Daily review 11/08/2020

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 11th, 2020 - 60 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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60 comments on “Daily review 11/08/2020 ”

  1. I Feel Love 1

    Oh jeez, Collins on CHeckpoint, & Woodhouse's homeless man has been found … link when available, crazy stuff.


    • Gabby 1.1

      I guess there must be another homeless man, one that Woodlouse wasn't lying about.

      • I Feel Love 1.1.1

        & all those years of 'Aunty Helen' telling us what we can & can't do, along comes 'Aunty Judith', she sounds bloody tired, reckon the fun has gone out of it for her. She's as confused as Gerry. Her post Covid plan is to … ban gang patches?

        more… she’s quite poor, she hasn’t asked Woodhouse for his source, she goes on about

        • I Feel Love

          more… she's quite poor, she hasn't asked Woodhouse for his source, she reveals the whole caucus is voting against the marijuana bill, when asked is this her decision she quickly says 'oh no, this was decided before I was leader', it's a bizarre interview, even tries to laugh at the end but nope, so strange.

    • anker 1.2

      Collins sounds ridiculous. Not sure of her stuff and trying to come across as tough

  2. Gabby 2

    Why was Gfoffloff so grimly determined not to say whether selling a stadium or two was on the cards? Does he just feel sick when a straight answer passes his lips?

  3. Bellis 3

    I can't understand the politics of Judith Collins on about wanting Jacinda to say how she will vote on the cannabis referendum. I presume she believes that if Jacinda's response was that she would vote yes, that she (Judith) would have an extra stick to attempt to beat Jacinda with. My rather unscientific expectation is that if Jacinda came out and said she would vote yes, this would likely ensure the success of the vote given the trust that a large part of the voting public have in her.

  4. Reality 4

    It is simply none of Collins' business to know how Jacinda will vote. Just who does she think she is demanding to know. She is like an old authoritarian school mistress lining up the pupils and waving the cane at them and threatening them with cold showers.

    • AB 5.1

      Woodhouse will feel no shame, merely anger at National's espionage unit for supplying him with dodgy information. Is Gerry in charge of the Nat's informer network by any chance? This leaping to fantastical conclusions based on the flimsiest of evidence has Gerry written all over it.

  5. Robert Guyton 6

    "National MP Michael Woodhouse – who was health spokesperson at the time – claimed in June that a homeless man had breached security to sneak into the hotel and stay for free.

    Woodhouse claimed the man had not returned from overseas, but documents obtained by Checkpoint largely debunk the claim Woodhouse made on Newshub's AM Show on 18 June.

    After a thorough investigation, the All of Government Response Group found an unnamed man had actually returned to Auckland on a flight from Melbourne and accessed the hotel legitimately.

    Despite a lack of any evidence of such a security breach, National leader Judith Collins continues to back Woodhouse."

    • PaddyOT 6.1

      Natz new campaign slogan compliments to Judith.

      "Just because the authorities can't find anything, I wouldn't worry about that."

      Will she go orange and get a comb over too?

  6. Peter 7

    The Merv story:

    "It comes after National Party leader Judith Collins said Bridge's alleged actions and apparent attempts to undermine one candidate for the Auckland Central selection were "not what we would do, it's not something I approve of".

    It's not what they would do? Like handing on confidential information is not what they'd do? Like what Falloon did is not what they'd do?

    The sanctimonious bullshit angle, "We're superior, we're better folk, we're the ruling class, don't you know."

    The sooner Collins comes a gutser the better.

    • mac1 7.1

      "not what we would do"………

      Well, Judith, it's what you did.

      Don't you mean,"not what we should do"?

      Because you did. And you ought not have. Did you tell Mr Bridge that he should not have? Did you reprimand him for his calling a current National candidate 'a girl'?

      You should have. That is what I am sure Jacinda Adern would have done.

  7. I Feel Love 8

    I never "LOL" but this I have to, LOL!!!! https://twitter.com/NewshubPolitics/status/1293082357767929857

    “Revealed: National rushed out law and order policy after accidentally sending it to Labour”

    • mac1 8.1

      But did Labour read it? Did they think it came from a homeless man?

      Did they think it just another leak from a party with more leakage than a bus load of Canterbury rugby supporters returning from a trip to the West Coast?

  8. greywarshark 9


    Must we continue to do everything to save babies that are so damaged? If so there needs to be special funding set aside for carers both of severely disabled children, and those caring for fully functioning but disabled people.

    Carers who step forward should be securely provided for not be under this crazy neolib thing of getting private entities to tender, and then go through the process again in a few years time automatically.

    • I Feel Love 9.1

      I saw that, & wow, what an amazing family. Deserve all the support they can get.

    • Draco T Bastard 9.2

      Must we continue to do everything to save babies that are so damaged?

      Apparently so despite it being bloody stupid. Many of the same people go on about poverty will also say that we need to keep these people alive not realising that the massive resources that go into keeping them alive could be better utilised aleviating poverty.

      That article was talking about $1200/month and it not being enough and yet that's about what someone unemployed is expected to live on.

      • Rosemary McDonald 9.2.1

        Must we continue to do everything to save babies that are so damaged?

