Daily review 15/12/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 15th, 2022 - 8 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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8 comments on “Daily review 15/12/2022 ”

  1. adam 1

    God bless the ABC.

    Wish we had the same sort of Royal inquiry into the FUBAR shithole which is work and income.

  2. Ed 2

    As the first comment says,

    Pie used to be funny. Now he's just accurate. More accurate than MSM.

  3. Incognito 3

    It is always hard to get to the bottom of complex issues, especially with such a hot-air topic such as youth crime and ram raids, but the numbers are sobering [pun intended].


  4. Roy Cartland 4

    This bloody msm! Newshub is reporting that ASB called the booking economy 'stupendous' not recessionary. But of course, that's bad – it drives inflation! And hold on, a hangover is coming!

    Which is desirable, a strong economy or a weak one?

  5. joe90 5

    Chicken Little knew.


    Ars: I'm curious what you think will actually unfold over the rest of this decade because you've outlined some hopeful strategies. But it has only been a year since Russia shot down its Cosmos satellite. In the US, the Wolf Amendment precludes a lot of the cooperation you referred to—or at least certainly has a chilling effect. China had its uncontrolled reentry of a Long March 5 rocket last month. So I see some progress, but I certainly don't see enough progress to offset the rate at which we're putting these satellites up into an increasingly congested low-Earth orbit.

    Jah: This is where I put my realist hat on. I think we are going to lose the ability to use certain orbits because the carrying capacity is going to get saturated by objects and junk. Orbital capacity being saturated means "when our decisions and actions can no longer prevent undesired outcomes from occurring." So if we're trying to minimize having to move out of the way or bumping into each other, and no matter what we do we can't avoid that, that means that for all intents and purposes, that orbit highway is no longer usable.

    I predict that that's going to happen. And I also predict that we will see a loss of human life by (1) school-bus sized objects reentering and surviving reentry and hitting a populated area, or (2) people riding on this wave of civil and commercial astronauts basically having their vehicle getting scwhacked by an unpredicted piece of junk. I predict that both those things are going to happen in the next decade.


    • pat 5.1

      And the flow on effects that will potentially cost lives as well.

      Interesting link (yet another) that makes one pause.

    • SPC 5.2

      One would presume Space Force has a freedom of the seas/orbit area mandate. I guess they will either vapourise or operate a garbage collection service.