tuckers minister, Eed was working for the National party which Key leads, Slater called Eeds with Key consent, Eed working in the office of PM. All ated to benefit Key.
National got into power in part by smearing the Clark government over such things as shower pressure. It seems remarkable they want to keep Key on and get smear as the return of Muldoon and the infamy of Nixon.
Key will hold out while the knifes are drawn, Key will rush to put Collins into Cabinet, since she damaged and the dirt is available to hand, before the knives get too sharp and Key is rolled.
Its about integrity and legacy, Nationals new clothes and whether they will wear them.
Yes, Little was full of fire and passion- straight, direct and straight to the heart in today’s general debate. Straight to the heart of the matter, straight to the dead heart of the National and straight to the true heart of Labour.
And Robertson following was also very strong- powerful and fluent, and seemingly unscripted.
Go, Labour!
Winston asked a curious question of the PM, “Did he know that Slater published the SIS report 8 days ago?” ???
Andrew on fire! No one is asleep for this one!
Did slater publish it 8 days ago?
Gwyn is threatening to set police on Goff for his early release of the report.
NRT says:
And why was the Gwyn Report (and others) set for release the same day as Little was announcing his line up?
Is the threat to convict Goff another instance of the politicisation of the SIS?
So Goff is the one who broke the embargo?
Apparently he admitted leaking some of it on RNZ this morning.
As stated by Key in Question Time today.
It’s the same question and transcript where Peters claims Slater leaked the report 8 days ago.
Well you could say it diverted any negative commentary on the new labour lineup.
No I just listened to the appalling interview with Espiner here:
Espiner tries desperately to draw some kind of absurd equivalence between Goff giving a ‘heads up’ about the report one day before it’s release – and the Slater debacle. It’s truly disgusting and I don’t use that phrase lightly.
Goff showed the report to nobody except the Party Leader and Whip who needed to know. So no actual leak of the report.
However clearly everyone in the media knew Goff had the report and were asking him for interviews. Goff repeatedly stated he could not give an interview until after the report was released. But it was perfectly legitimate for Goff (who is the injured party here after all) to make the general point that it exonerated him and confirmed his version of events.
That is not a leak. Espiner is being a complete shitbag.
So, that leaves us wondering who did… With Key this afternoon lying about his recent contact with slater, and when confronted by tv3 with evidence he and slater texted over the report running into parliament to tell the truth…
It’s amazing isn’t it? He out and out lied to that question from Megan Woods. How many times now has he had to come scurrying back to The House to make a correction in order to avoid the Privileges Committee?
Well you can check his personal explanations to the House here.
I counted 7.
Oh the glorious irony.
Btw, this came form a Herald link but when I went to link it this passage had gone!
Wrong link. Here’s the right one:
Think I’ll hang up my hat for the night. 🙁
Media asked the question on Tuesday, hours after the texting. No one can believe he forgot, can they?
How untouchable does he think he is, that he isnt just ignoring slater texts
Prosecute Goff. ?……go right ahead……it’s hardly John Banks or Sergeant Schultz fucking over ‘homeland security’ at ChCh airport. Coupla grand fine. Were he not well equipped to handle the monetary impost after a lifetime of ummh…….good wedge, I’d contribute……just keeps the filth of Johnty Key on the front page. And since the overall victim was Goff in all of this I suspect most people would go “What the fuck…..???”
Given Key’s focus on ‘the leak’ in Parliament today I wonder whether Boy Guyon’s and Girly Susie’s persistent efforts to make ‘the leak’ the central issue on RNZ Monday or Tuesday morning akshully reflects prior knowledge that ‘the leak’ would be the tack Mr Gauche was going to pursue in a day or so.
Would make them both arseholes of course but I’m not persuaded that my nostrils lie. We live in a very small pond.
NRT makes the very pertinent point that:
Heard the same interview this morning and was almost made sick by Espiner’s attack on Phil Goff. Even later today Jane Clifton said that Goffs’ admission before the embargo lifted were that of a relieved and happy person, who had been exonerated. Not someone who wanted to muddy the waters (so to speak).
gooooood question
Well, if you look at the back of some of the videos, I think Jami-Lee Ross is asleep for some of it.
All the MSM has to do is show this for their own salcious entertainment purposes, and more than a few NZers will be saying “too right!” — regardless of the reporter’s editorial spin.