        Apparently so despite it being bloody stupid.

        You and Greywarshark going to administer the coup de grâce to these children?

        And just last night there was oohing and ahhing in outrage on here because those Belgians, who have no issue with killing disabled babies, let the old people die.

    • Rosemary McDonald 9.3

      Must we continue to do everything to save babies that are so damaged?

      Back in the sixties, babies harmed in utero by thalidomide were often just left to die from starvation…it was considered 'a mercy' to speed things along with an open window or a chloral hydrate soaked sponge.

      Likewise with babies with spina bifida. Luckily, for the likes of you, these days most of these babies are detected before birth and aborted.

      Who the hell do you think you are…thinking you have the right to determine which individuals are worthy of life?

      • Draco T Bastard 9.3.1

        thinking you have the right to determine which individuals are worthy of life?

        How many does poverty kill every year?

        This is on the US. I doubt if such studies have been done in NZ.

        Overall, 4.5% of U.S. deaths were found to be attributable to poverty—midway between previous estimates of 6% and 2.3%. However the risks associated with both poverty and low education were higher for individuals aged 25 to 64 than for those 65 or older.

        What gives you the right to determine who lives?

        Because that is what you are doing when you insist that scarce resources be used for cases such as this. Its just a different person dying for your choices.

        • Rosemary McDonald

          Because that is what you are doing when you insist that scarce resources be used for cases such as this. Its just a different person dying for your choices.


          As Adolf Hitler consolidated his power at home in anticipation of war, he moved not only against Jews, Sinti, and Roma but also against those Aryans whom he considered “unworthy of life”—people with epilepsy, alcoholism, birth defects, hearing loss, mental illnesses, and personality disorders, as well as those who had vision loss or developmental delays or who even suffered from certain orthopedic problems. Hitler viewed them as “marginal human beings” who had to make a case for their own survival at a time when the nation was preparing for war.

          The first to be eliminated were too young to speak on their own behalf. In fall 1938, the parents of a severely disabled infant petitioned Hitler for the right to kill their child. He granted the petition and saw in the request an opportunity to encourage what he called “mercy killings” or “euthanasia.” In fact, according to science historian Robert N. Proctor, the goal was not to provide mercy to the victims but to improve the “Aryan” race and make hospital beds and personnel available for the coming war.

          As a species, Draco T Bastard, (tell me, would you be brave enough to come out from behind your pseudonym to espouse these opinions?) we have been here before.

          Have no doubt, I am all too aware that people of your ilk are circulating in our communities.

          Like yourself and Greywarshark, most of these people are too cowardly to approach us and actually state "I believe you are not worthy of life and precious resources should not be wasted on you.", but there's no mistaking the look on their faces.

          We do get the odd person declare they would rather be dead than 'live like that'.

          I guess it is beyond you to understand how this shapes the way we engage with the world…

          You didn't answer my question.

          Are you going to step up and personally kill these resource-hungry unworthies?

          • Draco T Bastard

            Did you know that tribes living in the Arctic Circle would kill their children?

            Simply leave them out to die. Perfectly healthy children.

            The reason why they did it was because the tribe couldn't support feeding another mouth. It was simply either the child or the entire tribe.

            We're in the position where we're going to have to start making the same decisions whether we like it or not. That's what over-population on scarce resources means.

            Nothing to do with the delusion of an Aryan race.

            And everything to do with the fact that we can't afford to support people like the child in the article.

            We are going to have to choose.

            Your choice is obviously to allow people to die in poverty. Probably because you don't get to see them in the newspaper and feel sorry for them.

            • Rosemary McDonald

              And everything to do with the fact that we can't afford to support people like the child in the article.

              Yes. We can afford to care for Ryan and the poor. As any fuckwit will tell you…it is not lack of resources that is the problem…it is one of distribution.

              We are going to have to choose.

              Yes. You have made the choice to kill those you perceive as being less worthy of life. I'd like to know where your baseline sits. And where you see yourself on the scale. If I were you I'd be worried. Someone else with similar ideals might have a different baseline.

              Your choice is obviously to allow people to die in poverty. Probably because you don't get to see them in the newspaper and feel sorry for them.

              No. I have never made that choice. The one that you, in your ignorance, have made. All who need support are worthy in my world….and the last place I'd look to find 'the poor' is in the newspaper. I get out more.wink

              My partner…yes…one of those resource depleting unworthy cripples…would like to know where recidivist criminal offenders sit on your cull list?

              • Draco T Bastard

                As any fuckwit will tell you…it is not lack of resources that is the problem…it is one of distribution.

                It is both a lack of resources and a misallocation. How many people can NZ support while maintaining its environment? We don't really know because nobody in power wants to know as it will go against their desire to have more people here but some people have done the sums and the world certainly can't support the present ~7.5 billion.

                So that fuckwit is just an ignoramus not willing to accept reality.

                No. I have never made that choice.

                Yes, you have by your insistence that those who can't interact meaningfully with the rest of the world gets support.

                All who need support are worthy in my world

                Which is the philosophy that has brought about climate change, the near eradication of fish from the seas and other calamities brought about by excessive resource use.

                would like to know where recidivist criminal offenders sit on your cull list?

