Daily Review 06/08/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:06 pm, August 6th, 2015 - 30 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Greenpeace Hiroshima

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30 comments on “Daily Review 06/08/2015 ”

  1. infused 1

    All the top stories so far on 3news so far are death and tragedy.

    • Marvellous Bearded Git 1.1

      For once I agree totally with you Infused. Never mind soon we will have John C on Checkpoint and we can hit the TV off-button.

    • b waghorn 1.2

      I’m avoiding news at the moment due to the whole headhunters soap opera that’s going at the mo.

      • Anne 1.2.1

        Thank heaven I’m not the only one. A stranger to this country could be forgiven for thinking Connor Morris (RIP) was Jesus reincarnated and Millie Elder was Mary….

      • infused 1.2.2

        I barely ever watch it. Now I know why. And the head hunters thing… jesus.

        • Tricledrown

          Glamourizing crime. The Gangs have their own show reality TV .
          Encouraging more violence.
          Like sports Gang A -1 member GangB nil.
          Tune in next weekweek for the retalion series.

    • Malconz 1.3

      One News was just as bad, leading with tragedy porn – the poor girls who lost their family in the fire. It was voyeuristic and horrible. Guess what: people whose family have been killed are heartbroken! Who would have guessed? Sigh.

    • David H 1.4

      I don’t watch 3

  2. DH 2

    I don’t think this Govt could make it much clearer they’re behind the housing inflation…..

    “Chinese wanted to buy property in regions”


    I’m a bit lost for words, I can’t really believe what I read…..

    • Gangnam Style 2.1

      That read like The Civilian, “Lets take a counterfactual for a moment…”, no one buys this bullshit still surely, though I see people defending the “flag will make us rich” line on the webz.

    • Clemgeopin 2.2

      Labour’s housing spokesman Phil Twyford said the Prime Minister’s comments showed how out of touch he was.

      “John Key claims Aucklanders want the value of their homes to keep rising. But for most, that paper wealth won’t be realised unless they sell up and move cities.”

      Mr Twyford said even people who owned houses were concerned that their children and grandchildren would never be able to own a home in Auckland.

      He said the Prime Minister was speaking on behalf of those who owned property, but the majority of Aucklanders were renting.

      The Labour MP said no one wanted to see Auckland house prices collapse, but the Prime Minister had a duty to also represent young New Zealanders who were unable to get onto the housing ladder.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.3

      Prime Minister John Key says people outside Auckland are telling him they want Chinese buyers in their area because they increase the value of their homes.

      Mr Key also said this morning a large proportion of Aucklanders did not want house price inflation to fall because it was making them wealthier.

      No they won’t. And increase in price indicates neither an increase in value nor wealth. The house remains a house and has the value that people can live in it. That’s it.

      This is just more snake oil that National and the economists sell.

      • AmaKiwi 2.3.1

        Draco, you’re wrong. People with investment properties are delighted with the rising house prices.

        You’re not mixing with the right crowd. (pun intended)

  3. Clemgeopin 3

    Shame on this government. Rock Star Economy ! What a disgrace of a lie and a myth!
    A National government that primarily works for the corporates and the wealthy.

    “More Palmerston North tertiary students relying on free food”


  4. Clemgeopin 5

    Is there any chance for Bernie Sanders to win the presidency of The USA?

    I just saw this article which seems optimistic. What do you think?


  5. adam 6

    Clarke and Dawe 50% increase in tax. Is Tony Abbot just copying from the Key play book?

  6. MJ me here 7

    DH – I agree – absolutely staggered at what jonkey said on ZB as reported by the herald…!

    By saying “Aucklanders getting wealthier” is he essentially endorsing debt fuelled consumption? I’m no econiminist, but taken with “house price inflation feeds CPI” and “inflation levels are low”, isn’t he saying that if you remove housing impact we’re in deflation? Thats our Pete Doherty economy for you…!

    And dont get me started on his “counter-factual…”!

    • ianmac 8.1

      Thanks Red. Well spotted. Remember National had so little policy at the last election and yet…
      About right that Textor. “Textor said the key was to simply move past “distraction X or distraction Y”.
      Exactly what Key did for example with Dirty Politics. Moved past. Bland answer. No definite response. People don’t really care about the “crisis” do they. Just a steady reliable leadership and “where are your socks and have you got your lunch money and…”

  7. Clemgeopin 9

    DISASTER for Australia. All out for three scores!

    The Ashes: Stuart Broad fires as Australia all out for 60. Yep, 60!

    Broad claims 8-15 in 9.3 overs.
