Daily review 08/09/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 8th, 2021 - 29 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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29 comments on “Daily review 08/09/2021 ”

  1. Johnr 1

    So, Judith declares the middlemore hospital kerfuffle a mess

    As the person up the front of the national party bus I have to bow to her expertise in recognizing a mess.

    Look behind you Judith, look behind you.

  2. Anker 2


    An add in the Otago Daily Times saying "Women Adult Human Female" is described as despicable by transgender activists………………unfortunately for them the Advertising Standards Authority has determind that the dictionary definition of a women is not hate speech and part of geninue advocacy…….

    • Gypsy 2.1

      So the dictionary definition of woman is hate speech? Are these people serious?

      • Anker 2.1.1

        Yes apparently putting an ad in the paper with the dictinory definition of women if "Despicable". FFS

      • mikesh 2.1.2

        In that particular context it is inevitable that transgender persons would see it as anti-transgender propaganda (which is probably what it is).

        • I Feel Love

          Yes, same as how the "ok" hand sign has become a hate sign for white supremacists. They can pretend it's not, but they know exactly what they're doing. It's the disingenuousness which is particularly shabby.

        • Gypsy

          It isn't anti-transgender anything. It is affirming the traditional and widely accepted definition of woman. It most certainly isn't hate speech.

          • Incognito

            Are you disingenuous or naive? Words have different meaning when strung together and put into specific context. Welcome to human language.

            • Gypsy

              Yes but the specific allegation here is that the wording is 'anti transgender propaganda' and 'hate speech'. I assume you aren't arguing the latter. As to the former, one can assert the traditional definition of woman without being anti transgender. Although that distinction seems to be lost on some.

              • Incognito

                I’m not joining the actual argument, just pointing out that meaning is context-dependent, as was pointed to you before in this thread. You seemed to deny this, which is why you are talking past each other, at best. I can see another discussion thread morphing into a waste of time.

            • Anker

              The word women has meant adult human female likely for centuries . It is used to determine the female biology sex.

              To suggest women has another meaning is anti science

              The specific context of this add is to draw peoples attention to legislation before parliament that many believe will impact negatively on biological wome

              It is being used in this context to draws peoples attention to a piece of legislation before parliament at the moment (which in my opinion is being done by stealth). It is advertising to peak peoples curiosity so that people click on the link to stand up for women and find out more about the bill.

              The Advertising Standards Agency has ruled on this Incognito and found it acceptable. The High Court in Palmerston North also ruled on SUFW and determined they were not a hate group.

              If I use the word women through out my day people don't think I am slurring the trans community (unlike for eg the N is seen as racist).

              • Incognito

                I’m not even joining your discussion per se and you’re reading too much into my comment, so no point trying to pull me into it. Try addressing the other relevant comments in this thread instead.

                • Anker

                  actually I think my comments addressed all three commenters, including yourself. But I understand you don't want to be drawn into the discussion

              • Gypsy

                Well said.

  3. Sacha 3

    From the sidebar, Bryce Edwards summarises many paywalled Herald stories about the Nat party's woes (take with usual sack of salt): https://democracyproject.nz/2021/09/08/bryce-edwards-political-roundup-whats-going-on-in-the-national-party

    • Gezza 3.1

      Thanks. I found that a good read.

      Interesting that Collins’ embedded AM show interview with Ryan Bridge in the Newshub story was one of her better ones. He let her talk, didn't interrupt & talk over her. She was relaxed. She didn't get rattled, flustered & burble on, like when she's ambushed & constantly interrupted by RNZ's morning hosts or some of Ardern's other fan club journos & editors.

      They know her fatal weaknesses as a communicator when pressured. They enjoy a bit of bloodletting, imo.

      These's something I find odd about the way she begins interviews. It's invariably the same. Oh hello Ryan. Oh hello John. Oh hello Tova, Oh hello Jessica. Oh hello Corin. Oh hello Suzy.

      If there really is a spill coming & Bridges really does get another shot at leader again – gawd! Even if he pulled them up in the polls a bit more than Collins is rating, he's got no chance up against Ardern. He had no better political judgement than Collins & he's nearly as awkward a communicator as she is, in his own different way.

      The media sharks will probably have him for breakfast. They really are stuck for a decent, experienced, intelligent front-runner who can front the media & control the interviews.

