Daily review 13/07/2020

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 13th, 2020 - 42 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

42 comments on “Daily review 13/07/2020 ”

  1. McFlock 1

    Huffpost article arguing that "cancel culture" is just another moral panic.

    It's not a direct response to the letter complaining about it, but it does link to that and a direct response.

    It's more of a wider discussion that the term is the language of the gatekeepers and the elites exagerrating instances in order to protect their power in the marketplace of ideas.

    Well, that's a rough take of it, anyway – there are more nuanced details than that in it.

    • Dennis Frank 1.1

      "“Cancel culture” has the same characteristics as previous episodes of pearl-clutchery." Good line. And the history prof didn't get cancelled (merely postponed).

      Confronting history students with actual evidence from history is rather like excessive realism – you can see why snowflakes would be traumatised. Just reading third-hand accounts is bad enough half the time. Been doing that since I was a kid & still gets to me at times. Still, the crux of history education ought to be about what really happened, or as close to that as is attainable. Storytelling & myth perpetration is what acadaemia does as often as not…

      • McFlock 1.1.1

        Dude, I once did a paper where we studied genocides from the last couple hundred years. You open the wrong book without prep, any normal person would be traumatised. If they're not, they ain't normal. Especially at that age.

        But that's a diversion from the initial misrepresentation: he was the subject of complaints because he repeatedly dropped the n-word and graphic images on students without any consideration. He was not the subject of complaints just because he quoted MLK. And he wasn't fired.

        There are ways to approach these topics without giving teenagers ptsd. And if they can't complain about "cancel culture" without making shit up, then maybe it's not the problem they want us to believe it is.

        • Incognito

          You obviously haven’t seen the video games that teens play nowadays and the zillions of ‘instructional’ clips on YT about these games. It’s a big industry with a big auxiliary industry.

          • McFlock

            It's funny, but they really aren't the same. You'd think they were, but the hyper-realism somehow acts as a separation from the event (for me, anyway). Although apparently the production can give the software devs issues – weeks in the headpsace of trying to animate the exact visuals and sound effects, sometimes from real reference material.

            When you're going through what people actually did, how others put it together, and then you see a picture of what I call [experimenting with black-on-black redaction – highlight it to read should work, but don't read it if you don't like interpersonal cruelty] "name the body part" traumatic amputations, it's an issue. And discussing slavery in the Southern USA is one thing, seeing photos of the scars left on heavily-flayed backs of people is another thing entirely.

            Moderators: I'm being a bit adventurous with the formatting, if you think it's a bit much, please delete. No links to pics or anything, just might put people off dinner.

        • I Feel Love

          Off topic here, but when I read the Rape of Nanking it shocked me for years afterwards, there's stuff you couldn't even imagine in your darkest parts of your mind in it. As I got older, especially after having kids, I find myself even more sensitive than I used to be.

          • McFlock

            When one of the good guys trying to stop it is an actual Nazi, shit be fucked.

          • David Mac

            Yes, it is having children of our own that should create a natural pathway to respecting the children of others.

            Treat my child well, I will do the same by yours.

      • Cinny 1.1.2

        the crux of history education ought to be about what really happened

        Absolutely yes

      • Incognito 1.1.3

        Still, the crux of history education ought to be about what really happened, or as close to that as is attainable.

        A surprisingly myopic (narrow) view of History. Please give us a micro-lecture on how we should view and regard post-modern History in our dealings with existential questions and how it fits with academic pedagogy within the confines of historical epistemology.

    • weka 1.2

      Don't really have the desire to get into it tonight, and haven't read the HP piece sorry, but did find this useful,


      • weka 1.2.1

        also, having followed the GCF/trans war, I think a large, puzzling piece of what is going on in people talking past each other and not taking the time to make sure they are using words with the same intended meaning. In the G/T war, both sides have weaponised semantics. In the cancel culture debate I'm not even sure if we are talking about the same thing, or if it is one thing (rather than several).

        The Harper's letter didn't use the term. It's a feature of the resulting debate that everything I have seen critiquing it has relied on assumed meaning and politicised interpretation, rather than working through what was said (this is probably true for the pro side as well).

  2. Just Is 2

    This is an interesting story about a bunch of very wealthy guys who are demanding the Govt substantially increase Taxes on them, for the good of the country and in reaction to the costs of Corna Virus.

    In NZ


  3. Robert Guyton 3

    "National MP Amy Adams has apologised for wrongly claiming a party candidate, Catherine Chu, was Chinese.

    Adams was interviewed on Magic Talk on Monday morning and, asked about who represented the Chinese community in the National Party after MP Jian Yang announced his retirement on Friday, said Chu was Chinese.

    Chu, the Banks Peninsula candidate for the 2020 election, is Korean. She told Stuff in January her parents moved to Christchurch from Korea."


    • Adrian 3.1

      She’s actually a born and bred Kiwi with Korean parents.

