Daily Review 07/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 7th, 2018 - 39 comments
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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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39 comments on “Daily Review 07/08/2018 ”

  1. Ad 1

    Politics would be a whole lot more appealing if it were more like Love island


    Such great teeth!

  2. R.P Mcmurphy 2

    I went to town today and it was a waste of time.

  3. Going to town is always a waste of time.

    People everywhere, traffic, noise , and all the meat pies are way overpriced.

    Bah !

  4. greywarshark 4

    John Cleese on BBC about lies about Brexit and he is planning to leave UK saying that he is very disappointed and is giving up on it. Quite a dynamic talk and amazing presentation by BBC that is really ugly and OTT, lacks style and taste.

    • Ed 4.1

      The BBC has become a ghastly propaganda tool for the British deep state.
      There are no surprises in its actions here.

      They didn’t like Cleese telling the truth about the media.

      I loved the way he laughed at the interviewee when she described the British media as robust.

      The presenter is merely a paid puppet.

      She must have been very uncomfortable when he said he didn’t trust the bankers.

      She kept saying ok to shut him up.

      What a tool.

      • greywarshark 4.1.1

        Cleese hooted a couple of times. What a craven apologist she is. He couldn’t be allowed to express his opinion, and she kept trying to tone it down.

        What did you think of the revolving background- it started to look gruesome and not funny. The big foot ready to stamp, the puppet with its tongue hanging out, the tv screen? revolving like a windmill or reminiscent of giant blades on a chariot. It obviously impacted my imagination!

        • Ed

          The BBC Is as biased as hell.
          Maitlin, as Cleese called her, was just ghastly.
          Didn’t notice the set!

  5. Pat 5

    “We note that the Earth has never in its history had a quasi-stable state that is around 2C warmer than the preindustrial and suggest that there is substantial risk that the system, itself, will ‘want’ to continue warming because of all of these other processes – even if we stop emissions,” she said. “This implies not only reducing emissions but much more.”


    As for his conclusion: “Disruptive impacts from climate change are now inevitable. Geoengineering is likely to be ineffective or counter-productive. Therefore, the mainstream climate policy community now recognizes the need to work much more on adaptation to the effects of climate change… societies will experience disruptions to their basic functioning within less than ten years due to climate stress. Such disruptions include increased levels of malnutrition, starvation, disease, civil conflict and war – and will not avoid affluent nations.”


    • Exkiwiforces 5.1

      Yep, I fully concur with that statement Pat and as to Jenny’s reply on another post it’s going to get a whole worse before it’s get better even if we get that far with CC even if some muppet starts throwing around a few cans of instant sunshine.

      • Ed 5.1.1

        It won’t get better until we abandon capitalism.
        And, unless something extremely radical happens, that isn’t going to happen.
        Our grandchildren will curse us.

        • Exkiwiforces

          As long as my digit is pointing towards the ground it’s not going to happen Ed, but I do agree with you something has to change and change fast.

      • Pat 5.1.2

        wouldnt rule anything out

    • Ed 5.2

      Its not looking good.
      Runaway climate change.
      And the madmen are still in charge.
      Our grandchildren will despise us.

      • Pat 5.2.1

        “Our grandchildren will despise us.”

        Perhaps…if they have time to.

        • greywarshark

          It seems hard to explain to my children what my fears are, climate change and repercussions, wildfires and no water, hungry people and no crops because of failure to face facts and petty personal-gain politics meaning no changes and no different agricultural practices.

          (Anyone with Wendy Campbell Purdie’s book Woman against the Desert where she worked with the locals in Morocco I think, Bou Saada, to get gardens established under trees planted on the edge of the desert. Tree types were experimented with, and very little watering was done and then crops could grow in their shade which also inhibited dehydration and scorching of the leaves.) Capitalism doesn’t bother with things that don’t make profit, and are done for the good of the people with an eye to future survival.

          On top of CC there is the knowledge that the more money that people get then the further away they grow from ordinary people. The further from ordinary people, the easier to dispossess them. Highland clearings, palm tree oil plantations, dairy irrigation, resources that could be sold. The cold-eyed people don’t do their own dirty work, they find people who can manage the removal of people for them.

          We all have a touch of the cold-heart, when we have regular displays of fireworks for instance, with momentary gratification at great expense when people elsewhere are running in misery, drowning in despair, hungry and also having their very humanity taken from them, separated from their families in the USA, just as the slaves would have been so many decades ago. The coldness of heart is very chilling to observe.

          How can I explain to my kids that they are just dross to the super and hyper wealthy without them getting depressed, or hating having me around? I might just have to skirt around it and then let it drop.

          • Pat

            I could imagine many of the climate scientists referenced in the second link reasoned thus.

        • Ed

          To be more accurate, our children will despise us.

      • Pat 5.3.1

        Thanks for links…Oz media appear to be running quite a bit on CC judging by the dates

        • Exkiwiforces

          Yes Pat, since the media started to focus on the “The Big Dry” over the last couple of weeks and the likely cause to the The Big Dry along with the supply chain issues, also with Next Energy Generation (NEG) which is in the news for all the wrong reasons since Super Saturday and I blame both sides of the house at Federal along with State politics for that shit fight.