The underlying reason why this incident, while in one sense superficially trifling, is important – is that is almost certainly part of a much larger pattern of malfeasance.
This cannot be the only instance of this happening. On several prior occasions I’ve speculated that the teflon in Key’s name has to be due to more than good luck. And I’m not the only one to have had this suspicion. As evidenced by the way both Russel and Little are going for the jugular on this – in the expectation that the pressure will shake something else from the tree.
Because it will only take one more allegation of something similar – and Key will have to resign. Now consider who might be sitting on such a hand grenade. Who else but “Mr Regular Wee Chats Slater” is who. Hence the absurdist apology given to Slater earlier this week. Hence David Fisher’s masterclass in sardonic report on a meeting between Carrick and Odgers. Hence Winston’s remarkable interjection re Slater leaking the report 8 days earlier.
And might explain this from the ever sly John Armstrong:
Pay attention to the details – something unexpected may turn up.
Interesting points redl… Very thought provoking
hmmm indeed…
+1 RL
It’s a tipping point and the pressure needs to be kept on.
Problem is john armstrong seems to think it is someone elses job
I was thinking of Little and Norman etc. Plus everyone who’s speaking on this. Bugger the likes of Armstrong.
the media is the conduit. Most voters will never hear or see Littles utterances today or yesterday.
Clips from Little’s speech yesterday, calling Key’s government the dirtiest, filthiest, whatever, int he history of NZ politics, made the TV3 evening news. And it was repeated with the hourly news on RNZ.
I suspect Little’s “cut the crap” question will make the evening news tonight – he is getting cut through, even though, I suspect the release of the various reports this week were meant to bury Little’s start as leader of Labour in the House.
Don’t normall watch the 6pm news. Is TV1 or TV3 the better bet tonight?
Sorry – only just seen your question, weka. I went for 3 News as Gower had tweeted about cut the crap.
If you get plus 1 channels, I’d go for that. headline item was Ferguson, then came Dirty Politics – began with Key’s correction in the House.
Key’s personal explanation:
Then Gower on Little’s cut the crap – said Little has had a very good start to the leadership and has defied expectations.
The clip of Key trying to say Labour run black ops, just referred to Goff’s leak of the SIS report.
Key had actually run through various attempts by Labour to attack him/Nats, beginning with someone giving a false name and recording English at a conference, plus Williams’ attempt to get some dirt on key as a money trader – hardly anything like the smear machine the Nats have been running,.
Now in the Herald.
And Gower says another journalist asked key about texts from Slater on Tuesday pm. Key said “no”.
So his mis-truth in the house was not just misunderstanding the question today.
Just saw this on twitter,
Sacha Dylan retweeted
Antonia G @warofpositionnz 1 hr1 hour ago
@kaupapa @publicaddress Little’s doing fine but Greens are really nailing this. RN speech yesterday, and MT in QT today provoked Key’s lie.
no worries karol and thanks for the overview!
I don’t have a tv, so will have a look online.
I saw the Key defense earlier and thought how pathetic, all those Nat MPs cheering on their little liar using bluster that doesn’t fool anyone anymore, and them bamn! Little comes in with cut the crap. Perfect.
Crap happy chappy Key is going to be weighted down with shit that finally sticks. Judy Doll seeks revenge and she will extract it. Collins is twice the man slippery will ever be!
Go and ask most people next week, at the end of the year etc no most people do not give a toss what happens in the house. It looks like children arguing most of the time which is what this looks like. The majority of people will get tired of this very quickly do not try and read much into this.
Oh look the “I’m not interested defense” again.
Many of the big moments in political history start out as minor things in the Beltway – some get legs, some don’t. We’ve yet to see how this one plays.
I don’t think that on it’s own this will bring Key down – but it does have all the makings of an irreversible step along the way.
Because everyone knows Key has made an utter doofus of himself, he’s painted himself thoroughly into a corner where he cannot do the obvious and plain thing – and apologise.
Worse still his defense has been to insist that black is white, and then cover that up with one absurd red herring after another. In one sense it’s a masterly display of derailment, in another, every adult in the room can see what is happening. A Prime Minister who has gotten away with one form of deception after another for six years – has finally jumped the shark.
He’ll keep on going with sheer momentum for a while, but I suspect we’ll see this as the tipping point.
