Daily Review 15/06/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 15th, 2018 - 3 comments
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3 comments on “Daily Review 15/06/2018 ”

  1. gsays 1

    Have gotta say I am bitterly disappointed in a Green minister signing off on a water bottling plant.
    Here is Sue Bradfords take on it:

    Change that is needed, from alleviating inequality/poverty, through to radical adjustments in regard to climate change, none of it is effected by following protocol, due process, status quo behaviour.
    You can keep ‘legal’ behaviour, I prefer lawful behaviour.

    The promised jobs are based on activities that are at odds with even a pale greenies view: single use plastic, diesel miles embedded in the H2O, the aquifers!
    Will the jobs be living wage let alone the average wage?

    Very disappointed.

    Oops I now realise there is a lively to and fro going about this on its on post.
    I got excited after reading Sue Bradford’s article.

  2. I notice so many RWNJ politicians feel compelled to go on TV and act like idiots to raise their profile,… Bill English entered the boxing ring, Rodney Hide went dancing as did the little ACT guy…

    And the little ACT guy is canvassing for a new name for his party… they seem to be struggling to find one to suit…

    Focus on Politics for 15 June 2018 – Radio NZ

    I honestly cant see what the problem is in finding a new name, we of the Left have had a perfect name for both him and his party for years…

    The Red Dwarf and Arnold Rimmer.

    “I don’t care.” – Arnold J. Rimmer – YouTube
    Video for arnold rimmer you tube▶ 3:24

  3. An interesting article in The Daily Blog about John Keys patronizing words to Winston Peters… from the little man who is Peters junior in politics, no less…

    Why would you take advice from John Key? « The Daily Blog

    And Bradbury makes some interesting points about Key…


    … ” Audrey Young today interviews Key about being PM & he has odiously offered Winston advice!?? Someone who ran a dirty ops team in his office, lied about mass surveillance, signed off on a war crime & grotesquely underfunded public infrastructure for tax cuts has no advice worth giving.

    His legacy is the 300 000 kids living in poverty, a meth hysteria his Party fed while they privatised state housing, the 41 000 homeless, entire generations locked out of home ownership and trapped in debt for life and a prison population built on punitive get tough on crime rhetoric. ” …

    And so the ‘Audrey Article ‘…

    “I think for six weeks he will thoroughly enjoy being in the role, I mean he has dreamed about being in the role for a very long time.”

    * Yet the little guy neglects to mention Peters was a very successful Foreign Minister dealing with the likes of Condaleeza Rice during that turbulent time… and never admitted to pissing in a shower once…. and never pulled Condaleeza’s hair , either.


    * Key said Peters could not afford to have sour relations with the news media… “The Prime Minister is the person who is the face and voice of the Government and if they look frazzled and under pressure, then that is just a proxy for the Government being under pressure,”….

    Yet the little man looked very frazzled when under fire on question about the XKEYSCORE program,- multiple times. And notwithstanding the fact that Key relied on Crosby Textor, focus groups and the like for his feeds, – along with being an excellent liar. We all remember the tacky selfies and photo opportunity’s with the All Blacks…


    * “I think for Winston this is a real opportunity for him to demonstrate that he has got a skill set wider than just barking at the media because it is not about the media ”

    Interesting coming from the man who had an uncritical ,servile ,and sycophantic MSM that glossed over and even covered for Key and his National party lies such as John Armstrong, – remember the Dongha Liu affair and the non existent $100, 000 bottle of wine?

    And a right hand man ‘ Mr Fixit’ Joyce who ,… not only was the former owner of TV3 , and guaranteed sweetheart loans to a PRIVATE business , – but also was obviously instrumental in having CAMPBELL LIVE axed because Campbells show was starting to expose corruption over the Kim Dotcom affair , – and embedding the right wing CEO , Mark Weldon instead.


    Video: Joyous Newshub stars roll out the booze after CEO’s … – TVNZ

    John Key the liar.

    The most dangerous and corrupt PM this country has ever had the misfortune to experience. It is good he is gone. But bad that he has not gone far enough away.