Daily Review 10/08/2016

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 10th, 2016 - 33 comments
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Donald Trump mannequin

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33 comments on “Daily Review 10/08/2016 ”

  1. Muttonbird 1

    Heard a snippet of Key’s juvenile antics in the house today. He wrote a poem in response to a question from Andrew Little about falling levels of home ownership:

    The Nick Leggett hater,
    Should check the data.

    Not only is he reaching with the association as if he practiced it all night, this is just sad, arrogant, schoolboy stuff from Key on a really important topic.

    Not surprised.

    • In Vino 1.1

      Interesting that ‘dayta’ is American pronunciation. The word is a Latin plural, and British RP is ‘dahta’. I think it shows where Key’s loyalty lies, and it also shows up his low-brow level of literacy. (Such a poem! Next Laureate?)
      This man does not represent the true traditions of our country.

  2. b waghorn 2


    ”Foreign workers were being employed because Kiwis with relevant skills weren’t “readily available in the market”, although businesses were becoming more aware of the need to invest more money and time to hire local employees.”

    And why isn’t there readily available kiwis with the relevant skills, english you useless ineffectual incompetent drop kick??
    I’ll tell you why because you fuckers are not fit to lead a new entrants soccer team let alone country.

    • weka 2.1

      Would love to see the breakdown by job. Nact are saying it’s the builders, which is a nice deflection, because we need builders right!?

      • Sabine 2.1.1

        what i would like to see is simply a link between business that hire on ‘skill visas’ and that are then required to put in places for training.

        i.e. if a business employes 10 people on a ‘skill visa’ they have to make place for say three training places within the company. so if you have issues with finding the ‘right skill set’ you train for it. while you train you may employ someone on a skill visa. Once you have trained staff you no longer get to hire on the ‘skill visa’ .

        seems fair ? No? I can not see why a place like Sky City can not apprentice future chefs, pastry chefs, bakers etc etc .

      • b waghorn 2.1.2

        It would be no use ,using their figures they’ll just fudge them

        May be Littles next billboard should be ,
        Need Builders ? Just Bloody Well Train Some.

        • miravox

          “Need Builders? Just Bloody Well Train Some.”

          +1 sounds good to me.

        • Sabine

          how can fudge the numbers when a ‘skill’ migrant is literally bonded to the employer who sponsors their visa.

          say Sky Tower is importing three pastry chefs from France for a year each. These guys can only work at Sky Tower. IF they leave Sky Tower to go to a different employer they would loose their working visa.

          So essentially it is not something that you can fake. And if we would have a proper apprentice programme up and running with proper exams at the end of the three year period one could say ok. …x skilled visa worker vs apprentices .

          This could actually implemented. And it would help over a true skill shortage, instead of the current skill shortage that is more of a ‘i don’t want to pay much money so i hire people that are bonded to me by hook and by crook shortage’.

          • mosa

            Sky City not surprisingly don’t pay well.
            Crap pay and residency is the carrot and stick here and cementing in the low wage economy who will work for next too nothing, shame Key -English- Woodhouse aren’t up front about this.
            Winston should be pushing this issue and make the public aware of what’s happening here.

          • mosa

            Sky City not surprisingly don’t pay well.
            Crap pay and residency is the carrot and stick here and cementing in the low wage economy who will work for next too nothing, shame Key -English- Woodhouse aren’t up front about this.
            Winston should be pushing this issue and make the public aware of what’s happening here.

      • Draco T Bastard 2.1.3

        My nephews a builder and the company he’s working for is presently bringing offshore workers to fill their worker shortage.

        Thing is, it’s not that there isn’t any workers here in NZ that couldn’t do the job. It’s that they’re not paying enough to get people and that the rules have changed so that all the risk of construction now lands on the builder and not the developer despite the fact that it’s the developers that’s supposedly taking all the risk and getting huge incomes from the work.

        I know builders that have left construction because of these two points.

    • Muttonbird 2.2

      Bling’s still claiming those on student visas go home after studying.

      Guess what, they don’t.

    • adam 2.3

      Hang on we had the Christchurch rebuild, you mean the government did nothing in the last 5 years to train up builders, plumbers and other trades people? What are governments for then, apart from spying and making the rich richer?

      • Paul 2.3.1

        I’m pretty sure the Greens suggested starting a lot old trade apprenticeships at the time.
        It was a no brainer and this ghastly government failed to plan ahead.
        It simply allowed the market to fail us. Again.

      • b waghorn 2.3.2

        May be when Labour hand out contracts for kiwi build it should come with the requirement to train x amount of builders per year.