Yes, even if he manages to get away with it once again he will know now that fourth term is a mirage, so he’ll be planning his exit to Hawaii sometime with in the next two years.
yep. If this is Key’s downfall, either now or further down the slope, it’s not middle NZ that will make it happen. It’s political players, journos, the people in power doing their jobs properly and the commentariat that will provide the push.
Sorry do not buy it. Labour and the Greens will probably bite down and this which will go no where and they will go around in circles thinking they have something really major when in fact they don’t.
Everyone else will move on yet Labour and the Greens will still try and go back to this. Winston Peters has not said much that shows what a big deal this really is as this is his bread and butter.
As you said we have yet to see how this plays out yet 75% of people here think this is the biggest most important thing in the world, hardly. Lower taxes will beat dirty politics every day of the week!
Bob you are reinforcing the “Im not interested defence” that RL mentioned.
You are falling into a trap. The Press corp hunt as a pack. During the campaign after dirty politics broke they realised that Key was lying to them. There was then a series of press interviews where Key realised they realised that Key was lying to them and they realised that Key realised that they realised Key was lying to them. It was always going to end in tears.
We are now seeing evidence of this.
Good one mickysavage. That’ll keep Bob busy for the rest of the night unraveling all the realisations and what each of them means. By the morning he should be able to reply.
“the media is the conduit. Most voters will never hear or see Littles utterances today or yesterday.”
Armstrong isn’t the media 😉
In other words, which media are getting it right?
Fair comment. Herald has circulation of nearly half a million tho.
Karol, I saw the clip on tv3 too, kept waiting for gower to finish with, ” Hager was right”… But so far no one in the fourth estate has the courage.
When we are at a tipping point like this I think the best strategy is to keep the pressure on proactively. Criticism of the media has its place, but at this point I see the most important thing as mass support behind Little and Norman and anyone else who has institutional power and is applying it ie the journos who are doing the right things.
Who else at the Herald is getting it right? What’s happening in the comments sections of Armstrong’s articles?
You never know for sure with Winston but the Slater 8 days ago is strange. It raises the question of just which day was the report actually handed over to the Government. Yesterday? Last week? Mmmm.
I think all relevant parties have had the report since last week ianmac.
Sounds like he knows something about the “contact with Slater” a week or so ago that forced Key to return to the House just before the tea break and make a personal statement.
I’ve given up waiting for Winston to ever come up with anything significant. It usually seems to be nothing but hot air.
Thanks for that…What a great speech from Andrew Little!….wow next Prime minister of New Zealand!
…and it may happen sooner rather than later , because John Key is thoroughly disgraced
And – thank you David Cunliffe for recommending Andrew Little.
Yes, and any suggestion David Cunliffe was just in the political game for himself has been scuttled.
The labour mps around little during his general debate were the most animated in a long time…
1000+ Andrea and Anne re David Cunliffe.
+1000 from me as well, Andrea and Anne.
FYI folks.
26 November 2014
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Cheryl Gwyn
‘Open Letter’ to Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Cheryl Gwyn: What is the procedure for laying charges against the (former) Director of the SIS and Prime Minister for breaching the NZ SIS Act 1969?
Dear Inspector-General,
I have spent some hours studying your “Report into the release of information by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service in July and August 2011”, and am deeply disappointed that you have, in my considered opinion, effectively ignored the herd of mammoth elephants in the room, namely the role of the party political, highly partisan Office of the Prime Minister.
You may recall that I sent you an email on 12 September 2014, asking:
“This is a formal request for you to please ensure that your current “in-depth and robust inquiry” into claims Security Intelligence Service (SIS) information was used for political purposes covers the underpinning role of the Office of the Prime Minister. (if it does not already do so).”
You chose not to so do, thus. in my considered opinion, your above-mentioned Report has not dealt with the underpinning problem, and does not provide recommendations that will solve the underpinning problem.
Which is – that the politically partisan Office of the Prime Minister, whose role is that of covering the Prime Minister in his role as Leader of the National Party is not itself covered by statute, regulation, protocols or procedures, and is effectively, ‘out of control’.
