Daily review 11/10/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 11th, 2022 - 28 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

28 comments on “Daily review 11/10/2022 ”

  1. Shanreagh 1

    I just want to say thank you to all the posters on this site who keep me thinking and who have such interesting things to say. smiley

  2. Ad 2

    The world must now prepare for nuclear weapons exploding soon.

    A key Russian military leader is proposing it.

    Kadyrov says Russia should use low-yield nuclear weapon | Reuters

    Apart from Putin's direct threats about the use of such weapons, the leader closest to the action can see the positioning from Russia setting up tactical nuclear weapons as a legitimate extension of Russia's war:

    Putin laying groundwork for possible nuclear attack, Zelensky says (telegraph.co.uk)

    Russia's key ally Iran is now rapidly accelerating enrichment of uranium to enable supply of weapons-grade material to Russia:

    UN nuclear watchdog indicates Iran rapidly expanding enrichment: report | The Hill

    The United Nations is just today gearing up for condemnation of their use by Russia in the Ukraine:

    Ukraine: Any threat to use nuclear weapons ‘should be universally condemned’ | | 1UN News

    It's not like Russia's Putin causing oil price spikes, massive inflation, deaths by the hundred thousand, famine through wheat crop failure, a massive global distraction from climate change mitigation, and an EU-wide energy crisis weren't enough.

    Now we are going to have to deal with a world in which nuclear weapons are legitimised in war.

    Pretty dark.

  3. Poission 3

    Pre pandemic policies start to come in adding to high energy inflation,as both homeowners and SME get the first hint of high inflationary policy with large cost increases start.


    The policy's have priced in substantive forward increases in electricity prices,which will sit on generators forward hedges.

    large price increases from forced policy will add significant risks to the NZ debt market,where the cost of debt has increased on secondary markets by 5% over the last 2 days.As unproductive policy prove to be fiscally unsustainable,fiscal reassignment therapy needs to be undertaken.

    • Ad 3.1

      I pulled the gas stove out of one of the flats, but kept the gas hot water cylinder as it was part of the Trustpower bundle and the cylinder was only 4 years old and it heats super fast.

      If National come back and allow us to claim interest the flat mortgage again, I might take the step to solar. Which would make the flats more sustainable than my house by a long margin.

      • Poission 3.1.1

        The connection charge increases are more a cost for dual users,as the electricity component loses its low user status ( government policy).

    • Nic the NZer 3.2

      Oddly, a notable 600% increase in profit seems to have vanished from your comment.

      • Poission 3.2.1

        Paper profit due to revaluations.

        • Nic the NZer

          What's the normal return on those assets after revaluation?

          • Poission

            The revalued assets are mostly financials (which expire at end of year) which is where there is a contract to purchase from other generators (to manage risk low hydro etc) offset to sell thermal ,with Genesis having Waipipi wind being in full production it allowed a decrease in purchases with Swaptions,and increased sales in peaker generation ie derivative appreciation.

          • Poission

            Genesis did not increase the line charges (it absorbed) from line companies for low use consumers over the last 12 months,delaying labours EV tax for some consumers.

  4. Ad 4

    So with Belarus joining up a chunk of its military with Russia, how long before Poland joins up with Ukraine? All On Pete Tong from there.

    Belarus and Russia to deploy joint regional military group | News | DW | 10.10.2022

  5. arkie 5

    The Drug Foundation rightfully point out the flaws in our drug policy and have a petition to call on Labour to follow Biden's lead and pardon those convicted of possession:

    In Aotearoa, between 1980-2021, 124,344 people have been convicted of cannabis possession and/or use. That’s nearly the same number of people as live in Dunedin, all of whose lives are adversely affected, for using a drug that in many parts of the world has been legalised. Whānau are torn apart. Jobs are lost. Entire lives are marred by stigma and discrimination, right in our own backyard.

    Cannabis convictions are not some long forgotten relic of the past – they are still happening. In 2020/2021, 2442 New Zealanders were convicted of a cannabis offence, with 63% of those relating to possession.

    Our cannabis laws have been racist since the beginning. Our history books tell us these laws were created primarily to get civil rights and indigenous movement under control.

    That’s why we should right this wrong, and move to decriminalise cannabis use and possession. If you agree with us, sign our petition.


    • Poission 5.1

      Biden brought out the policy as a diversion after OPEC and Russia stiffed him over production cuts ahead of the half term elections.


      • arkie 5.1.1

        He campaigned on it:

        • Decriminalize the use of cannabis and automatically expunge all prior cannabis use convictions. Biden believes no one should be in jail because of cannabis use. As president, he will decriminalize cannabis use and automatically expunge prior convictions. And, he will support the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, leave decisions regarding legalization for recreational use up to the states, and reschedule cannabis as a schedule II drug so researchers can study its positive and negative impacts.


    • SPC 5.2

      Most of the 100,000 would have been covered by clean slate change – that though excluded those who had custodial sentences or unpaid fines.

      There is a current problem with use, increasingly high THC content and the impact on younger users.

  6. Kat 6

    Did I hear some concerned citizen calling for the flattening of any ground swells before they cause further public injury……


  7. joe90 7

    The wonderful work of Czech sculptor and smithy Libor Hurda.


  8. SPC 8

    Chris Fowlie has a post on what we can do after Biden went populist on forgiving marijuana possession convictions.