                If rapists or murderers then shoot them. Others will be dependent upon what they did and what they can do. I was certainly supportive of the criminal who, while in prison, got a degree in computer science and started working with the police when he came out.

  9. I Feel Love 10

    9:15 … uh oh …

  10. Patricia Bremner 11

    Special announcement regarding covid Jacinda and Ashley. TV1

  11. Robert Guyton 12

    The Prime Minister's "impromptu conference"…

  12. Chris T 13


  13. Robert Guyton 14

    Auckland – Level 3 for 3 days; stay home, Auckland!


  14. Chris T 15

    Hope I am wrong

    But kind of screams tip of the ice-berg to me.

  15. millsy 16

    That's going to give Maggie Judith a big stick to beat the government with.

    Bad call Jacinda.

    • Robert Guyton 16.1

      Poking at the Prime Minister while she is focussed on intensively caring for New Zealanders will bring Judith Collins nothing but grief.

  16. millsy 17

    The PM looked as white as a sheet, all colour drained from her face, when she took the stage in the theatrette. Ill never forget that.

    • Peter 17.1

      Adjust the colour thing on your tv or go to Specsavers. She looked okay on ours

    • greywarshark 17.2

      On Radionz site News – The Briefing – Covid-19 about 4 cases outside managed isolation, there was an image of her, white lighting, but she does look drawn and pale. Look after our PM please team, and do more now than what you already will be doing.

  17. ianmac 18

    Some community infection has been found in Auckland.

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced Auckland will go into lockdown and the rest of the country will go into level 2

    It comes after four cases of community transmission were confirmed – after 102 days without any.

    As of noon tomorrow, Auckland will move to level 3 for three days until midnight on Friday.

    The rest of the country will move to alert level 2 at midday tomorrow – until midnight on Friday


    • millsy 18.1

      I hope that this is the right move. I really do. This is going to cause a lot of disruption, and leaves the government open to Judith's attacks.

  18. Stuart Munro 19

    It all comes down to how far it got before it got spotted. I'm guessing not as far as the Bluff wedding. Team of 5 million is going to scragg it like it was an unprepared Aussie sports team.

  19. Zuszsa 20


  20. Robert Guyton 21

    Challenged that Australians reacted churlishly at a second round of shutdown, Jacinda's response; that we are our own people, not mini-Australians (my words) was elegant and masterful/mistressful!

  21. Robert Guyton 22

    Reporter: the National Party claims conspiracy; Jacinda and Ashley give the (mad) idea no oxygen.

  22. Patricia Bremner 23

    4 people in 10 x 4 different workplaces, family of 10 x friends and schools

    My blood ran cold.

    Yes, this is bad. Wonder if it was related to the man who came from Manurewa and traveled through Singapore to Korea and tested positive.

    That may have been the canary .

    This is indeed a tricky virus. We won't be casual now.
    Thanks to Ashley and Jacinda we won’t be Melbourne either.

    This is bigger than politics. This is community.

    • millsy 23.1

      I think we got a bit too complacent about things.

      • Chris T 23.1.1

        I think a lot of people just got a bit too caught up in the whole slapping ourselves on the back. Other countries adore Ardern, crap/hype.

        And it will probably happen again.

        • Robert Guyton

          I think we were given reasonable advice that the danger wasn't high, and being pragmatic types, us New Zealanders, we relaxed.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Its inevitable that it will happen again no matter what processes we have in place.

    • Anne 23.2

      Wonder if it was related to the man who came from Manurewa and traveled through Singapore to Korea and tested positive.

      That question was asked by a journo. The answer was … no. At least that is the short version of the answer.

      • Robert Guyton 23.2.1

        His positive test was the result of a "historical" infection, meaning he had it weeks back and wasn't infectious but there was remnant evidence. At least that's how I heard it.

        • Anne

          Yes. that is what was said. I was being lazy. To be honest I'm still frothing at the mouth because I won't be able to get my 'root canal' on Thursday. There's not many things worse than that hanging over your head. crying

    • Peter 23.3

      Let's start all the rumours we can. Let's go into hysteria land. Let's be generous and mention all the countries of the world as possible sources. Let's mention all nationalities and religions of the world. Let's blame everyone.

      That means we'll see glaziers and plumbers, and delivery people and airport workers and teachers as well as bus drivers. be the source Let's help the racists extend their view past the Indian subcontinent to the United States and Canada and Great Britain.

      Let's wonder and suggest and postulate. Let's make up stories Michael Woodhouse would be proud of.

      The possibilities are how it got wherever it got are infinite. Let's cut the possibilities with total conjecture and get the narrative going the way we want. South Auckland? Cevedon, Papakura, Flat Bush, Papatoetoe, Mangere? How big is the population in the region?

      • Incognito 23.3.1

        Let’s calm down and not jump on each other and get on each other’s nerves. I think we’re all on edge now, especially in Auckland.

      • Patricia Bremner 23.3.2

        Sorry Peter, I was in shock a bit as I have relatives in the area. Did not mean to denigrate anyone.

  23. anker 24

    kia kaha Auckland……………..