However, I believe that your Report, does provide clear evidence which proves that the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Act 1969 s. 4AA Political neutrality of New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, has, in my considered opinion, been clearly breached:
4AA Political neutrality of New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
(1)The Director must take all reasonable steps to ensure that—
(a)the activities of the Security Intelligence Service are limited to those that are relevant to the discharge of its functions:
(b)the Security Intelligence Service is kept free from any influence or consideration that is not relevant to its functions:
(c)the Security Intelligence Service does not take any action for the purpose of furthering or harming the interests of any political party.
(2)The Minister may not direct the Security Intelligence Service to institute the surveillance of any person or entity or any class of person or entity within New Zealand.
(3)The Director must consult regularly with the Leader of the Opposition for the purpose of keeping him or her informed about matters relating to security.
(4)Subsection (2) prevails over section 4(1).
Section 4AA: inserted, on 1 September 1999, by section 4 of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Amendment Act (No 2) 1999 (1999 No 91).
What are the ‘offences and penalties’ for alleged breaches of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Act 1969?
I want charges to be laid against :
A) John Key, in his (then) capacity as Prime Minister responsible for the SIS, and Leader of the National Party, thus responsible for his Office of the Prime Minister.
B) Warren Tucker, former Director of the SIS.
Please advise me of the process to be followed, and to whom I should make this request for such charges to be laid.
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption whistle-blower / Public Watchdog’
+100…be interested in the reply Penny…
Keep up the good work Penny. I appreciate your tireless and selfless efforts.
Hopefully it marks a definite end to the Stockholm Syndrome of the Goff and Mumblefuck era: “We need to be just like them but fluffier, sweeter and stickier”.
absolutely brilliant
little has in spades what goff shearer and cunliffe had in thimbles
you can feel the honest passion.
key is being exposed
go man go
When Andrew said ‘cut the crap’ it applies not only to Key to stop talking utter #%&t, but also an admonition to his National party caucus members to cut Key off as their leader because Key has been arrogant and coming across as nothing but a dirty stinky crap himself! I think English is eagerly waiting to get rid of this contemptuous money trader masquerading as an innocent honest PM!
BEn A @ 26. Yes I think that is very smart of Andrew Little. He is sowing the seeds of dissension in the mind of the National MP’s. Splitting them.
Fantastic! NZ has a real Opposition once again.
Bit of a miracle – There really is Hope for the future for Aotearoa. Best thing that’s happened in a long, long time.
Absolutely cutting through the crap, Andrew Little…and as for trying to focus on Phil Goff now, well hadn’t he waited long enough to hear what he already knew, and for crying out loud, at least he has admitted it, unlike Peter Dunne and the Kitteridge report, which Key didn’t seem that fussed about at the time? Credit to Goff for not lying I say.
John Key and that insane Whaleoil text each other. Both of these filthy mongrels should be in a prison cell. What a sick country New Zealand has become!
…and Key goes running back to parliament to “correct” his response to question “have you had contact with whaleblubber?”….after speaking with Crosby Textor no doubt, and if Labour ever tried to “correct” what hey had earlier stated, in the same day, imagine the fall out from that!!!!!!!
Misunderstood the question AGAIN? Still cannot believe his flippant, arrogant response to Smith’s escape. Play it again John
Key has been caught out lying big time. His relationship with the insane fat mental Whaleblubber should be his downfall but New Zealanders are happy with corrupt politicians eh suckers!
He’s told to cut the crap on a day where he has to come back and correct the fact that he’d been talking crap? Is that some sort of record?
@ repateet..
Has anyone asked Mr Key if he has read the IGIS report ? Because he may not have. You know he does have form on this.
The Prime Minister’s Office may have read it, and Mr Key can’t recall receiving it, Cameron Slater’s friend probably has and Bronagh’s husband has probably glanced at it. Max & Stephie Key’s father was unavailable for comment. 😈
He has quoted from specific parts of the report in The House.
Now, I watch a bit of UFC.
This felt like Werdum v Emelienko.
Werdum has learnt a huge amount over recent years.
Whereas Emelienko was just straight genius, for over a decade.
Werdum would not have been in his class just two years ago.
Werdum got hit real hard, but choked Emelienko out pretty unexpectedly.
I love the viscera and fight of Little. EPMU brung him up right. The left haven’t have that kind of fight for decades – maybe we haven’t seen this kind of brawler since Semple.
LIttle is fully stepping Key out here.
And Key actually said he’s looking forward to the debates.
Key no longer has to deal with a light-heavyweight moving up a class.