        • Draco T Bastard

          That’d be one way but the one I think Labour should do is to recreate the Ministry of Works complete with full on training for trades.

          • Pat

            why not both….and an expanded Housing Corp (or whatever they ‘re called now) would be better served by an in house maintenance model.

    • Cinny 2.4

      Should be… some orchards would rather employ foreign workers because then they can sting them in onsite accommodation costs there by getting monies back and skipping on through that slave labour loophole. Locals already live here, can’t screw them with overpriced substandard accommodation in the regions with orchards.

  3. Muttonbird 3

    What dismissive poison from Collins today. When questioned on the government flip-flop on police numbers she runs the Kiwis are returning home line (as if they are contributing to rising crime), and then runs the John Key marketing line, ‘people like living under John Key’.

    No shit, lady, people from China and other third world countries do like living under John Key. They’ll live anywhere.

    How pathetic.


  4. swordfish 4

    UK Labour Leadership Election (Update)

    So far, CLPs (UK equivalent of LECs here) in 178 constituencies have made supporting nominations … 25 for Smith and 153 for Corbyn.

    That’s even without all those new members who were illegally excluded.

    Very large number of CLP’s thumbing their nose at their own MP’s pro-Smith proclivities.

    Interestingly, although Owen Smith supposedly hails from the Soft Left faction of the PLP, he’s received just one supporting nomination from the many constituencies that nominated the Soft Left’s Andy Burnham in last year’s leadership election. That compares with 26 former Burnham CLPs now choosing Corbyn.

    Corbyn is also easily winning among the constituencies that opted for the Brownite-Centrist Yvette Cooper last time = Corbyn 25 nominations / Smith 10 – and has even managed to pick up nominations from 2 of the 6 CLP’s that last year nominated Liz Kendall from the Blairite-Right.

    Although they have no direct consequence on the race, CLP nominations are generally seen by pundits as providing an early indication of how the candidates are doing in the country at large (especially given that the sole (YouGov) Poll of Party members is now a little out of date).

    • Colonial Viper 4.1

      This can’t be correct, the rules and/or constitution must be unfairly biased in favour of Corbyn and clearly need to be changed

      • swordfish 4.1.1

        Appears to be the dirty work of hundreds of thousands of Evil Entryist “Trots” !!!

        Brutally “twisting the arms” of young Labour members, according to Mr Watson. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/09/trotskyists-young-labour-members-jeremy-corbyn-tom-watson?CMP=share_btn_tw

        Ellie Mae O’Hagan, however, thinks not … Corbyn supporters are not delusional Leninists but ordinary, fed-up voters https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/aug/09/jeremy-corbyn-supporters-voters-labour-leader-politics?CMP=share_btn_tw

        Even Peter Kilfoyle – UK Labour’s “Witchfinder General” in the 80s, as the party’s enforcer in the battle against Militant – thinks the attacks on Momentum are bollocks … https://www.theguardian.com/membership/2016/aug/05/peter-kilfoyle-liverpool-labour-momentum-jeremy-corbyn

        I mean, OK, maybe hundreds of thousands of citizens have joined the Labour Party since the 2015 General Election, while the SWP membership throughout the Country has long numbered just 2000-2,500, with apparently very few of that tiny number actually jumping ship to Labour in the last year. But still … I mean give Watson a break !!! … Throw him a friggin bone for Chrissakes !!! … he’s allowed to have his views …

        As Left Labour activist, Aaron Bastani has suggested:

        Both @tom_watson @IainMcNicol on NEC Procedures Committee & involved in appeal decision. They’ve driven this comedy from start & won’t stop> … It now seems completely obvious that these 2, more than anyone else, responsible for sabotaging party. Losing money, angering members>

        • millsy

          The true entryists to the UKLP are Blair and his supporter. Tory sympthasisers who embedded themselves in the party machine and signed up a left wing party to privatisation, austerity and deregulation.

          Blair and his supporters would fit comfortably in a Tory cabinet. Everyone knows this.

          • swordfish

            Yep – the Blairite Progress think-tank has been called a right-wing Entryist group by more than a few UK Labour activists. Locals, Nick Leggett, Phil Quin, Josie Pagani all associated in one way or another with Progress and the broader, lucrative, trans-national Blairite circuit (lavishly funded by Right-leaning donors) that encompasses PR work for Portland Communications (the firm that orchestrated the coup against Corbyn) and so on.

    • Anne 4.2

      If there is a thumping Corbyn victory – and it looks like there’s going to be – it will be interesting to see if there is a change in the media coverage of a Corbyn-led Labour Party. To fly in the face of overwhelming support for Corbyn would surely not be in their ultimate interest?