Daily review 13/11/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 13th, 2019 - 20 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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20 comments on “Daily review 13/11/2019 ”

  1. adam 1

    Well said Tulsi – comes with a trigger warning for people who have their head up the establishments ass. 18 min

  2. Exkiwiforces 2

    Good pic, I’ll throw a few more lumps of coal on the fire dear and you do have my permission to use this one from September 14 of this yr this one was a tad close somewhere between 600m to 1000m.


  3. joe90 3

    Yay, they've dropped the nazi name.

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — The most distant world ever explored 4 billion miles away finally has an official name: Arrokoth.

    That means “sky” in the language of the Native American Powhatan people, NASA said Tuesday.

    NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew past the snowman-shaped Arrokoth on New Year’s Day, 3 ½ years after exploring Pluto. At the time, this small icy world 1 billion miles (1.6 billion kilometers) beyond Pluto was nicknamed Ultima Thule given its vast distance from us.

    “The name ‘Arrokoth’ reflects the inspiration of looking to the skies,” lead scientist Alan Stern of Southwest Research Institute said in a statement, “and wondering about the stars and worlds beyond our own.”


  4. Anker 4

    Anyone understand what is going on with Winston Peters legal case. He says he has now accepted that Bennett and Tolley didn’t leak, which puts the focus back on msd. This is surely some sort of tactic

    • Anne 4.1

      Both Bennett and Tolley have denied they leaked the information to anyone in the media. I guess as a fellow parliamentarian he has to take their word for it. But somebody leaked and the MSD is the most likely other ource. Whoever it was probably had good computer skills and knew how to cover their tracks is my best guess.

    • weka 4.2

      How do they know it wasn't Bennett or Tolley?

      • McFlock 4.2.1

        Not so much"know" as a legal thing:

        In his closing submission today, Peters' lawyer Brian Henry said both Anne Tolley and Paula Bennett denied in their evidence leaking information on Peters' seven-year overpayment of superannuation – and the lawyer for the Ministry of Social Development and public servants did not challenge those denials.

        "That left the MSD in the position that they now cannot avoid a finding that the breach was on MSD," Henry said. "The plaintiff was expecting a challenge from MSD to the ministers, but the MSD has not challenged the evidence that they [the ministers] did not leak.

        I'm surprised they're not assuming it could have been any one of the upteen people Tolley blabbed to, but I'm no lawyer.

        • Naki man

          Tolley told her husband and she says she can guarantee he would not have told anyone. The other person she told was her sister, after it was already in the media, so it wasn't her sister. So there was no blabbing by Tolley or Bennett. Tolley and Bennett did not know the dollar value so the leaker had more information than either of them. Apparently about 30 people knew and there is speculation that the leaker was connected to the Greens, someone who was pissed off that Winny,s benefit over payment was being swept under the mat when Turei lost her job over her benefit fraud. The only thing we do know other than it was not Tolley or Bennett is Winston has been caught out in numerous lies.

          • McFlock


            After the meeting, Tolley briefed her senior adviser, whose name is suppressed, and said the information was strictly confidential and not to be shared. She said she briefed him in order to get advice about whether she should ask for the briefing to be put in writing.


            Tolley said she was "surprised" to later learn that her adviser had shared the information with other staff in her office. She said this was "contrary" to her strong urging that it be kept secret.


            She also later discovered that a staff member who had been seconded to her office from MSD knew about Peters' overpayments.


            After speaking to National Party chief of staff Wayne Eagleson,


            Tolley decided to ask for a written briefing about Peters' case, which was placed in a safe in her office by a private secretary


            and later shredded when the government changed.

            When Tolley returned home to Ohope at the end of the week, she said she told her husband about Peters' overpayments and said he had to keep it in absolute confidence. They were the only two people in the house at the time.


            Tolley said there was one more occasion where she mentioned the Peters issue to another person.

            While Tolley was at a National Party conference in Queenstown in late August, she had lunch with her sister at a cafe.

            Her sister praised Peters, and Tolley responded by saying that the New Zealand First leader was "not as great as she thought he was". She then told her sister that he had been wrongly overpaid his pension for seven years. She made the comment in passing and did not provide much detail, she said.

            seven, plus customers at adjacent tables and waitstaff.

            And this person was a cabinet minister. She was a bigger security risk than a webcam baby monitor.

            At least Bennett only intentionally leaks the personal details of peasants who are an inconvenience. Tolley's a liability because of spectacular incompetence.

      • Anne 4.2.2

        It's possible their lawyers have approached Winston's lawyer on an informal basis and assured him neither of them were responsible for leaking the information and Winston's lawyer concluded they were telling the truth.

        Just a thought.

        Edit: and McFlock @ 4.2.1

      • veutoviper 4.2.3

        I haven't had a chance to read this RNZ roundup of the last day of the case yet as glued to the start of voting on the End of Life Choice Bill currently underway, but case has finished and judge has reserved his decision


        BREAKING – Bill passed 61 to 59!

  5. marty mars 6

    Chatting to Robert on another thread has got me remembering this awesome resource

    A project dedicated to creating a Ngāi Tahu Atlas of place names and histories


  6. A 7

    ABC breaches privacy of multiple OZ sex abuse victims

    One chilling example:

    But a joint investigation conducted by news.com.au and BuzzFeed News has found that the already circulating documentary has included disclosures received by Spicer regarding rape, harassment and domestic violence, without the women’s consent.

    The victims – whose names and faces also appear – had no knowledge of the documentary’s existence, or that Spicer had shared their confidential disclosures with a film crew, until contacted.

    One woman, Mary* who was gang-raped as a teenager, disclosed that information to Spicer in a private Facebook message sent in March 2018.

    Mary’s real name, face and disclosure have appeared in the circulated preview documentary, in a scene where Spicer reads out details of the gang rape, including the specific suburb and niche industry where Mary was working at the time of the assault.

    “This is the first I’ve heard about the documentary” Mary said, when contacted for comment last week.

    “I didn’t consent to [my name] being on the screen. Tracey didn’t ask me” she said.