Little is the heavyweight he promised us he would be.
But he will need to keep up this work rate, with consistent big TV hits, to really take the belt off this astonishing master.
Key has now admitted he text-exchanged with Slater about the Gwyn Report.
This is a sizable self-inflicted injury on Key.
TV 1 and 3 will now amplify this all week.
Not a great start term.
Still, if Brown can recover, anyone can…
You might find this interesting
Ah that would be that slightly left of centre guy. You notice that he isn’t on our feed?
I have no particular idea who he is. His site seemed ‘odd’ when I looked at earlier in the year. So I asked and didn’t get a particularly favourable response. So I left him off.
He felt like an attention seeker rather than being really interested in either politics or blogging. It usually doesn’t work out. When I later heard that Cameron was mentoring him, I just smiled and waited for the inevitable betrayal and ‘scoop’.
From what I have seen of his work, I suspect that Cameron was looking at a mirror… It was exactly the kind of crap Cameron would get up to in the early days. But I doubt it had anything more to do with Labour than this guy mouthing off.
Do you think this story may have legs?
Dirty politics, labour pointing the finger, but they’re doing it as well.
Media likes nothing better than some one getting hoisted by their own petard.
Seem to be always going into moderation, also noticed none of my posts over the last day or so are showing up in the search.
More db issues?
Nah. I thought he was likely to be a dingbat. I think that Cameron got suckered by a blabbermouth.
Of all the people I’d least expect a dirty politics thing from in Labour, Annette King would be at the top of my list. I have simply never seen her do it. She just does real nitty gritty clean leverage politics. I think that any journo would laugh their socks off at the suggestion.
If she was was involved at all, it would have been because it was already general knowledge in parliament and the gallery. ie a blabbermouth trying to be a player. I have seen a few of the boring fools before. Like Cameron.,.
There appears to be a plugin conflict. I know what the problem is, but can’t isolate it. It is kind of hard when the site is running hot and the only time it happens is when it is running hot with comments, and I can’t afford the after midnight sleepless nights except on weekends or for emergencies. Most comments don’t hit it, but we tend to get 4 or 5 at a time.
I suspect we will have to limp to the weekend with it.
Doing my best to keep up Lynn. It doesn’t seem to hit logged in members like myself or DtB. And some users get hit harder than others. That’s the only pattern I can see so far.
That’s a bit of a pisser, trying to debug someone elses code sucks arse.
In this case, it looks like a combination of many people’s code.
But I do that a lot at work as well. Even on Greenfield projects you have to lean on a lot of libraries.
Yeah, that seems to be part and parcel of software development, without 3rd party libraries I doubt most projects would ever get completed.
From experience, support and documentation are my two biggies when it comes to choosing 3rd party libraries.
Nothing more annoying than getting let down by others code.
I usually just check for actively solved solutions on the net and what the issues were. Tells me almost everything I usually need to know. Open source helps a lot. I only use closed source for some very specialized application needs like game level rendering. It has been a bit weird heading back into legacy code on windows and looking at absurbities like the Microsoft descriptions of cabwiz for a windows mobile. A bit short on useful docs….
That’s cute. You troll the site 24/7 then complain your comments are auto-moderated. That’s the kind of arrogance John Key would be proud of.
So you admit you are a troll, and arrogant, and proud of it?
Good to know.
That slightly left of centre dick is about as left of centre as I am right of centre.
Dim Post’s analysis of the Forman leak and his Slater connections:
Slater claims Forman is in cahoots with Labour, but especially with Annette King.
danylmc concludes:
Various twitter speculations about Forman as Slater’s sock puppet (or half actual person half sock puppet). Vance, gtiso etc,
Sheesh – Danyl has surpassed himself with that one.
If any of this devious dipshittery proves true – it will make Key look like an even bigger numpty for having anything to do with it.
Forman has switched his blog to private.
He’s an ex Real Estate agent who says he does something with IT and has expertise in property investment. Doesn’t seem like an obvious Labour person, going from his LinkedIn profile.
He’s doing well already. At the very least we’ve got someone who can vent a bit of our anger for us.
47% of people voted for Key/National just eight weeks ago. Now I doubt if even half of those have any respect and trust left for John Key any more! He has disgraced himself and his party. It is all down hill from here for him no matter how much spin and crap he may try to spread. He has been exposed. Only complete sycophants, crooks and fools will not see that.