    • Patricia Bremner 3.2

      Thanks Sacha..sums it all up!!

    • Leighton 4.1

      Utter drivel. What next, Herald? "David Clark: Why I went to the beach"

    • Patricia Bremner 4.2

      Well rationalisation is always "after the act" lol.

    • tc 4.3

      Should be paywalled along with all the other opinionators like Joyce etc.

      monetising the comedy, linguistic torture and hypocrisy is a missed revenue opportunity

  4. Incognito 5

    Too much moral conviction is the problem we face today, where our view of right and wrong is being projected onto everybody else, he says.

    "What happens is if we become too fixated, too certain and too immovable in our morality, we get a couple of problems, one is we fight with others … [and] we're willing to make great sacrifices to get our moral way.


    Indeed, and coupled to that there is the B & W binary thinking or right vs wrong, good vs. bad/evil. This potent cocktail poisons the mind into producing absurd absolutisms that go beyond ‘textbook’ doctrine and dogma, which, at least, is still something shared and collective, and towards a hyper-individualised moral stance and view of the world, i.e. post-modernism on P. Suffice to say, it dissolves the fabric of society and vaporises social cohesion. Humankind is descending into a chaos and cabal of pseudo-gods who are all convinced that only they possess Truth and therefore all others should be pay attention; they are possessed by their own ‘truth’.

    Rant over.

  5. Bazza64 6

    Yikes – David Seymour could be a threat to the Plant Variety Rights Bill.

    This man must be stopped – my pot plants are starting to wilt already

  6. joe90 7

    But Mike reckons we should be more like 'Straya!


    Health Minister Greg Hunt did not accept an invitation for a detailed initial meeting with Pfizer’s top executives about progress on a coronavirus vaccine, as other countries were already on track to signing deals for millions of doses.

    The pharmaceutical company eventually had its first meeting with representatives from Mr Hunt’s office two weeks after the US and UK had already signed deals for a combined 130 million doses.


    In a letter to Mr Hunt dated June 30, a Pfizer Australia representative said the company was working together with BioNTech to develop, test and manufacture an mRNA-base vaccine that could potentially “be deployed at unprecedented speed” to prevent COVID-19 infections.

    “We have the potential to supply millions of vaccine doses by the end of 2020, subject to technical success and regulatory approvals, then rapidly scale up to produce hundreds of millions of doses in 2021,” the letter said.


  7. joe90 8


    A Vietnamese man has been sentenced to jail for five years for flouting Covid-19 rules and spreading the virus.

    A court found Le Van Tri guilty of "transmitting dangerous infectious diseases" to eight people, one of whom eventually died.


    In early July, Tri, 28, had reportedly travelled by motorcycle from Ho Chi Minh City to his home province Ca Mau in the south of the country.

    At Ca Mau, Tri was found to have lied on a health declaration form which asked about his recent travel history, and also failed to comply with isolation rules.

    Local authorities at the time had made it mandatory that anyone travelling from other provinces into Ca Mau had to immediately isolate themselves for 21 days.

    Tri later tested positive for Covid, and was found to have transmitted the virus to members of his family as well as staff at a welfare centre which he visited.

    Tri was sentenced to jail at the end of a one-day trial, and was also fined the equivalent of $880 (£630).


    • Gezza 8.1

      FAFO 😳

      F**k Around Find Out

      First And Final Offer

      First Available First Out

      Farmers Advocating for Organics

      Fine Arts For Ocala? 🤔

  8. Whispering Kate 9

    Why on earth is Middlemore Hospital allowing visitors in to see sick relatives during this level 4 lockdown. If Residential care homes are forbidding visitors because of their frail vulnerable residents why are sick and immune compromised patients not being treated with the same level of care. Staff are having to deal with haphazard mask use by visitors and one apparently managed to get it over with a patient in a room with other patients. Middlemore needs a management broom sweep.

    We are managing to reduce positive cases on a daily basis on sheer luck alone. There are some crazy decisions being made during this pandemic. Riding along on a wing and a prayer. Pray it stays that way.


    [link fixed]

  9. Whispering Kate 10

    Sorry folks my copy and paste has disappeared into the ether. Strange as I first read it in the Herald and it has disappeared from there as well. Don't want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole but methinks somebody doesn't want it to remain in print. FYI – I do wear reading glasses and definitely read the articles.