Daily review 10/08/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 10th, 2023 - 24 comments
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24 comments on “Daily review 10/08/2023 ”

  1. pat 1

    Another poll with labour in the 20's


    Although too late for this election it should be a wake-up call if the party wants a future

    • observer 1.1

      Obviously not too late for this election, but more importantly, it is amazing that Luxon has single-handedly revived NZ First. He's opened the coffin and delivered the kiss of life to a corpse.

      MMP for Beginners, chapter 1: if you leave a vacuum, somebody else will fill it. Just saying "we're against the other lot" might work in a 2-party system, but not in NZ.

      National's strategy of standing for nothing (under a leader who is nothing) could leave them with the "coalition of chaos", a richly deserved irony.

      • Anne 1.1.1

        My impression is that National, ACT and NZ First are vying for the same voters. In short Waitakere man and woman.

        We have Chris Trotter to thank for that insightful description of the typical politically uninformed, conservative and reactionary voters. I hasten to add that not everyone who resides in the Waitakere region are so inclined. Looking at mickysavage. 🙂

        When it comes to the crunch, there are only so many of them spread around the country so it will be interesting to see how they divide themselves up on election day.

        • Ngungukai

          I think quite a few Centre Right Voters will vote NZF as I don't think they could stomach a National/ACT Coalition who would reign merry hell on this country and kick the poor and disadvantaged further down the Sewer Pipe.

      • Bearded Git 1.1.2

        Well said Obs.

    • Muttonbird 1.2

      What menu do you suggest Labour offer up if it wants a future?

  2. Blazer 2

    The "baby faced assassin" is trying to sleep walk to victory, using the formula that worked for the… "smiling assassin".

    Unbelievably despite not having Hatmans ability to fake sincerity. it's. Working.

  3. MickeyBoyle 3

    Time for Chris Hipkins to go. He's finished, as is Labour if they stick with him and his captains calls.

    Fresh face, fresh ideas let's do this!

  4. observer 4

    For those who still haven't grasped it (and there seem to be a few who comment on TS), today we have yet more evidence that being unhappy with the government is in no way related to wanting more right-wing policies:

    That evil wealth tax that Nat/ACT want to scare us with, and Hipkins was scared by …


    Turns out the voters might be more reasonable than the politicians.

  5. Kat 5

    Not a gambling person but if I was going to call it on election day I would be looking at the percentage of undecided in all these polls. I would say Labour may have the leading points at the moment, just not reflected in all these polls.

    I remember Jim Bolger in a similar position as Hipkins is now back in the 90's saying…."bugger the polls" and he went on to win another term.

    But then I am an optimist and prefer light over darkness……