          But I think it’s The Big Dry that has everyone worried atm as a lot Regions that normally get winter rains on mainland have failed again and most of those regions are mixed cropping, fruit, some dairy areas along with the usual sheep and cattle. I’ve started to notice price increases already here in Darwin of late and we already have high food prices because of where we are, so I’ll hate to think what’s it like down Sth atm.

          Even our dry season has been kind of weird this season with a lot more cloud cover for this part of the dry with humidity already at levels we would expect to see at the start of the build up in October.

          • Pat

            The Uk would appear to be contemplating similarly…for a variety of reasons.


            • Exkiwiforces

              From what I’ve heard from my contacts it is scarce tactics from the NFU and certain MSM outlets.

              The NFU are worried that they are to lose their EU subsidies and suddenly they have to start working again and they forget prior to joining the EU that most of their food imports came from the Commonwealth.

              As for the Guardian I stop reading them a long time ago when they supported New Labour under Blair, their support of the EU overruling British Law Court decisions and a few other things to with EU also they forgot that the UK only want joined the Common Market not all the other shit that has been forced down their necks by the Tories or Labour Government since 1973. If the est had the some balls at the time like some of the Nordic Countries they won’t be having Brexit.

              Ever since the Romans invaded the British isles, they British people don’t like being told what to do and don’t do by a European and the staw that finally broke the camels back was when that muppet Blair open the borders to Eastern Europeans in which they suddenly took almost all the entry level jobs or the Eastern EUR tradies undercutting the British tradies which the unlike the NZ tradies are still working class/ blue collar.

              Even my NZ born cuz won’t hire anyone from Europe instead gets locals or from the Commonwealth at his 12 or so cafe’s in London because they won’t or can’t speak English, their customer service is poor or down right rude, work ethic is poor for he pays his staff which is top dollar than his competition and even the dumb asses have taken him to court because he beach their human rights as he won’t hire. His last court case a couple of Europeans took him and the Europeans were using translaters which the judge find it piss funny and throw the case out while giving the lawyers and Europeans a bloody old fashioned tongue lashing.

              Anyway my cuz hasn’t back to court since that episode which btw he is a very left wing middle class gay male from rural Nth Island and hates the EU. Fun guy to work with in London especially when he sent me to a cafe for 2 days in London’s LBTG (probably got that wrong) district while on Rec Leave from MER as a joke anyway I had last laugh as still keep asking for their straight Rockape as I treated everyone as equals unlike all of the staff who were gay.

          • Exkiwiforces

            Just to add to my last post the damm dogs found a Cane Toad tonight!! WTF it’s the bloody dry season for Christ Shakes!!!

    • joe90 5.4


      “It’s hard not to concede that coal hasn’t been put on Earth and other fossil fuels as part of a divine plan,” Palmer has told DeSmog.

      In July 2018, Palmer gave a speech to the Western Conservative Summit in Colorado. In audio obtained by DeSmog, Palmer says of Heartland’s efforts on climate change: “We are, I know, doing the Lord’s work.”


  6. joe90 6

    Oh please, please, let this be true.

    It’s Looking Extremely Likely That QAnon Is A Leftist Prank On Trump Supporters

    “What the fuck is wrong with boomers?”


  7. Here we go… the politics of archaeology and political correctness…

    Lovelock Cave: Red-Haired Giants of Ancient Nevada … – clipzui.com
    Video for Lovelock Cave: Red-Haired Giants of Ancient Nevada – NEW DOCUMENTARY▶ 36:01

    10 Strange Facts Concerning the Red-Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave

    Grab a coffee and settle back….

  8. greywarshark 8

    The Loch Ness monster has been good for tourism. The Red-Haired Giants no doubt the same. .

    Tabloid paper The National Enquirer has long been a fan of odd stories.
    The National Enquirer (also commonly known as the Enquirer) is an American supermarket tabloid published by American Media Inc (AMI)….

    In 1953, Pope revamped the format from a broadsheet to a sensationalist tabloid. The paper’s editorial content became so salacious that New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner Jr. forced Griffin to resign from the city’s Board of Higher Education in 1954.[6] In 1957, Pope changed the name of the newspaper to The National Enquirer and changed its scope to national stories of sex and scandal.[6]

    Pope worked tirelessly in the 1950s and 1960s to increase the circulation and broaden the tabloid’s appeal. In the late 1950s and through most of the 1960s, the Enquirer was known for its gory and unsettling headlines and stories such as: “I Cut Out Her Heart and Stomped on It” (Sept. 8, 1963) and “Mom Boiled Her Baby and Ate Her” (1962).

    At this time the paper was sold on newsstands and in drugstores only. Pope stated he got the idea for the format and these gory stories from seeing people congregate around auto accidents. By 1966, circulation had risen to one million.[6]