Daily review 03/08/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 3rd, 2021 - 35 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

35 comments on “Daily review 03/08/2021 ”

  1. pat 1

    I dont think the PM and Bernard Hickey will be exchanging Christmas cards this year (or possibly ever again)


  2. David 2

    10 point drop in the polls and we get the borders starting to open and the boomer bike bridge off the table.

    let’s hope for another 10 point drop next month and we can begin to deal with the really egregious policies such as the hate speech laws in their current form.

    [Crikey! I missed that; can you please link to the Government’s decision to cancel the plan to build the walking and cycling bridge across Auckland Harbour. Thanks – Incognito]

    • bwaghorn 2.1

      Do you honestly think that labour got the no miq work bridge to the islands done in one day ,after the poll, ?more likely it's been in the pipe line for ages,

      • David 2.1.1

        Of course, pure coincidence. Absolutely. Stupid me.

        • bwaghorn

          You appear to be.

          • David

            Or is the bigger fool the one that thinks 3 pacific territories we’ve not wanted open to RSE workers for months on end despite calls from so many in the horticulture industry suddenly become safe the Monday after a disaster poll?

          • David

            And then of course there is the back peddling on the boomer bike bridge the Tuesday afternoon a disaster poll.

            Looking forward to Wednesday’s back down of another unpopular policy.

            • Drowsy M. Kram

              You're a genieus David; careful Collins doesn't bottle you laugh

              Collins says she had meant that Williams should be put in a bottle like a genie.

              That's opposition National party talent right there – born leader, TOP talent – quintessential National.

              • WeTheBleeple

                Saw on the news the people Collins was addressing when the comment was made:

                You know when Grandad embarrasses everyone with his ignorance and hate – a whole room of them – contemplating tales of Aladdin, apparently.

            • bwaghorn

              I hope they do ditch it the bridge, could be ypure right about that announcement, I remember key always like to fly a kite on things and back away if it was unpopular, kinda democracy in action dont ya think?

      • Muttonbird 2.1.2


        It's dangerous lunacy from the rabid right to promote the idea a quarantine free bubble for Pacific Island fruit pickers was invented in a day.

        These clowns have zero idea about Covid-19 and required protections for vulnerable countries we trade labour with. All they think about is double cab ute driving fuckwits.

        I'm not exaggerating when I say that if the National party was government when this pandemic hit we would have recorded not 25 Covid-19 related deaths, but several hundred, and counting…

      • Jester 2.1.3

        Labour would have been doing their own internal polling and probably knew the result before the public.

    • Muttonbird 2.2

      Hate speech laws (the clue is in the name) are such a minor thing compared to the rest of what needs fixing.

      That some are so obsessed by it indicates they have no other worries in life apart from their rancid internet posting being challenged.

    • Incognito 2.3

      See my Moderation note @ 5:45 pm.

    • newsense 2.4

      Weren’t Cullen and Robertson backseat driving Phil Twyford’s attempt at light rail? With transport friends like these…

      What happened to Len Brown? Seems that without him we still wouldn’t be started on the City rail link.

  3. Anne 3

    Seven Sharp co-host Hilary Barry isn't shy of taking anti-vaxxers to task on air.

    But her comments on the safety of the Covid vaccine on an episode of the show earlier this year led to a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

    In the segment broadcast on February 16, 2021, Barry suggested that those who did not want the vaccine should "jump on a ferry and go to the Auckland Islands for a few years … the when we've got rid of Covid, come back".

    In a decision released today, the BSA has ruled that her comments on the safety of the Covid vaccine did not breach its standards.

    Attagirl Hilary. You read my mind. The only difference, I was thinking of Easter Island where they could spend their days dancing around the statues chanting in tongues.


    • Anne 3.1

      Oh dear oh dear: Hilary has just rubbed salt into the BSA complainant's wound on Seven Sharp. I sense another complaint coming on.

      All good. The more complaints the more publicity and greater are the chances the hesitant will be encouraged to have their Covid jabs.

    • mauī 3.2

      Barry's comment hasn't aged too well. Given that we now know that the disease can be spread among the vaccinated, and wont rid the population of Covid. You can see the ugliness of it, in demanding incarceration of individuals for their own personal health choices.