<30% of people voted for Key eight weeks ago 😉
Little was awesome.
Goff never fired up, Shearer was too dozy, Cunliffe was…well, Cunliffe but Little could well swing me back to Labour
I still feel like Cunliffe was hamstrung by caucus, and ridiculous smears that stuck (Donghua Liu, and the out-of-context “sorry for being a man”). Only getting ~1 year to prepare for the job because of fuck-up Shearer being the ultimate liability, of course.
Good to hear it TC.
Let’s call this a bad week for Key. Granted.
But let no one be under any illusion that Key is anything but total king of caucus, standing astride all. He dominates his party with reach, power, and precision. All those who got recent promotions owe him total fealty.
National’s legislative agenda – such as it is – has the complete assurance of the majority.
His massive majority of supporters know which side their bread is buttered, and donate as if their interests were at stake.
Polls will remain meaningless to him.
His staff are entirely expendable – by definition they serve at the pleasure.
He will come back with a big series of openings over 12 months:
– The LA Premier of Lord of the Rings, and further deals
– The commencement of construction of the National Convention Centre
– The great Gallipoli nationalist surge
– Wrapped in the flag contest
– The start of Auckland’s City Rail Link
– Further stages of the Christchurch Rebuild
– The early completion of Waterview SH20 tunnel
– More Treaty of Waitangi settlements
Key is undisputed champ for a reason – because he is top of the game, none have really touched him, and he has won and won again for his supporters and donors. Good shot Little, but you need to up your work rate in the ring week after week.
“He dominates his party with reach, power, and precision. All those who got recent promotions owe him total fealty”.
Every bit the dictator…. or DIC for short.
Big thank you to the affiliated unions of the NZ Labour Party for delivering us Andrew .
Stand Tall.
Fearfax .
‘Key misled parliament.’
Are his corporate sponsors losing their confidence in Key?
Great work from Megan Woods with this question. She has managed to pull the rug out from Key on one his main counter-attack lines over the Gwynn Report (Goff leaking, Labour is just as bad etc) and get him to mislead The House. I think she’s starting to really find her feet in Parliament.
– Andrew Little
Bloody hell, that is some serious language there. Go Andrew Little!
Also, I’m stunned that Key would still converse with Slater. Seems like political suicide to me.
Watched the general debate speech.
One word sprung to mind.
Just wondering where Audrey YOung and Claire Trevitt are in all the of this/??
The Chief Political Editor and the Deputy Political Editor of The NZ Herald???? Couldn’t find anything they have written to date about the report and about Little really owning it in parliament. Perhaps they only report what they like, little Audrey’s article on Bronagh and the panda’s in China.
Psst, by the way Audrey was in the house yesterday. I saw her.
Well spotted. Often the best clues come from what is missing.
Brook Sabin has tweeted a (redacted) copy of the leaked Slater text that resulted in catching Key out in misleading the House.
Only a moran would want Slugboy on their side. He makes a total mess of anything he tries. Key is showing the ultimate in hubris and narcissism by still communicating with him. He really does think he’s made of teflon.
Are others sick and tired of Corin Dann covering up for Key every night on One News, or is it just me? They get away with it by claiming they get complaints from both sides. A bit Key’s defence of his running covert ‘black-ops’ out of his office that ‘they all do it’? Tonight’s herculean effort was to set up Goff to take the fall for the whole sleazy Tory mess, which really should be worth an award of some sort.
On fire Little!
At last some passion and conviction, and taking the fight.
Already Little is showing he is the master of the of the one liner . Loved “2 doors down Ede” that will stick as will CTC. Some of the best oratory skills witnessed in the house for ages.
Folks you are witnessing the start of the comeback.
Prime Minister John Key has acknowledged he misled Parliament earlier today about his contact with WhaleOil blogger Cameron Slater.
This evening Key was forced to return to the debating chamber to make a personal statement admitting he had given an incorrect answer to Labour MP Megan Woods during Question Time today.
Woods had asked the prime minister whether he had had any contact with Slater about the reports into then-Justice Minister Judith Collins’ supposed attempts to undermine former Serious Fraud Office boss Adam Feeley, or the report of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) into information from the SIS.
At the time, Key said no.
This evening, during the second reading of the Parole Amendment Bill, Key made a statement acknowledging the statement was wrong. He claimed that he believed Woods was only talking about one of the reports, when in fact she had asked about both.