    At this point the best option might be to

    1. adjust the clean slate legislation as to any custodial sentence for possession of marijuana for personal use.

    (where people have been sentenced to prison for possession of marijuana for personal use they are not eligible for clean slate).

    Others who did not get such a sentence are already eligible for clean slate after 7 years.

    2. allow people convicted since the 2019 amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act, if they received a non custodial sentence for marijuana possession for personal use, to apply within the 7 year period to have a conviction disregarded.

    3. restore the Class D for restricted substances that are possessed for use for medicinal purposes (possibly with specifications on maximum levels of plant THC – to encourage the continuation of the field grown hippie era variety and encourage development of low THC plants for such purposes).

    4. if you want decriminalisation for possession for personal use vote Green.

  9. Poission 9

    Bank of England doubles down on gilt buying announced yesterday,with new intervention today into longterm inflation gilts.

    The Bank’s Financial Policy Committee noted the risks to UK financial stability from dysfunction in the gilt market. It recommended that action be taken, and welcomed the Bank’s plans for temporary and targeted purchases in the gilt market on financial stability grounds at an urgent pace.


  10. Peter 10

    Behind the Herald wall tonight, is a story "Dale Burden appointed Howick College principal after controversial departure from St Peter's Cambridge."

    There was an inquiry into alleged bullying at his previous school.

    "Board of trustees chair Miles Stratford said in a statement that the decision to appoint Burden was "in line with our college values" and that trustees had chosen "the best person possible for this critical role".

    Referring to Burden's departure from St Peter's, Stratford said the board was aware of the "negative media attention" he had received.

    As part of the appointment process, the board had spoken to referees and checked reports from independent parties, he said.

    However, some parents expressed concern about Burden's appointment and the board's comments.

    A mother who had two children at the school told the Herald she was "horrified". The mother, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her children, said she was not reassured by the board's comments."

    "Shocked by this appointment," one person said. "A dreadful decision," said another person. "I feel for every teacher and pupil."

    The mother and those other parents should take their kids to some other school. They don't trust the school board, they don't trust the new principal. Maybe if they'd stood for the board and been elected they could have had their say in the appointment process. They obviously think they are more capable than those who did the job.

  11. Shanreagh 11

    Maybe if they'd stood for the board and been elected they could have had their say in the appointment process. They obviously think they are more capable than those who did the job.

    Mmmmm the good old NZ response similar to 'well if you don't like NZ you should go back to where you have come from'.

    Of course taking children elsewhere is a possibility, and yes of course they could have stood for the Board


    they could have expressed their concern about the appointment.

    I see nothing wrong with a parent being concerned about such an appointment. My query is about the process being as open etc and it does seem that there is a possible concern that this person was the best for the job.

    The move is from a private school to a public school, quite a change, so a candidate would need to ensure that not only did they meet all the job requirements better than any other applicant but that they could manage the transition from one schooling environment to another.

    • Belladonna 11.1

      It's not just that he resigned amidst allegations of bullying, but that he seems to have effectively abandoned his post at the school for several months (during term time).

      Earlier this month questions arose about the absence of Burden and his wife, and deputy principal, Yevette Williams who had not been seen at the school since before the end of the first term.

      The Herald understands Williams is still away from school. [article written at the end of May]


    • Belladonna 11.2

      The shift from public to private and back again is fairly common.

      And Burden was at Mt Albert Grammar (public) before his appointment to St Peters (private).

      Burden joined the elite Waikato school in 2016 after a decade as headmaster of Mt Albert Grammar School in Auckland.


      It's the bullying concerns which would worry me – especially that he maintained, during the Worksafe investigation, that there was no truth in any of the claims; and then absented himself and subsequently resigned, rather than dealing with the issues.

      The Worksafe investigation resulted in significant changes to policies and procedures. To me that indicates that there was something going on.

      The summary noted the school made a number of changes to policies and procedures, including establishing counselling services, a people and culture committee, implementing new reporting lines, and the creation of anti-bullying, complaints and whistleblower policies.

      WorkSafe said that with evidence the school had undertaken improvements, it was decided “no further enforcement was required”.


      I would have expected that the Board would have addressed the elephant in the room, and communicated to the parents their reasons for hiring Burden, and the mitigation strategies (hopefully already in place) to avoid any recurrence of bullying issues.

      • Peter 11.2.1

        There are all sorts of angles to the situation. My main concern is expressed perfectly by a couple of comments;

        "I feel for every teacher and pupil." What? Why? This person has judged the new guy unequivocally.

        And your comment: "I would have expected that the Board would have addressed the elephant in the room, and communicated to the parents their reasons for hiring Burden, and the mitigation strategies (hopefully already in place) to avoid any recurrence of bullying issues."

        "Dear Parents. The new principal is, so-and-so and we hired him because ….

        There were some issues in a previous school he was in and what we have done is …

        and what we expect him to do is …

        We will report to you each week for his first term to let you know how he is getting on, once fortnightly in his second term and once a term after that. We will issue a report card for you to fill in at the end of his first year so you can provide feedback on how you see his performance."

        Of course that's ridiculous, but no more so than the over the top reactions to the appointment. I wonder if the board will be expected to communicate their reasons for hiring all staff to the parents and strategies to monitor performance.