Daily Review 10/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 10th, 2018 - 22 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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22 comments on “Daily Review 10/08/2018 ”

  1. bwaghorn 1

    Fantastic news on the bag ban .
    Wool !!! It’s in the doldrums it’s a terrific biodegradable renewable product . How about a government intitative to make shopping bags out of course wool.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 1.1

      Crochet could come back. Seen some good bags out there.

    • Herodotus 1.2

      Is this an announcement in isolation or are there other announcements to safe guard our clean green position regarding other plastic products that we ship offshore so out of sight out of mind. e.g. Farm hay wrapping, those “condom” wraps tp protect building sites ?
      I hope there is more to follow up on this announcement

  2. Anne 3

    To whomsoever finds the Daily Review captions… congratulations. They’re always worth a daily check. Tonight’s warms the cockles…

  3. Anne 4

    Btw, for a minute there I thought Phil Goff had no trousers on. 😯

    I was thinking… not a bad pair of legs if a bit crinkled below the knee.

    Edit: yeah. Short sighted.

  4. Fireblade 5

    Simon Says:

    “I don’t think the plastic bag ban is going to make any difference, supermarkets and consumers were moving toward doing the right thing anyway. Ultimately, it’s a big distraction”.

    • Cinny 5.1

      I don’t usually go down the naming calling road.. but in this instance….

      simons a fucken tool.

      When his kids ask what his government did to help prevent marine life from being strangled by plastic bags…. what will he tell them?

      • WILD KATIPO 5.1.1

        Definitely a nautical flavor,…. arrrrrgh…. me hearty’s!

        Hank Williams III- with the ship – YouTube

      • Fireblade 5.1.2

        Yes Simons a tool. Banning Plastic Bags isn’t Rocket Science, but it is for Simon.

        Another gem from One News tonight was Paula Bennett saying the reason not many Beneficiaries have failed drug testing, is because the tests themselves aren’t very accurate and that newer testing technology should be investigated. Nasty.

        Then there’s Judith Collins weird twitter antics.

        Simon, Paula and Judith are becoming liabilities for the National Party. The National Party used to be very good at spinning their bullshit, now they just look desperate and pathetic.

        • Cinny

          Wows for reals re paula on the news, dang, that woman seems to have an excuse for every one of her failed decisions.

          It’s like the nats egos stand in the way of accepting or applauding any solutions, purely because the ‘other team’ made it happen.

          Helping planet earth should be important to everyone no matter their political views. But sadly in the instance of the nats, it’s not.

          • Draco T Bastard

            Wows for reals re paula on the news, dang, that woman seems to have an excuse for every one of her failed decisions.

            Personal responsibility is for small people. National Party MPs get to make excuses and blame other people for their fuckups.

      • Barfly 5.1.3

        “We lost the election”

  5. Philj 6

    ALERT! For the first time I agree with Simon.
    This is a patheticly small ‘win’. Gets the dolphin vote though.

  6. corodale 7

    Awareness Party leader Lisa Er and the party’s key personnel have joined Social Credit, and recommended to their members that they do likewise.
    In an announcement today, Lisa Er told party members ‘Social Credit is very similar to us, so we are going to personally join with them.”
    “You are welcome to do the same and we hope you do.”
    “Social Credit has coherent environmental views and doesn’t support the dropping of 1080 or enforcing fluoridation as other parties do.”
    “Their main platform is monetary reform, very similar to ours. We must take money creation out of the hands of private banks.”
    Read the full media release here http://www.socialcredit.nz/

    But I’m not sure where these guys stand on plastic bags 😉

  7. Stuart Munro 8

    It’s a nice little move, the bag thing, note the move away from a bag tax.

    While they’re in the supermarkets, they could do worse than regulating sugar maximums in drinks. Gradually decreasing would be good, so public taste can accommodate the change toward a healthier option.

    Then there’s the PET bottles to recycle – great material – into polyester is one option. https://frajorden.wordpress.com/2016/09/21/how-pet-bottles-convert-to-recycled-polyester-garments/ If we’re going to let manufacturers use them we should have a system recycling them.

    That probably needs to include to gasoline for mixed or contaminated plastics unsuitable for other kinds of recycling. https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/feb/20/campaigners-reject-plastics-to-fuel-projects-but-are-they-right

    • Draco T Bastard 8.1

      The biggest problem with our plastic use (and this applies to many other resources) is that we simply don’t collect it and recycle it properly.

      Of course, to do that would require serious regulation and so I’m pretty sure that the National Party won’t support it. They much prefer being able to do unethical things while claiming that it’s legal or not illegal.

      • Stuart Munro 8.1.1

        It’s becoming more important – China isn’t going to take our PET bottles forever – and a recycling base is one way to revive the textile industry pissed away by Rogergnomes back in the day.

  8. mike 9

    Rumors going around the building industry 2 more large construction companies will announce there bust with in a month

  9. Timeforacupoftea 10

    These multi use plastic shopping bags are going be a great advancement in environmental terms.

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…‘)
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    Another coalition committee being formed number 134.