Daily Review 02/07/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, July 2nd, 2015 - 22 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

American presidents on labor unions

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22 comments on “Daily Review 02/07/2015 ”

  1. Clemgeopin 1

    Powerful messages there!

  2. Clemgeopin 2

    Here is another one :

    #❤️>💵💀 Wednesday pic.twitter.com/nhyKGlOW6o— The Vengeant (@TheVengeant) July 2, 2015

  3. mickysavage 3

    So Hekia wants to subject year 9 and 10 students to national testing as well. That should end well. Don’t they think that any of our young people should have one year off from the stress of exams? Or do they think we should be like Japan?

    • Clemgeopin 3.1

      Hekia is a fool.

      She is dumbing down education and creating a feel-good mirage for the students and parents.

      We have a government of the liars, by the liars, for the gullible.

  4. Sable 6

    The ultimate betrayal the politicians don’t want us to know about. An update from RT:


  5. vto 7

    imagine john key saying things like those great presidents did ……

    ha ha ha ah ah a ha ha ha ha aha hahahahaha ha ha ha ah ah a ha ha ha ha aha hahahahaha ha ha ha ah ah a ha ha ha ha aha hahahahaha

    key is one funny man that is for sure – funny as in odd

    • Janice 7.1

      Funny as in Odd, Peculiar and Strange.

      • Molly 7.1.1

        Funny as in dairy products past their expiry date left in the corner of the fridge – “Uergh….this milk has gone funny…”

  6. I like JMG for his content and because he is direct, brave and eloquent. Gonna be a tough read for some people…

    The fact that one narrowly defined aspect of the universe seems to behave like a machine, though, does not prove that the universe is a machine, any more than the fact that one machine happens to look like a purple dinosaur proves that all machines are purple dinosaurs. The success of mechanistic models in explaining the behavior of masses in motion proved that mechanical metaphors are good at fitting some of the observed phenomena of physics into a shape that’s simple enough for human cognition to grasp, and that’s all it proved. To go from that modest fact to the claim that the universe and everything in it are machines involves an intellectual leap of pretty spectacular scale. Part of the reason that leap was taken in the seventeenth century was the religious frame of scientific inquiry at that time, as already mentioned, but there was another factor, too.


    Well worth a read and a contemplate imo

    • vto 8.1

      Haven’t read it mr mars but it is interesting that discoveries of the cosmos of recent decades seem to be pointing to there being nothing out of this world out there…..

      The compounds and minerals and waters found on outer space planets and moons are mostly found on earth. So far. There seem to have been no amazing new discoveries of hitherto unknown compounds, rather just discoveries of what we have here…

      … all of which has been making me think of late that maybe the universe is actually quite simple and narrow in terms of how it works and what it is …

      and now you observe this observers observation that much of the movement of outer space bodies etc is similar to that of simple earth-like mechanics.

      Maybe the universe is simple. Discoveries seem to be pointing to more and more known earth-like simplicities in how it works

      • McFlock 8.1.1

        which bodes well for alien life.
        Not so much faster than light travel though – goddamn fermi paradox

        • vto

          Yep, alien life for sure. It seems to be pretty well accepted that it is now just a matter of time before some carboniferous type life is found…

          Don’t know what that means for ‘God’ though. . . .

      • marty mars 8.1.2

        I recommend a read vto – you may be surprised by how much you enjoy it.

    • Charles 8.2

      Further down the comments section there is this, which added to the original post, blows the lid off Western thought entirely:

      There’s another way in which “is” works well: the “is of state.” Consider the sentence “The grass is green.” Clearly grass is not identical with the sensory category of “green,” but the statement is perfectly understandable and uncontroversial. Grass has a series of states, from seed, to seedling, to growing, to dead and decaying. “The grass is green,” picks out one of those states. This is the failure of classical logic: in its simplest form it does not handle state transitions very well.

      Rev. Dodson (better known as Lewis Carroll) was working on this problem in volume 2 of his work “Symbolic Logic,” which was still unpublished at his death. It was resurrected and published several decades ago. From that volume we have a syllogism called Raw Meat.

      Major premise: What I buy in the market I eat that night.
      Minor premise: I bought raw meat in the market.
      Conclusion: I ate raw meet tonight.

      Clearly there’s something wrong with this. What’s wrong is that there’s an implicit state model behind it that doesn’t show up in the syllogism.”

      “A white horse is not a horse”. Unless people value the idea. Then everyone votes for White Horse.

      • RedLogix 8.2.1

        Interesting reference Charles. I do actually own a copy of one of those volumes, although it’s been a while since I read them. Might have to dig it out again.

        The human brain does have some peculiar weak spots. Here is one I picked up recently:

        Jack is looking at Mary, and Mary is looking at Bob. Jack is married and Bob is not.

        Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

        The answer is pretty easy, but most people get it wrong the first time.

        • Clemgeopin

          A similar incident happenned between Jack, Anne and George too, as per Prof. G.Oogle!
          Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

          A) Yes.

          B) No.

          C) Cannot be determined.

          This is from this month’s Scientific American — article unfortunately costs money. It’s about “dysrationalia,” which is what happens when people with nominally high IQ’s end up thinking irrationally. A phenomenon I’m sure we’ve all encountered, especially in certain corners of the blogosphere.

          And the answer is the first option. But over 80 percent of people choose the third option. Here’s the solution: the puzzle doesn’t say whether Anne is married or not, but she either is or she isn’t. If Anne is married, she’s looking at George, so the answer is “yes”; if she’s unmarried, Jack is looking at her, so the answer is still “yes.” The underlying reason why smart people get the wrong answer is (according to the article) that they simply don’t take the time to go carefully through all of the possibilities, instead taking the easiest inference. The patience required to go through all the possibilities doesn’t correlate very well with intelligence.

          • RedLogix

            Thanks for getting the reference correct. I didn’t think to check google.

            It was an interesting article. Irrational, impatient and lazy thinking isn’t confined to small corners of the internet. It seems to be the dominant form almost everywhere.