      I can see the similarities with this, https://www.otago.ac.nz/news/news/otago597436.html

      WWII saw 800 of New Zealand’s 5000 conscientious objectors labelled “military defaulters” who were then interned behind barbed wire in specially built camps in remote areas of the country. After release, they also were deprived of the right to vote for 10 years.

      • joe90 3.2.1

        But unlike the decent, principled men who objected knowing full well that they would face the consequences of their actions, the pro-plague scum think they should be given a pass for their selfish, amoral opting out of their responsibilities to the herd.

        [Joe, please tone down the abusive language (in this case, pro-plague scum). You’re free to express your opinion, but there’s a need to step back from the anti-social sentiments in TS comments. – weka]

      • Anne 3.2.2


        Maui will be swearing the Earth is flat next. Maybe he/she already has and I missed it.

      • mac1 3.2.3

        A conscientious objector says he will not go to war to kill people, a decision based on moral, religious grounds.

        Does a person refusing a Covid vaccination do that for moral or religious reasons? Do they refuse vaccination because they believe that action will seriously harm or kill others? If so, that is a conscientious objection.

        Do they refuse on lesser grounds knowing they are potential disease vectors threatening the lives of others? Do they then put others at risk by not taking appropriate precautions with isolation, hygiene and proper mask wearing? That's not analogous to conscientious objection unless you were to argue that their absence from the ranks somehow put others at risk.

        Societies always have had ways to suborn those who step outside the acceptable behaviours.

        Is wilful vaccination refusal one of these unacceptable behaviours?

        These issues do involve citizen's rights and responsibilities which presumably is why votes were denied to COs.

        In earlier times, and I bet the powers are still there, contagious people such as those with TB were subject to sanatorium confinement.

        Covid is deadly and undiscriminating, a threat to all. That its deadliness is lessened by vaccination is a reason, a word used advisedly, to take it. That it will spread even among the vaccinated is no reason not to slow its spread, for obviously this is a relatively rare occurrence and is containable.

        So what are we to do, as individuals and as a society?

        A situation published today related that a person presumably with low immunity due to a cancer condition, had been measured to have had 40 different mutations of the virus detected in her body. What will that mean (again I'm sure she is confined and isolated) to the issues of control or eradication?

  4. joe90 4

    Jude's appealing to her white wing base.


    National leader Judith Collins has backed calls for a referendum on the name of New Zealand, saying Kiwis are getting “tetchy” about the word Aotearoa being used without consultation.

    But press releases from National’s time in Government show the word being used frequently to mean New Zealand, including in the 2014 speech from the throne and by Collins herself when she was Ethnic Affairs Minister.

    “Aotearoa” means “land of the long white cloud” in te reo and has a contested history as the widely used te reo name for New Zealand.


  5. Patricia Bremner 5

    Congratulations to Lisa Carrington.

    • McFlock 5.1

      yeah, I wandered what the yelling down the hall at work was all about. good job 🙂

  6. Descendant Of Smith 6

    Poor Todd is getting some encouragement on how to have less rubbish.

    "Musings from a frustrated local.

    So I am sitting in a queue to exit the Maleme Street Transfer Station. A perfect time for a public fume.

    This queue is long because lots of families like ours simply can’t put 2 weeks worth of rubbish into a fortnightly red bin. Might work for a family of two, simply can’t work for a family of five.

    This new rubbish system might have worked on a bureaucrats spreadsheet but out here in the real world….hopeless.

    Then I see the sign which says this waste transfer site is to close on Monday. Now all of us, that’s all of the 160,000 of us have to now go to the transfer station at Baypark. If this queue is anything to go by it will be carnage. As we all know that road is a shocker at the best of times.

    I understand Maleme is to close because this site is adjacent to a stream. This is true, but so are 100 other industrial businesses – there has to be better way than this.

    Common sense feels a rare commodity indeed around these parts."

    Coralie and many others are helping him.

    "We are a family of seven (including two in nappies) and we only put out one bin a year. It’s not the bin system that is the issue here, it is your wasteful lifestyle. Maybe instead of complaining, do a waste audit of your bin and try to work out why you’re creating so much waste. Find alternatives to the big waste contributors. Get a compost bin for your green waste. Educate yourself on your councils recycling system. Make some changes to your purchases.

    Again, the bin isn’t the issue, your wasteful lifestyle is"