“On Monday the 24th of November I received an unsolicited text message from Mr Slater with a reference to the IGIS report. There was a very short exchange where I briefly acknowledged that text message.”
Meagan Wood’s Q 4 Today in parliament:
Clemgeopin…Lets get this correct. Less than 30% of NZers eligible to vote actually cast their vote for John Key’s National Party.
Interesting in Stuff:
Goff has denied categorically giving anyone an actual copy of the report – other than the Leader and Whip. So here is Slater insinuating that it was ‘given away to me’. by a journo. A very ambiguous statement that could be read in a number of ways.
And then there is the “They still have standard bloggers on staff” line. Presumably Lynn might want to say something about this.
If nothing else there must be more than a few serious people in this country, legal and civil service, who must be getting pretty concerned about the Prime Minister’s very cosy relationship with the slug.
C’mon. Out with it. Who here at The Standard attempted a hit on Slater?
Also, I cannot believe our prime minister says “u” in text messages.
It’s been quite a day.
so the guy who claimed an sis source gave hime something when it was ede is claiming a journo gave him something that the journo claimed came from goff?
And who tried to kill slater other than “ferals” and cantabs?
The media are a strange, facile, largely meagrely intelligent, overpaid, cafe society bunch. Sluts for ‘celebrity’. In themselves or in the ‘star’ a nod from whom on the way into the building in the morning makes their day. Have a good friend been involved in the media (TV) for decades.
Possessed he is with the imperative of ‘balance’. Which actually means – everything’s got to end up 50/50. Regardless of anything. 50/50 is ‘balance’. If that means weighing-in to distort a reality, then so be it. That is their earnest aspiration. These people are the guardians of ‘balance’, which is 50/50. You can see how thus John Key is not a practised liar who virtually always goes unchallenged, rather he is a master of his game.
Of course they’re always accommodating of their betters, the narcissistic, the brazen, the ‘looked-after’ outliers like Hosking and Henry. In which case, out of respect for the company ‘asset’ and the need for that uplifting morning nod from the ‘star’, 60/40 even 70/30 quite naturally becomes 50/50.
Very sad that our democracy is inevitably badly impacted by this strange, facile, largely meagrely intelligent, overpaid, cafe society bunch.
Remember how “Nanny State” was the phrase that put the nail in Helen’s government? “Crap Government” could be just the phrase to get rid of Donkey.
How dare you.
Crap can be recycled and made useful such as being made to produce power by extracting methane gas from it or turned into fertiliser to help crops grow.
What can this current National government be recycled into to make something useful of it?
You are tainting the usefulness of crap by associating it with National!
Damien O’Connor @DamienOConnorMP 2h2 hours ago
“Key misled Parliament. Key denied twice texting Slater about report
Clarabelle @AucklandIsland 2h2 hours ago
“Why r Slater, Key and Collins texting after N Hagers book?
Is it defiance/arrogance or both?”
Damien O’Connor @DamienOConnorMP 2h2 hours ago
Well Damien has obviously made his peace with the Union side of the Labour Party organisation now that Little is the leader.
I wonder whether he gets on with Grant?
Damien was of course the man who complained about the “self serving unionists and the gaggle of gays”.
That was when the list was chosen in 2011 and
“Labour yesterday handed former president Andrew Little, who heads the powerful EPMU (New Zealand’s biggest private sector union) a certain seat in Parliament, and has given other union-backed candidates winnable slots in its party list for the November 26 election.
Little this morning rejected O’Connor’s claims, while Robert Martin, chairman of the Gay Business Association of Christchurch, said the comments were inappropriate and ”redneck”.”
Just a thought, but how come Slater has Joky Hen’s cell phone number and is able to text him?
Actually I wonder if it would be good for Goff to be taken to court and them have John Key called to answer questions about his texts to Slater on the same report as well. I would love for John Key to have to say something in court under oath that if later found to be false would allow him to be prosecuted for perjury.
I get a feeling that Mr Slater is stating to seriously loose the plot.
I could see someone on the right putting a hit out to shut him up for what he knows about what is going on behind their back room doors with all the secret deals, but no one in Labour or on the left for that matter gives a shit about if he lives or dies so he has no worries about anyone on the Left putting a hit out on him.