      The Nat’s just don’t do ethnicity well, even when it is one of their own.
      Must be “ They all look the same “ syndrome and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to hear one of the dopey buggers use those very words.

  4. Anker 4

    Gee what a shambles lol

    • I Feel Love 4.1

      Read a funny tweet, someone confessing they often get Kaye & Adams mixed up.

    • weka 5.1

      How to keep track of your movements

      You can keep track of your movements by:

      • keeping a list in a safe place
      • keeping a diary
      • using an app to record your movement, or
      • taking time-stamped photos of where you've been.

      Everyone should continue to keep track of the 3 Ws:

      • Where you went.
      • When you went there.
      • Who you met.

      You can use any method that suits you and helps you to provide information about your whereabouts if a contact tracer needs to contact you. Encourage your family, whānau and friends to do the same.

      Businesses should help customers to keep track of where they’ve been by displaying the NZ COVID Tracer QR code poster.


      • Graeme 5.1.1

        We've got a COVID Tracker QR code poster on the gallery entrance. It went up pretty much at the start and we've seen it scanned once. And that was in the first week it was up. No one seems bothered.

        • weka

          tbh, with all the hooha about the app and QR thingy, I never actually saw the govt suggestions to just use paper or photos and wasn't sure what even was meant to be happening. I'd probably be taking it more seriously if I lived somewhere high population density.

        • Macro

          I've tried a number of times to use the Covid App and scan QR codes as I go about, but it has only recorded once – at my accountant's office. I mentioned the persistent failure when I went into the Public library (Auckland) The Covid app doesn't like their QR codes at all. The librarian asked what app was I using? I told him the govt one . Oh! he said, "Our QR code was created before the govt app!"

          I've found similar rejections of QR codes elsewhere.

          I'm not surprised people are not using the app.

          I now rely on a diary and the google tracker.

          • Draco T Bastard

            Oh! he said, "Our QR code was created before the govt app!"

            Which, of course, means that there should have been a new one made or that the developers of the app ensured that existing ones were already in their database.

            • Macro

              Whatever, the app doesn't recognise them, and i've tried it many times.

              • Draco T Bastard

                I was pointing out the major oversights that had prevented the app from working. Oversights that the developers should have ensured were included.

                Everyone's going to be jumping on the government for getting it wrong but the people who failed here were the developers because they failed to give their customers, the government, the right advice.

          • Graeme

            Getting the QR poster was a bit of a mission, or rather getting the NZBN (NZ Business Number) and then getting it registered against the business was a mission. NZBN started with IRD way back and then ended up with MBIE after several re-organisations. We're also a partnership, no one in government has got their head around partnerships, first wage subsidy treated us as two self employed and the system had a fit because two payments went to the same account, extension tried to do it around the partnership IRD number but only asking for one partner's name, so every partnership in the country put in two applications. The system then approved the first application paying that person's subsidy, and rejected the second application.

            But that aside, once I got the NZBN sorted, and the system new who we were and where we were, it promptly spat out our pretty little poster with a QR code and our name on it, which we dutifully stuck on the door for everyone to walk past. Most of them seem to be disappearing around town too.

      • RedBaronCV 5.1.2

        Me ( little halo appears then glows brightly)

      • Incognito 5.1.3

        My life is so boringly predictable that if I’d write a list of my movements (not the bowel ones) and 3 Ws then I’d need something more efficacious than a lie down and a cuppa.

    • McFlock 5.2

      I have a timesheet at work, and everywhere other than work or home involves an eftpos transaction, pretty much.

      It's good to be predictable 🙂

  5. Graeme 6

    Well I expected our excess mortality figures for the lockdown period would come out negative, but I was sort of thinking a hundred or so less people dying over that period, not 548.

    During alert levels 3 and 4, public health experts found 548 fewer people died compared to the same period last year.

    A lot were from less respiratory infections from being locked down and less air pollution from less traffic and activity.

    548 people kicking the bucket would have a fair cost to the nation, would be interesting to see how much that is, and see what the benefit side of the lockdown was.

    • weka 6.1

      will be very interested to see the later results on causes.

      Did they say how many people normally die in those two months each year?

    • McFlock 6.2

      If we come out of a global pandemic with a lower than average death rate, New Zealanders are going to be insufferable.

      • Anne 6.2.1

        I think we're already getting that way.

      • weka 6.2.2

        imagine if our economic recovery is ahead of the pack too.

        • greywarshark

          But undertakers are part of the economy too, Their businesses will be suffering. It's hard for them to know what demand there will be.

          One tax year they had to provide early provisional tax and some were in trouble as they had under-estimated their numbers! Only a bean counter could be so unreasonable.

  6. RedBaronCV 7

    Good on them. Looks perfectly sincere and I'm sure they will do it to protect the families here. Likely to be a very well behaved facility
